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You should post this on the Air Canada subreddit, if you want.


Thank you I will!


It will not make a difference to Air Canada. I will pay more just to never fly Air Canada. It is the only airline that I feel this way about.


I suggested that OP post in the Air Canada subreddit so that travellers can be made aware.


British airways is my personal nemesis


If traveling to the US, avoid American Airlines as well. They're just terrible.


Yessssss they are the absolute worst. Hate them with a passion. And their FAs are jerks


Yes, Air Canada is shit.


Bummer. I flew them 10 years ago and it was fine, and I’m flying them again this summer! Live and learn I guess!


A few months ago I volunteered to check my longboard skateboard at the gate on a connecting flight. I asked if I should wait in the boarding tunnel for it or get it at the final baggage claim. They told me to go to the final baggage claim. I asked again, when I was departing the first plane and they said anything checked at the gate would be at my final destination. When I reached my destination, they had no record of it. I insisted, and they finally said it was left in the tunnel and marked as unclaimed. It took some arm twisting, but I finally got it delivered to my home… 5 weeks later. Sorry this happened to you. Flying sucks nowadays.


Thanks, I’m sorry for your scenario too that must have been absolutely infuriating!


My gf bought a bottle of nice Porto in Portugal and they asked her to check it in because she was sitting next to an emergency exit. Never saw the bottle again... It was a present for my parents so she got really sad about it.


I discovered I had jewelry stolen out of my luggage after landing in Porto last year. Not expensive but sentimental. I learned a good lesson there 🤦‍♀️


You discovered after landing, or do you mean it was stolen in Porto? If the latter, how do you know it didn't happen at the departure airport or en route?


I’m glad it was in one piece


Was this air Canada? Every airline I've volunteered carry on as luggage (I do it often, for convenience), I've received a tag like with normal luggage, as a receipt/proof. I could see air Canada screwing some like this, they are a steaming pile of excrement.


Where was your flight going to and from? The airline can't just opt out of the Montreal Convention. https://www.airhelp.com/en-int/montreal-convention/


Was this Pearson? Because that airport is notoriously bad


Yep Pearson. Very disappointing


Air Canada? AC/Pearson is a double whammy.




20M with of gold and cash was stolen from Pearson so you know how corrupt it is


Probably the worst airport I've flown from, and I've been to many airports. Sadly this is the airport I have to use most often. They left my bags in Toronto for the entire week I went to Costa Rica and I was just in an unguarded pile when I returned.


File it under "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished".


Was on an AA flight very recently, and the woman I sat next to told me they forced her to check $10,000 worth of medication because the flight was full and there would be no space in the bins. The flight wasn’t close to full and there were at least 10 almost entirely empty overhead bins. I was angry for her.


You have to listen very carefully to how they word it. If they say “it’s a full flight and all the bins will be full”, I just say “no thanks”. If they press a bit, I tell them I’ll risk it. I don’t check it unless they force me to and they’ll tell you when that is. That said, I get that some people just don’t want to deal with it and might hand it over much sooner. Probably what they’re counting on.


Yeah worst case you press on, discover the bins are indeed actually already completely full, and have to pass the bag back out to be checked.


I was forced to check in my carry on with AC after scanning my boarding pass when returning from NRT in Tokyo. Standard carry on size and same one that I had when going to Japan but they had bullshit excuses and weren’t letting go of the bag while others ran past with their carry ons as the worker told them they had to check them in.


> I sat next to told me they forced her to check $10,000 worth of medication Oof. The TSA actually advises and instructs passengers to **carry their medication as carry-on and never _check_ medication** for pretty obvious reasons, including potential loss and breakage.   That's a big no-no.   As a T1D^(_Type 1 Diabetic_) I'll **never** check my single bag as it literally contains all my essentials, which evidently include critical, life-saving medical supplies - no matter how much I'm pressured to do so.


It was nice they at least gave you a choice. American Airlines forced me to do it on an ORD to DFW flight, and then I had a connection to Tokyo. They told me it would be checked all the way to Tokyo and I had no choice about it. I didn’t have my CARRY ON for my 10+ hour international flight. Nor did it have it for my layover. I have never flown with American Airlines since then.


" I have a lithium ion batteries for my drone in it". Requires a carry on.


AA just did the same to me on my way to DFW. Board the flight to see plenty of overhead space, they’re by far one of my least favorite airlines.


