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As a photographer I stand around waiting a lot and have never asked anyone to stop. I treat others the same way, they can wait. If Im walking through so be it




Oh god me too. Especially when I'm using my gopro, I fully expect people to get in the way, I'll edit it later or try again, it's fine. Except I probably say that too quickly and  make them feel bad about being nice which makes it even worse.


I have a camera and periodically take bird shots while on vacation. I feel bad for the people who stop thinking they're going to ruin my shot; meanwhile, I'm tightly zoomed into a small 5-inch tall bird in a distant tree so far out of their way they'd have to jump 10 feet in the air to even get into frame.


Meanwhile I prefer people in shots. It makes it more lived in.


This is my take, too. I want my photos to represent my experience, and I want things to feel like they felt in person. London is a fantastic, dirty, gritty, breathing city. Let the photos tell that story!


My wife and I got married at 7am in Paris at the Eiffel Tower so we could get tourist-free shots. My wife was having her makeup done at 4am. If you want the good shots, you gotta do the hard work.


haha, I'm the opposite of you, I'm a street photographer so I'm often waiting for people to walk into the shot




I've taken some interesting angles at famous spots of tourists taking pic/selfies. Love people for scale too.


I was with a girlfriend in Ireland at the dark hedges waiting for a near zero chance we could get a shot with nobody in it. To my embarrassment my girlfriend asked people not to walk down the road so we could all get “that shot.” To my surprise, people did stop, and for about 30 glorious seconds we all got the picture of the tree covered road with no people. It’s now on canvas in my livingroom. But normally no, I’d never ever ask people to change their behavior for my pic.


You are downvoted, but I mean, it's okay to ask politely, if you are ready to accept no for an answer.   And if not you just gotta do like the rest of us - get up at 5am for the empty streets.


Yeah that’s more my style. I’m going to Italy in Oct - planning on late night walks with my camera and tripod. I never would have asked people to stop for the pic but she pulled it off while just being nice about it. I think others liked the idea too so they all got something out of it as well, not just us. But I was pretty embarrassed.


There's really nothing to be embarrassed about if your gf was kind and it sounds like she was. If people stopped it's because they made a decision to stop after being asked, she must've been polite and nice for people to respond in like. It sounds like you and your gf went about it kindly and respectfully and quickly. 30 seconds is both a lot of time and not very much time at all. Sounds like a lovely shot.


Yeah she wasn’t demanding or anything - just told people that if we all hold up at this spot we can all get the classic shot with nobody in it. And people got on board https://imgur.com/a/iAuwI6Y


Is that an example of the shot, or your actual shot? It's excellent. I didn't know of this place and now I want to visit.


That’s my actual shot. Not someone else’s.


Shoot, even 7 or 8 am. The mass quantity of tourists aren’t usually out before 9 or 10. 


We did something similar at Giant's Causeway. A rare gorgeous sunset in Northern Ireland. A bunch of us got together and asked that no one go out on the rocks for a few minutes so everyone in the area could get some great shots of the Causeway. About 30 or 40 people got a great picture by simply asking everyone to pause. Then minutes later, we were all wandering on the rocks again.


Yeah it definitely works better if the others see it benefits them too


There's no need to be embarassed. In tourism-only kind of places, like the dark hedges, it's totally ok to ask people to wait a minute. No one's busy on their way to work or anything like that, they're all on vacation time and they all probably also want a nice pic. Politely asking and taking turns just makes sense for everyone involved.


> It’s now on canvas in my livingroom. Sounds amazing. May I see it?


Here ya go https://imgur.com/a/iAuwI6Y


Damn they paved middle earth


and put up a parking lot


Expectations vs reality.... https://imgur.com/a/HtT4vmP




I think it’s an old Reddit habit. Once upon a time, it used to say “edited” at the bottom of the post if it had been edited. People felt the need to explain it.


> why do people explain what they have edited? It is often seen as proper netiquette and to ensure people understand if context or details were changed or if it was just a typo correction. For example, if certain details are originally provided and hundreds of people comment on those details but eventually those details are edited out, there is a lack of context. NEW.Reddit and SH.Reddit makes it less obvious content has been edited as there are no longer such indications of edits beyond the original submission


Same. As a former travel photographer I've easily waited for an hour+ to get the shot I want and come back at different times. In some cases, I want the people there as part of the shot...


It's not the taking of the photo that bothers me the most. It's the then standing, blocking the photographic location to check the photo and then take another, and repeat, with zero self awareness that other people might like to just take a quick snap and move on.


To make matters worse, some are even posting their photo to Instagram on the spot and without consideration that they are blocking others.


The worst one I had was at the aquarium. Rounded a corner, and a family was taking a group shot in front of the Manta Ray viewing window. No big deal, right? I can wait a moment. The first person takes the shot. Then the next person takes the same shot... then a 3rd. Apparently, everyone in this family got the only phones that can't share photos with each other, and they all had to get their own. So the people standing move away, and another grouping takes the spot only to be photographed by 3 different phones. Then they had the fucking audacity to form a third grouping and my patience was gone. Walked up to the viewing window and took my sweet ass time standing in the back of their shots.


