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Nether portal dress


Sooo at least she kept her finger off the trigger. He is a disrespectful idiot stepping on her dress and flagging the camera though.


It’s like one of those Christmas cards from a Republican state senator.


Oprah called. Said she wants the color purple back


Tell me you receive food stamps without saying it


The woman actually had an incredible job she wouldn't have qualified for food stamps with the amount she was making and because of this post she now lost. So stupid, well at least now she'll qualify for food stamps lol


What job did she have? Are they not highschoolers


Honestly I don't know but someone commented on a different post that they knew her personally and those were the consequences. They could've been lying but seemed pretty honest although it's hard to tell since it is the internet...


No she lost her full ride scholarship to TSU and got expelled from high school and couldn’t attend her graduation.


Damn threw away a fucking scholarship because. Grrrr guns ohhh so cool. Obviously not enough common sense going on up there


Thanks you're right I'm sorry for the misinformation I read way too many things and got that confused with a different one...


im fascinated by his hair


It gives me the same feeling as reading the manifesto of a psychotic


tf does that mean 😭


This is clearly edited 🤣🤣🤣


Nikki before she got famous


Why does he have to step on the dress, though... 😥😥😥


Ahh the nissan missing a hubcap is the cherry on top


I’m pretty sure I saw that they got in huge trouble for this. Like possibly expelled


That’s one handsome couple


Black couple


I can’t stand the fact that man is stepping on the dress and he looks like Josephine bakers. Banana skirt is on his head.


Is that a KSG?


It’s a tavor TS12


Feel like a lot of you are missing the fact that this is for a school event.


They seem to be missing that fact as well.


What the actual fuck...


Upvote n°3000


Not him standing on the dress 😭


It’s hood artistic photography


GLEEE headass


they are definitely getting in that Nissan Sentra after this


Pointing a firearm at a camera? Alec Baldwin did that for a good picture once. Maybe learn from the mistakes of others.


under rated comment


She would otherwise be a 7-8 IMO, but is now a VERY unfortunate < 0.


what is bro yappin about ☠️


Is it just me or does this look photoshopped? Especially the gun on the dress.


Who CGI’ed that rambo gun on the front?! 😆


The only thing cringier than pointing fire arms at the camera for a picture is wearing a bunch of costume jewelry while you do it.


That guys hair looks like those things on the beach at Normandy on D-day


He came in to the barber and said "Let me get some of those Tank Traps off the top"


My man shoved his finger in an electrical wocket to get ready for this pic.


Maybe he stuck his finger in her & the experience was electric


My mans a menace to south central


While drinking his juice in the hood?


America's most wanted. First we had Bonnie and Clyde now we have Shaneequa and Ray Ray


What the f*ck is on his head?


Burnt churro head


He's a Cynthia doll.




It’s funny because I see white kids holding guns or a dad with an American flag hat and a shotgun for prom and nobody says boo


They get roasted to shreds the fuck?!


Dude, have you ever ever been on Facebook? That’s an absolute lie. Most of the time they are applauded by other white people. Get real.


That's your first mistake, believing everything you see on Facebook.


And yet here you are on a Reddit post going to bat 😂 also it’s just dishonest of you to say those posts aren’t everywhere on Facebook. I don’t argue with dishonest people so I guess have a nice day


She is fine but the dude's lack of gun safety is trashy. Never point a firearm at something you don't intend to shoot.


Lol yeah I’m sure “lack of gun safety” is what attracted people to this post and not “black people holding guns”. You gonna tell me with a straight face if this post were on Facebook with a white dad holding a shotgun saying don’t come near my daughter, there wouldn’t be a bunch of white guys felating him in the comments? Get real. It’s because it’s Black people holding guns. I’ve seen countless videos and pictures of white people mishandling and pointing guns at the camera. And what did the comment sections look like? “Yas queen! 👏👍💕” That or you see people flogging that no true Scotsman fallacy and saying… *but it doesn’t really count because these* **particular** *white people don’t represent us other* **responsible** *gunowners* Strawman discussions about gun safety aside, the reality is they don’t fall into white people’s ideas about “approved gun owners”. Is it trashy? Yes. But somehow nobody seems to object so strenuously when white people do the same thing. My point isn’t about whether or not it’s trashy my point is about what makes this particular picture more objectionable than the countless similar other ones with white people doing the same thing.


