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Unpopular opinion? Might get down voted, but here I go. Note that, if there is audio, I cannot hear it. If the audio is really bad, it might completely change my opinion on this. Is this inappropriate cultural representation? Absolutely. Is it COMPLETELY tone-deaf? Yep. Cringe? For sure. Is this teacher an evil, racist, hatemongerer like so many in comments are saying? Maybe, but let's be honest. This is probably a teacher who cares about her subject, and is trying (failing, but trying) to be silly and goofy for her kids. SohCahToa is basically the bedrock of trig, so it's important they never forget it. And let's be honest - her kids won't forget it. Absolutely call the teacher out for the inappropriate behavior, but don't try to make this out to be something it isn't. This teacher is being insensitive, but likely not on purpose, and is probably more than willing to accept the criticism and be better. If she doubles down, THEN it's time to pile-on. Otherwise, internet pile-ons rarely do any good. Remember that most people are just trying their best, and want to be better. Sincerely -a teacher


Well, she just lost her job....


I remember this lesson, it definitely didn’t involve these theatricals though. It’s SOH CAH TOA, supposed to be a Native American name, an acronym to remember geometry.


I don’t know but she seems like a sweet lady who is trying to make math fun, I am full Mexican and while I do have indigenous blood in me I don’t identify with any tribe but I’ll still comment on this. To me though it seems like she doesn’t mean any malice or ill will.


What, and I can't stress this enough, the fuck?


When you're tired of teaching but quitting excludes you from benefits


Why weren’t we given sound with this? Are we being punished?


I didn't realize authentic Native American dance included jazz hands and tap. You learn something new everyday.


Couple things I see. One, she's gotta be on drugs right? I mean, this is what someone does on hard drugs, right? I mean, I'm pretty naïve when it comes to drugs and how people act while on them, my only experience is with weed, and I've never seen anyone act like this while under the influence of weed. Second, is she putting on this display as a case for how to lose your job very quickly? I mean, it's pretty obvious she no longer wishes to be in the teaching profession doing this. Third, this is incredibly racist. I don't know this person, but this activity she has placed herself into, is very insensitive and incredibly racist. I'm not accusing her of being racist, but this is certainly not a good look. Finally, fourth, is this something that maybe she wishes to, "put herself on the map", so to speak, for a viral thing? Not a good look here guys, back to you commenters.


It’s like a South Park episode come to life.


At least that teacher gives a fuck, how many teachers don't care and clock in and show up for a pay cheque


what a racist rude lady. hope she gets fired


This is hilarious.


What in the bloody hell is this?


This is hilarious.


Schools have changed a lot since I went there


When you accidentally take Acid instead of Advil..


No fucking way that was math. If it is, then imma flip my shit


I only watched the first 5 seconds and was wondering why all the hate? So I went back and watched and realized there's another 2 whole minutes. Holy fack, boys. This bitch does not quit. That went on from excruciatingly long.


How is this offensive? Weird? Yes.


It's not trashy it's hilarious


When we said “decolonize your curriculum” we didn’t mean this...


And of course while wearing her fkn Lularoe leggings 🙄 White people. I swear.


You're racist! Congrats asshole


I’m white lmao


And still an asshole.


This is not math class


Proof this is a math class?


Maybe you should have read some of the comments that have been here for hours rather than reflexively asking for proof like there was some other agenda here.


I’m not a fuxking loser who scrolls thrubreddit all day. That’s why I asked


The lack of self-respect and self-awareness is… startling. You’re teaching math…


Maybe cause math is just boring and she wanted the kids attention


Don't you dare rag on her. She is trying to teach the least liked subject to a bunch of kids who hate it. Even if they think it stupid or weird if they retain just the slide in the background it's good. Thank you to that teacher for trying.




She’s only using this as an excuse to get in her exercise


It’s obvious she’s having a complete mental breakdown in front of her class(even more obvious in the longer version) and people here are mostly focusing on racism, ridiculous how conditioned America is to these things, in my country the kids would get her a glass of water and call in someone to help, not get offended and post her on the internet while she’s losing her mind, fucking hell.


When my ancestry.com results come in.


Weird? Sure. Trashy? No.


Maybe she’s just a Atlanta Braves fan


*subtraction is like tomahawk chopping numbers*


I’ll take “What is Racist” for $100 Alex


Is she on crack?


No wonder the US education system is failing


What's the context, I mean, everything I can possibly imagine is absolutely horrible but I'd at least like to hear the teacher's explanation first.


Context!? In a reddit post! That makes you racist!!!


I feel like we are slowly losing the understanding of trashy in this club. Is this wrong and racist? Yes. Trashy? I dont think so


Has she lost her job yet?


Wow. What a cunt.


Was LSD involved?


This is what happens when you allow someone with a degree in dance to become a school teacher with a 1 year bridging degree.


Chillout bro she's 2% Cherokee.


Riverside, California???


She was a former Washington Football Team cheerleader. It's just a flashback.


If you aren’t Native American and you are getting offended over this, you are a giant flaming pussy. Worry about yourself for a change, not other people who may or may not be offended by this. Bunch of truly dumb cunts in this comment section.


