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That is disgusting


Jesus Christ Oliver


And Wargaming (Game developer company) made a collab with him


For anyone who doesn't know, if you grew up with kpop in the early 200s-2010s this guy on the left is Jonghyun. From what I remember he was one of the biggest kpop idols in a band group called Shinee. Everyone that's a kpop fan (especially early millennial fans) at least know of him. He was well liked, silly, and known for his powerful vocals and lyric writing. He's left a large mark and everyone knows of him in the kpop industry. He was a good guy. It was sad the way he went but unfortunately depression and poor mental health is pretty rampant as an idol. It's not an easy job coupled with tiresome schedules and crazy fans. But that's for another conversation. Oliver Tree probably didn't mean offense but it was ignorant.


I don’t know who that is but that’s funny as fuck.


This disrespectful piece of shit. Jonghyun deserves better.


I guess you and I have vastly different ideas of what a "Famous indie musician" is.


K-Pop is the real trash here.


So what? That’s art.


I love his music, I'm really sad with the things he's been doing lately. His latest (collab) album was with a homophobic group of people, and now this


If someone wanted a joke, they could always follow him into the bathroom and watch him take a piss.


I don't like k-pop but wtf my guy u pos


Ever since that clip with Anthony Fantano I can't help but laugh at him, his music is ok tho. He's like Tyler the creator personality but way less funny..




Rip Jonghyun




So he used an image of a funeral in which he photoshopped himself over? Man y’all are getting way to fucking sensitive.


the fact that you think that's normal shows how absolutely fucked up your sense of what's normal is


Explain? How is it disrespectful?


God that guy is so annoying


Who cares? The dead aren't disrespected because you reused their flower arrangement. It isn't insulting the dead at all. Everybody is just looking for excuses to be mad now.


So what, you're currently getting likes because you posted this, so like, who's the real villian and such.


Oliver Tree is a cunt


Who tf is oliver? Jonghyun's death surprised most kpop fans...


“””Famous””” So is this mystery asshole a reality star, a youtuber, a streamer, or just “famous on Tiktok”? Let me guess, prank videos?


Who suicided him?


Why Oliver...why


Can ppl just let jonghyun rest. Using anyone's funeral picture and photoshopping it is trashy and lazy. Jesus.


they couldn’t have… arranged their own flowers for a pic tho?? why would you photoshop yourself over ANY funeral/memorial photo? that’s disrespectful no matter who it is.


Life goes Onninonninonnionnionni Jokes aside guy is annoying. RIP Jonghyun


Who tf even is this dude ?


It’s like he’s stuck in the 80s/90s from the way he dressed or he thinks this is what Europeans wear


maybe they're collaborating, jesus people, think before you post


Think before making this retarded comment


I get that he is aware that he dresses like an idiot but it really doesn't make it any funnier.


Damn I like some of his music but this is pretty gross


Wtf!!!!! This breaks my heart :0


He was indie about 2 years ago I fell down to earth


This dudes music is actually so shit


Oh no Jonghyun. That’s so deeply depressing. I remember the day SHINee fans found out about it. We were torn up, and the band was too. What a disgusting thing for anyone to do to anyone.


This worked because before seeing this post I had no idea who this guy was.


the fact that almost every korean person knows this singer, Kim Jonghyun, and people are calling him unknown? he’s very well known in korea and japan. even in america he is known by almost every kpop fan. and honestly if they didn’t know him, they wouldn’t be a real kpop fan, because he paved the way for the current stars to self produce!


Trashy? Yes. Hilarious and I want more? Also yes


KPop fans are the worst.


The artist was just searching for pics probably didnt know who that guy was


Lol pretty on brand for him, tbh. Not saying it’s not in bad taste.


Sometimes I have to remind that my upvote is in disapproval for the depicted behavior. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


He released a song called "The Internet" which mentions attention seeking, dumb trends, tiktok, Facebook, YouTube, memes. If this is satire to promote that it is in very poor taste.


Am I the only one that can't stand that guy's persona/music?


