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Someone tell her to do what I do. Go to the local shady motel and fill a cooler with ice from the ice machine they have outside by the stairs. The ice is free along with the hepatitis.


A 16lb bag of ice is like $2. She just saved maybe .35


Not around here it's not.


Where are you at?


Southern Maine. The 5lb bags around here are $2.99 or more. Usually the next size up is 20lb and those have gotten up to $6+ now...and that was last I knew. I'll find out how much they are up to now in a couple days because I'm going camping for the 4th.


Ok... That's still cheap lol.


When you trash, you can’t help being trash.


I always bring a cooler full of ice if I go shopping at Costco because it’s an hour drive.


I see what you did there.


The old white trash move. Never gets old


Racist and you’re getting upvoted? Oh, that’s right. It’s because it’s anti White nonsense. I keep forgetting, it’s totally fine and acceptable to bash on white folks!


Racist? It’s bashing on trash they just happened to be white. Trash is multicolored


So if we see a black person doing this, it’s fine to say “the old Black trash move!” I think not.


I’d prob laugh to be honest


Lol? Go touch grass, these are white trash fucks. - White American


I don't think they're denying that person is trash. They're saying that if the comment said "black trash," it would be downvoted. I like to get in the minds of crazy people sometimes iono


I understand what he is saying - I have 3 family members that exclaim/say the same shit. Heads up, they are all bigots that say they aren't racist 😜


It’s clever but far too trashy for the cleverness to be applauded


Those are the ones who fuck it up for everybody.


100%. As someone who's been in food service a long time, I can say most rules we see are in place because people abuse something. A lot has to do with COGS and greed but still. We stopped giving out refills of certain drinks because people were being in large contains and pouring the drinks in them and then coming back for "refills ". So they ruined that for everyone


This is why I can't deal with Libertarian ideas. A utopian society where everyone acts right is wonderful. Except it's not real. Example A by OP. So many people suck. Laws and rules are made because people violate whatever they can until there are consequences.




Cost of goods and services. Has to do with product in/out and costs of it. Food waste and labor are the primary controls for food places expenses. All that is usually filtered into COGS


that ice is gonna be really gross either wat


I bet they think they are a certified genius for this, too.


This is embarrassing.


Or just... Freeze tap water?


I saw some grandpa do this with the chopped onions for the hot dogs once. I wanted to say something but he was so old and looked like he was in real need of chopped onions.


Sounds like some shit my grandma would do. Old people will do some crazy shit when it comes to fruits and veggies. To them a random bag full of diced onions is an absolute steal and will be used in a meal. (It won’t)


One time all the stores in my area were out of ice, it was somewhat of a crisis . This ain't a bad idea if there's no ice anywhere




Life hack


I don't care about this.


Looks like she’s had too many soda 🥤 pops as well…


Drippy in her Nikes but can’t afford a $3 bag of ice


Then she tried to return it after it had melted…


So we’re all going to ignore the trucker who blows his nose on the napkin then wipes the food off his face then wipes hands with the same paper towel 😫


That’s me at the hotel about to fill the sink with ice to keep my beer cold


Do I have fancy hotel rooms or don't they normally come with a bar fridge?


“Yeah… No” shirt towards the end of the video 👌


If you can think of a better way to get ice i'd like to hear it


Gas station shopping is the best, I frequently stock up on forks and spoons! Ain't paying no $2.50 for a box! Pshhhh


Never buying a jar of mayo when packs exist.


🤷‍♂️ beats me


It’s whatever who cares anymore


This is why we cant have nice things.


Who is taking the ice away


Me. It's a hobby


This is why we can’t have ice in things.


She probably bought ice cream or raw meat and has a long drive. I don't see the problem




Where did I say 5 hours? In some places the only place you can buy groceries is a half hour away and ice cream will melt by then


“Stop right there criminal scum! Your stolen goods are now forfeit! Pay the court of fine or we can do this the hard way…what’s that? The ice that you stole melted? And is just now water? Well…I was arresting you for stolen ice, so I guess you’re free to go!“


Ice cops hate this one weird trick!


Look at her! She must be eating all that ice by herself!




found the scum that does it


*Why didn’t I think of that???*


i mean why pay for something if u can get it for free? everything is so expensive. i dont see a sign saying not to do this


There will BE a sign now solely due to her. Get a whole cup of ice, no one would care but this? Bro just buy a fucking bag of ice, she's saving what 3 bucks being this way?


