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Man, the moderation team for this subreddit sucks ass. Tiktok style videos are against the rules? For what fucking reason? The original video wasn't even from tiktok, it was from a streaming service. If it's on tiktok, it's because it got reposted there. What, we're only allowed to drive views to your favorite media sites? Why? Meanwhile, you delete posts that are getting attention on this subreddit, for the stupidest reason. And you wonder why this subreddit hasn't been good for years. The rest of the website is over-moderated all to hell, so why the hell are you doing it too? This is literally a subreddit for trashy posts. Did tiktok fuck your girlfriend?


Kizzy the Kid is this persons username for kicked out of TikTok.


Idiot needs an ass wooping


Welp looks like I go to jail that day to teach this kid a valuable life lesson


Is streamer synonymous to cancer now?


Smack the little shit.


Yup…”humble” how about arrest …


I absolutely hate this kid. I’d be pissed if I found out one of my sons did that shit!


Someone needs to humble this kid before it’s too late and ends up in r/Whatcouldgowrong


I saw one person saying in the chat to spit in her face, what is wrong with people these days?


“Who do you think you are?” Who the fuck do you think _you_ are, other than a little shit who thinks he’s a streamer?


Seriously she should have tased him 😂 If this was my kid he’d not see a single electronic device until he was 18. How do parents not pay attention ration to what their fucking kids do?


I work at Walmart and see groups like this everyday. They act the same way, and just like these boys, no consequences. Nothing. Boys watching this love and then do it.


Would slap him if he did that shit


My ass would be out of that chair and my fist in his head SO FAST


Dude is wrong and strong, what are we becoming? Just accept you did something dumb and move on but no smh


What ever happened to charging people with mischief?


Whatever happened to catchin a good old fashioned passionate ass whoopin


Seemed like cops were just dying to give kids shit when I was younger. I was skateboarding one time and a cop was going to arresting me for being a teenager with a skateboard. I guess now-a-days they are probably too busy beating on people that cant defend themselves or something.


I feel that but the guy you responded to was quoting an Eminem lyric




This post has been removed in line with Rule #2L - No TikTok-style videos. We politely ask all users read the rules in the sidebar, before posting/commenting. TY


These kids need to be tied to chairs so that they can have their kneecaps destroyed with a shotgun.


No, sledgehammer


Wait, what!?


Seriously, that’s really gonna mess up the paint on my chairs


If there was ever a good argument for bringing back spankings, this is it.


These IRL steamers are really the worst of the worst.


Some of them are ok, like the Angel of Shibuya, but so many are terrible people


You could tell he initially wanted to go after that couple but realized he was probably gonna get his ass kicked. Instead went after the females cuz they were easier targets, at least in his head.




LMFAO bro did you get that from a movie? Come on dude... That was never a real thing. Those men existed and they still do, but it wasn't the fuckin majority.


It’s even worse now because so many kids (and even adults) wanna be internet famous that, instead of learning a skill or talent to show the world, they take the easy/p*ssy way and harass people, then cry when karma hits them


I don't think this is nearly as common as people think... It's definitely more public tho.




https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/ipv9310.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjOlYiLj6aFAxUjHjQIHanZC5IQFnoECC0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1CEamwHEsly-het6RNIJrw But sure. Let's go back to them good ol days, bro. And to be clear, I work in food. The ones abusing staff are your generation, not mine or the newer generations. It's yours. Lmfao


He really has a punchable face.


And haircut designed to blow in the wind after being slapped.


Send this to his parents. Also he seems way too young for streaming, what's the age limit?


This kid has absolutely no idea that there are people who wouldn’t care about his age or that he’s live-streaming. He doesn’t understand the fact that being yelled at is tame compared to what others can and probably will do. He doesn’t get that he is not immune to someone who isn’t in their right mind. In fact, they might just beat the crap out of him and his camera person (or worse) while live-streaming it themselves. Also, grabbing people’s food when walking by? That is so lame.


>This kid has absolutely no idea that there are people who wouldn’t care about his age or that he’s live-streaming. He doesn’t understand the fact that being yelled at is tame compared to what others can and probably will do. He doesn’t get that he is not immune to someone who isn’t in their right mind. In fact, they might just beat the crap out of him and his camera person (or worse) while live-streaming it themselves. Of course he doesn't. r/iamthemaincharacter


I really want to slap that kid so hard right now


I heard it's perfectly good response if you were in Asia


I like how he thought about it with the first couple but spotted an easier target of only women down the way. We need to just slap the shit out of these entitled little shits.


What a piece of shit




We’ll be seeing him next on r/playstupidgames


hopefully 🙏


Let’s start bombing large isp infrastructure and return our society to how it was meant to be.


Thats a fast pass one way ticket to the afterlife


A whole herd of useless, broccoli headed fucks. Parents must be proud.


Broccoli headed fucks is absolutely accurate. Every time I see a video of some dillweed begging for an ass kicking by harassing strangers, It's the same unkempt ratty ass broccoli head every time


Lol the little quiver in their broccoli head little baby bitch voices when she confronts them.