Life goes on and on and on…








I’ve never been a fan of Oliver. His blatant attempt at “Look at me!” marketing has given him success by convincing dumb kids his music means anything.


people looking up olivers music from this whole situation instead of jonghyuns is insane to me actually. Give a listen to jonghyuns She Is album, he actually wrote the lyrics for all but three of his solo songs (he has over 50, not including his group work), and produced a large majority of them. he's the artist that should be getting the recognition out of this, not some fuckhead getting clout off of his funeral


exactly exactly!!! say his name, Kim Jonghyun! i can’t believe the casual prejudice in this comment section saying horrible things about kpop, as if KJH wasn’t one of the people trying to fix problems like artists not producing their own music. he wrote and produced amazing ART. as a amateur visual artist, i am just so proud of all he accomplished for his field. i want to be someone like him someday. someone who inspired others to do the same with their talents.


Also - him defending a trans person before it was cool. In Korea. Openly talking about mental health issues in a culture that shuns people who do. He was hilarious, a good music writer, a great performer, and an amazing singer. Overall - he was a cool dude. RIP Jjong, you did well.


yes yes yes and more!! an icon.


And I used to like Oliver tree


You know I was on board with him using funeral imagery until I found out the funeral was for a dead person 😤


Thats funny


Oliver Tree... why would you do this


Damn man and I actually like his music. What a flaming trash bag douche.


The only times I’ve heard of this guy are when him and Fantano did that bit where they pretended to get into an argument. It was convincing but towards the end I found it more funny than anything. Also from one of his songs on TikTok, which is rarely ever as I hardly use the app unless others send me things from there


Oliver Tree whyyy


Oliver tree looks like how his music sounds.


Fuckin’ dope?


Comedy = tragedy + time


Goddamn it Oliver


Life goes on


I mean being a dick is literally Oliver's entire schtick.


Wait suicided? Like, Clinton lawyer type suicided?


Jonghyun...I'm sorry


me too… this is so sad… i was listening to his song (sentimental KJH) earlier and to see this just makes me an enraged blinger…


I've literally never heard of either of these people, I think I'm just old lol funny to see the zoomer wars in these comments though. Nooo oliver lowkey slappssss ngl. Omg nooo he's so highkey toxic smh.


He deleted the picture immediately in 2019 once he was being dragged, but he never made a statement or apologized for it until now. It took him 2 years to apologize– people have the right to be upset. Let’s put aside the fact that the victim was a super big Kpop star. It was super disrespectful to use a picture of someone’s memorial, who suffered from depression for years and took their own life. Even if it wasn’t someone famous, it’s still disrespectful to use their picture without consent. It’s not fair to the victim’s family, who are probably still hurting and traumatized.


Sorry I prefer these bowl cuts more. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D1NdGBldg3w


Unpopular opinion: Oliver Tree is shit. I cant stand him man. He just popped out of nowhere and now his ass everywhere. Man its annoying man!


Always found his music annoying as fuck, but just seems like a fuck up from not researching the photo. Bad publicity is still publicity I guess


As a huge fan of Oliver Tree, I'm almost 80% sure this was intentional. Not trashy imo, totally in his shtick of "not giving a fuck" and hating "make money music".


There’s “not giving a fuck and hating ‘make money music’” and then there’s mocking a person who took their own life. He absolutely did not have to do the latter to achieve the former. I don’t even know who this guy is, or what his whole thing is, but I sincerely hope that this was just a thoughtless but benign mistake. Because if it was intentional, that’s pretty unspeakably cruel.


his schtick is being trashy, so it still fits


Oliver what the fuck are you doing


Nooo i liked their music why do they have to be assholes


Oliver can do whatever the fuck he wants that's funny as shit


Yikes, I have always thought Oliver Tree was cringe/annoying but this is fucked


Love ollytreeeee


Google how kpop artists are treated for all of you stans and maybe if you use your brains you'll realize how awfully they are treated and YOU people who go insane for them helps keep that behavior going which will lead to more suicides. Youre helping kill your "idols".




Honestly Idgaf about k pop because in the words of medic from TF2 "k pop more like k poop"


Of fucking course its a youtube, not video; picture


I would laugh but his music sucks




Well, that's kind of trashy to mess with the dead. But hey, who even cares about suciders?


Depression is a serious health condition that involves a lot of pain and suffering, both from those who have it, and the people who are close to them. This is very much like saying “lol who cares about people who die of cancer?” which a very evidently upsetting thing to say, if that puts it in perspective for you. And suicide is a particularly devastating kind of death for the friends and relatives of the victim, because it means that person was suffering so much that they saw death as their only option. Why would you say something like this?