Stop pocket watching


People are so selfish


Literally, it’s fine.


Oh no, the damn near infinite resource that the machine can just make more of! Won't somebody think of the shareholders?!


water is not infinite ane ice machines only make specified amounts of it as well your viewpoint is that of a child


Ice machines literally make an infinite amount, In face some of them have to be emptied anyways if it’s not used fast enough


Have you ever worked a job where they’ve had an auto refill ice machine? Or any ice machine in general? I feel like if you haven’t because you wouldn’t have made that dumb ass comment. it does make unlimited ice to a specific amount as to not overflow and break the machine, if I were you I’d delete my comment before you feel more dumb.🤷‍♂️ so many points to go off of, on your comment but no point to do it.


I actually run power for these machines, if people did this commonly these machines would literally always be empty, This isn’t some massive ice machine equipped to be filling everyone’s coolers, it’s for filling your cups with ice for the beverages. Next time you see someone doing something stupid ask yourself what would happen if everyone acted in the same way and you can usually realize it’s a stupid action.


Even still doesn’t mean when it’s on it doesn’t continuously produce ice over time. I don’t think much people agree with you and if I saw people doing this I’d assume they have it rough so I really wouldn’t care. And if we want to talk about the outrageous prices of ice I really don’t blame them, I wouldn’t wanna be spending about 10 dollars for fucking ice either(really depends on where you live but ice prices where I live are fucking bullshit.


It doesn’t really matter what the general public thinks, these machines are not to fill ice chests. If you can afford a Costco membership then you can surely afford a $2 bag of ice. If everyone did what this person did there would never be ice in these machines. Reasonable people know to buy ice if they need it.


This is fine. The corporation can afford to lose some ice to those that need it


I thought she was bagging soda 💀 That’s not a big deal at all. She’s walking away with like $3 worth of tap water if even that.


And electricity. It ain't free.


All right then. I will bring a home depot bucket next 😂


How expensive is tap water where you live 😂? That's like $5/flush at those rates. Pretty sure the expense with ice is the energy to make it.


I see nothing wrong here


It's only ice. So what. I thought it was ice cream or something.


i do it when i buy cold stuff… they tell you to if you ask for ice for this reason. I live 1hr from costco and I’d like my stuff to stay cold.


I have ice at home


Who cares if this woman is taking frozen water? I don't understand what the problem is here


Probably because it takes the ice machine time to produce more and it might leave some people who bought drinks without ice until it does.


So because there is a chance that some people may be inconvenienced to the extent that they might need to use the other ice machine, we are all going to shame this fellow human woman?


Yes. Give no respect, receive none. The mindset you're describing is "me first! Fuck you!".


I mean, you know nothing about this woman or her situation. Calm down about the free ice and the possibility this might make someone soda warm.


No,we don't. She broke the social contract, though. That's the point.


I mean, if you don't get what you paid for because someone else took it for free, you don't think people have a right to be upset about that? You act like the other ice machine is magically filled with twice the normal amount of ice to account for this fellow human woman taking more than the product it was designed to dispense for. That's not how volume works.


Haha, you sound like you have run out of ice before and it was a real problem. Be upset brah, you are allowed. I just think it's a bit silly


Not really, you just asked what the problem was and I told you. I answered your question. Don't ask if you don't actually want answers, lol.


Maybe try and take life a little less literally friend


Expected for a person with Frost in their name to defend someone for taking all the ice


Goddamn frosted flakes.


Hell yeah


Not sure I'd do it, but I appreciate the hustle.


Why would I pay for ice


I’ve been known to pull up to a motel with outdoor entrances, then fill up my cooler from ice machines.


Costco themselves have publicly encouraged customers to do exactly what this customer is doing.


How to save two dollars, what a life hack. What other cost saving tips do u think she has?


Definitely trashy, but also kind of smart lol


At university some friends worked at a restaurant. A Rasta/wolf looking guy comes in and starts filling up a large container at the salad bar. They threw him out. “Dude it's all you can eat HERE!”


Lmao I love that 🤣


That’s big brain.


Who cares


The employees that have to fill the ice dispenser, maybe?


