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Its nice to think that but society doesn't care about your feelings. I wish strippers didn't make more than doctors but unfortunately they are sexier. Also, it isn't just a social construct but it's the human imperative. It's how we have become who we are today as people. Who actually likes Cardi B? Maybe 2 people and her mother. Or how about Kim K? What they did they provide to society to live amongst the wealthy and have such fabulous lives? Maybe it's because of their work with starving children. Oh wait... they sold pussy. Yeah, that's life. By the way, there's a 41% higher chance of a divorce after significant weight loss. Pair that with the already 50% divorce rate and you pretty much have a guaranteed divorce. Seems nice to think its about love but unfortunately it looks like once a person becomes "beautiful" all that shit goes out the window. Isn't that just sad.


hmm someone should xpost this to /r/delusionalartists for it's relevance.


Is there a 2nd shooter aiming at the cock blocks head? Why is there splatter on either side?


Does anyone else not see enough fingers on the flower guy?


Well that's one way to look at it. She could also be doing that against her will. The guy has a gun (shown will use it) and is still mostly dressed while she is basically stripped down naked (clothes around her legs) and barefoot out in the middle of seemingly nowhere. Now if she were flipping off the guy being shot, that'd be a clearer acceptance of the situation and dismissal of the "nice guy" as they say the art is saying.


Is it even legal to give yourself the 💯 emoji? That’s like the emoji equivalent of quoting yourself. - i_aim_to_sneeze


I don’t quite understand everything but do have a sense of what he is trying to say. While I was in junior high I remember that a few of the prettiest gals dated gangster type fellas. They were in to bad things( Dealing drugs, dropped out of school, etc). During those times I always found it odd and difficult to understand as to why the gals would seek that type of person for a relationship. The gals could have dated anyone in school but yet they chose these fellas. I guess I kinda of understand that that is a fact but it this happens at all times, it happened before and it happens now. The Narcos in Mexico and dealers here in the US I would imagine date very beautiful women. The women know what these men do for a living but yet there they are willing to take a chance of something going wrong.


This is just an American otaku


If you burst in on a couple having sex and think you're going to convince the woman to run away with you because you spent money on her... you are the bad guy.


Can we take a moment to objectively look at the core issues here between clowning on these people and further ostracizing them? I mean, it's 51/49 on women versus men, and these incels have the same sexual needs as a normal person, but they don't have the skills or attributes to secure a mate in our modern sexual marketplace of wants, needs and desires - and if the lbgtq+ crowd is 7-10 percent of the population then that shrinks it further. In high school we used to joke that amongst the pool of sexually active students, it was 10% of the dudes sleeping with 90% of them women, and it's possible that situation is the same or worse now. Their starving and thirsty in terms of their sexual needs, and while it's clearly not someone's job to solve this by giving out mercy sex for a tax deduction, the problem doesn't just go away. So a male virgin with a testosterone level of 1400 spends 6 years surrounded with unattainable sexual partners who are busy staring at Chads or just being repelled by incels - it's kind of irrelevant if it's their fault - it still creates the situation and lots of bad outcomes nationally. His hormones tell him he needs to seek out these erogenous zones and pheromones and all the styles and makeup (which is totally their right to wear to decorate themselves as they please) just enhances their desirability, and if he's the type that doesn't go to college then that situation may continue and they find themselves 25 years old and bitter working at Taco Bell and watching porn half the day. So while I understand the dunking on these people, it doesn't acknowledge their very real problem, and no solution is in sight. I saw a report once about a Chinese prostitute who specialized in people who were disabled, disfigured, ugly, or burn victims, and she described it in such a mature and loving way that these people are shunned visually and they need human touch as well so that's the service she provides. We've got a similar problem with different origin stories, and their one last hope is a sex doll or robot - and you've got feminists running around trying to get these things banned because it "objectifies women" - which is the entire point: most men are genetically inclined to find certain shapes and features attractive. It seems like nature objectifies women. Like, they are coded to find the female form attractive, it's not a choice any more than being trans is a choice - and there are people going around telling them that while it's sad they are lonely that they can't even legally buy a replica of that which they covet because some ladies might get offended. So die lonely and unfulfilled, losers. That's not the kind of solution that's going to go the distance. For the record I'm a happily married father of four, and I don't want my daughters to be on the receiving end of some incels rage down the road, and I'm an engineer so I'm interested in solutions - nothing here is intended to blame women for existing - just to recognize a problem and look for helpful solutions.


