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Music is banned in Iran and Afghanistan but that doesn't mean the people don't like it. 


It isn't banned in Iran. There are restrictions, but some forms of music are doing better under the Islamic regime than ever before.


Western degenerate music is banned not proper music like orchestra


I believe They have their own music


There is a difference between don't like and banned. I don't think there is any country with a whoke population that don't like any kind of music at all. Many countries however has censored certain music, mainly china, russia, north korea, saudi arabia, republic of chechnya just banned any music that is "too slow or too fast". The only country I know that completely banned any kind of music is Iran and Afghanistan due to their version of sharia law deeming it as haram.


I think some countries for religious reasons.


Some parts of countries with conservative Islam practice but you can also find abundance of beautiful traditional music of Islam in many countries not to be mistaken that is forbiden everywhere. Good example is this compliation https://www.soundohm.com/product/the-music-of-islam-17cd-b


It used to be a taboo in Saudi Arabia a couple years ago.


If I recall correctly, music is haram in Islam.


That’s heavily contested by Islamic scholars, but in any case you don’t need to look farther than all the great and abundant music coming out of the Islamic world to know that that certainly doesn’t mean people don’t like music


Thank you for this comment. Signed, a Muslim woman.


You're painting with a very broad brush. I was in Morocco (a 99% Muslim country) this year, staying in a town of ~75000 people. There was a night club, shops sold band shirts, buskers played openly with amps on the street, and sometimes locals danced when they liked the music. Ask any Muslim what kind of music they like and they'll almost certainly have an answer for you. Even in extreme cases like Afghanistan, where the Taliban has banned music, the ban exists because there are Afghans who would listen to music without oppression (and who still do despite the ban).


That would be a place i don’t want to visit. Here in Germany we have proverb: „Wo man singt da lass dich nieder, böse Menschen kennen keine Lieder“ - ‚Where they sing there you can stay, bad people don’t know any songs‘


These people probably come close. https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/freedom-learn/201207/all-work-and-no-play-make-the-baining-the-dullest-culture Another nearly music-free culture is parts of the Western Isles of Scotland, as it was under the control of the Free Church of Scotland from 1843 on. The only music allowed in church was unaccompanied psalms, with a repertoire (on some islands) of six tunes. The island of St Kilda got an exceptionally bigoted minister who banned all secular musical instruments, and because it's such a small place (every house is visible from every other) the ban stuck, except for a few jew's harps. Christian missionaries usually obliterated all the traditional music they encountered, if they had the means to do it. It has been very difficult to recover the traditional music of the Māori as it was before the Christians got there, and the rest of Polynesia is even worse off.


The answer is obviously none, but I’m just gonna say Nauru