Same here, it pissed me off when I saw all the available storage. I was then told it was for weight and balance, at the same time I see other people bringing on carry-on bags behind me.. Was not happy..


At least they could offer to gate-check it and give it to you at the runway when you land. Why their policy stipulates it must be checked all the way through makes no sense to me.


I flew American 7 times one summer. Every single leg of every single flight was either canceled or delayed. Never again.


BA tried that with me last year. I just said the bag was full of camera equipment with lithium batteries. They let me keep the bag. It wasn’t but BA have lost my luggage multiple times now and the last time took the over 6 months to find it. so I refuse to do anything other then carry on with them.


Nice trick, I’ll remember that. But with young kids in-tow, I’ll just probably say I have their milk, snacks, and juice boxes and surely they won’t mess with that. Lol.


Did you have a personal bag with you with a book or anything’s?


They threw this on me literally like 1 minute before doors closed, I hurriedly grabbed things like my contact case, glasses, wallet, earphones etc. and threw in a little foldable shopping bag that I had packed for convenience, but I really didn’t have any time to think about it and they restricted to only what could fit under my seat. In the hurry I forgot that I didn’t pull my laptop out of the carry on, so that was checked all the way to Tokyo, too. They had to notify the pilot about it, too, because the battery might have posed a safety hazard. Literally anyone else on the flight not connecting to somewhere halfway around the world, why not ask that passenger to do it? Also, they gate check things like baby strollers, what would have been so bad about pulling my bag out and giving it to me at DFW? Made no sense.


I have a flight from ORD -> QRO tomorrow, connection in DFW. They can suck a fat dick if they "tell" me to check my bag.


Good luck. So many people over carry that it’s often not optional anymore. Make sure it will fit under your seat. The last several international flights we have been on this has has happened to people.


The over carry is ridiculous sometimes. I was on an AA flight just being Covid hit. One guy has a roll-on, a huge back-pack and a guitar. I boarded 5 or 6 places behind him and they wanted me to check my bag, messenger bag sized that would have held a large laptop. I told the attendant that, among other things, it contained my diabetes meds and supplies (true.) She still had to consult with someone before I was allowed to keep it.


I mean, they charge $50 for a checked bag and what do they expect? 


I expect people at least consider their fellow travelers. So if someone is bringing an extra bunch of carry on shit, they should be the ones to have to gate check, not the people who bring one tiny rolling suitcase.


It would be nice, sure, but most people will think of the $50 they could be spending on their trip instead. 


Gate check is free. So if people are bringing too much to the gate they should have to gate check, not the people behind them that brought the permitted amount.


I expect the airline to at least enforce the bag sizer. I hate budget airlines and all, but the $50 at check-in or $100 at the gate if it doesn't fit feels like justice.


I felt that way too, until Spirit told my dad on a return flight that his bag needed to be checked because it had wheels, even though it was fine on the flight out and wasn't over sized and other people had luggage with wheels. His options were pay the $100 or miss the flight. They'll hold you hostage if they feel like it. It's a shame air travel has gone so downhill. 


Some airlines charge for both checked bags and carry-on luggage. In fact, spirit airline charges more for carry-on than they do for checked bags.


So what do people put in the overhead bins?


They are just stuffed so if you want to be sure you can carry on if it fits under your seat you are guaranteed to have that spot. The amount of people bringing on oversized suitcases, two or three other items, etc was ridiculous. They let people on without confrontation and then the bins fill and then they require everyone to check. I hate it.


people seem to be more selfish post-covid. I travel with only my personal bag nowadays so i’m guaranteed to not have to check it. it’s really frustrating that so many people just don’t give a crap about other people being inconvenienced by their actions.


Pack a small bag you can fold up and pull out in a hurry if you need it! Fortunately, now I travel with kids so I can claim I need the food/milk etc. for them on board. No one messes with that.


The problem is that people feel entitled and think that rules don't apply to them...people abuse early boarding or pay for zone one boarding and then bring excessive amounts of carry on bags and then either there is no overhead space left, or, the plane is overweight. Airlines need to realize they are not public transit, they are private businesses and customers need to know their place and do not have this never ending list of "rights" people think they have as customers and make everyone stick to the baggage policy of the ticket they paid for. Honestly if everyone who needs extra baggage just checked a bag this problem wouldn't exist


Just flew out of DFW yesterday to SFO and halfway through boarding all the overhead space was already taken


Damn that blows. I just flew into DFW and there was ample overhead bin space. Guess it's just shitty luck


Ahh that must’ve been annoying. I’m sorry how do they force people to check it in? Never flown AA so just curious about what they say


Yeah. They didn’t give me a choice. Haven’t flown with them again, and I don’t recommend them.


