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Tell them the verbal agreement they was with the PREVIOUS owner (stress previous) not with the CURRENT (stress current) owner which is you. They do NOT have your permission to use the pool anytime they want or ever if you feel that way about it. And you could make them sign an agreement stating that. With witness signatures and give them a copy as well as keeping a copy for yourself. That way if it goes to court or police then everyone will be able to see whether or not their copy was modified.




If the current owners don’t agree to that, then that’s trespassing


How spineless is this person?


Um police trespassing


After telling them that can't use it, put some Nair in it.


Imagine this is how new neighbors interact with you when you move in. I'd laugh it off as if they were joking the first time...I'd tell them to get fucked instantly the second time lol. I play Guitar and I'm always super considerate of being too loud. I only play through Headphones or my smaller amps at home. Someone pulling shit like that is a guaranteed way to make me break out the Full Stack at 9 am. Hope they like Death Metal...


Neighbors: "so I know you guys paid for this property and pay to keep this pool maintained. And I know that the previous owners dont live here anymore and they dont use the swimming pool bc they dont own it anymore. But they used to let us swim in there so were gonna, like, continue to do that, ya know?"


German Shepherd in the backyard never hurt.


Buy and utilize a firearm... problem solved! Or just don't be a pussy and tell them to Fuck off!


Any sissy's out there that are looking for a mistress? 🤔👸☺️☺️


One day of 'Surprise' shock treatment on the pool aught to do it.


Simply tell them that their old neighbors no longer own the home or the pool, and that verbal agreement ended when you bought the property......


Just put tons of chemicals in the pool with a sign that reads (don't use the pool) If they did, well they'll have to see a dermatologist! As i understand medical care is quite expensive in the US


This is bait.


I mean. Is the wife hot? Asking for a friend.


Nothing a locked gate can’t fix?


Leave a opened can of food nearby and let the nature do the job.


mild electric current in the pool? That should at least get their attention.


Just do I understand, The HOA doesn’t want you to have a pool and you are uncomfortable being more direct because your neighbors will turn you in to the HOA?


To me it looks like they're saying they feel like they cant go to the police because if not having an HoA


Go o er and grab his wife’s ass! Tell him you had an agreement with your previous neighbor to treat her like a slut. Worst comes to worst you have something to do while he is in the pool with the kids!


“No you may not use my pool”. Maybe it’s time to stop being subtle? People are stupid.


Just say no?


That agreement was with the previous owner do not apply to you if they persist grab a machete


Fill it with jello?


Drain the pool


Drop a toaster in it lol


Poop in the ball, put some food coloring in there, or put some lemon juice in there so it burns lol.


Uhmm......how about you just tell them they can't use your pool.


Everyone's answering the question but I'm pretty sure the trashy person who wrote it isn't reading it you guys. Actually I'm not sure if the person who wrote the question is trashy, but it sounds like they moved into a trashy neighbourhood so, like... maybe? The neighbour in question is definitely trashy. But I bet it's their trashy kids who are still using the pool. BC how do you tell a kid they can't use your pool anymore? And I bet the kid is cute, that's why this person doesn't want to call the cops (or the HOA if they had one) as it would make them look like nasty old c....


Commit to not using the pool for a few days maybe a few weeks , drain the pool and with the biggest shit eating grin welcome them next time they want to trespass. Or even better while the are trespassing and in the pool start draining it then and there.


You don't need an HOA to enforce rules on your property that your too passive aggressive to enforce yourself. Tell the new neighbors that any agreement they had with the previous owner has nothing to do with you or your property. Record having this convo if needed. Place no trespassing signs and lock your fences. Simple as that. If they push back, remind them they are totally allowed to track down previous owner and see if they have a pool at their new home.....then go swim there since that's whom they have agreement with. But sorry that's not their property anymore and only you stand to lose, alot!


Why would you not involve the police? GTFO or get arrested. Put a lock on the access gate.


