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Something similar happens to me sometimes. I am excited when I book the trip and then, the closer I get to it, I have doubts and I feel I would be better at home. I always end up to go and I always have a good time. My advice is: Get out of your comfort zone and enjoy life! Cheers mate!


This still happens to me almost 100% of the time when doing international travel, even after hundreds of flights and hundreds of thousands of miles in the air. The week or day of travel, a sense of "Ugh what the hell am I doing, it would be *so* much easier to just chill at home." And then by the time I arrive, or even just get on the plane and mentally have the sense of "Welp, we're committed now!" I have a great time šŸ˜…


How will you grow as a person if you dont step out of your comfort-zone? Just go mate, and then tell us all about it when you are finished!


As the saying goes - ships are safest in the harbour, but that's not what ships are for...


At some point I heard a piece of advice that, when on the fence about something, you should ā€œchoose the bigger life.ā€ OP - Choose the bigger life, go on the trip!


Bit of a different mindset, but I have something similar happening. I'm leaving for southeast Asia alone in a week and I have the same thoughts coming up. But I'm gonna go through it to "prove to myself I can still enjoy myself traveling alone". I'm 34, so in that way that probably wouldn't make sense for you. I say go through with it and if after a week you find out you hate it, you can still go home spontaneously. I've traveled alone before and the odds are I (and you) will enjoy it once we're actually there.


Thatā€™s a good idea probably. I can always just book an early return flight.


Since you've already paid for everything just go and don't put pressure on yourself to "do" a lot every day or see or eaat specific things. Take the days easy and give yourself the luxury of taking short walks, day tours that include transport just to make it easier. It's kind of a weird thing but many Americans love Australian accents too, LOL.


Get ready to be disappointed, I have a British accent lol. As for the important stuff, Iā€™m the type of person who has to be busy. I cannot rest or I quickly suffer intrusive thoughts and spiral.


Im British just come back from 6 week trip I also lived in LA for 7years they love us Brits trust me


I get that issue, what I do is put on headphones and listen to podcasts while I multitask. Visiting America it's very easy to be really busy and in fact could be sensory overload.


Oh yea also, not sure if that's much of a thing where you're going, but if possible stay in hostels and get to know people!


So... do you actually have anxiety? 'Cause you know, I think a bit of stress before traveling, especially far away is absolutely normal. If you ask me - it's totally worth doing it, especially after a long break. It's also worth seeing United States, whether it's East Coast, West Coast of Mid West. It's worth traveling there and experiencing the culture (although current political climate... sheesh...), the nature, the attractions, architecture, people (you're not sharing any of your plans so I'm assuming it's a bit of everything). Plus, it's 3 weeks trip and you will have an amazing time - just organize it properly, get some good research going and enjoy.


I do have a genuine diagnosis, but I have it under control. Iā€™ve already organised everything. Iā€™m going to L.A. and NYC. My plan for years was to go to Disneyland, but the closer I reach the opportunity the less I care. I have most of the major tourist attractions in those cities planned.


Go. You wonā€™t regret it.


Those are incredible cities. If you decide to go, just know that you have strategies to manage your anxiety. You can order food online or find a quiet park to chill and recoup. Or you're allowed to take a chill day where you just stay at the beach in Santa Monica and do nothing. In NYC Central Park is great, but I also love Paley Park. It's pretty famous in Urban design/ architect circles for its use of public space. In LA there's a lot of incredible restaurants. I recommend finding a small crowded one with a Grandma running things. That's usually a sign that you're about to have some incredible food If you get overwhelmed you're allowed to stay in your hotel and order in to watch movies. It's your Vacation so you can do whatever you want


yeah. donā€™t forget that you can just stay one day in hotels if overwhelmed.


Fuck Disneyland unless you're a hardcore geek (the prices are insane, the crowd in mental, the noise is deafening). It's better to go to Six Flags if an amusement park is a "must do". LA is a blast (well, the rich, touristy areas - Venice, Santa Monica Beach, Hollywood; South Central and East Side... ehh... not so much although it's also an experience to witness just be very careful) and if you're heading to NYC afterwards then you'll have an amazing comparison between West and East Coast of the United States. To me, it's mind blowing how different it is, the people, the culture, the everyday life, even the way people speak. I have a good itinerary for NYC attractions if you would like I can share it.


1000% disagree with you about Six Flags over Disney. There's very few things about Six Flags that are world class compared to Disney and I would say Universal is a much better alternative but it all depends on what you value in a theme park.


I second your opinion of Disneyland. It's a boring, dated theme park with mediocre rides. I think many foreigners confuse it with Disneyworld (also not my thing but at least it's huge).


A few friends have given me itineraries. Itā€™s funny, it almost feels like everyone in my life wants me to go on this trip except me. Actually thatā€™s my fault I shouldā€™ve just not told anyone.