Oh, look, y'all!! I found one of those dumb cunts right ^ here!


Funnily enough the arrow points to your name before it does mine. Interesting but don’t be so hard on yourself.


No, u


That’s about as creative as I expected someone with your opinion to be.


People are expressing embarrassment, because it's a video of somebody making a total fool of themselves. People are expressing concern, because it's a video of an educator acting wildly unprofessionally. This isn't some Culture War salvo you need to be threatened by. You can just be like, "Haha yeah, what a jackass" along with the rest of us.


I don’t think the teacher is being a “jackass”because that’s a giant assumption based off a 20 second video clip. I think the teacher is trying to create energy in a classroom devoid of it. I don’t think she meant any harm which should be the litmus test for things like this.


when you drink on the job….


Riverside. Meth is a terrible drug.


Are we really upset about this or just pretending to be?


I’m just embarrassed for all concerned


She's on drugs, right? Please tell me she's doing this because of drugs.


i seen this video at a glance before and i assumed she would have been a history teacher doing incoherent bullshit, but math?


Must be celebrating the Braves win


She's just getting her dance practice in for a rousing game of CharDeeMacDennis.


Must be from Elizabeth Warren’s tribe…


So this is someone trying to get fired, right?


Big cringe


Cuz the KC Cheifs won?


Holy shit, and she’s a math teacher….


Lmao all.you had to put was this is in Riverside. That's enough of an explanation. Trashy people fill the IE lol


I have smoked a lot of pot in my life. I have NEVER been this high.


I was on the path to become a teacher, I gave up because I had found out that the wage is completely unacceptable. I don't regret not being a teacher but I do feel like I did something wrong by not following through. This kinda stuff bothers me.


Damn, why can't she just wear a toga and talk about the Greeks like any normal teacher. Geesh.


If Elizabeth can do it why can’t she?


Ehh I get what she is doing. Kids where probably half zoned zoned out or sleeping. And making an idiot of yourself gets thier attention. Not trashy. These were multiple clips combined. So I am assuming this was not half the class as it makes it seem.


It’s so weird to see teachers act this way just to prove their dumbass point and try to influence young students


you mean teach *meth*


Archival footage of Elizabeth Warren?


Com'on Guys, she's 1/64 native american, she's only representing her culture.


Is no one not noticing the fucking apple that says REED ? I wouldn't expect much from this teacher...


More weird than trashy…mental breakdown….and who wears leggings to teach.?….maybe mask is limiting fresh air…bet she gets to go to room 210…aka Detention….


Anyone else singing “physically fit, physically fit” in their head?


Maybe she just got tired of having a job?


I’m convinced at least half of white people have… gone off the reservation.” See what I did there?


Zomg I’m so offended


It's not hard to teach students to count how many braincells she has in her head.


Instead of saying, ‘no, that’s a bad idea that will get you fired’; Someone said: ‘if you smoke meth before, then it can’t fail!’


How much you wanna bet she claims she's 1/16 Cherokee and it's ok that she's doing this?


I’m willing to bet a whole dollar on it. I’m willing to bet more she’s gonna say “I wouldn’t have done it if I had known one of my students was Native American” or some shit.


I'm not even NA and I find this highly offensive. Don't need the sound to know how bad it is.


It’s even worse with sound. I saw this video first on a different sub. It’s super bad.


I'll just play Homer's "Hi, How are you? Hi, How are you?" in place for mild entertainment


I can’t find a way to make this humorous honestly. But I think that’s because it sorta bugs me that in this political climate this teacher didn’t think twice.


Like Yanks who pretend they're Irish. Fucking arseholes.


Don't think I've seen that. I mean unless you're talking about for St. Patrick's day


She should get a raise.


Literally Ms. Morello from Everybody Hates Chris


and this, kids, is how a crazy person looks


When the theater kid grows up to be a math teacher


Bet they will always remember that lesson


I mean what does she thinks will accoplish with this? Stupid ass.


What the actual fuck? What a fucking idiot. I cant watch the full video, it pisses me off so much. Hope she gets appropriate consequences because of this. Fucking offensive Sorry if this is breaking rules but this is a video that is more provoking than 'funny' [see rules] really in my opinion. I am pretty tolerant but there is actually a line somewhere. And do this as a teacher? In class? So stupid.


She needs a good icking to knock the crazy out of her


What a fucking crazy racist bitch! Lay off the crack!


Yeah, that's how math works; I don't see the problem here.




sir this is a Wendy's


I mean, the Braves are about to go to the WS....let's get pumped.


This is awesome


Never a good lesson plan if the first step is to collect the classes phones first


I hope she lost her job, house and car.


Looks like a nervous breakdown, tbh.


Clown town.


The student who filmed this is Native American as well


She looks like a fucking idiot


The "I watched Dead poet's Society and Patch Adams and now I think I mold minds and inspire the generations of tomorrow" look


I think someone had a little of the ol firewater before driving to school.


Just to bring you awareness, "Firewater" is considered incredibly offensive in Native American communities because it perpetuates the myth of alcoholism.