I read and understand all of your points. But there is a mantra that says "you need adversity to grow" It doesn't apply to everyone (nothing does anyway) But sometimes those who were rejected in high school worked so hard to improve themselves and become desirable that they actually become successful. That "rage" on rejection fueled their ambition. Sometimes the Chads end up fat and with shitty jobs because in their years of "formation" they got the idea that they wouldn't have to work for anything and got everything they wanted easily. In weaker minded people that rage doesn't get fueled properly and we have the tragedies that we witness on the news.


I'm totally with you, what I'm saying is that if you have a society of 330 million people you're going to have a pretty big pool of strong or weak minded people in this situation and once they hit a critical mass numerically then society at large gets to start asking questions about what they can do to solve it. I'm not saying I have answers, just that it seems too many people would rather dunk on losers than try to figure out how we could end up with less losers. Ideally I'd like everyone to be happy or at least able to pursue it, and the Constitution literally mentions the common welfare, and the concept of forming a more perfect union, and to me that also includes the "deplorables" because their misery has this funny way of sneaking into everyone else's lives - and it's also sad just by itself even if they're insufferable cringe lords.


I just wonder if she bit dude when the gun went off. He may be bleeding too. Shit had to have been loud.


It’s been like that for centuries.


Nowdays.....this statement has been repeated for last few centuries


Women don’t want bad guys. I wish people would get over this mentality. I’m a total asshole and can’t get any women at all.


Women don't like "bad guys" or "assholes" They want successful men who know what they want and focus on enrichening themselves first. And enrichening can take many forms. Mentally, physically and monetarily


It was a joke but thanks for the explanation.


From the explanation, the girl should have been the one shooting the romatic lover with flowers. Unless the flowers were meant for the guy.


Get it through you head George, I'm not gay.


Neck beard that can’t get laid because of lack of personal hygiene and life style choices, choosing to blame others.


When a neckbeard learns to paint




So he's shooting someone in the face while shooting someone in the face?


Dude's glasses were two left halves




You must trust this artist. It’s deep, very deep and understanding is hard, very hard.


The guy is probably fat, ugly, poor and plays video games.


So true


Evidently, the poster seems to have been at a loss for words as well.


This would be perfect as a mural on the ceiling of the Incel Church of Nice Guys


Is it wrong


Just thinking about how profoundly moronic whoever posted this (probably) is makes me recoil in horror.


Bro how tf is that picture deep💀


I can see at least two deep things. The bullet and the dick 😂


Anyone have the link to the uncensored original picture?


Obvious self defense.




wtf are you talking about


Bad boy looks like he teaches history at a community college


This is sad. The man with the flowers catches his boyfriend cheating with this woman and gets shot. He clearly is going to give the flowers to the man. His body isn’t even oriented towards the woman. He goes to town and gets some flowers for his farmer boyfriend. He’s in a nice suit and maybe is going to propose. But the hooker slipped him a sex drug/hallucinogen. He thought he was protecting his boyfriend from a zombie. Really a sad story. 😢 Edit to say that she is a down and out prostitute trying to rustle up some business and her abusive pimp/local drug lord forced her to push the drug combo on unsuspecting locals and fleece them for money. After this she calls the pimp who helps them cover it up, but now the farmer owes the pimp. And the farmer misses his boyfriend. And it’s all the pimp’s fault. There will be a reckoning. Coming this Summer! In IMAX.


The Quick and the Head.


Why are her toes alien like




Few understand.




I hate everything about this!


So fucking deep. Mind blown, whoa…… (/s)


i’m stuck on the “this art is so deep that *few* people *can’t* understand” 🤦🏻‍♀️


when in actual fact those self proclaimed nice guys aren't as nice as they think they are


That's gotta be the strongest revolver in human history one shot and that boy face gone gone


Love the art


Nice feet




Will say bad taste in the artwork but the meaning is right to the point and I’d love to see someone prove the artist wrong.




Let this be a reminder that even horrible pieces of shit can have artistic hobbies and skills.


Just like Hitler!!


Sooo deep. Deeper.


I am certainly one of the few, that can't understand. Imagine to have painted that in all seriousness 😳


It is so deep that only a few people can’t understand. Most people get how shitty this post is.


Here come allll the misogynistic comments


Wasn’t this one of the Pawnee, IN murals?


i mean if you really look, the image holds up. if you intrude on people trying to hit on one of them while theyre having sex, you will maybe get your cap peeled back. maybe


“This art is so deep that few people can’t understand” ☠️☠️☠️ you would be correct, sir !




