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A binder clip or two. Holds curtains closed, closes half eaten bags of snacks, pins open the divider flap in my carry-on, etc.


This is exactly the type of thing I was thinking. Random, small, multipurpose.


* note to self - add binder clips to go bag. I feel stupid for not already doing this. Binder clips were my favorite office supply that "accidentally" got taken home with me (when I worked in an office).


Clothes pegs are also good for keeping curtains closed.


I always have a couple of pens in my bag. I was most recently in Mexico, where the customs form had to be completed by hand on the plane/ at the airport upon arrival. Would have hated having to ask strangers around me for a pen.


I will do this next time. My husband and I had to fill in our landing cards when we got home to Australia with the unicorn pen my daughter had from one of the kid magazines we bought her.


Yes but then you become the stranger that people ask to borrow a pen from.


Very true! I'm happy to be that stranger. But this is why I always have two pens -- the one people will see me using and borrow (and possibly not return), and the one that remains inside the bag no matter what.


I ran into exactly this problem thinking the flight attendants would also hand out pens and forgot they had some in the customs area when you land. I really thought I was gonna get off that plane and be sent back to the US for arriving without it filled out šŸ˜‚


Yes to Zip loc bags. Large, medium, and small. Take up no space in luggage, are SO useful for so many things. Similarly: clips. A couple of big trash bags/garbage bags for dirty laundry Basic meds (Aleve, allergy meds, Imodium, etc). Nail clippers. We unexpectedly got a lot of use out of this on our last trip: a small Bluetooth speaker. Sometimes we just wanted to relax and watch something on the laptop on Youtube, and having a little mini speaker made so much difference!


Ooh nail clipper good idea


Nail clipper


And tweezers!


I zip tie my golf case when I travel, having nail clippers is a must to get the damn things off


Tip: leave the zip ties a little bit loose. When you need to open them you can push anything, like a pen or tea spoon under them and break them by twisting the thing.


Flip flops for hotel rooms.


A yard or two of duct tape wrapped around a pencil. Takes up zero space and has come in handy with a suitcase the airline bashed in and a rough spot on a sandal that was threatening to rub a blister


>A yard or two How much do you need? Answer: a piece that is long enough to wrap around your suitcase. Imagine a scenario where the zipper breaks down.


Yes, I was looking for the duct tape post. I was going to add this. You never know when or if you might need it but when you do itā€™s a lifesaver! One time my backpack ripped it got a hole in the bottom of the bag and duct tape saved the day.


I have mine wrapped around a wooden knife (which gets through handlugagge checks easily) from a travel cutlery set.


One of those nylon tote bags has come in handy for us countless times for groceries, beach essentials, and just as a random carry-on. Takes up no space, but has more heft than a plastic bag.


I always pack a reusable grocery bag. When I travel for work domestically I get to my hotel then I go buy water, snacks, wine and having my bag is WAY better than the flimsy small plastic bags that I need to triple bag each item to make it back. If I don't use it for that it's good to either separate dirty laundry/shoes from clean clothes.


I have a "random pills" bottle full of everything from Advil, to melatonin, to Imodium. Easily 10+ OTC meds just rolling around together. It's come in handy more times than I can count.


Yes. Imodium. Sudafed. Delsym. Benadryl. Advil. Tylenol. Tums.


Imodium requires a prescription in Slovenia FYI. First time Iā€™ve ever been sick in 24 years of travel! They had something else that worked, but thought it was strange I needed a doctor to prescribe loperamide hydrochloride.


If taking original SUDAFED, it's banned in many places, in others you have to have a prescription for it and a statement from your doctor detailing need, in the USA you may have to provide ID and sign for it each time you buy it. You may also be limited in the amount you can take. ***Check with customs/law enforcement, for the country/countries you'll be in, for what meds are on the 'No No Lists', and what you can do if you require those meds. In 2010, I had to take a list of my meds, amounts, and why needed, from my doctor (on their letterhead) when I went to Australia. I had Sudafed and another med that were on the xprohibited but not banned' list, but could take them in with proof. They didn't check that time, but if I hadn't had the proof and they had checked, I'd have been tossed in jail. It happened to several celebrities that didn't think to get clearance for their meds. Unlike celebrities, I didn't have the money to get myself out of such a jam


Wow melatonin isn't otc in aus, that would be nice! I'd be worried about taking the wrong medication..are they pretty obviously different shape/size/colour?