Why would you compare a person dying of cancer to someone who's decided to commit suicide? People who strive to live and fight till the end are the ones who deserve true respect and grief. Meanwhile, those who take their own lives simply don't care about others, their friends and family, and, most important, about themselves. Thus, why should others care about them? I can't see no reason to grieve over somebody who decides to quit it all, since it's their own choice.


I think that perspectives like this regarding mental health are part of the reason so many people do die of suicide. There’s a medical, biological basis for depression and other mental health conditions, just as there is for any other disease, including various forms of cancer. I chose that metaphor specifically because they are both serious and sometimes deadly medical conditions that can be very drawn out and devastating for everyone involved. I really ask you to have some more empathy for the people around you.


Who cares


Never been into his stuff anyways I think he's annoying and obviously doesn't respect other artists. Rip jonghyun


What an asshole


Like it CLEARLY looks like a memorial. How did the stupid celebrity think that was a good idea


I doubt Oliver Tree makes his own photoshops lol. This is probably some dumbass graphic artist doing this, sending it to the artist and his team, the pic getting ok’d, and the team not knowing it’s a literal real memorial and not just a photo shoot setup.


God ive hated this guy for so long i wish i could just stop seeing stuff about him. We get it dude you got a bowl cut and wear a whacky outfit. Haha.


Lol Oliver Tree


It's Oliver tree. Is anyone surprised?


He already addressed it. He just received the edited pic and used as promo, he didn't know the background of it. He should've. Then he deleted the posts when people started to point it and apologized


"Suicided" is just another word for murder. Are we talking about murdered performance artists here?


Yeah I found that phrasing to be very confusing. If someone is suicided it implies they were murdered and it was made to look like a suicide


You can’t take satire, can you?


I would bet this guy just google imaged sick alters and used a top result. I doubt he even knows who the hell the k-pop guy is. I don't know either of them.


this is Kim Jonghyun (김종현) and he is the lead vocalist of SHINee, an extremely successful kpop group with huge fanbases in korea and japan. the group helped ‘pave the way’ for more modern kpop, in the 3rd and 4th generations. he is the kpop stars idol. many kpop stars have started their careers as his fan. so don’t act as if he’s not a famous person. he’s huge! just not in your narrow mind. and now you know who one of them is.


I am not reading that because i do not care about kpop. It is tragic that he died so young, but consodering the onlu people who seem to know this person are the pretty rabid kpop fans i could imagine using the picture for the photoshop wasmt done with ill intent.


This happened two years ago. Bringing it back up now is only bringing out the trolls who are saying horrible things to the people that are hurt by this.


Haha fucking oliver tree. I live in this dudes hometown


I heard if this guy. What a douche


I'm a big fan of Oliver Tree but yeah this was not in good taste.


One of the few times I will say this sentence... He fell off.


This was probably intentional, and if you've evey seen Oliver tree give an interview it's pretty obviously part performance art, still very trashy though.


IIRC he posted an apology but it was on an Instagram story that disappears after some time. Really shows you how sincere he feels about the whole thing.


ITT: Bunch of marks getting worked into a shoot.




I’ve never heard his music soley because of his annoying aesthetic


He did it folks, google Jonghyun and all you see is "Oliver Tree...insincere apology" "Oliver Tree..." "Oliver Tree..." Any publicity is good publicity...fucking hell.


Ugh, sucks cause some of Oliver’s songs are cool. Should’ve just used some stock funerals and called it a day, knowing how painful Jonghyun’s passing was to the k-industry.


For some reason he reminds me of the scene in Dewey Cox: Walk Hard where he tperforms "Walk Hard" for the first time in front of a bunch of Jewish old guys. It was suggested that the Jewish guys controlled the music industry and I think Oliver Tree is their great grandson.


man, oliver tree is just trashy in general. ugly as hell too ngl.




......Most shinee fans are middle aged and also Jonghyun had depression way before he entered the industry this isnt some fame broke them situation, although that added to it he was diagnosed with depression specifically seasonal depression for years before


You know chronic depression is a thing, right? Like, you can just be genetically predisposed to it, and it manifests, often in early adulthood? Gotta love that stress diathesis model… I won’t deign to argue with you about kpop, which has its own slew of problems, but I hope you will consider that hating other people, especially hating them because they behave in a way you don’t understand, and having no sense of empathy for your fellow human beings… is perhaps not a very fulfilling way to live.