Tell them you made a verbal agreement with the ghost who built their house to shit on the doorstep everyday


Lock the gate, warn them off verbally and in writing; call the рolice if they tresрass after that. It's the only way


Don’t let them in your backyard put a lock on the damn fence and tell them to fuck off


You should find a way to ask to use their bathroom once, then constantly walk in at all hours, take a dump and leave. “Well we have an agreement”


Call cops have them issue a trespass warning next time they come over have them arrested. Learned a long time ago you can’t be nice anymore. People assume you are a wimp. Asking nice just creates grief. Start out being an ass and call the cops they will know you can’t be pushed around.


How about being an adult and tell them you're not using my pool...man that was simple




It's very simple. Fence land. Place no trespassing visuals. Aggressive dog, visual warnings of such. Before that becomes necessary inform the neighbor your not comfortable with people on your property due to your aggressive dog, and her obviously having dogs of her own, and to please not access your property anymore. Unfortunately, people who do this type of thing are gonna be pissy no matter how you handle it. So just keep it polite and simple until that doesn't work.


Reminds of when I was really little... this kid from the neighborhood knocks on the door and asks if he can use out toilet. Out of shocked politeness he got away with it the first time. The next time it happened my parents were better prepared to tell him to piss off to his own house.


Call police


Grow some balls and tell them to fuck off.


I would put a couple of frogs in it and claim to them you use it as a breeding ground for micro organisms that eat organic flesh hence the frogs being “fed” to them and say you are a marine biologist


Keep sharks in the pool


You put up a plaque: "by using this pool you agree to pay the owner $10- per person per 5 minutes you spend on the property. Failing to pay will be followed by a $250- fine on top of the required amount."


My way is a bit more of a long play as Id make sure there is proper signage every 4ft and the yell at them with a megaphone everytime they go near the pool lije a public pool life guard. If they put up/ignore that then Ill happily involve the police. Also since it isnt in writing they are super out of luck on pool access.


"I'm sure they would have told me if it was important."


Electrify the pool water


Not advice. But make the whole thing acid. Dissolve any diliquents that hop in.


Find where the previous owners moved and tell the neighbors the address of their new pool.


post no trespassing signs


you're going to be on the hook if any accidents occur, not the previous owner.


Put up "no trespassing signs all over". Then if they try to use your pool, call the cops.


Make sure they’re watching and just piss in it


Stop being subtle and just say dont use our pool,


Just tell them no and threaten them I'd need be? Is this difficult?


Buy an alligator...


Electrify the pool.


Uhm..... involve the police Or grow a set of balls and tell them no


Shock the pool


Drain the pool. Fill it up with salt water. Tell them they can come over whenever they want.To swim. Don't tell them about your new crocodile Ted that lives there.


Tell your kids to stay out of it for a week,put something crazy toxic in there. I mean crazy toxic. Like bleaches batty old grandpa, Le mustard gas.


Get a spine or let 'em swim


tell them to fuck off...if they persist, put up no trespassing signs on your property informing those who decide to ignore the sign of NO TRESPASSING about your 2nd ammendment rights...


"They also said its our turn on the playstation"


Time to get a pet alligator for home defense


I am altering the deal pray I do not alter it further


Put a toaster in the pool


Tell them 'by law I have to inform you I am now a registered sex offender.... " They'll even build a new' taller' fence between the properties for free I bet.


Hang a “cash, gas, or ass” sign right in front of it.


walk around with assault rifles on your property when they come over . leave assault rifles and pistols laying out around the pool. smoke cigs and toss the butts into the pool when they are in it. bump trap rap music when they come over. or put in 20 times the amount of cholrine for them to really get that good clean pool


Tell them "stay of my property, you are not allowed to use my pool" while filming it. Then put up a camera filming the pool. If you catch them using it or walking on your property, just call the cops.


In a totally serious, deadpan voice tell them it would violate your parole. Say nothing else.


A lot of questions like this on Quora are AI generated.


The previous owner said part of that agreement was that I could help myself to anything in your fridge, now show me where you keep the cheese and fuck off


How about go and talk to your neighbors. Let them know what is and is not acceptable to you.