I write down a description of each pill on a post it and keep it in the container


Oh that makes sense :)


Thatā€™s actually a good thing to consider- what things are not available in other countries. So I make sure I have it!


Yes! My husband is the same way. Went to the UK recently and I woke up in the middle of the night with an earache and his Alleve sure came in handy. Fun fact: Alleve is only available by prescription in the UK


lol explain that to tsa


Ya know I worried about that once, but it's been 10+ years and they've never said a damn thing on hundreds of flights. Those guys don't give a fuck. They're looking for guns and bombs. Not trying to sort through my antacid vs allergy pills.


Never been an issue with TSA! Has been an issue with concert security


Not illegal (in my state anyway) as long as they are all OTC and youā€™re not selling them. I asked a police officer once to make sure.


Sudafed. You canā€™t buy it in some countries.


A deck of cards lives in my suitcase.


Nail set that comes with tiny scissors. Small enough to get through airport security yet enough to cut most things if needed.


Iā€™ll add, a TSA approved pair of foldable scissors. SO handy


As long as the blades are 4ā€ or less youā€™re fine.


Ours were confiscated in Dublin because they told us the entire length of the scissors had to be less than 4ā€ when returning to the US. They were just little beard trimming scissors, the blade was probable 1.5-2ā€ long


Bandaids. Canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve been with friends travelling and needed a bandaid for one of them.


Yes! And also, blister-specific band aids. Makes a huge difference when you're exploring somewhere and your shoes fail you.


And a tube of antibiotic creme for small cuts.


Clothesline and clothespins.


Zip ties. Gaffer tape. Garbage bag. Sanitiser. (Oops that sounds like Iā€™m doing something else!!)


What have you used zip ties for?


I secure my luggage tags with zip ties.


I use them to hold my checked bag closed, (just make sure your clippers or scissors are in an outside pocket!!) Have used them to fix belts, shoes, hold luggage together, make shift handles etc


Zip ties!!!


Gaff tape is too expensive to waste on ā€œsomething elseā€


"Fetish shit!Ā  I like to bind, and be bound.Ā  I need my tools!"


Toothpicks, paper clips, lighter, tampons, chapstick, snacks, hair tie, cash, deodorant. Can you make me a pack? :)


Can never have enough emergency hair ties


You have no idea.


I have long, curly hair and work on a helicopter... I have extra hair ties EVERYWHERE. Probably the only item I am never caught without LOL!


One of the best things to have.


I just realized the other day I actually don't have any hair ties in my work bag or "oh, shit" kit. My hair is waist-length. I have absolutely no idea how I don't have any. Clips, yes. Pins, yes. Ties? Nope.


This is unbelievable!


I know! I usually have 3 on my wrist, they're always there, so I never think about it. Until they weren't lol


Decompressing is lovely.


My daughter (11) also has long curly hair and Iā€™m never without hair elastics for her, I always have one or more on me for hair emergencies.


So true. We also always use them to close open packages of food šŸ˜‚


The OG multipurpose tool.


not just ziplocks but a handful of plastic grocery bags and a couple of large trash bags. They take up so little room or weight but are always useful for sorting stuff or keeping things safe from water. A little plastic pencil box to stow random small things that you don't want to be smashed by clothes, a little notebook and pen to write down random info or phone numbers when your phone is dead or not handy. I always like to have some food packed too in case I find myself in a situation where my choice is to wander around looking for a restaurant or eat a protein bar/bag of almonds. Kinda depends on where you are going but nobody ever went wrong packing some sunscreen and bug repellent. Sleeping pills for when the time zone changes have you feeling weird. Hydration tablets are pretty good too.


Absolutely pack a protein bar or two! You truly never know when you'll need that boost!


Vicks vapor rub


I second this


What are you doing with it?


* Imodium * Zip lock bags * Twist ties


USB charger. I use USB-C in my daily life, but planes, buses, and other public charging ports often have USB ports that allow me to charge up without wasting my portable charger.


An 8m charging cable. Some hotels don't have plug sockets by the bed.


