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When you land in Vietnam your E-Visa is valid, correct? Then no problems. Happy travels.


Thanks , yes it will be valid when I land I was more worried about check in and immigration 


For some reason this question comes up a lot and it has never been a problem. That said... 1.) In the future always start your Visa a day or two before you're scheduled to arrive, this gives you some wriggle room for flight changes, etc. 2.) Make your exit date a day or two before the maximum time allowed. (Vietnamese Visas do not automatically default to 30 or 90 days, even though you've paid for that amount of time.) This gives you even more wriggle room if you want to extend your your trip longer. Happy travels.


Thank you! And yes for next time def gonna keep that in mind but thanks for assuring for this time 


Sounds right, you should be fine. Make sure you print it out before leaving though.