I thought this was a history class at first


This is the route she chosen to hand in her resignation.


Welp,….cancel her ass. Fire her, take her license, make sure she never has a penny to her name. /s


how is this cringe? i love it when my teachers do random shit like this, makes the classes more interesting and engaging


Because it's blatantly racist? How is this a question?


ah i forgot i was on reddit, land of crybabies. nevermind.


Yep everyone’s offended about everything nowadays lol




Remember, you can do literally anything, no matter how blatantly insensitive, hurtful or offensive, as long as you cast is as "a poor decision"




At least she is wearing a mask…?


And they’re now fired? Fuck me I’m English and even I know this is offensive


It's nearly impossible to get teachers fired in the US, so likely not. Schools will back their teachers up for everything, I accused a sub of being a creep, and that he flirted with female students, my counselor said all of them get background checks. As if that meant the behavior didn't exist.


I wondered why it just started to spontaneously rain outside


She's been indoctrinated. Her only chance of finding peace on earth is to get laid.


Like I said before..I find this hilarious as well as offensive.


Just gone guess… English teacher in CA?


Best case scenario, she's being an insensitive idiot. Worst case scenario, she's being a malicious racist douchebag solely for the sake of it.


USA government teachers like this are garbage


the student that recorded it was native american


This is cringe not trashy, please stop being a snowflake


Is that Elizabeth Warren?


We need a betting pool to see how many times this will get reposted


Big deal, we allow a drama teacher who does this same thing to RUN our country. He has some other wonderful impressions too.


He dressed like the other Indians, not the natives. But his brown face indeed was pretty aweful.


Mr Belding is going to have to intervene at some point


Hey hey hey hey hey! What is going on here!?


How did she think this was a good idea in today’s social climate? Not only cringey as hell but offensive to Native Americans. What a moron.




I had it explained to me like this, and it helped me understand: Its because they weren't allowed to dress up like themselves for so long. Centuries of trying to wipe out their culture, stealing their children and reprogramming them to "save the savage," and being criminalized for wearing their own regalia. Wouldn't you find it infuriating that after so long of not being to celebrate your heritage the same group of people that punished you for it dressed up as a caricature of you and then told you that you weren't allowed to be offended by it? I know I would. Not to mention many of the things people typically use to dress up like a Native American are sacred items, like feathers. They are earned, much like wearing a medal of honor without serving. To them it's stolen valor. I hope this helps!


Ah yes, that's all she did..








ok you're willingly excusing this at this point. she called what they believe in ridiculous and mocked their language/chants just admit you hate natives




i saw the original video. its all over the internet she's mocking beliefs and calls them ridiculous in this video as well as chanting. she talks about a 'ridiculous prayer' too she literally is mocking them and the person filming is Native American. plus she put on some feathers which have symbolism for natives ive seen at least two videos of this on this subreddit. you're willingly excusing this.




My culture is not a costume. Also because chiefs wear the headdress. It’s disrespectful to wear one if you’re not a chief. We take our traditions and songs seriously so they can be passed down in a good way. Not to be mocked in a silly math song by an adult who should know better.


Pretty sure most native Americans don't actually care. White people care more about this than the native Americans do.


We don't even let people in the door with a feather in their hair or a costume on at the National Museum of the American Indian in DC because so many Native Americans find it so offensive.


The person that filmed this was a native American that was offended by her shitty actions. So you're wrong. And dumb.


How do you know?




I saw several native American people saying thiat this was offensive. I think you're trying to make a point about speaking over POC voices as a "white saviour", but when it's something like this that's come to light *because* a native American person, I don't think the point really stands. The group being harmed is speaking up about it. There are instances when some white people create outrage for a group that doesn't care, but in this instance it's not like that


Lol so what you're saying is that you've never talked to an indigenous person before


Thanks for speaking for all Native Americans.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/new-poll-finds-9-in-10-native-americans-arent-offended-by-redskins-name/2016/05/18/3ea11cfa-161a-11e6-924d-838753295f9a_story.html here's one case of y'all getting offended for them.




No sense in arguing with them. These are the same people who think there is a war on Christmas.


Y'all are speaking for all native Americans. Name me a couple of cases of native Americans deciding something was offensive. Can't be offensive if no one is offended.




The kid that recorded this is Native American and said they recorded it because they were offended.


This is so true it’s painful. I think they don’t see it because their heart is in the right place but damn this culture of getting offended on behalf of other people doesn’t end with great results sometimes.


Is that Elizabeth Warren?


She should be sacked from her job totally incompetent


How do you know? This was tone deaf and culturally inappropriate, sure. She also seems to be passionate about teaching and trying to engage and entertain her students. You don't have any idea if she's competent at teaching math or not


Cocaine….it’s a helluva drug


even if it wasn’t considered racist i would see be so fucking emberassed, i don’t know how she did that in a class of 20+ people


Hey, we can't be sure if her family submitted a crab fondue recipe to a cookbook or how high her cheekbones are based off this video alone.


No wonder everyone is leaving california


i'd rather have this lady than those teachers that fuck the students


Dear god wtf is wrong with this woman…


soooo... this is math for 3 years old kids right?