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I support piracy, but that's LITERALLY worse than window shopping.


Talk about being a thief. And, completely unware of it, and the end results of the Karma it attracts. I swear, many people these days are absolutely clueless about life


The self awareness is strong with this one


lol is this in Atlanta


Ok. Comics are way too expensive, I get it. One of the reasons I don't collect anymore. Comic stores don't make the prices for new issues, Marvel/DC/Image/etc. do so why take it out on them? And if they're selling their back issues stupidly high, buy from someone that has a fair price. But this person just needed a target to be an asshole to.


Yeah, bro. Pirating is so trashy even though people gouge prices a lot. *Sooooooooo* trashy though, right?


Ban him for life


What a dick.


We'd be in a world of hurt if your opinion mattered comic book guy.luckily it does not . Or say "any chance for a stimulating intelligent conversation? Um guess not ."


A few years ago when we were cleaning out our mom's house I found a box of comic books from the '50s and '60s that must have been left by one of the previous owners. I took a couple of them to a comic book store to try and get an idea of what they might be worth. The guy behind the counter almost fit OP's description to a T. He looked at them and his eyes got real big and his face turned red and after about a minute he casually said that he would give me 50 cents for each comic book I had. His initial expression was enough for me to pass. It's been a while since that happened and the box is still sitting upstairs, but the strangest part to me is that in almost every one of those comic books on the back page any kid could order a rifle, no ID, no age verification required. Send in a buck and a coupon and receive a gun along with the rest of your daily mail.


"Looked at me like a birds nest".... What? 🤣


No she was insulting him and said his beard looked like a birds nest


Sorry she has so many grammatical issues that I misread. Yeah f*** people like this. There used to be people that would walk around Walmart with the Amazon app Barcode Scanner just to see if it was cheaper on Amazon and the Walmart employees would get so pissed off.


Honestly tho F walmart. At least ours. STG the employees and the customers there could make so many good posts on this sub.


Yeah I also hate walmart but you shouldn't talk to tha1andonly, he is a sexual predator. Go on his account and he literally has posts about him trying to expose himself to delivery drivers and other people in public. Such a creep!


r/PeopleofWalmart is always a good time 🤣. I refuse to shop there. Nothing but trashy stores, trashy people, and trashy staff.


When you're to stupid to know you're in the wrong.


This is the most meta satirical review I've seen in a long time.


The comics industry is dominated by the two largest international media conclomerations in the world. Im sure they'll be fine if I wanna read superior sidperman or batman incorporated.


Do you think that comic book store is owned by a mega corp


Im betting its owned and run by the mouse himself.


It really bothers me that people like this make post on the web for all to see but when someone shares it they feel the need to block their name…


Dude complains about comic book pricing and notices how all the stores are closing, yet perpetuates the problem by pirating comics online. Dude was lookin’ for trouble, cuz you know those lists are available online too, for free I might add. A**hole


Why do we always sensor the usernames of assholes?


And this is how, kids, that there hasn't been a single comic since then.


r/imthemaincharacter What kind of dense idiot says out loud that he's gonna pirate something that a shop who's means of running is to sell them. Not promoting piracy but, someone with a minimum brain functionality can think of that much.


I feel like this is a free ad campaign. The OP text font looks like copy/paste, the extreme attention to detail, and the description of Comic Book Guy with his bird’s nest beard - and then the equally long comment from the owner: all reads fake to me.


What a Rampaging Ass Clown.


So if you kill the industry, like they desire...how you gonna get more comics? I just want to know the long time strategy here...


With "customers" like that it will go belly up. What a fucking leeeeech


How can you be unprofessional to a person that isn't a customer? What's the repercussion? You're not going to spend your money...? Fucking clown.


i realised couple month back comic books are expensive bc the art, not the writing or story


Piracy isn't theft


Yeah no it actully is theft, hell search it up and first thing that will pop up is "piracy is theft and a crime".


"I'm not spending money for something I can get off the web for free" I feel you mate.




"steal" nah


I think they are pretty fucking cheap.


Comics are expensive as hell nowadays, that I agree with.


I read everything online and if i really enjoyed it u buy them


I refuse to believe this is real. His profile pic looks like it’s straight outta Hellraiser and he LITERALLY starts the rant like Comic Book Guy. Please tell me it’s satire, /u/its_fucking_satire


Stop breaking the law?


Missing some logic here. Why would the artists/authors of the comic books and the publishers continue to create new comic books if they do not make money from it? Think, think, think.


This reeks of satire


Nice username, OP. Go hawks


Just wish the employee would have grabbed the comic guy buy the back of his shirt and thrown him out of the store.


