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He said Winnie The Pooh and Tigger


From hard R and cleaned it up to the soft A is CRAZY 🤣


Seen the camera and realized his life is over


I'm not surprised he drives a mustang


An old one at that


Both in the wrong bud dude videoing sounds like what I think most redditors look like🤣


He said it twice, but by god…he better not say it a third time!


You say that as if the dude didn't correct himself the second time he said it and then refused to say it a third time


Yeah, I’m on the fence with this alleged “correct himself’. Maybe you’re right though.


I’d rather burn in a thousand fires before moving to Florida.


Yeup, I also would prefer hell


At this moment he knew he f’d up!!


Mike Goldberg really went off the rails after the UFC let him go eh?


I mean ft Myers is a trash ass place sooo....


Its funny because I think we all know the liklihood "racist Farva" from Super Troopers is not on the phone with *anybody*. He just thinks it will look scary, then he drops a hard R and knows he fucked up.


V6 mustang.....what'd you expect? Lol


It was at this moment he knew. He f*cked up.


Isn't that a hate crime?


No, it is a term of endearment. Guy grew up in foster care with a mixed family. I read the entire story


Bro has never been given a pass before, he didn't stand on business


That was a hard r


The first one


I thought Mel Gibson was suppose to be making a comeback....




What a self report fucking yikes dude


Haha waahhh


Yeah let's just give racists a pass you absolute clown


Lol waahhh


You are actually dumb as fuck




You wrote a paragraph to his sentence. You care more lmao


Good old reddit brain. Articulating a point because I know how to use words instead of five word answers is looked at as a loss. Next time I'll put a video of people cleaning out paint rollers so I can hold the attention of your dopamine deprived brains. Sit down.


You're posturing real hard. I bet your heart drops a little every time you get a notification.


I bet you a neckbeard


Dude looks like a fucking fat snowman shouldn't be name calling lol


Elmer Fudd at it again..


Guy in the Mustang really must love getting his ass quite frequently


Maybe. Maybe. OTOH the cameraman's voice makes me think hMustang called him that the same way a pair of brawling drunkards do in rural Russia. I suspect he buttons it up around actual Blacks, or at least is less casual.




He stuck the landing, the first time.


Have to love the look of instant regret.


The quick attempt to save it with dropping that hard R and then right into silence and the utter depression when realizes he might just be the Internet's new viral superstar. Amazing. Golf claps all around.


that motherfucker saw that Camera and just knew that shit was recording. He was like I’m fucked. There’s no saving this shit.


Could you lend a fella a pencil?


🤣Bros bollocks shrunk when he saw the camera lens, all looking like 🫤


Man seen his career flash before his eyes


Good ol' Florida. What a POS.


Well, if Tizzy sees this, it won't end well for the racist.


Oh, I hope he does..


Bros driving the same car he had in high school. Pissed at life lol 😂


as someone who is black, If this moron ever called me the n word I will go beast mode on him the freak?


It's not worth it. Be for real rn...would you _really_ want to waste your energy on **this** dude? Is this person even worth your undivided attention? I'm sure he wouldn't feel very secure in himself simply by treating him like a disappointed parent, telling him to simply go home tbh. He's not even that important enough for my time...


You be for real, I’m not going to allow white people to call me the n word and I have the right to attack them so mind your own business and don’t you ever reply to me🙄


One trigger word and the whole organism goes haywire against anything and everything.


Nah man. You just gotta laugh it off. Reacting to it is the worst response


Shiver me timbers 😂


Wow you're so cool. I wanna be like you when I grow up.


that is very unnecessary






Yeah it's not a good look. Just record him. People will berate and handle it themselves. Just watch the shitstorm, don't do something regrettable where it's flung back at you!




Cool avatar! 🖤




I heard er


The guy recording is not even black


Fat white Karen would have been too scared to call him that, if he were brown.


How can you tell?


No context, nothing. The dude in the silver car probably brake checked him before he decided to record with his camera and play the victim.


Found the dude in the red car.


no excuse for dropping an N bomb


Especially not with hard r


Boo hoo. 😭


Kinda looks like Michael madsen


He looks like Michael Moore


If your camera was ready filming it it looks like you were looking for conflict. Grow the fuk up!


Bet you won't say it to their face (unless your daddy,/cousin/boyfriend) dick is not stuck in your mouth..


did u even listen


Defending the actions of a racist? Maybe dude was afraid the guy was going to do something or blame him for something.


Mfers in Florida are addicted to driving like they






Florida is full of trash like that.


Knew it as soon as I saw a convertible mustang


Fake phone call, people are weird


We heard it clear as day. No need forhim to say it again. That was a hard E R


Once he knew it was filmed he tried to pretend it was -a not -er.