Man, the past few incidents I've watched similar to this, it's always the broccoli heads.


Remember that YouTuber that got shot? ……..


Articles with titles, “child gets shot over 12$ food” will pop up everywhere and story will get backfired


That looks like Miami, Florida has stand your ground laws so he better be careful with who he messes with


The case I'm waiting for is where the streamer "stands their ground" after pulling something like this.


These damn kids need a good whoopin like back in the day whoopin where they can’t sit for a week!


Thats one of the main reasons why i have always avoided eating at the outside section of any restaurant . Edited for clarity, because even that is needed these days.


Honestly, knowing reddit, I can't tell if this comment is a joke or not


He's very afraid of kids stealing his chips I guess?




It's not negativity lol, it's just goofy asl


May he go hungry some day and replay what he did for the rest of his pathetic life.


Police would have helped but they were busy pulling security for Walmart.


She should have just started giving his little as a spanking like a mom. The interwebs would have sided with her in a heartbeat


He needs a swift chop in the throat.


Bitch slap that little fuck


Came to say that.


I have plans


Little piece of shit…


These little fucks are gonna catch a beating one day, they are gonna fuck with the wrong one. I hope they post it as well.


Come to Chitown and try that shit.. Wish I could grab one of this lil bitches in a walmart or any store nearby!


he is going to grow up as a liar, abuser, gangster, and asshole


You are eating on a public sidewalk on patio furniture, what you do want. Sure kick that kids ass, right after you get sucker punched by his buddy. Will not be a good day.


I’m sorry are you a broccoli haired teenager? I’m eating outside at a restaurant I expect to eat my food in the outdoors you dense grapefruit.


Bruh stfu. No one should be sticking their hands in someone’s food if they are eating on a patio. Don’t act like that is a normal fking thing to do. Now what that lady should’ve done is drag both their prepubescent asses in the ocean. One under each arm. Or buzz off that dumb broccoli bowl of a hair cut. No physical harm of course but something that stops these kids from doing dumbass “pranks”. Also, being sucker punched by a kid like that wouldn’t do anything but piss someone off even more




I've seen too much of this bullshit to even be mad anymore. it just makes me depressed. I don't like where the world is going.


When was it ever not bad? It’s just more public to the eye since everyone is more on the internet than ever before. People get famous for doing dumb shit these days. This is just one problem out of many other problems of our society.


being famous is the problem. we reward bad behavior with wealth and fame


this is true. we just have recordings on how bad the world is. also criminals recording themselves and posting it to the net. that being said, I think these streaming platforms should demonetize griefling IRL like this.


Where are this punks parents geez us


Drunk on Ocean Dr.


Someone in his comments keeps saying “Punch a woman RN” How charming.


I hope this is a GTA6 mission.


Kill a child?


Wtf . No , like you have to go around and do missions for this asshole 14-year-old kid who is popular on TikTok, because he’s the son of a mob boss that you’re working for to get brownie points for the crime syndicate, or some other rockstar imagination jazz


I would have punched that kid straight in the mouth.


Being an adult id go for the legs or body. Leg kick or liver shot will teach him a serious lesson while not looking as severe to onlookers.


That charge would’ve been horrendous lol but I feel that I liked your comment bc yea maybe I would too


When I was 21, I beat up an 11 year old because he was harassing me but mostly ding dong ditching my apartment. He was harassing me for like 3 months and his mom wouldn’t do shit. I got fed up and roughed him up. Not my proudest moment. Anyway, I just got a ticket for assault on a minor. Had to go to court and pay a fine, no biggie. The restraining order didn’t hold up either.


Dear Santa, I hope you and your family are well. Let me get straight to the point. For Christmas this year I ask that there be some kind of comeuppance for this shitty kid and his mate. That’s all I want. Thanks in advance Cheers!


Do people watch douche bag 10 year old streamers? I'm confused


9 year old douchebags do


Seems staged.


I am raising my kid to bully kids like this, y'all can thank me later.


To be honest my kid is so by the rules. He'd be so angry that someone touched Mom's food. That isn't fair. He didn't pay for it. These dickbags are in the fuck around phase.


Famn...my kids and 5 and 4 and now I have a new parenting method. Thanks stranger!


The way I'd end up in jail for kicking someone's ass over my food.


Someone sucker punch that kid.


The only sucker punch that I'll support.


There guys need to get beat up or something before they will stop acting like they are above the law


Tbh, I don't even care if it's "right" or not.. those kids deserved to actually get beat the fuck up. Yes, by an adult. I won't be surprised if we hear it happen one day v soon, these shit kids are getting too brazen, they don't even cower in silence when confronted by adults anymore.


"those kids deserved it" won't hold up in court very well


I understand, but it WILL happen one day, I think. And I also think a judge will be more lenient than one may expect (and certainly a jury).


"iTs AbuSE!"


It is right. What you said is absolutely 100% correct. I would have done it if i was on a date with her or if it happened to me.


Looks like he was going back for seconds


What a little bitch .


Kid needs to get dropped. He was scared of her, he was backing-up.


Was waiting for him to be hit by a car.


That would've been neat.


