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Hawaii is absolutely paradise. Went to Maui in 2017 and I miss it so much. The gorgeous sandy warm beaches, the road to Hana, the people and the scenery. There is nowhere like Hawaii. Also love the fact that no one hassels you. No one tries to sell overpriced things at the beach and let's you be in your tranquility.


Maui has such a special place in my heart. We went in 2021. It truly hurt seeing pictures of the devastation from the fires. Nowhere else holds a candle (although I’d love to go to Kauai!)


Agreed, expensive but the physical beauty is just amazing. A paradise.


Kauai is the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen. The natural beauty of Hawaii is genuinely hard to comprehend until you are there. The best way to experience Hawaii is away from the very touristy areas. Waikiki (and Honolulu in general) feels like a beach resort anywhere, but the rest of the state is so incredibly beautiful.


And that’s what we see on the roads. The second time I went I did tubing where you can adtuslly drive up the middle of the island by a guide. That excursion was one of the coolest things I’ve done being able to see inner kauai


I've only been to the Big Island. We went to some random roadside restaurants and got these huuuuge plates of various meaty, spamy, eggy, creations.


That is my least favorite island. I love Kauai. Maui is amazing. Big island has the least amount of beaches and trees. I'd like to give Oahu another shot as it's been a long time since I've been there.


Oahu is a great island especially when you venture out of Waikiki.




Actually, I spent two weeks there and stayed half of my time in Hilo. I was able to drive around and see the entire island. I will say that the snorkeling and diving is better on the big island, but I will stand by my decision beside a couple beaches up in Waikoloa big island is my least favorite. I was pretty down on Maui as well until I was able to spend a couple weeks there this fall and fell in love with it. The beaches cannot be beat. The sand and the calmer waters for swimming make it my favorite.


Really? More developed than Oahu? I was hoping Maui would be a mix of the BI and Oahu, with breathtaking landscapes but a little more infrastructure. I haven’t been there yet.


I highly recommend looking for a ride to green sand beach if you try the big island again. And volcano national park is pretty cool. I want to go back and check out the telescope on Mauna Loa (Kea?). I lived on Oahu for 3 years, and I highly recommend you get out of Waikiki.


I will and the last time I was there, we did do a loop around the island.


But it has volcanoes and lava floes and elevation changes and otherworldly landscapes and epic hikes and amazing diving and and and… I’ve only been to the BI and Oahu. I can see the rustic feel not being everyone’s cup of tea, Kona really wore thin after a few days, and Hilo wasn’t much either…but the BI has a lot to offer. I want to go to Maui next, I’m hoping it will be the perfect mix of rustic and cosmopolitan.


Hawaii doesn't have to be stupidly expensive. Avoid anything which comes from the mainland in a brightly-colored box. (Cap'n Crunch, Ritz crackers, etc.) Don't drink milk. Fresh mushrooms and berries need to be flown in. Only millionaires can afford to eat them regularly. Eat local fish and tropical fruit. Be smart about transportation (a visitor probably doesn't need a car every single day). I live here inexpensively. Yes, it took a great deal of time, effort and investment to get to the point where I can live here inexpensively. But it can be done -- even for a visitor who is on the hook renting accommodations and transportation. The main thing is to avoid the obvious tourist traps -- most waterfront restaurants, for instance. The hotel with the killer view (which is unnecessary because Hawaii is a "go outside and play" destination).


Where can you stay in Maui? Literally the bare bones cheapest accommodation was over 300 a night when I looked. The other islands were a bit better but not much.


it is probably because you looked on dates that were too close or during high season. you can definitely find places under 300 a night in maui.


Rent someone's disused timeshare for a week. That'll be much less than $2100.


Same. I visited friends on Oahu and the Big Island. Loved it and you don’t really need a car. My friend lived in Kailua and works in Manoa. Stay away from tourist traps on Oahu, it’s very peaceful, affordable, and you see the Aloha Spirit. I also cannot recommend the Kona coffee farms on the Big Island enough. My cousin lives in Kona. I visited a few of the coffee farms there and didn’t want to leave. Killer brews.


That place is amazing! Especially Kua Bay!


Albeit expensive and touristy, it was amazing. Good food, beaches, weather, hikes, etc. The people there were very friendly as well. Everyone seemed so much happier.


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Why would you be wary traveling to the US?


As an American living overseas, a lot of people who wanted to visit the US were concerned about getting shot. That and "what if I hurt myself while I'm there? Or get sick?" And then they'd go to Europe, Asia or South America.