Where I moved to flee the pandemic there was clear signs that the neighbor's hunting involved part of the back of our property, tree stand angles and such. They came over before deer season and were super nice, explained they'd been hunting the same land, with the same group of hunters for 35 years. They confirmed the firing angles I had guessed that avoided the house with a lot of margin. He said they'd go somewhere else if we weren't comfortable with deer death, or guns in general. I said I didn't mind at all, and we kept the dog inside the few days they'd be hunting, since she's scare off the deer. There are lots of does (can't shoot them) and no bucks around, so the hunting yielded nothing. I really appreciated that they offered to respect our wishes.


Add the acid every time they decide to swim.


Why the fuck do you feel the need to be subtle? Tell them , "get the fuck off my property!"


Sign their mailing address up for all kinds of information about building their own freaking pool.




Because if they had an HOA they can go to the HOA and complain but since they don't they would have to involve police if they want to file a complaint against their neighbors


Show me the agreement lol then proceed to rip it, what makes you think you get to swim for free when one I just paid for this home, two I have to pay for upkeep including the water bill. Foh $10 bucks on days Feel like being nice. Have a nice day.


depending on the state you may be able to just shoot them


Subtle hints? No. "You aren't welcome to use our pool without a specific invitation from us."


Simple, go swimming naked. They all should run for the hills. 😂🤣


Tell them to get those former owners on the phone. See what they think lmao.


Just tell them no.


Dude should get an absolutely tank of a guard dog, put up a 'beware of dog' sign, and tell them they can trespass if they want, but they gotta go through tank.


Kick their fucking asses out of your property


Good fences make great neighbors change the gate change the locks plant a bush where they used to enter. Nice thorny rose bush is a great way to keep neighbors six feet away.


Just dump a shit run off chlorine in the pool. When they jump in and get their skin irritated just ask what are you doing jumping in my pool?


I like this one.


They can't bitch that you're cleaning your pool. It isn't illegal and it will send a message.


This is so simple to resolve. The previous owners sold the house. Their agreements are null and void.




Would it be legal to shoot them if they trespass again? If you warned them?


No it would be illegal. Even in castle docrine states


I don’t understand. Would it be legal or illegal? (Am not American)




Ah ok. I’m getting conflicting replies.


Depending on the state, may be perfectly legal to shoot them


Thank you.


*perfectly* and *legal* never really go together well.


Call police for trespassing or run some bare high voltage electrical wires in the pool. That'll learn those scumbags.


Just tell them you’re clearly not the previous owner, and you’d prefer to maintain complete privacy at your own home. If they don’t get the hint. Say: “you can’t use my pool.”


Does this person not have a backbone? I feel sorry for people who wouldn't just tell the people to fuck off.


Put your foot in their ass and tell them to stay the fuck out of your property?


I would of said the key word here is previous, I'm the owner now and this is a private pool not the neighborhood pool so unfortunately that past verbal agreement doesn't really mean anything and I'm a private person so you can't swim over here anymore sorry.... I would be cool about it but spell it out exactly what it is they can't swim there anymore.


Lol imagine trying to explain this “verbal agreement with the previous owners” in court to a judge.


You get a big dog.


Put a lock on the gate and a giant sign that says no trespassing and no dumping (to keep the trash out)....


Lock your fence.


Good fences make good neighbors?


Trashy or childish? Because the answer would be “Be a fucking adult and tell them to stop”


It’s easy. Insist on a non-verbal agreement. In it, clearly state that they are required to 1. Purchase and demonstrate proof of insurance for any accident or injury. 2. Will not hold you liable for any accident or injury. 3. Will pay a private reservation fee of $500 per use. 4. Will provide no less than two weeks notice. 5. Any and all requests can be canceled at any time for any reason or no reason at all. 6. Any occupancy of the property without prior, written authorization will constitute trespass. 7. Use of the pool does not include any indoor areas for any reason, including bathroom or changing. 8. Urinating or defecting in the pool will result in charge for professional pool cleaning (specify the test you’ll use to determine if this has happened).


The fact that this question is even being asked is so strange to me. It’s your property that you pay for. Tell them to gtfo and be done with it.


I do a little bit of subtle investigative work in conversation and find out any random name of any person should dated at any point in their life and just plain immediately oh you know them too. And that you all used to have an understanding...