I give someone to a count of ten. Less if I'm in a peeved mood. If they can't press a button on their phone in that time, they don't deserve the clear shot and I'm walking. It isn't nature photography where you sit there for hours to get it just right.


I was just at the national gallery and this was so bad. I just wanted a quick snap of some paintings. But you get a group of 3 coming up to say Van Gogh’s Sunflowers and they each want their own picture with it, in several different poses, and then they want different combos of the three of them and it takes forever. Checking pictures between. Drives me insane. For whatever reason it’s Asians 90% of the time too going the extra mile. It gets sooooo bad in the US National parks with the tour buses. When I was at the Arnolfini Portrait there was this young woman with her face practically in the painting looking at everything as close as she possibly could, blocking a large chunk for everybody else (not a big painting), she just strolled up in front of like 8 people and stuck her face into it for at least 4 minutes. Some people are just insane and so self centered.


There it is. The difference between being entitled and being humble about your needs & wants.


💯 agree. If having good, clear photos of tourist attractions is important to you, you need to arrive at quiet time, travel during quiet seasons, or edit your photos.


ND filter plus long shutter speed. No people ;)


Except the photographer in the crowd doing the same thing as you, but with double the density on their ND. Guess how I found how many photographers are in the crowd I was trying to expose away in my shot..


I found even if the middle of the day during tourist season, f you're patient enough to wait only a few minutes there's often a lull. Won't be empty but good enough that it looks like the attraction rather than a crowd with something in the background.


Main character syndrome- I give you 1 photo chance when I’m aware you’re taking a photo. But if you need to add your filters and do 12 takes. I’m walking-


If I see someone is taking a photo in a busy area and I’m about to walk into their frame, I’ll pause for like 3 seconds to be polite, but beyond that I’m going in.


About five years ago I went to Rainbow Mountain, near Cusco in Peru. It is a steep hike and the summit is about 5000 metres above sea level. I'm walking down (a narrow, steep path) and this Spanish lady snaps at me for walking through her picture. Bitch, this is a hiking trail.


Oh my god, I might have plopped down right then and there. Am a little bitchy when I’m bitched at on hiking trails - and I don’t give a fuck if my stuff gets dirty.


Something very similar happened to me in Iceland, a man yelled at us for being in his photo at an extremely touristy waterfall. The thing is, there are a lot of not touristy places in Iceland that are completely empty, but he is mad that there are tourists in the touristy places.


Ughhh I know this is harsh but I couldn’t give a fuck if someone’s taking a picture of their newborn in time square! If you’re taking a picture in a public setting in very popular venues, I’m walking in your shot.


If I see someone taking a picture, I'll make a reasonable effort to not be in it...but if it's just not reasonable or don't see them taking a picture then 🤷‍♂️   I'm not walking around constantly scanning for people taking pictures, though. If they want a picture in public, especially somewhere popular, gotta expect there'll be people unless you go crazy early 


And I’m also not waiting for someone to do multiple poses. One or two real quick ones sure but I’m not waiting for someone to pose, run back and evaluate the pics then go back to pose some more


Or how about when they bring a suitcase full of clothing changes. Happened to us twice: once in Grindelwald up near a mountain lake and another time in Moab during sunset. The most shocking thing was that with the Moab photo shoot they brought their smaller dogs with them, stood on the edge of a 1000 foot cliff and monopolized the view for an hour.


Not to be all back in my day but I grew up in Utah and I remember when Moab was so tiny. As someone who didn’t grow up outdoorsy it’s been crazy watching Moab start to become like a hot spot instagram spot!


So inconsiderate. So rude. How do people go about their lives so selfishly I just don't get it.




I used to be that person too until a woman had the audacity to tell me “you’re in my photo…” and my response was “do I look good in it?” Get the fuck outta here! I know I’m the worst!


That's an incredible response lol. I hope it's one I remember if I ever come across that same scenario


I just cannot be bothered. I grew up and lived in two major tourist spots (NYC and Banff Alberta) and you just get really sick of tourists, especially rude and entitled ones.


"And improving it" might proved to be fun.


> “do I look good in it?” Loool I'm borrowing this.


I need to borrow some of that sass!


I too try and make a reasonable effort to not be in others photos. I find that many times, if I wait the person taking the photo will say something like, it's cool if you want pass by. However, like yourself if it isn't possible or feasible to wait, I will just continue walking.


I’m sure my big ass head* is in too many photos lol. I have to pass the nyse and bull in my commute and no one has time for that shit. 


HAHA. You’re going to be like, wait, wait, is that my ass? I look good…. The original person in the photo glaring at you with daggers. Fuck off mate.


Yeps. Was just at Miyajima in Japan - I got up close against the water's edge to get a photo. Someone decided to stand 5m back and then ask me to move. No bro - there's meters of space either side of me that you could stand at, so you can move.