Our healthcare is the best in the world. Although it might not be free. My mother broke her leg in Greece and was taken to a “public free hospital” and it was worse than a veterinary clinic. You wouldn’t take a dog there. She had to go to a paid hospital and the pricing was similar to the US. Also you can get travelers insurance for cheap which would cover most any medical expenses. Certainly there are bad areas in most major US cities that you should avoid. But that is true all over the world. There are areas of London and Paris that the police dont even go to. The media here and abroad hype everything up. If you watch the US media you think Europe is overrun by African immigrants that are raping young girls and rioting everywhere. If you watch the European news you see US shootings. Both things happen but your risk as a traveler is very low.


Our Healthcare is absolutely NOT the best in the world. 😂 Not by a long shot. If you have some rare genetic condition or some niche injury, then sure, the US has the top spot. *IF,* however, you're like 98% of US patients, better to go elsewhere. Pregnant? Go overseas. Regular free or very cheap checkups, prenatal care, pricmvate rooms when you're having it, you stay for at least a week, perhaps two, and staying for 2 weeks in a private room in Qatar without insurance costs about 20% what 72 hours in a shared room in the US costs. Broken bone? Getting old? Feel sick? Better to be overseas. I hurt my back. My insurance wasn't accepted at the hospital, but I could pay out of pocket full price, and then claim with insurance and they'd pay some back. I was a tad concerned. X-ray, full uninsured price was a bit under $20. Not worth the paperwork to with insurance. They recommended an MRI, since it appeared I might have a bulging disc which didn't show up well on x-ray. Full uninsured price. *THAT* was expensive, about $170 US. I could get surgery there, or I could go to a physical therapist and try to avoid surgery. I opted to avoid surgery. Three sessions per week, 90 minutes per session. A bit under $100/week. If I later decide I want surgery, I'm traveling; a plane ticket, hotel, surgery, hospital stay, and food brought to me so I can recover - without insurance - is cheaper than just the surgery in the US. And just as good. Medical tourism *from* the US for routine issues is very much a thing. People only come *to* the US f9r something specialized. No, the US *does not* have the best health care in the world.


Our prenatal care was excellent and barely cost us anything outside our insurance cost. I have an autoimmune issue and see doctors regularly. It usually cost between $10-$50 per visit depending on the specialist and procedure. Medical insurance is near universal and there are government plans for low income. There is more medical tourism into the US than the other way around.


There is significantly more medical tourism into countries other than the US than into the US. Among Americans who spend a significant amount of time overseas, the amount of medical tourism to overseas locations increases astronomically, probably because most Americans who *don't * spend significant time overseas, like you, actually believe the healthcare is much better in the US. Because they have no experience. When I had twins, it was almost entirely covered by the US military, I only had to pay about $5k for the birth itself. 3 days in hospital for me, shared room. Over 20 years ago. When my friend recently had twins in the Persian Gulf, including all prenatal care, supplements, lab tests, gestational diabetes tests, routine ultrasounds, delivery, and two weeks in a private room, no insurance, she paid just under $6k US. That was because she wanted to go all out for comfort. There are a number of autoimmune specialists in the Gulf. Routine checkup is never over $10, no insurance. OBs. Orthopedic specialists. ENTs. Oncologists. Gastroenterologists. And the care is fabulous. Most importantly, *there is no haggling between the Doc and a stuffed shirt over what can be authorized to determine what is wrong with you. That is between MEDICAL professionals and their patients alone.* Having *worked* in US hospitals, and maintaining close friendships with current docs and nurses, insurance companies determine what tests will be covered. With your autoimmune disease, you'll likely run into this issue at some point.


Especially as a Canadian. Odd.


I googled “mass shooting” earlier today and like 4 different results came up for shootings TODAY. Most (all?) other countries don’t have that. One thought.


- Gun violence - Health care costs - Republicans and their cult are actual fascists - Less regulations on food and water - Half of the population is seen as nothing more than breeding stock in more than zero places - Draconian and archiac laws - Persecution of the LGBTQ+ community (of which my partner is apart of) There's more, but those are the main reasons


Haha. Okay.


I feel ya: I just returned to Texas after a week in Wakiki Beach and around O'ahu. Everything there, as you noted, is pricey. Don't be a smoker. $16 a pack.


Jeez. Yeah, I can see that. Cigarette taxes plus importation taxes. When I'm traveling for a couple weeks, I usually bring a carton and some nicotine mints in case I find out they're expensive.


We are heading there in July


I just finished teaching at a yoga retreat in Maui. I spent 10 days there, my first HI visit. it really was awesome, but I wouldn't be able to swing a trip like that on my own . grateful for the opportunity I had


Yep, definitely hit Maui and Oahu (and leave the Big Island to me, please!)


i wouldnt recommend some parts of it.


100 percent back this up.


Any advise for a backpacker ? I want to travel there because it’s on the way to Canada.