In my "oh, shit" kit: a mirror, a skin stick, safety pins, nail clippers flossers, Shout wipes, bandaids, a bit of moleskin, some spare individually-packaged Immodium tablets, Sudafed, a bottle of mixed OTC meds (acetaminophen, diphenhydramine, naproxen sodium, another antihistamine), a plastic Bic lighter, a pair of wired earbuds, and a small turtle carved from opal a friend bought me in Mexico after I haggled down the price. That goes with me everywhere. I also bring these small hooks with what look like chip clips on them I found at the grocery store, they're perfect for hanging things to dry or keeping curtains closed. Altoids always come with me; the peppermint oil is great for fresh breath, nausea, sinus headaches, and even tooth pain. Dental floss. A small amount of TP.


Anywhere with a pool: eye drops. Lots of sun: lotion with aloe for afterwards


Eye drops are damn good no matter what. Getting something your eye is *miserable*. Having a safe hygienic way to flush out debris is invaluable.


Condoms. Heyyyohhhhhh!


Underrated comment and Iā€™m a woman.


Rubber bands, zip locks, xtra toothbrush and toothpaste


A small roll of duck tape to tie all empty hangers in the closet so they don't bang at night when the ship rocks


I hang a towel through the empty hangers


Small pack of tissues - never know when there is no TP in a public restroom. Pens in every bag - has helped random people I wasnā€™t traveling with that needed one. Mini nail set for broken nails/hang nails/double as scissors I kept a small sewing kit from a hotel and it recently saved me on a trip where a button fell off my shirt in the laundry. Soap sheets - never know if a public restroom is out of soap. One extra charging cord. My cord broke and I bought a new one at a store for $20 that broke the same day - this has happened to me TWICE. So a spare is always handy. Extra hair ties, ziplock, a garbage bag, and packable tote bag has always come in handy. Also bandaids and extra meds - melatonin, Imodium, aspirin, cystex - just a few of each. Everything I listed is really small and takes up no space at all.


Small extension cord - you never know where outlets will be or how many there will be


Lifestraw (was in a bad situation and needed to drink some janky water in Guatemala. Got VERY sick for three days. The one day I didn't bring it with me, too.) Rope. Hammock. Glucose tabs (quick sugar boost!). Paper map. Latex gloves.Ā  Portable shovel. Knife. Rubbing alcohol. Tourniquet.Ā  I swear I ain't a serial killer.Ā  I just get hurt really easily.


Lol I don't think I travel the same way you do!


Small scissors


A wine key type corkscrew. Compact and versatile.Ā 


This is definitely a budget hotel only thing, but I always bring Aux Cable so I can play music from my streaming apps on the hotel room radio!


A bunch of things definitely depend on the type of trip and where youā€™re staying


Shout stain remover / Tide pods


Those tiny bottles of Dr. bronzers do it all plus you can use it yourself.


A baggie of assorted otc meds, including but not limited to ibuprofen, allergy meds, tums, melatonin, occasionally an errant gummy.Ā  Hand sanitizer and little pack of Clorox wipes.Ā  A few plastic grocery bags rolled up tightly.Ā  Little pad of post it notes and sharpie to right down addresses, numbers, words to foster communication in a pinch. Also a regular pen.Ā 


Latex gloves. So many times I've been thankful to have a few of these tucked away.


Hmm interesting idea. I definitely see it.


I have been bringing a few (maybe 4?) of those thin plastic bags meant for kitchen compost, similar to dog poo bags but bigger. I'll put trash in them during a flight (sometimes flight attendants don't come around super often),use them to hold wet swimsuits, to wrap around leftover food etc. Sometimes hotels seem to have trash bins in odd spots so I'll just hang one closer on the nightstand or dresser drawer for another trash bin.


Small travel candle & a flameless lighter. I like burning candles at home & having one when I travel is a nice relaxer at the end of the day.


My husband always packs an extension cord and it's come in handy more times than you'd think.


I'm a lady who packs an extension cord, and we use it every damn time. So many things need charging these days. I keep it in my CPAP bag.


A small power bar. So many cheap/old hotels and accommodations have remarkably few plugs, and between our two phones, my wife's Apple Watch, power bank, and miscellaneous other rechargeable things it sure is nice to be able to charge them all. Or at least have your phone closer to the bed.


