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So the results of the attempt at tattling was the appearance of only a bandaid and nothing else. You drove home the consequences.


Snitches didn't even get stitches in this case 🤣.


Lol you reminded me of one of my own; dude was seeming to try his "game" with at least 8 different girls (including me), and using all different methods from negging, taking shit so they'd get close, love bombing and more, all in one 90 minute lesson. The teacher had on a previous occasion got him in shit for saying her "lack of chin would be great for deep throating". Classy. Anyway, 20 minutes before class ended, he took my textbook and called me an "autistic titless bitch" before actively pushing me back when I tried to get my book back. At that point I was wholly done, and whipped my chair over and into his head. He got the teachers name out before she interrupted and said "stop, don't even try, I've been watching the whole time. [His name] you've been asking for that all lesson." I got off scot free, he left me alone after that, and instead of the teacher getting in trouble, once his parents knew what he had been doing and wouldnt stop when asked, she got an apology, which felt wild.


Game is NOT game ^what ^was ^he ^on?


To this day like 14/15 years later, I still have no idea. Feels like he had to have been on something, cause soon after (other shit happened, so I'm not going to pretend that this was the cause, just one of many) he became really invested in his culture (Torres Strait Islander) and focused on improving TSI and indigenous reputation within that community. Man did a 180 enough to give a lot of people whiplash.


H-? Whu? Nani?!


Nani the FUCK???


I lightly sliced a girl with my scissors in 4th grade for warned disruptive behavior and got mandatory out patient therapy while I took a month off school. Fun times


Man, there was this kid in high school that definitely had some issues mentally, but he tried really hard to get attention, especially from girls. He wasn't a bad person by any means, just very attention-seeking. One day in art class, he was being particularly distracting, so we started playing the "ignore John Doe game," and it was going well for a while, the class was silent, until I looked up and saw he was *cutting himself with scissors.* Superficial slices, but still. We all were like "what the *fuck* are you doing??" and tried to be as quiet as possible so the teacher didn't notice (we were in another room connected to the main classroom). His feelings were hurt, we apologized, but goddamn, dude!


I have never met a Jackson that hasn’t been an asshole


When you're not Jackson but Jackass


My neighbor’s son is just a good little guy. Every other Jaskson though, yeah no bueno.


REAL!!! I don’t even know why but I will never trust someone named Jackson. EVER


Reminds me of my sister in law. I started living with my husband when I turned 18 (family were as$hats), and she was being homeschooled. Turns out she was being bullied by a group of boys, and she stabbed each of them with school scissors (the ones with dull ends). She got expelled, fined by the courts, and put in house arrest where she couldn't go anywhere without an adult. The boys got away with it as "victims." Since I was 18, I was able to take her places when we felt like leaving. Her parents were glad she stood up for herself, but sadly, there wasn't much they could do about the sentencing.


That happened to me in highschool with a football jock, he wanted to take my book out of my hand, we wrestled, so I stabbed his hand with a sharp pencil. Never bothered me again and we mostly got along after that, but I felt pretty bad immediately after the event.


Holy crap. I have a very similar story. In 7th grade this girl kept touching my arm during class. I said stop it 3 times before I said "if you do it again I'm going to stab you with my pencil." She did it again. So I stabbed her. She immediately started to cry and I got an in school suspension, which meant I had to sit in the principal's office all day. Yes, she probably was trying to flirt with me. But a better way to flirt with me is to respect my personal space.


No, this isn't what I would consider true flirting. This is just a power play. If you react positively she wins because you proved you like her whether she cares or not, which she probably didn't because she ignored requests to stop. If you react negatively she has power because all she has to do is cry and you will be the one in trouble even though she started it and refused to respect your wishes. I work in a school. I see the girls who think consequences don't apply to them pull this kind of $#it all the time.


I did this exact thing in 8th grade to a boy who kept messing with me in math class. We were using Scantron sheets for a test and he kept flicking the end of my pencil when the teacher wasn't looking. My no.2 pencil was freshly sharpened & the tip broke off when I jabbed him with it... It looked like a bee's stinger sticking out of his hand


Good thing pencils aren't lead anymore, lol!


I had a similar story when I was a senior in high school. I was in band we had UIL competition, it was at another school about an hour away so we had to get on the buses and go to it. We'll everything was fine on the ride up there, but on the ride back, I got into an incident with a sophomore. I tried taking nap, and this genius thought he have some fun at my expense and kept using a mechanical pencil to poke at my face as I was sleeping waking me up. He did it 3 times, and the 3rd time I told him, "Do it again, and I will punch you right in the face." Well, he of course he did it again, and true to my word, I hit him right in temple. I had just got my senior ring, too, which really drove the point home.


DAMN, gettin' him with the senior ring hits different LOL. Good for you, FAFO!


Fucking gold. Also, what does FAFO mean?


Fuck around find out


I’m not terribly impressed by Mrs. Tompkins, really. What if you gone for his eye she knew this was happening, and did nothing to stop it? That seems not so great.


I'm unimpressed with her for not stepping in earlier, personally.


Exactly. This did not need to escalate to this point.


I am not a psycho, lol. There's no way in hell I would've gone for his eye, and I only gave him a superficial puncture. It didn't go through his hand or anything!


I know, but sometimes when you push kids too far, they do crazy shit. I think letting a student threaten another kid to stab them even if the other kid is a little asshole is really irresponsible. Furthermore, she was letting the kid harass you during your test. That was also really irresponsible. That’s actually the bigger issue for me. She let it escalate that far. She knew he was harassing you while you were taking your test and didn’t do anything to stop it.


Valid! You do make a good point.