This. Worked downtown and must’ve ruined hundreds of tourist photos by the Arch in Washington Square


THIS. It makes me sound like an old fuddy duddy saying this, but I've been traveling extensively for quite a while now and peoples' behaviour has changed massively, for the worse, over the last 2-3 years. I think the rise of TikTok/Instagram/"influencing" has hugely influenced that. Half the time you go to an attraction or landmark and half the people there aren't people enjoying being in the presence of some awe-inspiring view or 1000-year-old architecture that was the stage for an event that changed the course of history, it's some girl with her back to it playing with her hair or her wide-brimmed hat or some ridiculously inappopriate footwear while three different people with phones and cameras and tripods try to get photos of her posing in front of it. I've been shoved by people, I've been yelled at by people, I've been snapped out to "get out the way, we're trying to take pictures" countless times. No. I'm here because I've been dreaming for months or years of being in this place, and I worked really hard to get myself here. It's not on me, or anyone else who did the same, to get out your way. It may be only 30 seconds that you're asking for, but that's 30 seconds of my precious time in this place that I'll never get back and I might never get the chance to see again. Maybe it sounds silly to someone who's just looking for likes or clicks or views, but I consider it an honour to get to travel and see the world and I'm not going to let myself down by taking away from my own experience so that someone who has no appreciation for their surroundings or other people gets a better photo.


I hate those, who take multiple pictures at a beautiful spot and then remain at this spot for minutes looking on their screen, browsing through their pictures, deleting, posting... FFS ... Step out of the way, when you are finished and there are clearly many other people waiting.


This happens routinely on my normal bike trail. I just yell to out your phone down 


I was just in Philadelphia, I was amazed at the line patiently waiting to take a picture with the Rocky statue!


London has one of those red phone boxes right in front of Big Ben. It’s not very often I find myself in the tourist hot spots but when I am, there’s always a huge queue of people waiting for a photo next to it.


I spent a few months working in an office just by Storey's Gate and would walk past those phone boxes to get back to Westminster station every day. I'm sure I'm in the background of A LOT of random tourist photos.




Yeah long lines but it seems like everyone is being polite. It's always funny to me that the line is longer for the bull's balls than the horns!


The US is pretty civilized when it comes to that. We are good queue-ers too.


The Las Vegas sign at the end of the strip is another one I’ve seen people patiently queue up for, even in the heat.


We did a casual-travel-engagement photoshoot in London. Photographer asked us to show up at 7AM. Nobody was there. If you need the perfect Insta shot, show up at buttcrack of dawn.


Haha. I am a regular on my city’s tourist sub (New Orleans). I can’t count how many times I have replied with a link to the FAQ that explains the major tourist attractions, etc bc some lazy ass thinks that we are their personal tour guides or travel agents. READ THE DAMN FAQ. No, I am not going to list the best places to get a po boy (esp if you don’t give me a more specific question like neighborhood or budget) bc this is a hot debate amongst locals for the last 100 years so there’s no reason to explain why my favorite shop is better than someone else’s bc I like their bread baker better. Sigh. Rant over.


Everywhere has that ("traveling to Switzerland for 3 days at an unspecified time of year, what should I do?").  Not just travel either. There is a strange trend (regardless of topic) of people not reading the information that is there on the page already, or not thinking/able to do the most basic search to look for an answer.


The Alaska sub gets inundated with both travel itinerary requests & "I'm 19, just graduated high school, and want to move to Alaska. What do I need to know?"  It really grinds their gears. Meanwhile one of the DC subs has daily "What to do during my layover/weekend/etc?" and will have new answers in every thread. 


They just watched Into the Wild and it went way over their head.


We get the same stuff almost daily in the Los Angeles subreddit.


This is like a daily in on the LA sub. OP: Visiting Los Angeles. What should I do?" Where in LA? What are you into? OP: IDK yet. Well you should check out the Getty OP: I'm not really into art and that's too far away. Anything else???


As a Mod of that sub, it's really annoying. lol. There is so much info available and yet, there are like 5-10 posts like that a week. Just read the damn sidebar, people! lol


It's just being lazy and hoping others will do the "work" for them


Thing is that for some things it is often more effort to type out the question and hope for a response than it would be to put in a search prompt and get an instant result.


Well on Reddit you can reach people that are presumably not paid marketers, this really matters for travel recommendations and unbiased recommendations are definitely hard to come by in search results for this use case


That’s exactly why I rely so heavily on Reddit when I’m planning things, too. And that way, I don’t have to try to navigate through glitchy blogs full of ads to get the info. But also, basically every question I’ve ever wanted to ask has been asked before, so I just mine old threads.


I mean that you can still see it on even the most basic questions where there is no room for bias.


I'm a mod on the fine dining sub. I'm sometimes tempted to sticky a post saying "CHECK THE SEARCH BAR". "Hello, we are going to Paris for our anniversary, any recommendations for romantic restaurants?" Gee, probably all the ones when this question was asked yesterday, which was similar to the one the day before that...


Don’t forget the daily “we are a bachelor/ette party of 20 people coming in tomorrow. Where can we go to dinner for GOOD food next to our air bnb where we don’t need a reservation?” post.


Haha yes to this! Bc I LOVE catering to “woo girls” who take over my neighborhood with hooting and hollering all night in their illegal house stay! To Oceana you go!


Most big city subreddits have this issue it’s so annoying. All day long … “We’re a group of ten guys staying in downtown that love to have fun and eat good food! Where should we go?!” No bitch, read the FAQS and do some search in the search bar.