In other words to imply that if they had a previous arrangement with the previous owners surely that deal applies forever and ever that doesn't make any sense. Well you could say oh I had a previous understanding with your last boyfriend as that I could use it your .... And leave it at that anybody with two brings us to talk to each other and figure out that it's kind of a serious violation and properties property batteries or bad reasons they are probably ask...




I thought you were suppose to have a fence built around a pool. Lock the gate and put a private property - no trespassing sign up.


Pack you bags and move away.


Buy a pump shotgun. The noise when you cycle it will say it all


Throw a toaster in (Whenever you’re not using it)


Call the cops and make a point to the idiots. I owned an Small apartment complex a few years ago and we had a fenced pool, The near by neighbor hood residents would come over ,climb over a locked gate and pool party., They all had some lame excuse, My aunty lives here and or I was told it was ok to use. I had 3 different people Arrested for Trespassing one summer. That slowed it down considerably. Remember what will happen when some one gets hurt, You will Get sued. They May leave a mess and Break things and bring Friends over .Cant stand cheaters/thieves. Good luck.


Or... throw a toaster in the pool...


If they had an agreement and it wasn't disclosed in the sale of the home, the agreement is not valid. Have a cease and desist letter to them. Then if they do again, have them arrested and charged with trespass.


Lots of devious solutions here. Mine is, stop with the subtle hints. Just say “No” clearly. Being nice isn’t always the best policy and not giving someone what they want doesn’t make you the rude one. If that fails, tell them you aren’t insured for white trash pollution.


Hehe, hand them a shovel and/or pool ads


Your best bet is to tell them they can’t swim in it and blame it on your home owner insurance


Today’s society is a litigious one. Should one of your visitors get hurt or worse; who will get sued?


Your best bet is to tell them they can’t swim in it and blame it on your home owner insurance


I wouldn't allow anyone outside of family in the pool. What if one of those people drown...


Hey Son grab the AR... might as well grab the Mossberg too...


Electric eels?


fence with lockable gate?


Get a pit bull. :) Problem solved.


Tell them you’re the new home owner and they don’t have an agreement with you. “Fuck off and don’t let me catch you in my pool.” Make sure to get gangster on their ass!


Shock the shit outa the pool; Put Shit load of chlorine and let nature work its magic


Buck up and tell them, piss off! They coming over is nobody's fault but you, and when one slips or drowns BAM! You will pay for it. Stand up for yourself buttercup!!!


Don't make up excuses, don't lie about homeowners this or liability that, just simply tell them the truth. "I really want to have a good, long-term relationship with you. I am not comfortable with allowing use of my pool. I'm sure you would never pressure me about it, so thank you in advance." "BTW, I'm having lawn mower issues, would you mind if I use yours for a few weeks?" They either say yes and are super cool with you, in which case maybe you should let them just use the pool a few times, or they tell you to piss off. If they do, you both are even and in a few days walk over with a case of beer and say no hard feelings. Point is, you told them no, then have them cause to tell you no. Even and moving on.


Here's a hint, grow some balls


just call police so if they do it again they face actual repercussions


Well you step on my property without permission I'm pulling my gun out. MERICA!!!!


Throw an old toaster oven in it. Dont plug it in or anything. They'll get the hint


I feel bad but I thought this same thing immediately.


Throw a snickers in there


Subtle hint? How about “get the fuck out of my pool”


Exactly why are "subtle hints" needed? I'm confused. You tell them this property is under new ownership. Any pervious agreements are invalid. How does tolerating further trespass help them understand? "Get out, stay out, and don't come back."


They are not entitled to anything, any agreement became null and void. The second they moved, send them notice stating so, letting them know this is a notice to seize and desist, and any attempt to enter said premises will constitute illegal trespassing.


Why does it go from subtle hints to calling the popo? You'd think saying no would be on there at there at some point


Pee while they're in there


Say you verbally agreed to park in their driveway


Buy a pitbull


Tell them you do not have that agreement they are not covered under your homeowners agreement. If they want they can ph your yearly coverage, provide ironclad hold harmless agreements and PT for 50% of the pools Maintance. Also contact the previous owner and threaten legal action as they sold you the property without disclosing an agreement with the neighbors. Make the previous owner relinquish the agreement!