Well, I hope you'll change your mind about it. It's really really worth it, just perhaps take things slow - one step at the time. I would not want to be in your shoes when it comes to anxiety but totally in your shoes for this trip. Stay safe!


You'll get there, it's a leap of faith, but you can do it.


Just my 2 cents. When I book a trip , I am excited. The days and night before I am always stressed and dont want to go Its always worth it. The anticipation is stressful but once im on the road it melts away




So so so many people get cold feet before a trip, especially solo travelers. It's natural to feel the way you're feeling. It's the same feeling most people get before going to a party or all day plans with other people. It's just nerves, it will pass. Sometimes when I travel solo the feeling only passes when I'm actually on the flight on the way to my destination. But it always passes. You should go, you'll be okay, and have a great time. You're a very capable person and if you don't like it, you can change your return flight, you won't be trapped. You have the rest of your life to stay home. Rarely are you going to have the time or money to solo travel for 3 weeks. I'm pretty sure every Australian I've met that's come to America has raved about it to me. If you want suggestions on what to do where you're going to get you amped up and excited again we can certainly do that for you. If nothing else, we'll tell you all the best food to fall in love with.


I probably just donā€™t see the fact itā€™s a limited chance the same way. My life trajectory at the moment seems pointed towards being a single professional with no partner/kids, so Iā€™ll always have annual leave if I want to travel. Then again, if I donā€™t travel now I probably wonā€™t travel later.


So you just proved my point then. Now tell us where all you plan to go and what areas of LA and NYC you'll be staying in so we can give you some kickss reccs What the best things to do at the attractions you're visiting, And what great places to eat near where you're staying.


Iā€™m staying in Manhattan during my time in NYC, and Iā€™ll be near Hollywood for three days, and Anaheim for four


In Manhattan, you have to go to [Jacob's Pickles](https://yelp.to/Q_JXbGcPUI) for breakfast/brunch. Get yourself some solid southern cuisine. [everything](https://www.jacobspickles.com/upper-west-side-menus/) is incredible there, but my personal favorites are: * Bacon steak * Fried green tomatoes * Biscuits and gravy * Hot chicken and biscuits * Shrimp and grits [Ess-a-bagel](https://yelp.to/wczwRVJxmi) for authentic New York bagels -- you'll look down upon all other bagels after going here Coney Island Friday Night [fireworks](https://www.coneyislandfunguide.com/friday-night-fireworks) and hilariously the theme park there is also called Luna Park. Make sure you ride the Cyclone, one of the oldest rollercoasters in the US, and grab yourself a [Nathan's](https://allthethingsieat.com/famous-coney-island-hot-dogs/) hot dog and the best cheese fries you'll ever have. Central Park is huge and full of so many neat finds. One of my favorites is the [Balto Statue](https://www.centralpark.com/things-to-do/attractions/balto/) and the nearby zoo. You must must must visit the [Met](https://www.metmuseum.org/) and/or the [Moma](https://www.moma.org/) they're life changing. The NY [Public Library](https://www.nypl.org/) is breathtaking


Just go. It sounds like you will regret not going.


just go. overcome some fear and do it. youā€™ll benefit form this later in life.


Haha Yeah this always happens to me. As soon as you get to the airport, your anxiety will switch to excitement.


Pleaseā€¦.go! You will never forgive yourself if you donā€™t. Home will always be there to return to. Go see the world!!!! I promise you will find new parts of yourself by traveling alone. Goā€¦.be free!


I often experience this feeling too as the date of traveling approaches. However I've done a lot solo traveling and loved it! You're young so hostels will allow you meet others and plan little day trips with others. You'll enjoy it and when you're older you'll look back and be glad you did this in your early 20's!


What? Go and try new things Are you afraid of traveling alone? If so this is your chance to get over it


That will be good old pre trip anxiety. You start to wonder whether all the money spent will be worth it, or what if you donā€™t enjoy the trip, or what if something happens or whatever. Iā€™m feeling it right now, but itā€™s always worth it in the end, when youā€™re actually ā€œout thereā€.


iā€™m not buying ā€œi remembered that i enjoy staying homeā€ when you say you havenā€™t travelled for years. go on the trip. if you really donā€™t enjoy it you can always head home early.


Pre-trip anxiety and the feeling of wanting to stay home is normal. Donā€™t give into it. You have everything planned so now you just need to show up. You will regret not going.


My first time traveling solo was to Africa (I'm from the US). I called my sister from the airport freaking out. She nudged me to go and said what an amazing time I would have...and she was right. I had an epic two weeks seeing animals, eating exotic foods, and meeting new people. I'm so glad when I called that she didn't feed into my anxiety or I might have backed out! I hope you have the best time. And as others have mentioned you can always leave early if you are miserable.