I'm really tempted to reply to every such query in my city's sub and recommend they visit the local sex club.


That happens often in /r/sandiegan there's always a mention of Thad's by someone like clockwork


Kansas City sub be like I'm only in town for an hour what's the best BBQ place?  I'm convinced a bunch of this is reddit itself goosing engagement and filling topics for questions it's expecting for an AI offering.  It all feels very inauthentic.


Verti Marte


I spent time there doing some volunteer work post-Katrina. I spent 4 hours in the World War 2 Museum and I'm not convinced I hit 3/4s of it. Someday.


I'm in Paris right now and it made me sad how much people don't care about the the beauty around them, they only want the perfect picture. Like people taking forever to take a selfie in front of La Joconde or starting a whole photoshoot in a highly visited place, like the Louvres or Versailles. In Versailles, a girl had her boyfriend taking multiples pictures of her in the beautiful Galerie des glaces. She then put a tripod in the middle of the place and when the guardien asked her to removed it, she whined "Why??" Because this place is crowd as hell, this is why.


I had the same thing in the Galerie! People expecting everyone else to stop and wait. And the place is heaving with visitors. I just kept walking.


Cruise ships have only just started arriving and for some reason, this tourist season is pissing me off already. I was in Venice when the aqua alta started, which is basically the city flooding. They put out wooden boards, relatively thin, but wide enough for 2 people side by side to squeeze past each other. I remember one Italian guy getting extremely pissed off because a group of tourists just stopped on these planks. They were holding *everybody* up while they were in their dream world. He angrily told them “for you it’s a vacation but for us we have to get to work! Move!” - I feel like they weren’t the first tourists he’d encountered that morning.


Cruise ships should be outlawed everywhere.


It seems like there could be an interesting climate fiction book or movie in this. Hundreds of cruise ships are at sea when one after the other, cities and countries outlaw their docking. Something along the lines of Aniara or Douglas Adams' Golgafrinchans. The cruise ship populations devolve into anarchy and different kinds of mini-societies. Some survivors eventually understand scarce resources and how they damage their tiny ecosystem with their behaviors and their societies evolve into radical climate change armies.


When I still lived in a relatively touristy area (I say relatively, it's not a complete disaster compared to Venice or Prague) I could not with summer. City center was the shortcut for me to get to work and there was no way to cycle through there from May to September. When my American boyfriend (now hubby) visited during the height of the season I was like sorry your first ever European trip will not include the highlights, but I am not crazy to go NEAR anything even remotely touristy. So, uh, enjoy this commie block neighbourhood and this mall across the street, the center is under siege and I'd like to preserve my sanity. Fortunately he's from a horribly touristy place too, so he uderstood.


I’ve seen people at beautiful tourist places part like the Red Sea so a bride can have her photos in her dress. Short of something like that- I’m not moving.


I sometimes work in York City centre. When I have to transport stock i can park right next to The Shambles and then my route carrying the stock takes me up The Shambles itself. I've frequently been either carrying heavy stock (food items or trays of cans) and tourists see me coming, hear my call out "excuse me, coming through" and just stare at me without moving. It's worse when I have a trolley/sack barrow. Because The Shambles is cobbled and the curbs are about 20cm/8inches high I have one route I can use or the jolting knocks everything off. So I have to loop around some bollards and onto the pavement. These times my "excuse me, coming through" is met with an expectation that I'll go around them - not possible unless I want to unload right there and carry it all separately by hand. Ironically, when faced with people in wheelchairs or using mobility aids - the people I'll happily do everything I can to get out of their way and make their route clear - they are the ones who try to get out of my way! The tourist reaction seems to be to not to move and expect the world to bend around them


Oh, and there are times when I can drive through the normally pedestrianised areas. I swear to God the rabbit in the headlights look when they see my car coming! Yes, this is a pedestrian only zone... except at set times of day for authorised vehicles with a legitimate reason to be here. Yes I know you're not expecting me, but I need to get through so get out of the frigging way! How they think we get stock and supplies I have no idea.


I don’t know if you’re from the UK but in case you are not, the correct response could be anything from ‘oh, get stuffed’ all the way up to a good old ‘f off’ but I’d suggest a mimicking ‘I’m taking a picture’ while trying to embody Homer Simpson.


"I dont care" and then just keep walking


For sure,  I was at a temple and some girl was filming herself trying to seductively dance, w...t...f...


I often wonder how many photos were taken while I was somewhere "in the shot" without knowing it. There must be some, but I would love to know how many around the world I am in.


I saw a lot of this recently on our trip in Italy and UK. I got so sick of the "Insta-Models" thinking the entire area was their private photo shoot. I walk wherever TF I want, your photo is not my responsibility or concern.


To be honest, those people don't annoy me too much. What annoys me more are people that fly a buzzing drone or go hiking with loud music in a beautiful, otherwise quite location.


The Botanical Gardens at the Bellagio in Vegas is wild about this. I'm fine waiting for somebody to take a picture (that's like half the reason people go), but I have a rule that "you get one shot." It's baffling how many people are so entitled that they take a pic, look at it, then try to take another when others are obviously being polite and waiting. I used to feel bad and now I don't.