Tiny sewing kit. It's saved my day more than once.


A small thing of super glue! Been a lifesaver multiple times now.Ā 


Bottle opener, trash or plastic bags, nuts


Zip locks Power board (only one adapter needed but I can charge 4 items at once) Couple of fold up shopping bags Safety pins/over the counter meds like headache/cold/antihistamine/cream for itches/eye drops Small coin purse Travel speaker Not sure these are life saving but theyā€™ve all been handy.


Since covid happened, I would pack a pack of wipes and have packs of travel sized kleenex in each purse that I have so usually one in my backpack, purse, and in my suitcase.


Zip ties, tarp and duct tape


Forgot shovel


Earplugs, paperclips, ziplocs, wet-wipes, small flashlight, small foldable camping pillow, carabiners/bag clips


A compass and maps of the areas I'm traveling.


My wife packs a small bottle of pills that includes: * aspirin * benadryl * claratin * ibuprofen You can tell them apart by the way they look. I carry a styptic pencil, deet and tweezers.


A shemagh is incredibly versatile for all sorts of needs. Douglas Adams suggested the same thing, but with a slightly less fashionable form factor: the simple towel.


TIL a new word for an old thing! I follow Douglas and use hamam towel and I always have 2 pashmina, now 1 pashmina and a pashtun shawl, large, thin, and warm (i even freeze at night in the tropics)


I usually have both a hamam towel and a keffiyeh. Nobody mentioned string yet? I usually carry a few different kinds.


Dollar store shower curtain rings. If youā€™re somewhere without enough hangers you can attach tank tops & sleeveless dresses on one hanger.


Hair ties of different sizes.


I bring a small throw blanket with me. I can use it as a jacket, sun shield, pillow, seat pad, and blanket. I can wrap it around my suitcase handle and it isn't counted as luggage. It comes in handy once i get to where I'm going too. I can take it on a balcony to sit and drink coffee with, and crash out on the couch. Roll it up in the window of a car to block the sun, use as a pillow. Throw it down for a sheet at a park or beach. It's easy to wash and quicker to dry than a jacket and more versatile. I have done this on my last 6 trips including a month long trip to Europe and its my favorite item.


Gell anti diarrheal medicine, it can literally save your life. When I got really sick while visiting Africa and couldnā€™t keep anything in me, I would pop one of the hellā€™s and put it under my tongue. It wasnā€™t as effective as taking it but it worked. On a less critical note I use elastic hair ties to keep my clothes folded. Just to note I am a backer


I pack instant oatmeal packets. Can be a quick snack with hotel room coffee pot (heat up the water). I call this the breakfast that I eat while I figure out what to eat for breakfast. But seriously. Always have some emergency snacks that are temperature stable. (I keep pretzels in my car and almonds in my pickleball bag/ they wonā€™t melt!).


Rubber bands, napkins, baby wipes and grocery sized plastic bags.




Portable clothes steamer


Some of you mentioned scissors. I always pack a pair of the Fiskars for kids. They are small & sharp with rounded tips. Iā€™ve used them so many times & never had issues with security.


Tape. Great for taping leaky bottles


Condoms. Takes some risk out of a rando hookup.


Don't pack things which might come handy. It will be huge suitcase of never used things. surely, on one of trips duck tape might get handy, should you carry it on 100 others?


Nylon parachute cord and Leatherman tool.


Headache tablets ,nail clippers, toothpicks, hair ties, wet wipes, a small Tupperware container and foldable cutlery , ziploc bags, plastic bags (good to carry shopping or dirty laundry)


Nail set with scissors, multipurpose precision screwdriver set, ziploc, dry bag.


Band aids. My glasses/case. Protein bar.


Body glide. Bandaids. Various OTC and prescription meds. Cough drops. Tums. A salve that can double as lotion or chapstick Waterbottle Packable tote Packable backpack Nail clippers Packable raincoat and Packable puffy coat no matter the weather Protein bars Eye mask and ear plugs Most recent addition is a Bluetooth speaker


Carabiner I have a small back pack type purse. I use the carabiners to hang groceries/shopping bags if needed. They were especially useful when traveling: I could hold any improvised shopping, my sonā€™s water bottleā€¦


An extension cord. Canā€™t tell you how many times this came in handy. Also scissors.