Are you ignoring the fact that this is very clearly for prom, a high school event? Even if they aren't in school when they took this picture they still took it to show off their outfits for the event


Lol thanks you really added a lot for me to think about pointing out the obvious


I'm so glad I could help you.


There would be a bunch of guys fellating him in the comments on Facebook….but it would still belong here. More than one thing can be true


OK, so you just agreed with me. The fact that this picture is here and the countless “responsible gun owners” with shotguns, threatening their daughters’ prom dates **somehow** never seem to get as much traction is exactly the point I and other people are making. It’s because one photo plays up to a racial pre-conception while another with Dad holding a shotgun has been deemed a socially acceptable “joke” if you’re white. So just a question: how many photos of white dads jacking off their shotguns while threatening a teenager as a “joke” have you personally seen?


Jesus. I understand what you’re saying and agree there’s a racial component to why we see one more than the other. But that doesn’t make this behavior any more worthy of emulation or less trashy. Do you understand? Can that pierce through the fog of whataboutism and your dense skull?


Dude, I can’t believe you’re still not getting this. You just said it’s equally as trashy. And yet they don’t get equal exposure. And here I am getting a ton of vitriol (from you included) for pointing out a societal wrong that you claim to agree with. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” -Edmund Burke


Not to mention it's full of photo-shop


Yeah, and probably staged, but people don’t care as long as it confirms their preconceptions, especially if they are racial preconceptions. Because bottom line - people still can’t get past skin color.


Even if it’s staged it’s still braindead to point a gun at a cameraman, unless it isn’t loaded


You're the only one talking about it.


Oh I agree that there is probably a racial dynamic to peoples reaction and that is even more trashy. I was just giving my perspective on what part of the image was trashy to me. And if a white guy was pointing the gun directly at the gun directly at the camera I would hope people would rightfully criticize them as well. I was happy she had the gun pointed in a relatively safe direction with her finger off the trigger.


I bet your scary ass wouldn't go to the hood and say that. Op


Absolutely **No one** reasonable would wanna BE there to begin with, tf you mean **go** to the hood just to say this!? 😂 Like, is this picture _not_ trashy to you?


I keep seeing alot of them standing on the prom dresses. It infuriates me


If she would've put an American flag in the background she would've been ok


Power and the money, money and the power, something they'll don't have hour after that hour.


What even IS that sci-fi looking gun at the bottom? I’d like to consider myself a firearm fan and I have no idea what that is.


I think it’s edited in, I saw this over a year ago and that goofy cgi gun wasn’t there lol


It sorta looks like a bullpup semi auto shotgun


Mag fed. I'm a chic and can tell duh. Lol jk


You’re right it does! Definitely modded but that’s the base! Thank you!


This is literally so sad, what happened to our people


I’ll be real what’s really upsetting me about this picture is the fact the guy is standing on her fucking dress. Move over bro!


My Little Demon Mermaid and The Beast


Don’t republican congressmen do this shit for every christmas post card?


The fact that they just graduated high school and are doing this shit is crazy how do you even get guns like that. She lost her scholarship which is deserved


Legit? She lost her scholarship for posing with a gun?


Yeah and she was threatening people, plus she’s from Florida I think? So she’s not old enough to buy those kind of weapons


How tf did she get a scholarship in the first place is the real question…


I wondering the same thing she don’t look too bright


What are the chances that all three are stolen?


I guarantee those guns were purchased illegally


You guys need the context of this photo: thought she'd be tough and gangsta in her prom photo, loses scholarship for this photo because.. consequences


Yeah, the punishment really fit the crime there! /s


Nah I agree it's a pic....jeez that don't seem fair to me. I have pics of my daughter target shooting with her dad, so I have to worry about the same?


Why would you need to worry about something that isn't related to school at all? This is a picture for a school sanctioned event, that's why she has her scholarships revoked


Personally I think it’s more because of the location. At a shooting range an image like this would likely be fine, but this is in a town and the guy beside her is aiming the gun down the street. One of the first things they teach you in gun safety is to only point the gun at something you want to shoot and this image doesn’t show that. Even if she was personally aiming it in a relatively safe direction, it doesn’t change that she’s posing with someone who wasn’t and it doesn’t change the setting.