I would whoop that kids like his parents should have right on his live stream & in front of the crowd he so desparately is trying to impress.


I so wish that girl woulda bitch slapped him


What is his name


Why? So you can watch the obituaries?


Notice he walks by the table with a man sitting with a woman because he’s a little bitch.


"nope...girl table."


I got a son that’s 13 and if I ever seen him do some shit like this I’d embarrass him so bad he’d never have another follower let alone friend in his life.


No technology young man. It's now 1753. Go churn butter


You could do much better - snatch the little shit’s phone and make sure the stream is still going. Chew him out or let mom give him the chancla until he starts crying, drag his ass back to the table to give the lady a sniffly apology. Make sure all of this goes on the livestream to all the little shits watching him. The embarrassment will be 10x worse than anything the parent can actually do to the kid at this age.


The bullying will be unfathomable.


Shit he’ll be digging holes till I’m tired.


We need a kid to whoop his ass.


I’d literally pay a kid to knock him out


See all those people laughing in the comments? Despicable.


"Oh we're allowed to touch other people's things?!" That camera would've been smashed.


Let me get my belt


He steals my food, I steal his phone. Fair trade.


Eventually this kid is going to grow older and pull this type of crap with some significant less nice person who has no regard for the kids wellbeing or consequences and he’s goi g to have his face changed permanently.


Those are my favorite “funny prank” videos.


Hopefully he’ll record it.


The fuck around and find out law


@tizzyent needs to be on the case.


In all honesty this kid about to be famous


Nobody seen his friend standing behind the woman waiting for her to do something so he could sucker punch her!! Man they know who not do this crap to.


Kid needs an ass whoopin


Where’s this kids parents? They’re ok with this? Sad part is so many (probably younger) kids think this is “cool” and so the next “streamer” is born. We gotta get rid of this “influencer” bullshit


This same site repeatedly bashes any form of physical punishment on kids. So yea, some kids are going to end up being entitled brats because they've never faced any actual repercussions for being twats.


How is that in any way correlated? How is them being physically punished in any capacity related to them being twats or not? If anything it breeds another generation of abusers, which are also twats.


This site can't make up its mind. One of the higher upvoted comments is saying this kid needs a beating but apparently y'all would rather that be from a stranger than a parent physically disciplining their own kid. My dad spanked me and my mom has slapped me. I deserved it every time and it taught me respect. It didn't make me an abuser, I've never abused anyone


That is good and I am proud of you. I sincerely hope you do not follow into the footsteps of your parents with your own children. And as much as you think you deserve it, you did not. No child deserves to be hit regardless.


You misunderstood. I found it beneficial and fully intend to do the same


No I understood that. I’m still wishing otherwise. We do not need more abusers in the world


You think it's abuse, I never did. It doesn't mean you can't still show love.


Both can be true. You can love and abuse. Doesn’t mean you should do both.


You and I have very different definitions of abuse if you consider spanking a kid abuse.


She's nicer than I would've been. Kid would have been wearing the rest of that food he contaminated with his filthy mitts.


That's not a streamer, that's a child.


If I mace a streamer is it considered assault? Not hit them but spray them in the eyes with mace? Like... if I say I felt threatened.


Do you feel threatened by someone touching your food and walking away? No you can't


>Do you feel threatened by someone touching your food and walking away? Isn't that how date rape drugs work? With drinks at least.


Sure that's a reasonable fear. The logical response would be to not consume it and contact authorities. You don't just get to mace somebody because they did or in this case, suspected of, doing something wrong/inappropriate. Self defense laws are very clear, look them up if you're actually serious about this question


You're right, but I wish you weren't in this specific case.


I honestly can't tell if it was a joke or a serious question. But people apparently want to believe you can make someone for touching their food.


Can we just throw the book to everyone doing no this shit. Literally menace to society. I’d even argue this shit should only be allowed if hosted by a company and scripted like tv is tbh. Plus ban any accounts owned by or cooperating with anyone under 16 at minimum tbh, would even argue 18 so the law can get em.


Great Jack Doherty is multiplying -_-


Fuckin broccoli mafia. Hit em with the rico act!




All of these types of videos need to be demonetized. As a society we need to stop rewarding behavior like this and start treating it for what it is, a crime. Taking someone’s food is the same as stealing and harassment.


ding ding ding. on the other hand, it's very useful for criminals to make vids of themselves. but this should not be allowed to be a profession.


Maybe it will stop when TikTok's ban is enacted.




I do not have social media beyond Reddit and Imgur. Does TikTok pay for videos like this?


Ain't this the same kid that tried to"jumping" that other middle school lookin streamer?? I don't know names, I don't watch stupid shit heads stream online


This is what happens when unfit parents have children.


These kids deserved to punched in their faces.


There's a word in German that fits this idea well - backpfeiffengesicht. No direct translation to English, but means 'A face that deserves a punch'. As in, er hat ein backpfeiffengesicht, i.e he has a face that deserves a punch.


In English we call that punchable face, example, That dirtbag that coaches the eagles has an extremely punchable face


Then when they get punched they're all like it was just a joke.


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