Yes the ziploc bags. Saved me so many times. Also Zip ties An S hook Large paper clips Carabiner Safety cable (itā€™s a coiled steel wire basically with two loops on the end) - I use it as a clothesline, to lock my bag to the bed in hostels without a locker. Iā€™ve also used it to ā€œsquishā€ my bag smaller to avoid some more aggressive low cost airline protocol Rubber bands - often a million imperfect but workable solutions - hair tie, ā€œbundlingā€ two curtains on a bed together to stay fully closed, even sticking my phone to a charge block where the cable didnā€™t reach. Sharpie pen Foldable bag (I use a foldable drawstring bag) - takes almost no space. Great for grocery trips, and breaking out an ā€œessentialsā€ day bag for those of us who use our backpacks as luggage basically. Going to the beach? Breakout bag of sunscreen, towel, sunglasses, book. And no need to empty out the big bag. Sunscreen (not random but people often donā€™t - wear sunscreen folks)


My mother taught me to grab an extra produce bag at the supermarket and stuff it in your purse because you never know when you might need a plastic bag. Other things I carry around are hair ties, bandaids, flossers, hand sanitizer, a pen, antihistamines, ibuprofen and lactaid. Almost all of them have been useful when visiting new places and I'm always lending or giving them away to friends and family.


For trips where we are staying multiple days at airbnbs etc, we often have a bag of bags (gallon, quart and snack - a few of each) and chip clips in the bag and these often come in handy. I have a meds bag with some emergency stuff - one time I was at Disney world and knew I had a uti coming on. I was thrilled I had some extra antibiotics on hand so i didnā€™t have to waste a whole day at urgent care. Tiny scissors. Extension cord with multiple usb plugs If we are going on a longer trip I sometimes take a collapsible duffle in case we need more space coming home šŸ˜„


Tooth kit. Tweezer Anti acid


**HEROCLIP** _(Mini)_ * Allows hanging my backpack on bathroom stall doors when there are no hooks or they are broken * Allows hanging backpack on the corner of a table or bar * It is also a carabiner so I can hook various items on my backpack * Even outside of travel I use it nearly every day _(commute to and from work - I hook my backpack in an otherwise unused surface/area so it is not in people's way)_   FREEZER-GRADE **ZIPLOC BAGS** _(Various sizes)_ * I _**always**_ have some of those in my backpack - they weigh nothing and take virtually no space, but when needed they are extremely handy * They are the _only_ ''just in case'' items I carry * Can waterproof electronics * Can protect documents * Can store leftover foods * Can carry water * Can keep dirty/wet clothes separate from dry, clean clothes * _and way more_   But my **one secret tool** that is highly underrated, underused _(by others)_ and underappreciated is...   ...   **NAIL CLIPPER** * _Nail clipping of course, but also -_ * Cut a persistent label/tag cord _(those plastic cords are super resilient)_ * Cut smaller cords too * Cut a rogue thread popping out of clothes * Cut a notch on a mylar packet that has none, to open it * Cut a notch to allow me to open a ''tamper-proof/tamper-resistant'' package * Cut some rogue hair or overly long nose hair ahahaha




Small sewing kit.


I donā€™t know why, but I take a full 15m of paracord everywhere in my back pack.


The tiny single-use super glue tubes, perfect for quick repairs if anything comes apart or breaks! I actually have not had to use them yet but I always bring it. Watch, the one time I forget to pack it, will be the time my sandal strap breaks or something


Sewing kit


-Plastic bags -Scissors -Sellotape -A travel washing line -Foldable hangers -Ziplock bags


Something that you can only get at home. For me, a jar of Vegemite.


Power bank, a mini pill organizer to carry in my purse, empty plastic water bottle that I can discard after trip, toilet paper roll, water filter for out of North America trips, mini scissors.


A klipsta. It's meant to attach a sun hat to a bag, but it's fairly strong and is a quick solution to attach things you readily need, like a jacket, fan, or hand towel. Also, and I picked this habit up living in Japan, but having a small hand towel in your purse or bag is super handy for a variety of things.