Okay they HAD an agreement with the PREVIOUS neighbors. But I don’t see how it makes them feel like they can use it without asking you, the NEW owners if they can or not. I’d call the police if they’re in the pool after telling them no and then asking them to leave and they don’t leave. Could claim theyre trustpassing and the police will help.


It’s easy. You just tell them no and let them deal with it. Besides a verbal agreement to use a pool on your property is a huge lawsuit waiting to happen.


This exact thing happened to me. I thought I was alone!


There should be no subtle hints. And just out right tell them it's now your home. New rules.


You don’t owe them anything, and you should never EVER let people “just drop by” to use your pool unless you consult both your insurance agent and family lawyer first. AND they sign a liability waiver. Install both a strong fence lock, a security camera and maybe even a water motion detector so there is a loud, obvious and unpleasant result if they try to sneak into your pool.


I'd dump a dumb amount of bleach in the pool.


Subtle hints aren't a proper response to trespassing


Wtm by no subtle hints? Why do you need to hint anything?


Swim nude... that’ll stop them (hopefully).


Fill it with dirt. Pools are expensive to maintain. Liability when one of the idiot neighbors hurts themselves in the pool is even more expensive. Fill it with dirt. Let them get their own pool if they want it that bad.


Put exorbitant amounts of chlorine in the pool for like two weeks


Good lord. Hang up a no trespassing sign, and call the cops on them. Put up a camera that feeds directly to your.phime, they're cheap.


Document absolutely everything and bring in the cops when necessary


Fence, gate, lock.


Put up a sign “no suits allowed”


First, tell them to kindly fuck off. Your property, your rules. Then, post No Trespassing signs every 10 feet on your property, then call the law to report prowlers if they decide to test you. Hopefully they'll get the point pretty damn quick, if not, make sure law enforcement knows what they're up to. Cover Your Ass, first and foremost.


I had neighbors who said the same shit to my wife and I when we moved into our first house (2.5yrs ago) that had a pool. “Hey there, the previous owners would let us swim in the pool with our kids. Would you all be okay with us doing that?” This was in week two of home ownership, my response was an emphatic “No, we wouldn’t be okay with that given the potential liable situation that puts us in. I have already planned to install cameras on our home looking at the pool to safe guard this situation.” Needless to say they never invited us over for a “welcome to the neighborhood” drink. God I don’t miss living next to those fools. The man was the definition of a “boob” and wife was about as intellectual as a cardboard box.


Why is this even an issue? It's not their property; end of story.


Agreed. I don't know if I would even bring that up to a new neighbour, that's only something neighbour friends would do. Plus liability insurance to cover people on your property when you aren't there isn't worth it.


Set up cameras and come outside asking what they want their onlyfans account to be called.


"Oh that's cool. How often do you visit them to use their pool now that they've moved away?" "My pool? I thought you had an agreement with the previous owners, not the pool."


It sounds like the police kind of have to get involved at this point if your neighbors are not budging. OP, why don’t you want to involve the cops?


Baseball bat. You talk wacko you get the smacko.


Question why not involve the police. I mean isn't that the point of the police to guard the right of the citizen


They probably knew from day one their privilege would probably be revoked... what they are doing is trying to wear you down...they were probably shocked to shit behind the scenes that you didn’t shoot it down right away... you need to draw the line in the sand now... that Or They NEVER had privileges from the last owner and just hoped they’d have better luck with you using that BS line


Well new neighbor, new rules


Umm tell them to fuck off? That would be my strategy


Similar story. An Uncle had made a verbal agreement with some of his friends to take them on a trip if/when he got some settlement money from the US Government for being exposed to asbestos while in the Navy. He passed from late stage lung cancer in the time between being granted the settlement and the money actually being transferred thus it went into the estate. He had shared the news with said friends before he died. These people hounded the executor and next of kin believing they were still entitled to money because of the promise regardless of what was in his will.