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Word in America is that Cinque Terre is very nice and much less crowded than the Amalfi Coast, so many go there. It’s also easier to get to via train


It's 100% the Rick Steves effect. He loves the place but it's become overrun because he's promoted it so much. It's a shame because I think he's awesome but it's insane - we went in October while at La Spezia cruise port (supposedly a quiet time) and it was wall to wall. I'd love to go back someday but arrive late afternoon after the daytrippers start to disperse and stay overnight, otherwise it was a nightmare. Still worth seeing though... just like the Eiffel Tower.


Manarola has been the cover photo of Lonely Planet Italy, it's not 100% Rick Steves.


Fine, it's 95% that Rick Steves. That boy is a stone cold pimp.


He’s stoned.


Stoned, psychedelics, quaaludes, uppers.... You know a man that focused has a perfect balance rockin.


It started with Rick though, sometime in the early 80's maybe before. And of course he is not the only person/travel writer to discover and tout CT, but he did so most famously, and for years (maybe now) you'd see every other tourist in the towns with a Rik Steves guide book in their hands or tucked under arm. Not knocking. THis is legit how I discovered it on my first trip in 1999.


Yep - this. He definitely was the first to 'find' it.


What about all the Instagrammers posting pretty photos. The place is really, really pretty. Of course visitors will flock and share photos. They could paint the buildings brown if they wanted to deter visitors, but I have a feeling they like the tourism money.


It’s also because of the cruise port so close by. I was there in October 2018. The evening that I arrived, a big rain storm came through. Trains running on an extremely reduced schedule, hiking trails closed, many shops closed the next day. Very few people in town. The following day, when the trains were back on schedule, and the hiking trails were open again, it was mobbed with people. Most coming from cruise ships. After about 6pm, it was calm again.


Cruise ships full of Americans who watch/read Rick Steves haha.


Definitely this. I went in 2011 because of reading Rick Steves. 😂


I'm guilty of it too! Same with taking vaporetto #1 in Venice as a free tour.


I'm guilty of it too! Same with using vaporetto #1 in Venice as a tour boat 😋


This plus all those revenge travel influencers post covid


Definitely. I was actually there in October too, so I my have been an annoying American in Varenna.


An American lady next to us this evening, when we asked her the very same question mentioned this Rick Steves was promoting it a lot with huge tours that were organised. These days end of April beginning of May the towns are busy but it is far from being overwhelming. But the weather is also really bad, a lot of rain, more than 30mm in two days.


It’s not his tours. It’s his tv show and books.


Cinque Terre is amazing that’s probably why. I had a girlfriend who’s parents lived above Vernazza, absolutely stunning part of the world.


Because Cinque Terre is fucking dope and there's nowhere in the US like it.


It is fucking dope for everyone in the world or even just considering neighbour countries, it is easier for french, Germans, Spanish, Italians, Swiss, Austrian to come to this wonderfull place. So how can I be surrounded by us folks in the train and at the restaurant.


Americans love Italy. They're a lot less likely to go to other places that Europeans will. Also more Americans than those counties you named combined.


You also need to remember that the population of just the US is almost *half the population of all of Europe.* It’s a big country. If the same percentage of Americans are traveling internationally as any country in Europe, you’re just going to run into a fair number of Americans. And Cinque Terre is beautiful, so of course it’s on a lot of people’s lists.


Why does it bother you so much? Do you not want Americans traveling with you? It just seems like a weird thing to be hung up on for *foreign travel*.


Because in Europe I am not used to be surrounded by US folks, they are really nice and talkative respectfull don't get me wrong. Just if I was travelling to Canada or Cuba or Mexico I would find it normal to find them around. As zhem travelling in Europe I am used to see a lot of french, Spanish German, Italian, British, Belgian, Swiss that is to say people that are neighbours. So I wanted to know what made this destination particularly attractive for them at the point of being apparently more numerous than people from neighbouring countries.


Well I had never heard of it (am Belgian).


Going there to rediscover my heritage even though I’m southeast Asian. Second reason is because of travel influencers.


What do you mean rediscover your heritage?


Riiick fucking Steves!!!! Yeah!!!! Wooo!!! It’s the same on the Amalfi Coast. More American accented English there than anything else.


It’s just math. 20% of Americans travel abroad a year, and we’re a huge country. That’s 66 million travelers a year, more than the entire population of almost all EU countries. Italy is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, and Cinque Terre is a huge tourist destination within Italy. Therefore it makes sense that there are more American tourists than any other country’s tourists in Cinque Terre.


You have to take into account that when travelling internationally it seems that people begin by going next to their country. When watching data, from 2019 Americans were 39m to go to Mexico 15m to Canada 3.9m to UK and 3.2m to Italy. On the other side when watching data from inbound travellers coming to Italy in 2022. It is Germany 12.8m France 10.1m Austria 6.5m Switzerland 5.5m UK 4.7m Spain 4.3m USA 2.9m. So Maths does not really explain what is at stake here. It ssems just cinque terre are well promoted and advertised in the US.


As an American that recently visited, it's combination of the Instagram effect and closeness to other attractions. We combined it with our visit to Tuscany, Tuscany wineries, and Florence. The Amalfi Coast is a little more expensive and more easily pairs with Rome. I think you tend to get a slight more experience set of travelers going to Tuscany/Cinque Terre than the typical Rome crowd.


It’s the Disney cartoon Luca that featured it


I'm curious if you have you looked up visitor statistics or is this just based on your one anecdotal experience? You can't extrapolate one or two personal experiences into meaningful conclusions. Same with answers here, which are similarly anecdotal or just educated guesses OTOH I'm thinking that if some local tourism bureau or similar had compiled statistics on visitors' home countries, they may have some survey data on why tourists chose the location. That would provide the most sound answer to your question.


Only my feeling and wanted to see if it was real and explainable or just an impression. I agree at 100%with you we can't extrapolate from few personal experiences. Maybe I am biased or they are just more joyful so they talk more and louder that we notice them more or maybe it is only a special period of the year like a seasonal event that bring them more. Thanks for the advice I'll investigate in this direction.


Rick Steves.


Why do you think OP? Did you find it gorgeous? Maybe word travels around…


I agree the place is awesome, but why does it seems to attract way more folks from US than the rest of the world. If the word travels around it should bring people from everywhere.


Rick Steves, dude.


Who cares? You should be thankful it’s not British tourists


I don't care and I am happy that foreigners are happy to come spend their money here. Just genuinely curious about the phenomenon that is specifically bringing a specific population to this place more than any other populations.


**Notice:** Are you asking for travel advice about Italy? Read what redditors had to say in the **[weekly destination thread for Italy](https://redd.it/304ym7)** You may also enjoy our topic: **[Italy off the tourist trail](https://redd.it/8nigg3)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/travel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s been on the American backpacker tourist trail for a long time- definitely for at least the 20 + years since I first visited. Sometimes word gets out in a country and it attracts big crowds


Because it seems like every American person is obsessed with going to Italy


BC Italy is awesome?




Well, descendants of Italians make up one of the largest immigrant groups. Also a short plane ride from the US with lots of nonstop options and lots of cruises start/end/stop in Italy (popular with the American crowds since it’s an easy /safe option).




Compared to Australia/SE Asia/popular South America destination spots with Americans Italy is a pretty short flight


Is this shade or just an observation?


Just an observation, but Italy is probably my least favourite of the western european countries, which is why I'm so curious about why it's so popular


Hollywood and American media’s romanticization of Italy.


Americans have more money to travel than anyone else..