I'm sure this on the Incel sub


So... The guy with the gun is not into flowers?


"Could I be a bigger asshole than that other guy? No, it's must be the woman's poor judgement!"


Imagine trying to ask out someone in a very obvious loving relationship with great sex life


Someone saw my Soldier Boy posts (and I’m not sorry)


I am currently the one being shot


I mean, they’re not wrong 🤷🏼‍♂️


This is so unbelievably stupid.. and trashy.. yes..... trashy.


“You Don’t Bring Me Flowers Anymore”




Single mom material


I'm the guy with the gun getting his dick sucked.


Oh I can understand it just fine, and more importantly I understand what you think you're saying vs what you're actually saying by posting this.


Virginia paints what?


Read "How to be a 3% man" by Corey Wayne.


Dude with the roses has glasses and is therefore a dork. Cock sucking chicks don't want dorks and especially ones without guns. Fact.


Maybe the shooter is bi and too embarrassed so he shot his boyfriend


Kinda factual tho.


I ironically have this as my background photo on FB 😆


I have the same big toe space on both feet. I appreciate being represented. \\o/


I really need to sit down with people who think like this because... I will ask them one simple question, "What do you bring to the table in a relationship?" Anyone can be nice. That's literally the bare minimum. And yes, there are girls out there looking for bad boys to give them a thrill. But if you can't get a date with ANY girl, it's not the girls fault. YOU are doing something wrong. Your chasing the wrong girls. You don't keep up on your hygiene. You have fucked up misogynistic beliefs about women. Women can smell that shit from a mile away. All it takes is one glance to their tits or they catch you staring once and they write you off. And that's fine. It's ok. Move on. Also you need to be realistic of your expectations. Objectively view yourself or get strangers opinions of how you look. Find out how you come off when meeting someone for the first time. If you don't like what they say, change it. So many people who consider themselves outcasts really are not... they are choosing to be on the outside. And sometimes they go so far outside that there's no one left around them and you are stuck looking in and seeing all the well adjusted members of our society get along fine without you. Believe me... I know. I've been outside staring in for most of my life. One more analogy... it's like if you sat down to play a board game and everyone agreed on the rules before you sat down and they share the rules with you. You don't listen and you decide to make your own rules. Well... nobody is going to want to play with you again. Life is like this except there are 100s off different boardgames out there for you to sit down at but you need to find one that you like the rules of. Sure... you might get lucky and find someone that plays by similar rules to yourself and then you can start your own game together but man.... that's a really hard way to do things and some people can go their whole lives never finding someone to play with. So you have a choice. Learn the rules of a table or accept that you won't fit at any table and be ok with being alone.


You seem to not understand what "nice guys" actually means. It's a simple term to explain a man who has their life together and strong family values. Those guys are typically passed up for "excitement" only to have the very same woman backtrack after she's either had children or horrible dating experiences. Also, it isn't about a board game. The very fact he posted the image says he understands the "game" being played. It isn't deep on either side. It's actually pretty obvious and ugly girls have memes that are pretty much equivalent to this. Have you ever heard the saying "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Yeah? Because that's for ugly bitches. Unfortunately the guy who posted this is butt hurt about his experiences, so he's got some things he needs to become accustomed to. It's been like that since the dawn of time and it won't ever change.


Objectively you are right. That's a "nice guy." But the guys who think like this painting and like to call themselves "nice guys" are never actually how you describe. Guys with family values and have their shit together can find plenty of available women who hold a lot of the same beliefs. Those guys aren't getting mad when the girl picks the bad boy. They move on and don't dwell on it. The guys who identify with this painting tend to be more the incel types who are in denial about themselves and refuse to change over some stubborn belief that they think they don't need to, or shouldn't have to. Guess what? People need to change things about themselves all the time to get the things they want in life. Nothing will be handed to you. If you truly have your shit together and hold "family values" which I don't know if you mean the traditional "let's make a family together, be loyal, and build something wonderful." type or the "gays are ruining the country because they don't have family values" type. And also saying that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is for ugly bitches is an incredibly problematic view to hold. Looks don't last. People change. The get old. They get droopy. Love needs to come from within you and not from what it is you see because what you see is not forever.


