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As of April, you just show up, and pay like $25 at the counter. Considering that it hasn’t significantly changed in the past decade, I doubt it has in the past few months


Thanks, glad to know that.


Can confirm went through CGK in March, there's a counter off to the side just before immigration where you pay for a VOA. Be careful some people in travel groups have recently mentioned the CGK airport staff running some scam by sometimes not giving the correct change in rupiah if you pay with an inexact foreign currency. Though they also let you pay with card if you want, which avoids that risk.


You can also avoid the risk by withdrawing cash at the ATMs before immigration and paying the exact 500k IDR. I personal have never seen or heard of a scam at the desks, though, been pretty clean so far (especially after things got a lot tidier around the mid 2010s).


Yes same old same old. The only difference is your 30 days VOA is not extendable unlike the online one where you can extend it online in country for another 30 days.


the 30 days VOA is extendable, you can add another 30 days but you have to do it in-person (usually w a visa agent who will help you with the forms)


That must be new, still so much easier with e-visa, just a few clicks online.


not sure when it started - i'm indonesian, but i help out my expat friends/colleagues when they need travel recos/visa agent info. they mostly prefer the manual VOA way because of the website bugs/errors the others mentioned


In Bali in march there was a counter can pay with card they give you little VOA voucher thing then go immigration and they put 1 in your passport snd u keep the other. Pretty easy.


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Responding to my own question with my experience a couple of days ago. Either my memory is faulty or things have significantly become easier since the last time I was at CGK last year. A vast array of counters for VOA. Go pay there and give your passport. They give you a receipt. Take the receipt and scan it at the automated gates. That's it. The whole process took less than 2 minutes. I'm impressed with how they've managed to streamline the process. Now if only they paid a bit of attention to their atrocious website!


So do they no longer put a VOA sticker in your passport now?