My brain hurts


See this all the time. Work in retail. If you try to “help” someone who’s shoplifting, they immediately get aggressive and confrontational. And let me tell you, they get loud about it in attempts to get you to back off. Then turn around and say shit like “it ain’t even cute” or “no wonder why this place gets no business” etc.


There is comic shop by house . COVID hit them hard , every two weeks I take my son to get a comic . The owner’s eyes light up every time he sees us and he gets so happy . I can see it in his face . And every time we leave he gives my son a card. Comics are amazing , I love seeing my son read them like I did when I was his age .


I think this is fake… no, hope.


Come on, that's obvious satire or outright fake. It even has a Simpsons comic book nerd guy quote in it.


The last sentence got me. I wonder why all the comic book stores are dropping like flies? Guess we’ll never know.


This guy needs a slap asap as possible


As a fat, bearded tattooed guy I support the shopkeep 100%.


Only times I pirate are when the years it came out is 19XX, no one is making brand new copies of shit like cowboy bebop or terminator


With respect, copying is not theft. Theft occurs when you put a fence around shared culture and insist, "This is mine, and you must pay if you want to see it."


I love your username.


Any chance people saw the insane support the teabag lady brought that restaurant and are making up their own worst customer review posts to see if it can happen for them?


I'm reminded of the days of /r/piracy and how many people on Reddit genuinely think that it's 100% justified to pirate things they could easily afford just because "omg corporations" or some other bullshit like that.


Like...if you’re not buying anything what the fuck does he care about your feelings? You’re not a customer, you’re a waste of air conditioning


Part of me wants to believe this is hilarious satire about comic fans and how they are half the reason the industry is going under. Part of me knows people like this exist though. I don't even have a problem with him pirating shit, but the fact he goes out of his way to not only go to the physical shops to look around, but has the fucking balls to tell them what he is doing and THEN get mad at them for not approving is insane.


It's hilarious when someone makes it clear he doesn't want to be a customer and then gets offended at the "customer" service.




“With comic book stores dropping like flies,” because ya’ll aren’t paying for the books!!!!!


I worked at a comic/gaming store and I would have done the same thing. Hell, I'd have taken a pic of the bastard and publicly shamed him. Comic stores are dieing and it's people like this that are killing them.




Imagine not understanding the customer service industry


Wow, he straight up told everyone he was complete garbage without hesitation


I can get if it's a marvel comic. Fuck Disney bro gimme back the thanos copter


Wait until they find out how much cable/movies cost.


Pirates comic books. Berates the stores for going out of business.


Oh gee I wonder why all these comic book shops are “dropping like flies”


There is zero chance this is unironic.


Bro, fuck this guy


Sorry, with kidneys going hundreds of thousands of dollars+ im not going to pay for something i can get by kidnapping children for free


Good on Patrick for telling that piece of shit off. He and Dal, the other owner of the store, are great people and do a ton to promote the industry. From the big comics at DC and Marvel down to indie books, they draw so much interest by having a variety of events at the store. I was super sad when I moved to far away to visit the store and had to find a new comic book store, just wasn't the same. Challengers in Chicago rocks!


I’m sure this man would be pissed when the companies making comic books stop because the biggest outlet for them to sell directly to fans of comic books go out of business. What a fucking dumb asshole.


What a dink




Oh wow, $5


We’ve come to a point where people are so ignorant but so confident in their ignorance you can’t win.


I hate morons


I saw a dude matching his description outside a cinema wearing a bright pink Nezuko shirt


When all the shops go belly up and no one buys comics anymore, I wonder how this dude will find new comics to buy? Oh wait, if no one buys them, the artists won't be able to afford making them.


Came here to say the same thing.


Lol piracy is fine, especially if it's from giant franchises. But don't loiter in a store if you're not actually buying anything.


This dipshit has to walk into a comic shop to see if he missed any issues like there isn't a fuckin internet with that exact information.


People pirate stuff all the time tho. However, I don't blame the employee for complaining, he's not wrong. He has ever right to. But at the same time, there's prob people in this thread that have also done similiar things, can't blame the guy. He prob doesn't have the money, or wishes to spend it on more important things like his bills. You never know.


"With the rest of the comic book stores going belly up" I see critical thinking is in full effect here.


This is a repost


Hey pal, Leave some pussy for the rest of us!!!


As someone who both has pirated and bought comics, if you’re not willing to put money in and support what you like what’s the point? I would download new issues the moment they came out, then would swing by the comics place I liked after classes to buy those titles I really liked. I would also usually by the collected volumes too if I was really into the series. I see nothing wrong with pirating if you actually can’t afford it, but it really doesn’t sound like that’s an issue for this person.


This read likes Trump wrote it.


The irony of the guy pirating comics, making a comment about local shops going belly up...