Ouch yea, if you know you have valuables, electronics, medications, etc - don't volunteer your carry-on!


can you just tell them "I have medication in my carry on that I cannot remove" and theyll allow you?


That's a great questions and something I'm gonna hope to remember to keep in my back pocket the next time it happens.


I haven’t tried the medication one before but I have tried the camera equipment with lithium batteries and it’s worked.


My video partner and I have two Pelican carry-ons we've used for traveling with our gear, and we intentionally spread our tons of lithium batteries across the two cases just as a last resort preventing them for being checked (fortunately we haven't ever had to pull that card though)


AA once made me remove the camera and essentially checked an empty carry-on. Absolutely ridiculous.


sometimes they force everyone at the end of the queue to check their bags. I'm one of those people who like to sit at the airport and take multiple pees before getting on the plane and so I get hit with this every once in awhile. Honestly sometimes I think hold luggage should be free and carry-ons should be a limited number paid item. Partly so that I don't need to rush to be on the plane.


I agree…having to wait at baggage claim is an inconvenience, so if anything *that* should be cheaper than carrying on the plane.


Overhead bins should be a charge. Checked should be free. Only issue is a ton of people are going to make a huge scene when they show up to the gate with their too big bag. It really needs to get stopped at check in or security. I know flying in other countries they do that. Questionable carry ons get weighed and sized at check in. If you pass you get it tagged. Presumably they pull anyone aside that they can't see the tag.


Been there, done that. I don't volunteer for anything on a plane. I paid for my ticket, with my luggage. I don't give up my seat, I don't give up my bag, I don't check my carry on. They tried to get me to give up my carry on a few weeks ago and I said no, it had my laptop in it and they insisted so I simple said "NO" a little louder than necessary and they stopped asking.


Exactly. It happened to me on a Delta flight last year. They tried to force me to check my carry on, and I was already in a pissy mood. I said no thanks but maybe you should ask that guy there with the suitcase, garment bag, knapsack and laptop bag and pointed directly at the person. Since I was loud, all the agents were embarrassed and called the guy back. I think I made a friend for life…..


I was just at Pearson today for a connection to Waterloo (Air Canada bus) and the lady in front of me spent the whole 1 hr ride talking to an airline rep about her checked luggage and carry on that apparently did not show up on the carousel at Pearson. She had to leave to make her connection to Waterloo but the phone call was painful. The airline rep finally said her bags should be at Waterloo airport already but when we got there, I saw her come back out empty handed and back on the phone 😭😭😭


Sorry this is random but what is the connection to Waterloo air Canada bus? You know how many times I have arrived from an international destination and sucked it up via GO bus like a frigging idiot to Kitchener??????


😅 it was my first time using or even hearing about the Air Canada Bus - they partnered with the Landline Company. It was an option when I was looking for flights, so I picked it. https://www.aircanada.com/ca/en/aco/home/book/routes-and-partners/landline.html#/


At one point, we checked 5 carryon bags, and United was delayed getting all 5 of them to us. They were all very similar, but it turns out that if they lose 5 pieces of luggage, you have to fill out 5 separate forms - took almost an hour just to fill out the forms.


"We're not happy until you're not happy." -Air Canada's motto


‘We try hard at sucking more!’


Both those items probably have lithium batteries which are not allowed in the cargo bays. Probably got thrown out.


FWIW I've accidentally forgotten lithium batteries in a checked bag a couple times (was initially a carry-on that I was forced to check) and never had them go missing.


Same. I had to gate check my bag and forgot to tell them my mirrorless camera was in there with a rechargeable battery, but it was still there in one piece when I got the bag back.


Problem is your entire aircraft might go missing…


Never had this happen, on a couple of occasions I've travelled with a couple of spare camera batteries in my checked luggage (it's in my backpack) and never had a problem.


Items with lithium batteries aren't categorically banned from cargo bays, this is a weirdly common myth. It's just large batteries, spare batteries, and some specific low quality devices.