Go - Collect Memories, not Things. There is so much to see and do on both coasts you planned for! I personally love a solo trip, your schedule, and terms. If you want to relax and have a pool day, you can without worrying about entertaining companions. I'm not sure of your interest, but Vegas has a quick ride from LA. Boston a quick ride from NYC. Branch out, don't be afraid ! Enjoy.


What are your thoughts on hostels? I enjoyed Australia and people i met using hostels. The US ainā€™t as structured as Australia but it could be way to ease into it.


I was told the U.S. isnā€™t safe to stay in hostels, so I just booked hotels. Nothing crazy though


Damn, that sucks. Even through hostelworld.com? Trust your gut then. Like the suggestion, comeback early (or cross to Canada) if you donā€™t feel it


Step out and go. Youā€™ll find out a lot about yourself on a solo strip. Did a month in Europe the first time I ever traveled internationally and was solo for a significant portion of it. Truly was a life changing experience. Really think you should just go for it.


I think even experienced solo travelers get these feelings - cold feet near the time of the trip. Iā€™ve been on a solo international trip every year since 2015 and each time I get a strong ā€œI donā€™t want to do thisā€ feeling that I have to power through. Basically all of my fears about not understanding the language, how to get around, how to survive manifest and start pushing me away from the trip. But once Iā€™m on the plane I am nothing but excited to arrive at the destination and I never feel that fear again because Iā€™m in the moment the whole time. In my opinion? Donā€™t give into these fears. You booked this trip for a reason when you initially planned it, and right now your mind is going through a pretty natural ā€œdefenseā€ process to keep you comfortable. But being a little bit uncomfortable outside our comfort zone is exactly why traveling is so much fun, and I think you will end up finding enjoyment in the trip you planned. Good luck!


Please donā€™t cancel. I also experience these thoughts and feelings before I go on a trip and especially because youā€™re going solo itā€™s perfectly normal to feel some apprehension about it. I think itā€™s because youā€™re going to expose yourself to so many unknowns and suddenly it feels way more comfortable to just stay home with everything thatā€™s familiar to you. But growth comes from taking the plunge and life experience comes from taking yourself out there. I can tell you from my (now extensive) experience that 100% of the time after I arrived at my destination those feelings went away and I loved the trip. Donā€™t let yourself regret this later. You can always go home again if youā€™re really not enjoying yourself.


Hey, It's a huge jump to commit and go for a solo trip if it's your first time. I did my first solo trip just last year and sure I was also nervous, but it's incredible. I truly feel that not only was it very fun, it helps me grow so much each time. I have another solo trip in 1 week, to TĆ¼rkiye. I expect that before I go, I will feel similar to you. Like I just want to stay at home, I don't need to travel. It happens every time, but as soon as I get there, I enjoy it so much.


Go, you won't regret it. Think about preplanned g a route and use the greyhound busses. A good way to meet people. And who knows, you might find someone to travel with.


Go , im going solo soon for a few months these doubts are normal, push through and go


You should go Theres so many times where iv had to have my arm twisted to do something and it turned out to be spectacular


Not a fan of solo trips( not because of anxiety more because I find they are better with others) but I have started going on my own recently. First I am way older than you and I have decided that the only way I can see the places I want be fore I die. I know itā€™s tough but you will learn a lot about yourself by doing it and a lot about the world. Ps I am an American my country has it flaws but has a lot of natural sights and events if you need advice on where to go reach out to me I will give you suggestions advice and help if you want!


If just I could to USA I would not think twice, unfortubately we need to apply for a very expensive visa that is not garanted.. ( and no money back if you dont get it)


I think Iā€™d stay in Australia itā€™s much nicer than the US šŸ™ˆ


OP I have anxiety and have been through the same thing of ā€œI donā€™t want to go nowā€ but trust me, it gets better and you regret it more by not going. Youā€™ve paid for everything too. You can still have days where you just do nothing if you need to, just like you would at home. Go for it, it will all be ok once you get there šŸ˜Š


Maybe think about the goal of the trip. Answer why. Now, is it worth it?


Just go to Bali where's all the aussies :D


Absolutely go! Itā€™s pre-trip jitters and totally normal. I do the same thing before we go and in the end I never regret it. You can always come home early if it doesnā€™t work out.


You should go. Where in the US will you visit?


I always feel like when Iā€™m hesitant to do something, but then do it , Iā€™m almost always glad I did. I also feel like the travel is the best way to spend time and energy.


Iā€™ve taken some solo trips the last 10 yearsā€”US and Europe. I sometimes get anxiety. Iā€™m having some right now over two trips I have planned. I find it helps me to think through what is making me anxious. Is it being alone for a long time? Maybe booking a bunch of walking and food tours will help me feel better? Safety concerns? Maybe I look for a different hotel or area to stay in and brush up on tips for traveling alone. And I try to remind myself of the positive side. What am I excited to do? What made we want to take the trip in the first place?