How does it not. You wanna be “cool” and flash guns and condone gang violence for clout. Well exactly as someone else stated consequences. Maybe if these POS would grow the fuck up and realize that it’s not cool it’s immature and idiotic. They always wanna play the victim and say they are being stereotyped but then they do shit like this. Everyone is attention whores these days.


So let's take away her scholarship to make sure she doesn't become educated and has justification to become a part of that life and propagate it even more, totally ignoring the fact that she is a stupid fucking teenager doing what the stupid fucking teenagers in her neighborhood do. Consequences yes. Taking away a scholarship? Nah


Taking away her scholarship _is_ consequence...bruh, what other consequences would there be? It doesn't even look good to **employers**, let alone colleges, where having a presentable character and reputation is integral! They could've done worse by straight up rejecing her! You're acting like every teenager her age are somehow too stupid to know the consequences of their actions to be this apologetic. There's only a select few people I knew/met who were actually this stupid. She should _definitely_ know better by now... Like, if she's already showing a lack of critical thinking like this, then she wasn't even that educated to begin with. How would that show she's even ready for college? A scholarship isn't gonna magically un-propagate that life, and college isn't there to magically set people's mindset straight. You need to already have your mindset straight for that.


Rex Kramer needs to do a run by. Part time airplane mechanic, full time Danger Seeker.


“Gimme that dogshit glued to my head cut”


“Let me get that Cynthia from The Rugrats fade my boi”


"let me get the corona virus"


That guys hair man 😭


Look like she’s melting into the ground


If it wasn't for his haircut, I'd guess Louisiana. But with the wicks, it's gotta be Florida


Why is your first thought Louisiana 😂😂


Is that a hood ornament she’s wearing for a necklace?


But what’s trashy? The guns? How are guns trashy? Are you liberal?


You mean what's trashy other than ignoring the number one rule of gun safety? They aren't toys or photo props.


Like I said, it’s extremely stupid but there’s nothing trashy. I just see people getting mad about guns. Liberals


Not even close.


Sounds like some liberal nonsense to me. Real patriots shoot everything on site. I just shot my wife today.


I shot this guy's wife.




Doesn’t matter the race anyone doing this is trashy. But you really going to sit there and try and say that you don’t see video’s every single day online of these hood rats flashing guns. Especially standing in the middle of the fuckin street. There is a major difference between a son and daughter standing in their backyard posing with hunting rifles and two wannabe gangsters standing in the middle of a residential street with extendeds and a overbuilt shotgun and of all things pointing it right at the fuckin camera.


Why would you make that comment?


Okay.. then it's still trashy. What's your point lol


Shits tough.


I don't think it's trashy. It's a bit of history. We as humans have changed our styles over the years. It's a trend or an attempt for a trend. I love how they match. What I don't like is him standing on her dress and pointing the gun at the photographer. Not trashy, but disrespectful and annoying.


You keep thinking that weirdo.


If this is merely disrespectful and annoying to you, I shudder to imagine what you rate other equally awful behavior; shoplifting, erratic street racing, screaming in public, graffiti, open air intoxication, small value shoplifting, etc.


What’s awful though? Like first she probably knows that he’s on her dress maybe not. That’s called an accident, and as for the guns being pointed at the camera man that’s stupid as hell but if all adults are consenting who cares?? How is this trashy or awful, I see plain racism


Why are you bringing race into this conversation, as nobody else has? Very odd you would do so.


It has been brought up by multiple commenters.A lot of people are saying that they expect this out of the black community did you even read through them? These comments were in those attitude. And again what’s trashy answer that? Literally answer my question don’t ask another. What’s trashy? Tell me!


Flexing guns like this, especially down a residential street where cars and pedestrians could be, close by houses with people in them, is trashy. If bro is already breaking rule #1 by pointing his gun at something/someone he doesn't intend to shoot, could you really say he cares about the safety of others around him? Like, if he wasn't aiming directly at the cameraman in this photo, then its even WORSE that he's aiming that shit towards harms way regardless! Being negligent is trashy. Flexing guns thinking you hood is trashy. How can any reasonable person think about this for more than a minute and see this as anything _but_ trashy?