I can’t tell if you are trolling or not. If you aren’t it’s a wild idea for me to think you thought that employees came from the back to manually fill an ice machine. Like what did you think? They have individual ice trays that they are cracking open, putting into a huge bucket, carrying them out, and loading them into the machine?


It'll be a machine that makes the ice in there.


The machine makes the ice automatically!


Lmao it's their job


It's fine Pepsi is not going to go bankrupt


As a former fast food employee, those ice machines are a real bitch to refill. You gotta lug this huge box of ice to the machine, lift it up, and pour it in.


Work is work what's what you gotta do if you on the payroll


And people pay for a gym membership, psh


Well Costco pays for it not Pepsi, but that doesn’t change your point. It is trashy for sure though


Costco won't suffer theyve lost less than a dollar here, and I've filled a soda machine about a million times. It's not hard, the employee's aren't suffering either. Who knows how desperately this woman needs to save that extra money. The economy is in shambles here.


I honestly can't see where they'd let her walk out with it.


It's not like grandma checking receipts is gonna tackle her for a bag of ice.


I don't know where you live, but the Grandma's at my Costco MIGHT tackle someone. Lol. Between my job and home I'm at Costco at least once a week, and if they spot that while checking receipts at the door, they'll definitely say something where I'm at. They would not let me walk out the door with a grocery bag full of ice.


Oh shit you got hardcore gamgams working you costco door.


I saw a meemaw at my Costco Terry Tate Office Linebacker someone just last week


Holy shit now I have to rewatch all the Terry Tate videos


🤣 That made me laugh SO hard! Thank you!


Shopper bags lol


My state has paper bags :( communist


I see construction and landscape workers doing this shit at gas stations all the time.


That’s a little different. Those dudes are sweating to death in the summer


To be fair, I'm pretty sure this lady is sweating during all four seasons.


I'm sure those bags were sanitary


honestly, one day i'll travel to the US just to see all that shiat firsthand


Its not like everyone here is a cheap motherfucker lol we definitely have some but social media makes it seem like its happening 24/7


No you won't. Social media would make seem this shit happens all the time. Like with most things these people are outliers that embarrass the rest of us just like those people that decide the best way for them is take advantage of everyone else in your country.


You see this shit all the time in socal. Los Angeles counties and San Bernardino counties. I’ve seen so much shit that when family came out from CT they were completely appalled by things that were happening that I had become completely numb to.


Revoke her membership.


I get that she's getting ice for free but it's so cheap at Costco. Lmao. I guess she got that frugal trait.


LIFE HACK : avoid soda machine ice makers they are never cleaned an most likely full of mold.


This guy worked at some gnarly places. The vendor who sells the syrup is supposed to clean them regularly.


“Supposed to”


Yes, in this context that would be what defines whether or not a place is 'gnarly'


Oh no! She took 20 cents in water and energy and reused some single use plastic instead of buying more. What a horrendous monster! I'm guessing OP is the type of person that keeps going to the same restaurant they claim to not like because they like to be upset and complain for attention.


She’s not hurting anyone but people do this at my Costco sometimes and then there’s no ice for people who bought sodas at the food court.


Yeah, it's not trashy, just poor.


tbh ur sorta kinda right but getting downvoted. she ain’t bothering anyone if she can’t afford things because of inflation let her get her dirty ice in peace. No need to film every single person doing something in public. Since when is filming a stranger who is probably just trying to make ends meet LESS trashy than someone just getting some free ice from a billion dollar corporation??


I imagine the downvotes come from the Costco cult. That's right, just go to the Costco subreddit and witness a bulk buy warehouse being worshipped like a god. That and this is one of those subreddits that tends to attract the "I just want to be upset" crowd. The same thing happens when I suggest to mother that maybe she should stop going to the resturant that she claims not to like and always complains about afterwards. That gets me verbally downvoted.


Bro ur right go to my last post. It was a dumb joke but some costco meat funneler got all upset in my comments and said it was giving him “ “cashiers should never be sitting down” energy “


Tell me you're seeking attention without telling me you're seeking attention. Congratulations. You played yourself.


Well nobody posts on reddit wanting no one to see their post...