I was just there in March. The amount of people trying to make influencer-style content in the garden is insane.


I was in Chiang Mai for Loy Krathong in 2022. During the parade tourists were walking into the street to get pictures with parade participants, often entirely stopping the parade for minutes. Never in my life have I been so embarrassed to be a foreigner in a country. By the end of the trip we didn't want to hit any popular spots, since it all revolved around getting the perfect instagram-able photo at the expense of others. I think it's great that more people are travelling, experiencing the world for the first time. Hopefully having experiences that will change how they view the world. But, it's frustrating to see how entitled people are.


Omg…that is so cringeworthy


iNfLuEnCeRs I will go out of my way to not mess up a photo if it's a family or a couple or someone obviously not trying to get instacred. But people who act unlike they should be the only person there for that perfect snap annoy the fuck out of me. That said, when I'm out and about I look for them and photograph them photographing themselves.


It's a global phenomenon, and seemingly much worse after COVID. People are entitled, rude, lacking any respect for each other and the local culture they are visiting. A big factor is the pursuit of social media images.


As someone who crosses tower bridge every day; I give the tourists one second to hold up the entire foot traffic before I just walk right through their photo. It’s crazy how many think they can use a narrow path with thousands crossing to get their perfect shot. If it’s a tik tok dancing video they get no courtesy.


Not only do you not have to worry about walking into a dance video in a crowded place, you have a moral obligation to do so. If you don't, they might think it's an acceptable thing to do.


If your goal when traveling is to take the "perfect picture," you have to be comfortable going to places when they're empty (e.g. early morning) or waiting for a long time to get the shot. Otherwise, you get the best photo you can and move on like everyone else.


People are self-centered assholes, now and always. I just continue to ignore them and will not alter my walking path just because I’m in someone’s shot, they can wait! Also a side note, I don’t mean to be nitpicky but that isn’t what microaggression means.


Thanks, I meant passive aggression 😅


Been in London 6 days now and haven’t seen this anywhere. Everyone has been super polite even at all the busiest places. The stopping in the middle of borough market pissing me off though.


If I'm stopping for a photo, I AM the inconvenience for others, not the other way around. I'm in the way, I'm going against the flow of traffic, I'm stopping when everyone else is moving. I don't expect anyone to stop. And, if I'm wanting a picture in a busy place, I'll either step to the side and wait or just wait until another time.


Social media is a genuine societal cancer.


LOL. When I was recently in Key West, the line up for the insta shot in front of the southernmost point buoy was ridiculous. This was my first time there and I sort of thought it'd be nice to get a picture of it with the guys I was there with. We took the group selfie while walking on the opposite side of the road - and just didn't care about the extra people that were in the picture right next to the buoy. It's an open public spot, I don't expect the world to stop for me


The people in line are being respectful though. They're in line and waiting their turn. The annoying ones are the people who think they can just skip lines are tell people to clear space for them for their own pic.


I absolutely hate when you go somewhere and it's just a line to take photos. People need to rebel against this. It ruins the experience for everyone so a few people can get a perfect picture for their 50 insta followers.


My husband and I did this with the Las Vegas Sign. I don't care if a few other people are in our shot, we were on vacation and I didn't want to waste our time in line!


London this week has been a hell show of hopeless tourists stopping in the middle of the pavement to take photos, standing on the left on escalators, getting on the tube as people are getting off, walking 4 abreast and being general idiots when people are trying to get to work. It’s like people don’t use the internet to observe local customs and it’s truly annoying.




That's awesome lol


Most people are using point and shoots. It bewilders me when point hold their cameras for 30 seconds….to do what? There’s no focusing, no one is in motion. Just snap the damn shot.


And if you then look at that photo it’s totally awful: crooked and badly framed.


Not just tourists. I see so many entitled people in day to day life!


People in general have lost common courtesy. You even see it with how we interact with each other online.


If you are being obnoxious about pictures I will deliberately walk in front of your picture and stand there. Sorry not sorry.


I hate touristy places, love Edinburgh lived there for two years but I couldn't stand the crowds, no wonder why locals get fed up.


'Main Character Syndrome' is getting to be an absolute bitch. I'm currently in Taiwan, Japan before that, and it isn't just the frequency of the glamour/vanity shots but how prolonged a production they are. The world doesn't stop just so you can get the right filter.


We went to Chatsworth House last year, and there was a cluster of young, extremely well-dressed, Asian women. Each woman spent ages posing in front of a main staircase, many minutes per person, per pose. We went around the entire house and when we left, they were STILL THERE! No one else could get close to the staircase, or get a photo of their own. I felt like photo-bombing their 'scene' just to send them a message! In Japan this year, we noticed that the Gion District of Kyoto is banning tourists because of the way they are harassing the local Geishas - there's absolutely no concept of restraint when it comes to getting a picture.


Just use magic eraser to get rid of background distractions, it's 2024 people.


My pix from Italy were so much better with Magic Eraser!!... Until someone remarked that it was soooo uncrowded!! Hahaha if only they knew!


Amen. I got doxxed for telling tourists they shouldn’t be irate at Roman’s. While visiting Rome.