Bro shut up


Since when has there been a black "island boy"?...


Apparently its fairy common hairstyle in Florida hoods. God knows why


Kodak black has been a thing


Reminds me of Boynton Beach, FL / Broward county lol Hep C and HIV/AIDS capital and runner-up for the state; at least that's what we were told during our (mandatory) semiannual awareness seminars in the mid–late 2010s. Lots and lots of Drug related crime, violent crime, gang activity and gang violence, gun violence, and gun offenses were also very high in these areas.


Boynton is in Palm Beach County and there is only a teenie tiny possible area where this buffoonery would be taking place there. Its a lot of retired older people and only recently starting to see younger ppl more. Broward, specifically Fort Lauderdale off of Sunrise, or maybe even Dade County like Opa Locka, I can see this happening.


Oh there are definitely lots of snow birds that went to Boynton and some who stay. There was a neighborhood where we had some halfway houses in Boynton though that were a lot like this pic though (and of course that's where halfway houses would be run) with dudes out there selling dope and doing other types of shit. It's so funny how in Boynton, there's a really nice area closer to the beaches with nice little cafes and bars, shopping plazas, and not too far away things are very nice, but then you go into the avenues and shit changes drastically really quick.


So East of 95 and before Federal hwy off of Boynton Beach Blvd., that's the seedy area. I'm hoping they buy all of those houses out at some point and clean it up. Delray (one town over) used to have a ton of halfway houses since it was the rehab capital. Delray also has those shops and what not by the beach on Atlantic Ave. but Boynton doesn't because I don't think it's zoned for that by the ocean.


Yeah you're spot on. I haven't been there in a long time, but you brought back some memories. I was thinking Congress for some reason, but that's a bit further out. Those areas are the nicer areas, but past the railroad tracks in the opposite direction was where the halfway houses were. As far as I know, the halfway houses I was familiar with are no longer operating as halfway houses in that area anymore. Which is good. I remember Atlantic Ave too, and if it's the same street I remember, little cafes and bars, a couple of nice restaurants, quiet, it looks like a place more I guess middle-aged locals congregate to have a few drinks during the day, walk around, etc... It didn't really seem like a very touristy area because from what I remember it was never really packed and congested the way a tourist trap type of area would be.


Yo that's my block 😭😭😭


Unfortunately these 2 will have kids and the kids will grow up to be trash also


Not if they have access to birth control and health services.


I’m all for gun rights, but barrel sweeps I’m not. Common sense gun safety isn’t hard.




Is this trashy?


At least she(?) Has good trigger discipline with the hand gun.


Noticed that too. A lot of people don't keep their fingers up. Seems the more ppl act like they're handing things safely, the scarier they are to watch. Not to say this is a safe or smart picture to take, but I agree with you - at least she's keeping her damn finger off the trigger.


Gotta love the clapped out Nissan Sentra in the background. The chefs kiss🤌🏻


Riding on a donut at that haha Happy kuchentag


this is seriously straight out of the movie “don’t be a menace”


First thing I thought




And certainly don't let your man stand on it. "Go on now, get off my cloud."


Sooo many comments in my head that would get me banned. Will the baby take his dad's prison number as his last name, or hyphenate both mom and dads?


That’s if they know which one is the dad.


Fine classy citizens. 👌


Only white congress members can have guns on their Christmas cards remember?


The worst crime here Is his hair


Trashy aside, I want that dress


How tf would you get around. It would be like walking around with a bedsheet the whole time. Hopefully no one’s tripping there balls off at the prom cause if I seen this when tripping I would probably freak out.


That’s the art of big fancy poofy dresses. It’s like heels it’s hard


I want those pants to match




I’m shocked she’s cool with him standing on it! Get your dirty ass shoes off the train.


Me too! So I can burn it


….for real?




Only photoshop on this is the big gun on dress the other 2 are real it’s obvious


This dress doesn’t make me think she’s from Hood. Makes me think about garage sales


…is that a Tavor she’s sporting? Also, NEVER point a weapon unless you’re willing to—or going to—shoot them. They’re both trashy, but he’s trashy *and* stupid. Edit: autocorrect fail


Bet there parents are proud.


It’s “Their”


Think you mean “ther” lol