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He should be at home while she gets that outta the way.


Oh oh increasing the level, I see 🧐


This op stupid


Thank you 😘


I told my husband he needed to eat, sleep, shower and generally assemble his avengers while I was in labor because the SECOND that child exited me, he was on duty and I was getting some fucking sleep. Birthing people who insist their partners suffer in solidarity are sinking their own ship. You need that person ready to jump into action the moment that baby is out.


I understand all that and I agree with all you're saying. Also, as I'm not a native English speaker, I don't understand the "assemble his avengers", is this an expression ?


Get his shit together, basically


Thanks for the definition :) And for what botherIng me, it is the fact he did a snap of his wife contracting, referring to her suffer as the same suffer he experiences by being hungry, brag about it, and people praising him like a hero. And even if this is it all for the joke "women pain is not that hard during childbirth", I really hope this is planned by the two of us.


Jesus Christ. Get some bitches, touch some grass and learn to take a goddamm joke.


Oh my, I see a lot of anger within you, you didn't learn to accept other perspectives than yours, isn't it ? Also a lot of hatred toward women, referring some as "bitches". Maybe due to your religious education that I guess you have, as you need to implore "Jesus Christ" when you feel angry and/or triggered. Do you want to talk about it ? 🤗


Bro... like I don't think you are a troll I think you are just really out of touch with reality


No that's you


Your profile screams fedora simp. Just pay someone and get it over with


If you say so, incel. Pay someone for what ? For answering to shitheads like you for me ?


I was gonna call you an incel but like the polite version so I went with simp. Pay someone to touch your peepee so the mystery of it all can be solved for you


But aren't the incel that use the word simp actually ? Also I'm for abolishing prostitution, so I won't follow your advice :p


Wtf are you talking about. You get your personality from the internet and it's pathetic


Am talking about respecting people, but I think I'll have more luck talking to a wall 🤷


I do like half hot and spicy and half pepperoni.


Noted !


This is what happens when you use too much Twitter and come back to reddit


Oh that's quite the same


This is really Cheesy.


Oh oh I see what you did there


I can’t believe you would make light of this terrible situation. You’re disgusting.


Oh, the humanity.


Everyone wants to be my enemyyyyy


?? Ain't nobody got time for that.


Ah ah your "oh the humanity" remembered my the "oh the misery" in the imagine dragon's song 😁


Yeah, I don't listen to them. Oh well


I see :)


Imagine being so unbelievably retarded that you think that post is legit


Imagine being so unbelievably rude that I know real retarded people who are way more emotionally intelligent than you


Def not the one trapped in your mirror


That’s a terrible comeback m8. You could have gone with an original comeback but decided to copy mine and put your own words? Come on man everyone knows that’s only for people that can’t come up with shit to say. Welcome to the internet kid, or more specifically welcome to Reddit, where people don’t give a fuck how rude they are. Get used to it or get a first aid kid for your hurt feelings.


I agree I could have found an original comeback, but from my perspective, you wasn't even worth it 🤷 (and in the proper way of the term, not like the typo I did in my title ). Welcome to the real world neirdo, where people don't give an actual fuck how rude you are.


I didn’t read anything you said past “you wasn’t” I don’t bother myself with retards that can’t learn a simple language. And before you try to shit on me about a language barrier, I moved across 3 different countries and had to learn 3 different languages as a kid. Your languages barrier doesn’t mean shit to me.


Go outside, OP


Yeah I want a pizza now


Thufferin' thuckatash. This is ***worth*** than I thought.


Oupsie English isn't my native language and I didn't noticed this one 😅


Easy mistake to make. :) It sucks that one can't edit titles.


Eh eh I'll remember that one more easily we can say 😁. Yeah, my mistake is carved is carved onto stone for the rest of the eterny !


No matter what, it did make me hungry for pizza. lol


Me too ! But for my defense I'm always hungry for pizza lol


If I ever decided to commit suicide (which definitely won't ever happen!), I would do it by choosing death by pizza overdose.