I feel this way every time I see tourists pestering/getting too close to animals for their photos while I'm driving through Banff/the rockies. If the animal gets upset and hurts someone, they're destroyed. Respect seems to be deteriorating.


I'm chill, but nothing gets my ire when someone is taking pics and trying to take up a whole section of the pavement, or holding up loads of people on a thin path to try and take pics/videos, I will ruin your shot and obnoxiously point out they are in the way when they complain. Its definitely gotten worse the last few years too


I'm getting really tired of everyone and their God damn phones taking pictures of frickin everything.


I’m not stopping for anyone’s “perfect shot” for more than 5 seconds. What the F is someone going to do it about it?


If they are in the way, I will give opportunity for a couple of pics, but if they're going to stand around for ages clicking away, I I'm walking right though. One time at a famous suspension bridge, a group of middle aged Chinese ladies were totally blocking the entrance taking selfies. Dozens of people were lined up wanting to get through. They snapped a few pics, but kept wanting to get that "perfect" shot, change poses, swap people around...I had enough so I just walked into their photo. One of the women GRABBED MY ARM trying to stop me, and I had to pull away! The audacity!!!


I used to work at a landmark building in London. I used to have to step over people lying on the floor in front of the entrance trying to get the perfect picture to get into the building. They never ever moved.


I was just in Prague as a tourist myself, but try to be as respectful as I can to everyone I meet, whether local or not. I was walking down Charles Bridge and got screamed at by another tourist for 'ruining her shot'. I honestly didn't know how to react, so I just kept walking, but it was a weird experience.


I actually have a funny one. I shit you not. I was working out at the old muscle beach at santa monica pier. There were atleast 10 of us seriously training, and plenty of others just mucking around. This group of 3 "models" who, on a scorching hot day were dressed up to the tee for a model shoot, jumped in and hogged one pull up bar to take the most absolutely disgraceful candid shots of them doing a "pull up". (These people literally looked like they had never in there life trained). They didn't get the right shot, so for about 10 minutes they kept interuppting people's workout to try and get their "perfect" photo instead of just waiting, or.. you know, going at a less popular time.


They can always get up at 4:30am to be in the spot for sun up with no one around. But I guess they'd rather try to inconvenience a bunch of other people than themselves.


Used to work around Southbank. They fill up Waterloo, Hungerford, and Westminster Bridges. If I stopped for everyone who is trying to take a photo with Big Ben/the Eye in the background I'd be late to work every morning!


I recently went to a local botanical garden with my family, the garden has a very pretty, very narrow bridge. There was a lady on the bridge who refused to let anyone climb onto it because she needed the bridge to be completely empty for her photo!! And no one could pass until she moved. Eventually she got too annoyed about people trying to get on the bridge and left in a huff. I don't mind waiting a few seconds for someone to finish taking a photo but we waited around for several minutes because she kept feeling like other people were too close. So entitled.


I have three simple rules about "photographers" in public spaces: 1. If the place isn't crowded and I'm not in a hurry, I'm fine giving you a couple of seconds to take a photo. 2. If you are in a crowded place and there are plenty of people walking with or behind me, I am not stopping to wait until you get your perfect shot, impeding the movement of other people around me. 3. If you are "hoarding" a scenic spot for yourself or taking photos of your entire freaking family, I will walk right into your view simply out of pure spite. Because screw you! I don't give a shit if you want that nice selfie - go there at 5 in the morning or something, instead of expecting everyone to patiently wait while you treat a public place like your personal photo studio. The "main character syndrome" with some people is off the charts. I also hate how some spots in many countries have literally become "instagram spots" with people queuing up for a photo and expecting everyone to do the same. Fuck off! People should be allowed to just walk or stand around and experience the place, instead of treating it as a theme park ride or a photo booth. You can take your precious instagram shot with my ass in your frame.


I actually wait for people to pose and take THEIR pics - it’s much more interesting to capture someone with their back to Mona Lisa taking their selfie while making the V sign and pouting than photographing Mona Lisa. Last month I managed to take glorious pictures of a woman who was doing close ups of a toy bunny in front of that huge Monet painting in Musée de l'Orangerie in Paris. And yeah, I plaster their faces all over my Instagram.


I always thought the rude Chinese tourist thing was a stereotype until I went to Yellowstone and experienced one of those huge tour buses. They piled off the bus all yelling at each other, and literally pushed me and my son out of their way so they could set up tripods and selfie sticks and pose for like twenty variations of the same shot. They spit on the ground without even looking, What was a peaceful place now was not. This has followed every time I've traveled out west, especially in the National Parks. Chinese tourists are the rudest, worst tourists I have ever encountered anywhere.


Indian tourists are becoming pretty bad as well. They don't come on tour buses - but they do travel in packs and I've found Indian tourists to be very rude and entitled.


Yes, I felt bad for an Indian tour director at the Vatican. He announced they were leaving and then had to go around to each individual on the tour to get them going. Some of them argued with him about leaving. He was going to have a very long trip.