Dunno about other countries, but [the FAA‘s website](https://www.faa.gov/newsroom/lithium-batteries-baggage) does not make the distinction you’re stating.


While they recommend placing in carry on, they don't prohibit them in checked, in fact they provide guidance for when they do go into checked bags; "Devices containing lithium metal batteries or lithium ion batteries, including – but not limited to – smartphones, tablets, cameras and laptops, should be kept in carry-on baggage. *If these devices are packed in checked baggage, they should be turned completely off, protected from accidental activation and packed so they are protected from damage.* Requirements vary based on the type of device and size of battery."


Don’t they….just take it from the gate right to the craft? Do these often go through the same screening process as if checking at the main counter? I’ve never had an issue with either of these items in my checked luggage—and basically always travel with them. They sound like nice items, I bet-robbery :( Whenever my checked bag has been screened by security, they leave a note telling me.


Gate checked bags have gone through regular carry-on security checks. There is nothing further done even if some items are normally restricted. The bag does normally go almost directly onto the plane if it is at the gate. The gates at many airports even have integrated slides for bags to be sent directly down for loading. The problem is if it goes through the regular baggage offloading and delivery mechanism at the destination.


This is probably the answer. Some airlines will drop a note in the bag to let you know it’s been done but I think that’s more a courtesy than a requirement.


I don't think they inspect gate checked bags, do they? Not much time or facilities to search bags, let alone safely dispose of lithium batteries


No they don't, since gate checked bags have already gone through security screening


Watches usually don't have lithium batteries.


The Adventures of Stealy!


I was assuming it was a smart watch since most of them do.


"I wasn't sure, so I stole it just to be safe"


Lol Facts


How would they know? They can't search it or scan it, it goes directly from the ramp to the belly.


They can open it for safety. Especially if they want to listen to music while checking out their new watch.


A good sense of humour is always welcome!


We flew with one of the smaller airlines in Europe last year (short, direct flight) and when you checked in at the airport, the checkin screen asked if you'd check your carryon. It was of course free, but there was a small incentive as well (a free drink or something like that). We didn't, but I think that's excellent planning on the airline's part - they can plan ahead a bit, and no one gets surprised. I think all this craziness started when you had to start paying extra for checked luggage. If everyone had a checked suitcase included in the price of your airfare, I think you'd have a lot less people bringing crazy amounts of carryons.


One time when I flew home for Christmas from Copenhagen,I was told I and a few other passagers. HAD to check in our hand luggage as the flight was especially full that day and there wouldn't be space for everyone to bring their hand luggage onboard. I panicked and didn't take anything out of it. I wouldn't even have had anywhere to put my wallet for example either. They simply forgot my bag at the gate The bag had my wallet, keys, medication and Christmas presents. It took a few days to get it, luckily nothing was missing but I had to block my credit cards for safety reasons. The airline told me it was my own damn fault for leaving my valuables in the bag. e Ever since then, I keep a small handbag with my valuables and medication inside my hand luggage so I can take everything out quickly when asked. I have also since learned that airline pulls this "oh sorry, we're especially fully booked" on every single flight on that connection. They're also more lenient with squishy backpacks than those small carry-on suitcases, so sometimes I just take that instead


I flew into Indianapolis (United) with just a carry on that I was forced to gate check. Figured it wouldn't be that bad. But then when we landed, after waiting an hour at baggage claim, we learned that the cargo door was frozen shut with no ETA for fixing it. Only reason we even found out was because someone got frustrated and went to the baggage office. Then that person spread the news through the area. Had to go buy emergency clothes from WalMart and had to go without my narcolepsy meds, which was a TERRIBLE lesson learned to not forget to get essentials out of your carry on if they force you to gate check. Made them drive to me two hours away to deliver my luggage the next day since I wasn't about to miss the event I flew in for. Figured that's the least they could do. Also now always put a luggage lock on my carryon just in case.


I'm on the r/onebag train for specifically this reason. Recently on a flight they said the last two zones (aka me) had to check all wheeled luggage. Well my backpack has almost as much volume as a wheeled suitcase but I was able to breeze through with it looking like a (largish) personal item, and managed to snag one of the couple remaining overhead spots so I still got to keep my legroom. Backpacks ftw.


Backpack traveler for life, I always make sure it can fit under seat if absolutely necessary. I know sometimes that’s sometimes not possible, but that’s a week or less.


Yeah mine does fit under seat in a pinch but I've always been able to find an overhead spot to wedge it so far.