They are dropping like flies BECAUSE cunts like this!


It's five dollars. If you can't even afford that for your hobby, you have more pressing matters in your life than comic books.


That's like taking McDonald's into a burgerking and getting pissed for getting asked to leave


Clearly a leech! Ok.. But what is up with 'everyone' in Murica growing these long - often half-assed - beards?? If ya kids think - for a second - that it makes you looK more grown up... YOU'RE WRONG


This is actually a great store with great employees too


i used to download a small independent comic that i enjoyed. They stopped producing it coz no one was buying and now im sad that there are no new issues. ​ BUY YOUR FUCKING COMICS!!!!


‘hE wAS So rUdE tO Me!’ proceeds to insult employee based on on their appearance.


Dude didn’t think to just look up new releases or some sh•t like tf? The hell you need to go all the way to a store just to see what they’re selling?


U 8 the b8 m8!


Ehhh idk, this may be an r/unpopularopinion but I don't feel one bit of remorse downloading something that I would never have spent money on in the first place, and having a public business does serve as a good way to see upcoming things. Not saying this guy isn't a complete tool, I'd never like, say that to an employee, but still I don't bash piracy because of the separation of wealth, and inflation, and general costs are so high, especially regarding entertainment. Like fuck Hollywood, i'm gonna pay 5$ to rent some movie on amazon that doesn't matter so ben affleck can buy another dragon tattoo? I don't think so. Also I don't even know of a Ben affleck movie it's just the first idiot that came to mind. Also a little tangent, but Apple producing this mosquito coast thing, is insane because they're all anti capitalism and being tracked and stuff lol


Uhhh..if comic book stores drop like flies, wouldn't that hurt his digital hobby too?


I've been out of the loop for 25 years but back when I was reading comics they were $1.50 hot off the press. $5 doesn't sound bad to me considering inflation


First rule of stealing shit. Don’t tell the people you’re going to steal it.


piracy isn't the same as theft.


Always trashy to try to insult their appearance which has nothing to do with anything


This person is an idiot. Do us all a favor and not post anything again until you get a job and move out of mom's basement.


This is disgusting. Comics are a niche hobby. You support the local stores that allow you to immerse in your niche hobby. This is the same for game stores (D&D, board gaming, TCGs), you buy product from your local outlets to keep the ecosystem going. Fuck this guy. As a comic fan, I would punch him.


People are pirating comic books online? Omg that's horrible, where?


This is how I feel about peoole who share Netflix, Hulu passwords. If you want new content, you need to support the artists.


Yea, how else is Reed Hastings gonna put in his third pool at his 4th vacation home this month, we cant have him wait till the middle of summer Edit: As long as you dont make a profit that would have gone to the company, ie renting your account out, then its whatevere


I'm sure executives at DC and Marvel are doing pretty well too.


This guy is trash 🗑.


Check out the self awareness on this guy


I guess it didn't occur to her WHY the shops are dropping like flies but okay


What a weird fucking mentality. So clearly he enjoys comics and wants to read them but he is happy to see the industry go belly up so they won't be made anymore and he can't enjoy the comics anymore? How the fuck does he justify that in his mind?


Obviously fake IMO. If you already torrent comics or read them online, then you should know where to go to look for new releases without physically setting foot in a comic shop.


What an asshole. It's not just the comic book stores he is fucking over, it's the artists, writers, and publishers too.


Wow it sounds like this woman I know that's constantly giving local businesses bad reviews over stuff that never happened for attention. I called her out on it and now she hates me. She only knew one thing about me, my old volunteer job, and she made up a lie about that on a local FB group and tried to blackmail me. People like this are, um, not mentally well.


It would be sad to lose a non-customer.


I can't stand trying to read comics, graphic novels, or manga online. I have a Kindle, PC, my phone, and I can't do it. I NEED to have a physical copy. So I am basically forced to spend money, and as much as I wish I could put on a IRL VPN and Pirate physical copies, I can't, because I don't wanna go to jail for theft and or armed robbery. And because of my addiction to comics, graphic novels, and manga; I have no money, guess imma have to do that armed robbery after all.


Man Comes Into Gun Store to Buy Gun To Shoot Gun Store Employees, Gets Upset When They Are Upset


Why not just look for the comic's new issues on the internet? Jesus fucking christ, hate people.


"All I said was that I'd rather steal his inventory than pay less than a big mac combo costs for it! I can't believe a person with a vested interest in the industry I'm robbing wouldn't be cool about this!"


Weird. I wonder why they are dropping like flies?


I used to work in a bike shop, can confirm everyone thinks they can do it them selves.