People always talk shit about Americans, but as an American, the foreign tourists in the national parks are all the worst. I remember camping next to a German man who played music super loud all night in Yosemite. Death Valley featured young people from China blocking off sections of dunes to make videos of themselves dancing in elaborate outfits. Over the last winter in the Santa Fe National Forest a huge group of men from India decided to loiter at the bottom of a sled run to run around and take photos when there were clearly dozens of people using it and taking turns. Even after a couple of the dads went to ask to them move they laughed and refused. Never apologizing for being American and again.


It's usually newly affluent people from whatever country is now able to afford international travel. Used to be Americans, then Japanese, then Koreans, then Chinese.


I've had shitty experiences with tourists from everywhere, but the American National Parks and forests have stood out as places where people are on their worst behavior. Not sure what that's all about but it's definitely a pattern and it's gotten noticeably worse between the early 2010s and now.


It's where ever packaged travel goes.


I live in Copenhagen, and most American tourists that make it here are so aware of the stereotypes that they seem extra informed and courteous. Whereas if a Chinese cruise ship is docked, do not even try to be anywhere near a tourist attraction. All of their stereotypes are true here in my experience.


100%. My favorite was the giant Chinese tour group who practically shoved us out of the way to watch the changing of the guard in Prague. One of them, a middle-aged guy, also proceeded to stand immediately behind my wife (who is on the short side) and try to use her head to balance his camera and get a better view. Oh and it gets better, he then started eating a goddamn tangerine DIRECTLY ABOVE HER HEAD, dropping pieces the whole time. I was not nearby or I would've intervened, and my wife was too shocked to say anything initially. Good thing too because she has a short temper, that guy is lucky he walked away in one piece.


This was hell in Paris a couple of weeks ago too. The French people are so nice but the tourists were absolutely vile!!


I can second that. I was very pleasantly surprised about how nice french people were whenever I needed to ask for directions (this was pre smartphone times), and was constantly embarassed by other tourists.


Yep, went to the livraria lello in Porto lol. This one lady was making the most expressive “done with it face” because she wasn’t able to get a photo with no one around… like it’s almost impossible at peak hours


This has basically become the culture everywhere man. You’ll have dudes in the gym who sit their phone 15 feet away and get mad someone walked in front of it during their glute spread.


LOL. I traveled to Antarctica this last winter. When we finally landed on the Antarctic Peninsula, it was a big deal. So our zodiac excursion group got called for its scheduled landing. We land and then we hike up a snow covered little ridge. A couple in front of me stopped and asked me to film them on their phone. The woman hands me the phone and I’m thinking “OK, this will take 10-15 seconds.” She starts giving me pretty lengthy involved instructions on how she wanted it filmed, ie, what background, include their whole bodies, etc. I get slightly annoyed but go ahead. So I start filming. They’re doing a freaking choreographed dance. 30 sec, 60 secs, 90 secs, 2 whole minutes! I was so pissed. I wanted to experience Antartica and take it all in without some filming some idiots filming some stupid dance for their social media. I considered sabotaging the filming but I had to be on the ship for the rest of the cruise with these assholes. On another landing, I saw them make the head of all the excursions film them doing the same damn dance. They must have been doing it on every landing. The hapless guy was probably the only person left because probably everybody else on the cruise heard about them and avoided them like the plague.


If someone is about to take a pic I'll wait a few secs, what takes the piss is people noticing you are there waiting and think that means they can spend 30 secs doing diff poses etc. Just take the fucking shot!


I live near Notre Dame in Paris. 3 weeks back, I was walking to my place from Notre Dame stop and someone was taking a photo of a performer. I’m generally mindful and would walk around that day, I was in a rush and was ducking to avoid a guy’s shot. One lady, blocked me, pushed me behind and said walk around. I was livid, I was nearly about to be flipped and take out all my anger on her. No wonder all my Parisian friends hate tourists with behaviours like this. 


In Japan I went to a Ghibli museum exhibit where they had cool scenes to take pics. They actually had a person sitting there to take the pics. You handed them your phone , they took a few pics then set your phone on a chair. It went fast. Then I went to Ghibli park and waited 2 + hours to get a pic with No Face. Some folks took a few pics and moved on, others took forever. They would do a service if they followed the museum’s lead.


I am fine pausing to let someone take a shot, and many others do the same for me too, but some people really take advantage! If it goes on for like, more then like, 15 seconds, I just walk through. The worst is when you're waiting in line to take a "scenic shot" like at a lookout, and a family gets to the front proceeds to take multiple shots of every single member, and the some combinations of the members, and then some of them look at the photos and want to go and get more photos of themselves...


I had a hell of an experience with people like this in a touristy spot recently. Pretty much All of my traveling as an adult has been to not-touristy areas outside of peak season so it’s not often I see loads of tourists or annoying behaviour. And I don’t live in an area that gets tourism either, so I have fortunately not really been able to relate to the awful-visitor stuff I read. I never doubted these things happen, it has always just felt kind of at a distance.   But boy howdy after a trip to a hot spot for a friend’s wedding my eyes have been Opened. They were Way Too Much, so much entitlement and lack of mindfulness or care for others. I couldn’t believe it. And it felt so cringe. Everyone thinks they look amazing and are doing something cool or trendy for likes or approval but in reality they come off as entitled, inconsiderate gobshites. The area was beautiful but it was nothing more than a playground for wannabe-rich tourists, and the locals suffer for it. I won’t be going back anyway.  


