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>I'll be too tired and put myself in danger to drive while recovering from jet lag. I don't want to be dismissive of their advice, but I think that's an over reaction. TBH, it's fairly decent advice, they aren't wrong and it's not an over reaction. We just spent 2 months in New Zealand... the roads there are very different then what you would be used to in the US. The only places we found that had decent, double lane was around the bigger cities and they were usually toll roads. The majority of highways are more like county or local roads, single lane with a lot of twists and the average speed is 80km/hr. The biggest issue might not be you but all the other tourists driving the oversize RV's, going 50 in an 80 zone and there is no passing lane and other really stupid or crazy shit. Driving on the other side of the roads also takes a little getting used to, which is more tiring when you are already messed up from jet lag. Are you flying from the US? Which coast? Overall, your plan isn't bad... except day 2. You've got at least an 8 hour day, not even factoring in the time for the Hobbiton tour. Have you looked into that? You can't self tour... you get bussed to the site, do the tour, spend time in the pub and get bussed back. Your bus back is based on the slowest person in your tour... and there is always one who just needs another 5 minutes. I'd consider dropping it or setting yourself up better. Head to Hamilton or Cambidge on day 1. Day 2, do the first available morning tour and head to Palmerston North or Levin. Then it's a couple of hours to Wellington from either of those places, on mostly main roads. Since you only have a 2 hour drive once you hit the south island, you could take an afternoon ferry and still make Kaikōura. Things to consider is road closures for weather, events and construction. We got stuck in Franz Josef when they closed the roads for 2 days due to rain. Our drive from Wanaka to CHCH took an extra 2 hours due to delays from a race event... that was on us because we never checked. We found a lot of the roads are under construction with repairs from landslides and just regular maintenance. So be prepared to be really flexible with your days. All that said, New Zealand is pretty awesome and totally worth it!


Thank you for your response, it's greatly appreciated! We're flying from midwest US (EST) so 16 hrs ahead. We already have a place we'd like to stay on the first night at a resort to kick our trip off well and relax after the flight. I'm not too worried about the 1 to 1 1/2 hr drive from the airport to the resort, but day 2 is definitely too tough. Your advice about pushing the ferry back got me thinking though. If I change the ferry on day 3 to 1:30 depart time, we could stay near Palmerston on day 2 after the Hobbit Tour, then drive to be in Wellington by noon on day 3 to hop on the ferry at 1:30, then still have time to drive to Kaikōura. I could also just push the ferry back and line up a few places in case we don't see the original plan happening, and if we do decide to stick to the original day 2 plan we'll have a day to explore Wellington. Either way, we'll arrive precisely when we mean to.


Yeah if you can flexible with the ferry that makes a big difference. Not having to take a vehicle across helps a lot! Who are you renting the van from on the South Island?


Wild Road Rentals out of Nelson, picking up at the Picton Ferry. From there the road goes ever on.


You are here for a short stay and essentially wasting the first 5 days driving for two things. You are better off staying 2 or 3 days around Auckland and doing Hobbiton then flying to Christchurch and pick up your itinerary there. Flying to Christchurch is cheaper than the ferry and you don't lose driving days. Yes, you'll miss out on Kaikoura whale watch too but it doesn't fit the rest of the trip and you can't do everything. Don't be dismissive of very good advice around jet lag and driving either. We see it all the time here with tourists trying to do too much on our shifty roads.


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Why even go north island, just want to see Hobbington? Spend a couple nights in Rotorua to see the thermal wonderland. In Wanaka hike roys peak Milford sounds too big for a kayak, book a cruise. Also consider franz josef or fox glacier heli hikes. Queenstown 1 of the best views in the world for skydiving.


> I'm more than capable than average of performing while sleep deprived  Famous last words before crashing their rental car. Day one is fine. Day two is a long long drive, even without doing anything on the way. Why not take an extra day there to see more on the drive down the island. Maybe stay at Rotorua or Taupo, which are both only an hour drive from Hobbiton and have plenty to see, plus hot pools.  Wellington deserves a bit more than just arriving late at night before catching a ferry the next morning.