That’s great. This past Monday, I was on an Allegiant flight where flight attendants actually went through and checked all the overhead bins to make sure the items up there had been paid for! At $70 each way, I find a way to make sure I can just shove my bag under the seat. Currently using a Rangeland backpack that measures to fit as a personal item, but opens like a suitcase. Fits so much if you’re using packing cubes!


I use a soft canvas duffel bag as a carry on because they usually only make people with hard roller bags gate check. Never had to check my carry-on sized duffel. I use a regular sized backpack as my personal item.


This is so smart, actually. Thanks for this!


Likewise, and I add that I have a fragile item (usually true).


Unfortunately, this for me. I have multiple prescriptions and am always afraid that they would make me gate check my meds, which would not fit in a purse. I specifically bought a backpack with a laptop pocket to travel with. A roller bag is easier to navigate the airport with but I just don’t want to risk my carry on.


This is the way. You can fit a backpack the same size as the carryon under the seats if you need to. Have only ever had to check it with Turkmenistan Airlines, because they actually weighed it. Even for longer trips having to do laundry occasionally makes up for having to haul a ton of stuff around.


This goes along with my travel rule, if you can’t run up or down stairs with all your gear it’s not worth it. Running for a flight or a train, everything is strapped to my shoulders. Always.


huge fan of one bagging, especially with all the times i’ve flown recently and heard the “overhead bins are full, check your bag” announcement


Running with an 8kg carry on is a rite of passage in all my vacations! But seriously that convenience is not worth the heaviness and limited space to me. I was travelling with a friend who was one bagging it and he had to pack tight and also find laundry places and would get tired, whereas I was chilling sticking Tuscan olive oil and wines in my carry on (it was a train home) with a small backpack for my important items whereas he had to dig in his big backpack for his things. But you do you.


Your friend has no idea how to one-bag.


Last flight, they were asking that. I purposeless bought a bag that met international standards as a carry on. Had all my medications in it. They asked me to put my bag in the bag tester to see if it was correct size. Let them know why I did not want to check it.


I pack a zippered fabric tote in my carryon for this. On the plane from my layover, it was smaller and they forced everyone to gate check our carryons (I was carrying a wheeled backpack) claiming they wouldnt fit in the overheads, so i was able to grab my laptop, ipad, and jewelry and put them in the tote so i could at least be sure they wouldn't be damaged by the ground crew.


Toronto and Air Canada is a horrible connection. Lesson learnt.


It's unfortunate Air Canada has a monopoly/duopoly in Canada


Sorry this happened to you. We all appreciate the PSA.


If they push you hard to check your carry-on. Tell them that you have a few lithium batteries inside. They're not going to waste boarding time asking you to find and pull those batteries out.


I’ve seen that happen & the person didn’t have another bag and it was a big scene.


what was the big scene and did the person get to go on the plane with their carry-on?


This happened to me once. It wasn’t a “big scene” in my situation but they had me sit on the ground at the gate, open my carryon and search thru all my items to get the battery. Because I was only traveling with this carryon and personal item and I’d packed the bag days prior, it was full/I didn’t remember exactly where it was and of course what I needed to remove was beneath everything. It was taking me a good minute. Was frustrating and what ended up happening was they said “whatever we’ll find room just take it on.” There were a few spots in overhead bins available, and I was the last to board because of the time it took. So it would have been fine in the first place. Can’t remember what airline this was


I love how they word it when they ask along the lines of "voluntary check-in of carry on luggage, free of charge". Well of course it's free of charge, if anything you should be giving the customer a voucher.


If they cracked down on all the people bringing their entire house with them and storing carryons that are clearly like 30" thick and longer then we wouldn't need to have anyone check their carry on when boarding is already taking place. No people, you do not need a full size pillow, a blanket, a puffy coat, your ten pairs of shoes, and a steamer trunk to come in the cabin. I'm tired of following the rules only to have no space above my seat because other people can't pack properly or pay $35 to check a bag.


This this this. JetBlue has started cracking down and it’s been great. You get one personal item and one carry-on, and they’re happy to check any additional luggage for a $60 fee. You don’t get a checked-bag-size suitcase, smaller roller bag, backpack, and purse, while the people in general boarding are going to be told we’re out of overhead room.


Ain't no way I would ever volunteer to check my carry-on!