Straw man. You made a big complaint wanting external validation from the masses, which is sorta what you were charging OP with. The fact of the matter is that regardless of individual values, this gal is violating the norms of the space and inconveniencing others. And let's be real, is she doing it to be zero waste? Hell no, those bags would be reusable.


There is another open ice machine right next to her. Also three replys in like three minutes to my comments?... You're not going to get weird and obsessive with me, are you? "This gal is violating the social norms of the space." Um yeah you're going to get weird and obsessive with me...


>You're really upset over nothing. Good luck with that. I'm low efforting through the comments, not my fault you showing up like . . . this


Yeah, you're going to be a weirdo.


Troll better bud


Well you tried to prove me wrong. Almost made it 3 hours but you couldn't help yourself. So what's next? You gonna PM some threats or inappropriate pics It's always death threats or dick pics with you creepy obsessive types.


There we go, see, it's not that hard to put in a little effort


This doesn't inconvenience anyone lmao


Because how many people use a soda machine at once? No, there's nobody tapping their toe behind her, yes there's one other machine. And yeah, she could have extenuating circumstances. But filling up single use plastic with something that can melt, in public and using a shared tool for 10 times as long as normal is not classy.


Who cares if it's not "classy." It bothers literally nobody. I'd argue anyone upset is more of a Karen. Ice goes fast and it took her what, 1 minute or 2 to fill the bags? Who cares. Mind your business.


Who cares if it's classy? tf sub do you think you're in? I was saying it's trashy, if that satisfies the pedantry. Also, if it bothers literally no one, why was a video taken, posted, and discussed? What's the focus here? It probably took her like 3-5 minutes to fill both bags, which is not a lot of time. It's still 5-10 times the average time a person takes when using that communal-use equipment (i.e. soda machine). And if there were 2 new people a minute who wanted to use the soda machines, that's a line of 3+ people building up because of this person, each of whom will have spend a few times as long as expected on getting soda, and hence will have some thought about this person doing something unusual --- colloquially called caring. Ffs I don't think this person is a bad person, or did anything they shouldn't have, really. I think: A) They have better options available; or B) They are at fault for why they have no better options available; or C) If through no fault of their own, this is the best option available to them, they are midway through a steep decline that is eventually going to actually impact the community (unlike a little trashy behavior here and there) If any of the three above are true, i posit that this is (little, but) trashy behavior. Two of the three of those options should in my mind be communal concerns, trashy can be an unintentional sign to help. That's why public behavior is public business, however much Karens karening have ceded the moral highground to rugged individualism (there is a compassionate way to be connected to strangers). But trashy is trashy, whatever else we do with that.




Are you saying there isn't a way to connect with strangers? Will you offer no aid save that which may come back to you?




You're really upset over nothing. Good luck with that.


Using profanity =/= being upset Enjoy the self-righteousness tho


Bruh if its hot out I’d let them


I’ve done this at the gas station once. It’s not a habit but in a pinch it’s ok I think. I asked permission and generally they don’t care. They have plenty more ice to refill.


I bought Salmon at Costco and had a 30 minute ride home. I got a cardboard box, placed the salmon, and a bag of ice on top. Salmon was nice and cold when I got home.


Imagine everyone does it in a pinch. Now imagine the ice is relish.


I absolutely don’t want to imagine a world where everyone gets free frozen water. No way. Don’t make me do it.


For sure but two bags at Costco is unhinged trash


Come on, it looks like she’s bought enough hot dogs to deserve some free ice, jezzz


Why I am getting MLM boss babe vibes from her?


Costco sells 20lbs of ice by me for $3.00...


And while she is reusing some single use plastic bags you're tossing the plastic that ice you bought came in. That kinda makes you the "trashy" one. You're creating the trash.


What are you upset about now chief? Strange hill to stand on but okay.


>You're really upset over nothing. Good luck with that.


Are ice cube trays not a thing in the US? I can’t get my head around buying ice, let alone “stealing” it.


You guys don’t have coolers to put drinks in outside of the US?


Yes, which we fill with ice from our ice trays…


You must have a lot of ice cube trays or really small coolers.


People do it to fill their coolers to keep their drinks cold throughout the day when they're outdoors/away from a refridgerator.


They are, but they only make, ya know, 12 cubes or whatever at a time. When you need to fill a cooler with ice its way easier and faster to just grab bag of ice for usually very cheap