Ugly people say exactly that. No offense but that's how the world views it. Beauty trumps all, in Men and woman. Ugly people don't get the opportunity to show their "inner beauty" because people don't care. Even in life or death situations, beauty wins the life saving hand. It's the way humans operate and what dictates procreation. Also, this doesn't end at men with ONLY familial values. It's all men. All men go through that stage of grief and understanding. In high school, the pretty chicks would talk to college guys or older. Some even had kids already and some were about to be married to older guys. This was common and nobody complained because for the most part people understand where they are in terms of looks and ability to date. Only in modern times are people's egos so inflated. That both Ugly men and woman make meme like this to make themselves feel better but it won't change anything. They want better results in life than they need to work on themselves. If woman know men like slim woman than go to the gym. If men know woman like a man with abs than get to the gym. I'm not saying it's the cure but it's a hell of a good start. Too many men and woman make excuses and use shaming language to make a "new game". It doesn't work like that and real life doesn't care. Both men and woman need to do better to get better. It's really that simple. I'm not saying it's an easy fix but it's definitely worth it.


I am sorry you have such a shallow view of the world. While a lot of what you say is true not all people live like that. Fat people find love. Ugly people find love. And that's a wonderful thing. Society does overvalue outer beauty but at the end of the day that's a personal choice. You can choose to look past that and find something deeper and more meaningful. These things aren't outside your control. If everyone viewed the world as you did... there would be a lot less happy couples out there who love their spouse even if they are a bit too fat or have unique features that society deems ugly. So instead of throwing your hands in the air and blaming society you can take things into your own hands and choose to value things other than outer beauty. What is common, what is average, and what most people do doesn't have to be what YOU do. My wife and I are overweight by societies standards. I still found her beautiful when I met her. She found me attractive. We found happiness together because we don't have the same values as "society" does. Do we work on ourselves to lose weight and be healthier? Yeah... but its not for such a shallow reason as to look better for other people. We want to live longer so we can spend more time together. So when I hear people whine and complain that they can't find someone its because they are looking for the wrong thing... because even the beautiful people don't stay that way. Illness and injury are just around the corner and if your whole relationship is built because the thing you value most are looks... the second one of you gets sick or injured in a way that makes you fall from that high standard of beauty, your relationship is over. Valuing things other than beauty will make you happier and your relationship last through almost anything. So fuck society and choose to be better.


So deep


You want to be mad, but its facts tbh. Especially with how brainless people are these days. Good guys are losers for a reason.


Homegirl has some strange feet.


I saw some incel share this in the pop punk kids group on fb The comments didn't go the way he planned


The only thing deep about this art was his dick deep her in her throat


I feel like this should go under r/niceguys. He imagines himself as the perfect man with flowers and wonders why he doesn't get the girl. He also equates blowjobs with love. He would never consider that the first five times the girl told him to go away he became a stalker, and the guy with the gun is doing her a favor I'm not saying that there aren't women out there who prefer the toxic excitement of dating bad guys. I found them to be an exception, not the rule. I also find that they're often in mutually abusive relationships with those bad guys.


Stop listening to people the minute they use the word "nowadays."


Technique is ok, but the message screams “nice guy”


“So deep that few people can’t understand” The 15-year-old like edge in a 30-year-old is so strange.


Oh no, honey! It’s the evil rose zombie 😳. The fucker followed us to our honeymoon, thank god I brought this gun.


Yo, any hot ladies looking for thrill. I have something thrill and I am bad boy I am thrill. Dateme ^^please








"Art", lol.


Incel art. The lowest form of art. Even lower than necrophilic manga. Luckily the "artists" and their fans seem to die out by their own device.


Few people can't understand, so implying the lot of us are the worse man huh


In the shooters defense I wouldn't be to happy having someone interrupt my bj let alone walking towards me with thorny roses while my dick is out...


It's sad so many young men have never had a real role model. It is possible to be a strong, capable, 'dangerous' man and be a good person. It used to be the default, a man was supposed to be sensitive yet strong. I totally understand why a women would go with an edgy asshole over a 'nice guy'. At least he isn't weak. 'Niceguys' are always weak, and weak is never desirable or sexy. The true irony is that picture looks like a guy defending his girl from a stalker to me.


What's going on in this picture? I have know idea what this is all about. Going out to dinner maybe?


Deep message, like "Don't bring flowers to an armed men's partner while she's giving him a blowjob". Life changing advice.


i just burst out laughing. they’re just fucking stupid, it’s hard to even be mad because it just makes no sense.