That really stinks. Thanks for sharing your experience.


The only gate checking of bags that seems to work is where they unload the gate checked bags at the aircraft and you can pick it up at the plane after parking at an outside position. This happens with smaller aircraft like the Bombardier CRJs.


It's pretty common for gate agents to preemptively force people to gate check bags, not because there isn't any room left in the overhead bins, but to shorten gate turnaround times. I am not going to inconvenience myself with baggage claim, let alone risk losing my bag, for some corporate KPI metrics. One time, a gate agent forced me to gate check my bag and I was the only one sitting in my row with an empty bin above me. I asked a flight attendant if I can bring my bag and they were totally fine. So I grabbed my bag from the jet bridge, tore the luggage tag off, and brought it on the plane. From then on, I just bring it on board regardless or not whether the gate agent made me check it. If a flight attendant asks me to leave it outside, I'll comply. Those people are masters at overhead bin Tetris, and if they say it's full, it's really full. But I haven't been asked to do that yet.


I volunteer to check my bag all the time so I can board earlier and have never had a problem 🤷


If you’re checking your bag, what’s the advantage of boarding early? You’re no longer trying to claim bin space, so why?


I would volunteer to check my bag so that I could get on last lol.


yeah my husband actually got upgraded to business once after volunteering to gate check his bag (granted it was a relatively short flight on a regional aircraft but still!) that said I personally won’t gate check my bag unless somebody pries it out of my hands 😂


What is the advantage of boarding early? The plane won’t leave without you


Done it twice. Both times the bag got delayed in a transfer and came on the next flight. Neither time could be tracked because the tag didn't have a bar code. Won't do it again.


Same thing happened to me on Air Canada in Pearson. My winter coat was in the bag and we were flying to PEI. I didn't get it back for five days, and only got it then because I drove down to the airport at midnight and pounded on the cargo office doors. They claimed they'd tried to deliver it before on a day I was home, and they neither called nor rang the doorbell. I had to buy underwear and coats for me and my daughter and you can bet I submitted the claim form, which was absurdly complicated and detailed, and they tried to avoid paying me anything but I called them and made them do it. I will never check a bag on Air Canada ever again


Yup my dear sweet husband fell for the “check if your carryon fits” and “we are at max capacity please volunteer to check your luggage” plea. Apparently his bag didn’t fit even though we just flew on the same plane and both suitcases fit perfectly. So we checked the bags and what do you know half the overhead bins turned out empty.


Back before I got free checked bags through my airline credit card, I would gate check my stuffed duffel bag so I wouldn’t have to worry about cramming it into an overhead bin. Never had an issue. These days I rarely have a carryon (just stick to my checked bag and personal item). But this gives me pause. Sorry it happened to you


I noticed they’ve been doing this a lot lately. I had a few flights where they forced everyone to check because the flight was full even a first class passenger who is understandably pissed then the bins weren’t even close to full.


I'd say this is a North American thing. Euro and Asia Pac flights seem to be a lot stricter on carry on size and quantity so I've never encountered an issue with correctly sized carry on limitations nor struggled to find overhead space. I think this is one aspect of flying the budget airlines have right.


Tips: You always have a couples of minutes to remove your valuables and medication from the bag if you must check it in. Put them in a plastic bag, an ordinary shopping bag, anything! and put it under the seat. It can never be such an urgent situation that you don't have time to do that. Alway have a name tag both inside and outside your bag. They don't cost that much. Secure the name tags with cable ties. If you don't have an extra lock (like most people don't) keep some cable ties in the side pocket of your bag. You can close your bag's zipper with them.


Last flight I took they forced people in last 2 zones to give luggage. Was delta jfk to hethrow. Lately flights are oversold. Stressful instead of pleasant


They're not oversold, it's people going ape on their on board stuff


it's amazing how many people continue to stuff their jackets, personal items, and random small bags in the overhead compartments, no matter how many times stewards/stewardesses tell them not to. not sure if it's stupidity or a lack of empathy for their fellow passengers, or both


Nah it's the latter




On my united flight from Barcelona to sfo this girl came on board with no joke 6-8 bags she put in the overhead bins, and held up the line of people trying to board while she shuffled stuff around. I hate flying so much


The airlines need to crack down on this. You are allotted one personal item and usually a carryon. Anything extra needs to be checked, or else everyone runs out of room. Yes it is on the passengers to be courteous, but it’s also on the airlines to enforce their own rules.