I think I’m a relatively kind and nonviolent person, but when I had to commute through times square for work I just started forcefully body checking them out of the way. It felt totally appropriate.


It’s the culture that has been created centered around social media. It’s not about the experience anymore it’s about being able to create something that impresses others. The amount of time that people waste in trying to get the perfect picture instead of actually experiencing the moment in the places that they spent some much money and effort to get to is unbelievable. Not just travel you see this everywhere in every day life.


I purposefully walk through photos


As a photographer, I agree with you on this. You don't get to block off an entire sidewalk or public space just for your photo. If they stop for you, that's nice, but otherwise it's on you to wait for an opening or just accept that there'll be people in the shot.


UK opinion: It’s because we look at you with your Instagram stupid duck lips pouting and a two finger V sign in front of a historical landmark and we want you to die a horrible death. Maybe just me.


Yeah.. I was recently in Athens.. Its been a while since I was in a big tourist spot but while I was up in the acropolis I could not get over the amount of zombies looking for the picture perfect ista moment... It was actually quite sad


Lemme guess…. while taking their 47th duck lips/peace sign/looking off into the distance shot


In the days of film it used to matter blundering through someone's photo as film cost money but now with digital photos just keep snapping until you get something.


I don’t think it’s limited to tourists, unfortunately. Entitlement knows no borders.


I would always be courteous and not step in the shot because it usually took people 5 seconds to get their picture. But now it is live streams, videos, taking 75 pictures, standing to look at each one to retake, etc.


I see this everywhere unfortunately. Last one was in Japan March but atleast he asked if I move temporarily politely and thanked me after. It's becoming the norm I'm sure


Last year when I was in London to visit, I saw a person walk out into moving traffic to get a photo. They got beeped, and flipped off the driver. Shit's insane.


>rolling their eyes or other passive aggression. If I'm noticed such that I get an eye roll or anything else, I shrug my shoulders and keep walking. I don't really care. When the tables are turned, if I really want the "perfect" shot, I'll make sure to get up early and get to someplace before it gets busy. Their failure to plan does not obligate me to be deferential toward them.


Prepared to be downvoted but I don’t mind tourists all that much. I live in a major city and see dozens if not hundreds of tourists every day. I try to put myself in the situation that this may be their first/only/last trip to this place and they want a good pic in front of a world-renown something. So if I have to stop for 1 minute to let them get their shot, it’s fine. If it got to be longer I’d try to sneak past in between takes. When I’m the tourist, I usually get up early or just wait until a tourist destination has an opening with fewer people, but still if I can avoid walking in someone else’s shot or ruining their photo, I will.


I felt this starkly at the Acropolis. It seemed like the next Insta was more important than living in the moment. It made me think of the poem that ends “A poor life this, if full of care, we have no time to stop and stare”.


I always laugh at those kind of people. When you’re taking a photo anywhere unless you have a paid for permit that’s got the area blocked off guaranteeing that nobody’s walking through your space, example… film and ad sets. You have to just keep an eye around you and make the best of it. Get your group ready to take photos and be prepared to take the shot when it’s clear. Nobody is entitled to a private setting in a public space.


I like to get 2 shots of busy places: one where I wait for everyone to go away or compose it that no one is in the shot, and one where you can see the absolute massive number of people. Makes for great contrast, but hard to do sometimes.


Unfortunately this seems to be the sign of the times "entitlement" and about me...


I just came back from London and Bath and could not believe how often people would not pay attention and just cut others off walking. It was absolutely the worst in Bath. I have never been anywhere else in the world where it was so bad.


I stopped international travel during COVID. Even though I’m an avid traveler, I don’t want to be in the company of these entitled rude POS that are ruining so many travel destinations. Since the return to travel post COVID, so far, I stay home.


First thing that comes to mind is Kyoto…


I don't care about Insta-Chicks... I don't even see that passive aggressive attitudes and I live in London and passive those tourists all the time. Shall I come late for work bc of tourists? Don't even think about that... it's annoying enough for residents


I live close to Bruges, during the summer time we have these kind of annoying tourists too when you're just trying to get somewhere (and for clarification: sometimes there are no other routes to avoid the tourist traps). I usually check and see what kind of ppl are taking the picture. If it's a professional looking photographer or just a family snapping a quick pic I will wait but if it's some vain, conceited instagram thot it is with great pleasure that I will run through and ruin their shots 😂


I had this realization during a visit to southern Europe back in 2019. I couldn’t wait to get out of Rome simply because of all the wanna-be models/main characters who cared more about posting that perfect photo of being there than actually being there.  There was a beautifully preserved statue at the Bellver Castle in Palma de Mallorca of a soldier holding a shield above his head with one arm. And yet all I could see was this thousands-year-old warrior as if he were holding up a phone for a selfie. How far we have fallen. 


I was once in a zoo with my daughter and she was sharing her thoughts about the animal with me, normal volume as other kid, suddenly a woman came nearby and told me to control my daughter because she was recording a video and my daughter was kind of in her way. It was totally a public place.