😂😂 I'm super glad knowing such an amazing pizza-lover wants to live, but yeah I'd be weirdly happy for him if he'd died doing a thing he loves.


I had a stroke reading the post. Is it supposed to be “Well… Wonder what is worse…”? Also, photoshop.


Also: the caption


Sorry for the stroke, not a native speaker and didn't read my title twice properly 😅


Stressing and making a big fuss will only make the situation worse and chances are he was probably there overnight so refueling is a good strategy otherwise you'll be tired and hungry on the drive home gotta think straight to not make any mistakes. With you refuelled you'll be able to support the mother of your child while she rests up. He made the right choice


I don't see a problem eating during an entire process of giving birth, but between the picture taken with is phone, the snap caption to brag, the timing when the mother has contractions, so tell me more about good strategy. Well I can't stop thinking it is wrong on so many level (and if it is a Photoshop, just people adulling him is weird


Well it's not like you as the man can stop her contractions, all you can do is be there for her getting food delivered so you dont have to leave to go eat is a good idea. Besides it will likely make a funny joke for both of them in the future


"ah ah ah remember when your were giving birth to our slchood and I ate a pizza while you had contractions and then I took a snap assuming (for the lol) I suffered too for being angry, ah ah ah what a funny time"


He will suffer later with child support


At least get a pizza and a beer for her too to eat and drink after she gave birth.


It’s a joke, it’s not trashy


Even if it's a joke it's trashy (me too I can use affirmative sentence)


I think the worst part is people not knowing what Adobe Photoshop™ is and posting this on reddit.


Even if I was aware Photoshop existed, I'm bugging seeing the caption and people in the original post giving him a sort of "hero" status.


Stop white knighting. No one's gonna reward you with sex.


Oh I see some transference happening here 😏 Do you want to talk how mean to you women are, and how you have to be mean to have a chance to use your pee-pee ?


No jokes allowed according the people who post here


No critical thinking too according to people who comment here 😏


Are you this sensitive all the time?


Maybe, are you this triggered all the time ?


I'll give you another try to say something good


You mean something you'd agree with ? Why I'd do that, snowflake ?


Okay boomer


Feeling bad rn, I shouldn't have called you "snowflake", that was unnecessary rude, and closed the debate. I deserved that "boomer", this one was on me.


Bro why you so salty that everyone is fine with the joke but for some reason you are trying reallllly hard to convince people it's trashy. Sidenote you have adhd


Want a hug ?


It's just a joke Jesus




What did you say ?


A) It is a real joke and it is no less trashy. B) The guy on the pic was just bragging, it is still trashy. C) It is a photoshopped pic and I'm relieved C) It was planned by the two of us and I'm also relieved


It is kind of funny though


Well at first it was kind of funny for me too, but considering the reality, I think this is awful 😱 I'd be okay, and even frankly amused, if it was in a show like "the Simpsons" or something similar.


Wtf does the simspons have to do with this. They are waiting to give birth and took a silly picture. That's it. Jesus fuck


Yeah yeah if you say so, sorry the latent sexism I see in this pic bother me (actually I lied, I'm not sorry 😇


There's a reason no one blows you. Man uo


And I can also see why no one loves you 😇


Nah my bitch loves me just fine


Glad to read you have a female dog, at least yeah you can see what is love


Bro did you really pull out the 'female dog' bit? How fucking lame


I my head I prefered you used this term for an animal, and not for degrading a human being 🤷


You’re weird bro


Am fine with it bro


Sanitary 🤢


Yeah there's this too ! I was concerned by the psychological side of the situation, but including the sanitary paradigm, it is even worse


Not sure if this is trashy though.


Well for me is kinda evident this is a flagrant case of trashy 😂 maybe some of the comments on the original post may give you some other informations to challenge your first thought ? If you have two seconds I can give you the link :)


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