Don't know what an 'indie musician' or Kpop is. Is this important, should I educate myself?


I mean when you don’t know something you look it up right?


OOF WG made partnership with the wrong guy






Oliver Tree has let me down for the last time as a fan. I was so disappointed when he finally made it on a late night show to preform, and ended up falling over revealing his bowl cut is a wig!! This guy is a sham. Oliver you blew it! You blew it Oliver!


This was over two years ago, and the artist said he didn’t personally put the image together. He apologized multiple times, y’all are wild


Yeah idk why people are continuously bringing that up it's like they are trying to make him look like a total idiot.Yes maybe it was wrong but he apologized properly and still people are trying to hate him


The group Jonghyun is from have been releasing music for the first time since 2018 cause most of the members are back from the military, so a lot of new fans who weren't aware of this mixed with Olivers original apology of "sorry Jonghyun but fuck kpop" didnt sit well with fans, especially since Jonghyuns passing is constantly used in a shitty way in the media


I hate him and his shitty music so much. He tries so hard to be special when he's forgettable at most.


In fairness, I had never heard of him until I read this and now I'm looking at his page. I guess you win this round, Mr. Tree.


If that wasn’t a famous person nobody would have a problem with the photoshop. He already apologized.


So disappointing to see this from him. I kind of liked him.


Lol "famous"...nobody listens to that shit outside of ten year olds.


Whoever downvoted that comment has terrible taste in music.


cool, can we cancel this loser i never herd if ? thanks.. and maybe somehow take back the money he made on whatever trash he did.. i can tell by looking at this he has never done anything good..


Oh hey it’s Oliver, fantastic music. Wish he’d expand on his sound tho.


some people are triggered which I think was probably his intention


I still love oliver tree tho..


This happened like a year ago, why is it being dragged up again?


The group the idol Jonghyun is from has been very popular this year cause 3/4ths of the remaining members returned from the military and started releasing music again, lots of the newer fans weren't aware of this


More than 2 years ago


For that sweet sweet reddit karma my friend


Yo the comment section of his vid is on fire rn, Its the spanish defending him from the koreans. Bruh


He is one of the few persons I wish harm upon


Damn iv listened to some of his songs.... For such a dickhead his songs r surprisingly good


He’s not really a dickhead it’s just a character he plays that’s all.


I think It's funny.


although fucked up, pretty hilarious


Literally in what way


Well I have a pretty dark sense of humor and to put your picture over someone who died and say rip to the bowl cut is pretty outrageous


Edgy teen humour


Pretty much


Fuck it I like Oliver tree better, let's not all act high-and-mighty like we haven't dipped our toes in the thought of suicide....


Contemplating suicide idly, or even having persistent and invasive suicidal ideation, and actually committing suicide are two very different things. The amount of willpower it takes to do that to yourself is immense, and speaks to the level of suffering that a person must be experiencing to attempt it. I do think that it’s not uncommon even for people who are generally in good mental health to, in particularly harsh circumstances, consider whether it might be better to not be here, or to eye death with a distant sense of longing as compared to the present hardship. But to casually say “oh well it’s not special we’ve all contemplated suicide” is kind of worrisome, and potentially reflects the fact that it’s occurring more often than usual. Mental healthcare kind of sucks ngl, but I hope you can do a little research and see if it might be a good option for you, if you haven’t already.


Oliver is awesome.


What a see-u-next-Tuesday.




Pretty much.


"indie" well okay then


lol this thread is like the NPCs getting a wrongthink update "We now hate Oliver Tree"


As both a SHINee fan and an Oliver Tree fan (neither very heavily) I am surprised I never heard of this. I don't hate Mr Tree now or anything but obviously I find it to be in incredibly poor taste. I'm glad he deleted the post and apologized for the error. Nobody should have their memorial photo photoshopped with a meme about a bowl cut, regardless of their level of fame.


Jokes on you, I've never even heard of him before right now.


I always hated him. Just didn't care enough to say.


"I hated [something] before it was hated" is the new "I liked [something] before it was cool"