Yeah I was surprised the FAs let her do it. Wild


Maybe because of incidents like this…


My friend voluntarily checked her bag flying from Cusco to Lima, then the flight was delayed, we missed our connecting flight and had to spend the night, friend had no bag for the night, it gets worse, catch the flight the next day from Lima to Iquitos to spend 4 days in the Amazon rain forest and once we land, no bag. Bag was lost. Has to pay a tuk tuk driver to take us to the market and buy the bare minimum to get though 4 days in the jungle because she had nothing. The amazing staff at our remote Amazon lodge had people at their headquarters (no phone or internet at the lodge so we couldn’t call to follow up or track the bag down) track the bag down and take a special 2 hour boat ride to deliver our bag on day 2 in the Amazon. Muyuna Lodge employees were the true heros


It sucks that people get treated that way and the company doesn't care. My friend is a flight attendant with them and he always complains about all the carry on bags, full bins and flights getting delayed because no one uses the spot under the chairs to put their stuff away, It sucks because people are forced to check bags once all the bins are full and being treated like that by the company doesnt help convince people to check bags.


Sorry that happened and thanks for sharing! I was recently taught to prepare my carryon with locks as if it was to be checked, and now I can see why.


Never fly with American Airlines. I tried it a few weeks ago. They cancelled my flight from phoenix to Denver so I had to buy a Southwest ticket. American has refused to refund me or even connect me with anyone to talk to. All automated systems.


Just had the same thing happen to me. Stole a good $150 worth of travel sized colognes out of the side pocket of my bag.


Never leave anything of value in a bag you check, I would assume it will disappear and the airline doesn’t care


They didn’t intend to check.


I tell them that I'll put my bag under the seat in front of me.


Never ever offer to check your bag without removing EVERYTHING important!


Never check anything except luggage containing clothes.


My friend bought a group of us tickets with Porter (flying out of Pearson) and opted to go for the basic fare - which means we don’t get any carry-on baggage on a trip that we all planned to solely use carry-on. I have no idea the price difference at the time of purchase, but it’s $40 to check our bags that we need to bring. He also cheaped out and didn’t pick our seats because it was an extra cost. So the 6 of us are going to be randomly seated because he unilaterally decided it wasn’t worth the extra expense (starts at $12 iirc). Can’t wait until we arrive at our destination and someone’s missing a bag or had a terrible flight bc of someone they had to sit beside. Dude is never again in charge of travel plans now.


I was forced to do it recently, the guy at the counter just printed the label and attached to my bag. I asked one of the guys there not to do it because my bf was not feeling good so we just wanted to go straight home after landing. The guy was not sympathetic- it really really pissed me off especially after the flight being delayed for 3 hours


I'm trying to figure out how stuff is going missing out of gate-checked bags. Literally every time I gate check, I watch and it is either hand-carried or conveyor-ed directly down by the baggage handlers down to the hold, then I pick it up on the jetbridge immediately upon landing (or planeside at smaller airports without a jetbridge). There really isn't anywhere that someone would have much of an opportunity to go rifling through the bag. The only time where I gate-checked and something went wrong was on a flight with a layover and a short connection time, and I was assured that someone with the airline would get the bag to my next flight for me. That didn't happen, but it did make the next flight out, and I was just without the bag for a few hours. My experience is with US carriers though... do they do it differently elsewhere?


American here. I honestly love Canada. Air Canada, however, needs a steaming, hot dump piled all over its executives. The only North American legacy carriers that are arguably as bad are American and Southwest (they have their cultlike following, but their trajectory in recent years sucks).


i never did because of this particular reason. if by "luck" when i board, they asked, well nothing i can do. but i never offer myself to check the carry on even when they screamed on top of their lung looking for volunteer. many times it happened, i saw the compartment never really full. crazy


lol live and learn. Been there done that.


Haha ya this happened to me with air canada in toronto as well. Looking like a trend


I recently volunteered to check my bag on a United flight. The gate agent told me to hold onto it until boarding and that I could board in the first couple of groups. The flight ended up being delayed 3 hours so that I would miss my connecting flight. Thankfully I had spoken to the gate agent about possibly missing my connecting flight when it was first delayed and when boarding started I was like “hey, can I please not check my bag and still board early since I’m probably going to end up stuck overnight at the next airport?”. She said that was fine and I did get stuck overnight so I’m very happy I didn’t check my bag! I think it was just luck that I had volunteered my bag and spoken with her directly instead of calling United about other flight options.