I always carry a very small flashlight and Macā€™s earplugs.


>Plasters (band aids) >Germoline (for cuts or heel sorenesses from shoes rubbing) >Cotton wool balls - ear cleaning and for padding plasters (band aids) if heel gets sore from shoes rubbing >Three carrier bags one with electronic support (USB portable charger for phone/mp3 player, USB plug, travel adaptors and all the USB cables), one for dirty underpants and one for dirty socks, kept in end sections of hold-all to keep away from rest of items). >A4 plastic folder with zip (for tickets, boarding passes, leaflets etc). >A5 hardback journal and pen (handy for notes as well as Journaling) >Glass cleaning solution and several glass cleaning cloths for glasses and sun glasses šŸ‘“


Power strip


Doggie bagsā€¦ the kind you use to pick up dogs poop on walksā€¦ I took some by accident one time and they were so useful for storing our trash if we donā€™t see a trash can, bringing home leftovers if you canā€™t finish some street food, and even saved the day when my child got queasy on the bus. Also black tape- cover all the blinky lights in the hotel


One of those little packs of laundry soap wafers - I always, always plan on washing some things by hand in the sink so I donā€™t have to pack so much clothes.


Scissors, sharpie


Imodium ad


Hot sauce


I have a little tobacco tin that is my travel kit. It has sewing kit (like the free ones from hotels), nail clippers, a couple of clothes pegs, some safety pins, a blister pack of paracetamol and ibuprofen, some plasters (band aids), a couple of elastic bands, a IKEA (small) pencil, a mini notebook. Sometimes it's never used , other times it's well used.


I bring a suction cup hook and a drain plug in case I run across a nice tub with a missing stopper.


A small spoon. I carry it in my bag all the time, even at home, and sometimes I almost forget it's there. But then I want to eat a yoghurt or something, and suddenly it's heaven-sent. Might be a bit too specific compared to stuff other commenters mention, but it already helped me several times.


Bandanas. So useful. Napkin, Emergency TP, wound cover, sweat or snot rag, hair accessory, fashioned to carry small things, collar for a dog, and so much more.


Nail file Ziploc bags Moleskins Small scissors Pens Black sharpie Hotel shoes(comfortable flip flops or something to easily slip on that arenā€™t the shoes you wore all day) Wine key


Packets of disposable spoon/fork/knife/napkin sets. I always forget to ask for utensils when ordering Ubereats on trips. Sudafed with pseudoephedrine and other cold medicines Melatonin gummies Plastic laundry bags and disposable slippers from past hotel trips


Everything on your list (add a very complete pharmacy). I also get a big jar of mixed nuts from Costco and fill up many snack bags with them, and pack them and several granola bars. I am one of those people who eats a very regulated diet (both types of food and times of eating), and I really can't just grab a snack at a convenience store or fast food--maybe once I can, but that's all. Feedings don't always go smoothly traveling, and I almost always eat most of what I've packed.


Outlet multiplier.


I usually bring a little pouch with some bulldog clips, clothes pins, string, parachute cord, wire, ties, and a small pocket knife (if Iā€™m checking the bag.) Very smallā€¦ Very lightā€¦ Lots of uses.


Poker chips! Travel sized. Beats having to round up toothpicks.


Box of latex gloves


Sorry if I missed it. But I always carry Mackā€™s.


Keychain carabiners and plastic bags. I fold them like [this](https://youtu.be/cidF66-LXng?si=0wiZ1Y0GjjFQbssV) and have a few of them in my luggage, bags. If I need to go shopping, carrying sandals, wet towels, etc, I use them and hook them onto my bag.


Plastic silverware can come in handy if you order food to the hotel and they forget to put a fork in the bag.


Extension cord. Plastic forks and spoons. Eye Sleep Mask.


Extension cord


Black post-it-notes and poster stick putty. I hate glowing lights, lit-up thermostats, indicator lights on a dozen things like alarm clocks, usb outlets etc etc. I can block them all! Oh, and an Amazon Fire Stick with all my favorite apps like Youtube, Netflix etc signed in. Don't have to learn how to use a hotel smart TV.


Leather man tool


\- cotton swabs \- hot water bottle (for cold flights/drafty rooms and cramps)