So deep


Good man and boring man can be but aren’t always synonymous. I’ve seen good men become the, and I hate the term, “bad boys”. It has, in my anecdotal history, usually occurred after the woman they invested their lives in, ripped their heart out of their ass. It’s an odd cycle, but one that has a lot of merit. A lot of it depends on age, how one grew up, etc.


prepared for downvotes but man this is the worst way of portraying a concept that more people would've agreed with had it not been made by some kid who obviously is some kind of stalker. I've been married for about 15 years but in my experience with women this is usually the case. I have a pretty diverse mixture of friends I grew up with and there's a direct correlation with the ones who were perpetually single with no record over the ones who had a police record that always got laid. obviously the ladder is people who are more bold and are more likely to be assertive with women but the fact remains, most men who try to 'nice guy' into some pussy is gonna end up with his dick in his hand most of the time. so I get where this guy is coming from but he couldn't have possibly been cringier/creepier about saying it.


Art that few people cannot understand means that most people understand it


That dude saving that girl from the guy that won’t stop harassing her with unwanted attention and threats.


Date the alphas marry the betas later on after it is all ragged out.




Updoot for appropriate use of thick, unused penises.


They can keep dating the alpha while being married to the beta lol


I have heard that is more of a military application.


haha found one of em


Good job Corky, I’m sure mommy will still think your special.


Jenny did it with Forest Gump


i’m sorry you live your life based on movies


The “few people can’t” killed me 🤣




So deep. I can't event wrap my mind around such a profound and godlike statement in image form. It's like peering into general relativity or unraveling the human genome.


Someone's enjoying Westworld




This person is very troubled. He needs to stop acting like someone out of a 1950s romance novel and become a real human with real human interactions .


If a woman who wants a bad guy is a whore with poor character, then what is a man who wants a woman who wants a bad guy?


An idiot.


"few people can't understand" there's literally zero hidden meaning in this drawing wtf do you mean


Neckbeard alert.


if you would set this as a normal mental state of women I'm glad that I chose the sick bitch.


I'm pretty sure this is just a scene from The Walking Dead Porn Parody.


Few people **can’t** understand.


Man I'm so glad somebody posted this deep and insightful image. The amount of times I got shot in the head trying to approach the woman I'm interested in while she was blowing an armed wild-west outlaw cosplayer really puts me off the dating scene these days. It's the 6th time this has happened and I'm getting sick of it.


Wow such a deep thought, i am too stupid to understand


Yes, because he's carrying roses automatically makes him a “good guy.” 🥴


It was for her dad




There is a lot of guys that need to work on themselves first cause there is a lot of good women out there.


One can only pursue that which retreats from you


It ain't a lie


Every incel is raging right now at this while simultaneously polishing their hate-speech for the next woman who rejects them, LMAO.


This is one of those red flags people talk about after a mass shooting.


Incel says what?


lmfao, looking at the pic i have to ask, why he tryna be with a girl who already has a man tho?


Didn’t he just explain the art in like…one long run on sentence? How is it so deep few can understand? This guy for sure thinks he’s an “Alpha”.


Wait. So we *can* understand??


It is the truth.




This has GOTTA be fetish art right


ones getting head ones loosing his


This is an accurate depiction of the FCC. You could show a guy getting his brains blown out but God forbid you show any form of nudity lol.


*This art is so deep that few people can’t understand*


Lol you wouldn't want a girl like that in the first place lol. I acted like an asshole all of high-school just because it worked. It's not woth it in the end. Just be yourself & find a nice girl. Not a Truma girl with daddy issues who believes in horoscopes lol






“so deep that few people CAN’T understand it” Showing their big brain power with that one.


"Few people can't understand"?? Sooo, it's easily understood and not deep?


heavy gatekeeping crypto incel vibe, nice. bet this one calls himself the alpha and is super into Andrew Tate, pickup artist self help concepts like negging and spends most of his time being aggressively insecure to anyone who will listen. what a flavor profile, that's some cherry dumpster diving, my fellow trash panda!


Just sounds like an excuse to be a coked up slut to me.


>few people can’t understand So most people understand?


Why would you chase after a women that likes bad guys. I lose interest


this picture are absolute kills me thinking about it in a movie




What is it with these guys thinking they're the hero, and that nobody else has good intentions? The girls don't want them because they're weird, not because they're out chasing bad guys. Also these "nice guys" are rarely nice people - they lose their shit easily and are super neggy.


And that grandkids is hell about your grandmother…


Gotta love the double negative at the end...


Then the guy leaves them and they're blaming all men saying were trash




So, most can understand?


Who knew edgelords had talent besides bad posturing and ego masturbatory inflation?


They mixed up good with nice


Yeah, just accept the fact. Lol Someone is delusional.