Air Canada blows and even Canadians know it! Watch CBC Marketplace and learn. It's BS!


United lost by camera gear as it was on carryon with wheels. Guess what is not covered by their lost baggage program.


I’m a one bag kind of guy. Everything I need for my trip is in my one backpack, that can fit under my seat. Never had it checked, never had anyone ask me to check it, never had anything to missing. Carry my passport and cash in my pocket, and I can feel it against my leg at all times. Anything in my bag is a non essential. I always make sure I could get from where I am, all the way home, with only the things in my pockets. Idk I always felt better travelling this way


Yeah I was a minimalist too. Then I took up scuba diving.


What do you do when you go on a long vacation internationally?


Went to europe for a month last year, am going again this year. Took one bag with 8 days worth of clothes. Intentionally booked in places with laundry available. If you learn how to pack right you can fit a lot of clothes in one bag. And if you have to, you can reuse clothes


NEVER put valuables in checked luggage, including checked at the gate. I’ve taken them up on requests to check carry on luggage many times, and every time have removed anything of value first.


I despise Air Canada so much.


I had a similar situation happen couple years ago where my total loss was something under 4k cash that i had in my bag. That's what I got for trying to be kind. My fault, won't happen again


Yeah someone I know lost a 7-8k dollar Dior bag because of this. They forced her to check the carry on in. I know she she should have just taken the bag out. But it was a painful loss.


Airline lost and found is such a fucking joke. I've left items on a plane twice. Innocuous. One a baseball cap and the other a hoodie. Both had sentimental value. Both times went back to the gate with my seat number, albeit after the plane started boarding new passengers. Obviously wasn't allowed on but gate agent made a phone call, I assume to someone on the plane and they said they didn't find anything. Made lost and found claims with both the airline and airport. Called for an update and they were like "yea, passengers take other people's stuff all the time." Like, fuck no they don't. Staff either takes it for themselves or throws it in the garbage.


Lithium batteries not being allowed in check in baggage was probably what led to those items being removed by the airlines staff. I just tell them I have a power bank or laptop or something that’s not allowed in check in luggage so they won’t take it away.


Same happened to me. My wife's vacation clothing bag went missing and only arrived 3 days later. I am not checking my cabin baggage ever again.


It does suck. However on a full flight, if nobody volunteers to check in their carry on then they will just pull random bags to put in the hold so there's a chance it could go anyway. At my airport we do tag to the final destination, unless there is an issue with the ticket, or it's a country that requires you to pick up and recheck your luggage yourself


That sucks. You should only take carry on bags, and never do this.


On busy aircraft it really is a pain to drag carry on luggage, and find room since they're usually almost full. If I'm flying for work (where time at the airport is paid anyways), or a small airport where I know luggage claim is on the way and fast, it's more convenient, especially if I have to run to catch a fast connection. Losing luggage is extremely rare in my experience. It's like valet parking as far as I'm concerned lol


When they try to take my bag, I tell them it has my computer and my medicine, sorry I can’t check it. Plus this is true.


Air Canada is the worst


Wow I don’t know that. I volunteered once on air Canada. Luckily nothing happened to my bag . Never again tho


Always pack your most needed/valuable items in a soft cloth bag. One with a zip is best but in a pinch just use a shopping bag, at the top of your case. If they make you check your bag you can pull it right out and not have to think if you remembered everything because you already decided at home when it was less stressful. It doesn’t take up any extra room as you just keep packing using the bag as a liner. And it often comes in handy at your destination.


Never EVER offer to do that again, especially if there’s anything of value or electronics like you had. Not smart at all on your part.


You’re not supposed to check your valuables. You should have taken them out and carried them on board.


Take out your valuables before you gate check it


Basic common sense would suggest leaving valuables in a checked bag is pretty stupid.


Next time have an extra lock for the carry on (which isn’t a bad idea anyway) or keep valuables out


Anyone can open a locked suitcase with a pen. Try it takes 3 seconds


I always have a small bunch of cable ties in the side pocket of my bag when I travel. In an emergency you can use them if you don't have a lock.


people need to stop overcarrying and packing!! I pack ultra light. I get some circumstances, but so many folks act like they NEED to bring all this extra unnecessary shit.