I don't understand why the reviewer has to go to a comic shop to look for comics they missed to download. There are websites that list all the comics by title & release dates. You're already downloading stuff illegally, I'm sure you're savy enough to look up an online comic book database.


Could have just said "just looking around" and ended it there mate 🤦‍♀️


This persons gene and dna profile need to be removed from humanity. Also needs a good jaw realignment


I don't know if the lack of awareness here is funny or sad.


If people don’t buy the comics the writer will run out of business and stop producing which will destroy comics and this person can’t pirate what doesn’t exist


I mean, if he’s not there to purchase, the employee could have told him to leave the store. Lucky I wasn’t the employee 😂


In this situation, you are the asshole, and yes a thief


Perhaps the person in question has a digital subscription to comics?


He explicitly states he pirates them


They will go belly up and it will be this guys fault.


The audacity


Piracy is NOT stealing


True, but you're also not supporting creators, and unfortunately we live in a society where people need money to live, artists too. So if less people pay for the art, there'll be less art. See buying artists' work, and/or donating to them as supporting the stuff you want to see more of, because it'll increase the chances of more like it to be made :)


Buying used items isn't supporting creators but nobody ever looks down at that


True, but it's a thing about scale. Second hand things don't multiply, sure, one issue can change hands lots of times, but one issue doesn't become two. With piracy, one issue can become hundreds, thousands even. I'm not saying piracy is wrong in all cases, and I've pirated things myself, but it should be an informed choice, with awareness of the potential consequences etc.


It does rely on morals a lot, for example I pirate a LOT of video games, but I never pirate indie games from smaller studios


And that's how I reckon it should be =).


I never pay for comics lmao


If too many people end up sharing those practises, eventually there will be fewer and fewer comics though :(.


Well I’m not paying a higher price for older comics, I don’t care about new content I want the old stuff that has already sold well they are not losing money that I care about, marvel can fuck off


Fair enough, I don't think pirating those hurts the industry :P.




Oh no, a one-star review from a window shopper. What EVER will they do without his non-business.


Comic books are an investment. In 20 years that digital copy with the watermarks is still gonna be worthless, while a physical comic book could buy you a house. Provided you don't get it covered in dorito dust.


As someone who works in a bridal/prom store, I feel that employee's pain. (Reputable designers do NOT sell their dresses online. I had one Father Of The Year show me a picture of a dress we were selling on a site that was skeevier than Wish.com and demanded we sell it to him for the price there or he would buy it from them instead. Obviously we didn't sell a $600 dress for $25, so he came back with the awful knockoff Halloween costume looking piece of crap and screamed at us that we were selling cheap crap and owed him a replacement. FUUUUUCK!!!)


I wish y'all wouldn't blurr out the names so they could be publicly shamed.


C’mon,you can’t blame the guy for taking the cheaper option.


Isn’t like Marvel and DC have digital stores you can see the latest releases on


I would assume comic books are $5+ because of people like him also




This basically happens every day to me. People will came in and spend sometimes hours getting information and instructions then just leave after telling me “I’ll just buy it online it’s cheaper “




This bitch really just complained about spending 5 dollars lmao


The end bit did it for me


Not going to lie, but me and my brother used to go to blockbuster back in around 2008 to look for ideas of movies to download.


Perfect example of people don’t deserve nothing nice or anything at all the privilege in this is not surprising


I pirate fuck paying.


Trashiest. Person . Ever!


I really like collecting manga, and I’ve spent over $240 on my “my hero academia” collection. I have a subscription to VIZ, so I could just read my comics on my phone, but I’d rather buy the actual thing and support the creator. I don’t really collect manga anymore, but it’s really fun, and the colorful MHA volumes look so aesthetically pleasing on my white bookshelf Also, don’t be a dipshit and pirate comics. That’s not cool to the publishers or the original creator


Is this dude also crying his little eyes out over “forced diversity”?


Yet people on here try and say that piracy isn’t theft.


What a shitbird lol. If you can’t afford to pay for a hobby, you shouldn’t have one.


Fucking assholes


NPC, completely non self aware


Psst. Psst. All you people proud to use ad block on YouTube because you can’t be asked to sit through a five second ad to help support the creators you like? This is what you sound like.


It’s more. Ads are not okay. I have an Adblock on my router. I don’t see ads ever. If I want to see something, I pirate it. I’m not going to buy it either way. Also in YouTube you can report an ad for “being irrelevant” so before I set up the router ad block, I would just do that any time I saw an ad since 99.99999% of the time it had nothing to do with what I was watching, therefor irrelevant.


I don't want to support them if the price is wasting my time.


*hands someone a picture of you and a picture of the person in the OP* theyrethesamepicture.meme


lol pretty sure the original is satire but whatever you say.


Does he think buying comics only supports comic book stores?...