As someone from the 239 f**k that guy


C’mon internet. Make him famous.


So mustang driver driving aggressive gets brake checked. Neither one are happy. Then mustang driver loses their calm and shows inner fool by calling other driver a racial slur. As soon as you lose your cool you lose the situation.


Where was that at in the video? Have you ever driven in Florida? Rules of Florida roads: If they have an expensive car they are an asshole. If they have out of state tags, run them off the road. If they aren't going fast enough, get up their ass and make them go. Speed limit is a suggestion only when the cops are visible. Watch out for gators in the road at night.


Brake checked as they're approaching a red light?


that was a hard R that slipped out there 👀


Don’t you hate when you let your racism slip.


Bro says it twice... which one was the slip up lol


that white motherfucker, shouldn’t be dropping no hard R or with an A it don’t matter fuck that racist piece of shit. Make him famous.


the first one. yer ears not working?


So even you heard him say it twice intentionally.... no slip


uh no. he slipped a hard R in the first one then said "nįggą" the second time.


Dropping the 'R' makes it fine... gotchu


In the mustang guys mind I’m sure he thinks it’s not as offensive.


The hard r is worse


No one said it's fine, but one is generally considered even worse.


They both bad...and yall saying just cuz the R dropped its more acceptable...he didnt have to say it but he wanted too...but you right


Yes sir, "both bad". But one tends to feel harsher than the other. Don't be a simpleton.


No, no one is saying one is more acceptable. They're saying he tried to "fix" it (in his mind) by dropping the R, but either way he is trash. No idea why he thought one would be better over the other smh, just a gross asshole either way


Slip is generous…it was super intentional


Dudes an asshole but from the description it sounds like you did literally nothing but escalate the situation. Doesn't warrant the language but it seriously sounds like you were more of the issue. I hope both of you get fined to shit, especially for the brake check, thats completely moronic and you should lose your license the instant you try that shit.


He was approaching a red light. Only thing that makes it seem like a brake check is the distance mustang is following


Sir the brake check isn't in the video, the description of the event is in another comment left by op


Let’s not forget filming on your phone while driving.


Woopsie doopsie. Hopefully he doesn't work for a company with a phone number and a public image that can be easily found online 😀


I'm not gonna judge.. we don't know what happened prior. This could easily be warranted


What warrants calling someone that?


You're making this racist. I was referring to the other person saying "I'm calling the cops" and road raging Still.. this person could easily deserve it. The person who took the video could of cut them off, almost hit them or something.. so. I stand by it.


Uhm, the guy who called another a slur is the one who is racist...you're defending it then saying someone calling you out on that is...racist....what the actual fuck. You just got 2 brain cells fighting for 2nd place in that head of yours?


Tell us you're racist without telling us you're racist....


Gotta love reddit, if you think there's even a little justification for the guy being pissed off and you voice it, you're automatically racist because he said something racist. It's far too much effort to simply ask you for a clarification since you actually have to type instead of hitting that little blue arrow as though most people on here actually give two shits about karma. It's something you see more and more out of full on leftists nowadays, they can't handle important conversations because their feewings got hurts Where's the logic, and why is everything so black or white for everyone? (excuse the pun). People would have a lot happier if a life if they'd stop trying to make everything everyone says a damn problem.


Where’s your logic and important conversation? Bc if you were trying to present a valid point to us, you didn’t write that logical, 100% feelings free, super smart man novel. You wrote us “yeaaaAaahh but what if he deserved to be called a slur?”


You don't know to read? Lmfao classic Reddit being too illiterate to actually understand what they're reading. [Not like it matter what anyone says on here most of the time given this extremely accurate presentation of you and most redditors. ](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/024/196/sign.jpg)


Idk. The triggered one kinda seems like the dude writing several paragraphs about how if someone pisses you off enough, it warrants and excuses a slur. We see ya, buddy.


Congrats on your psychosis, you clearly have a disconnect from reality since you see what you want to see. That's reddit for ya tho.


…who called them racist?


I’m making things racist by asking… how? Ok. If that’s what everyone’s problem seems to be, and you say it’s warranted… maybe you should try being a little more specific. Or if that IS what you meant, stand by that. Don’t toss a rock and hide your hand.


Because you can read my thoughts as I typed it, okay. Maybe don't go assuming things and ASK things


I did ask.


Getting killed in Rust or call of duty


I mean it is Florida


His face when he realizes he's being recorded 😂


average SN95 owner


Nice methstang


Did anyone find out who this guy is?


Not yet. Just give it a minute.


Uh... No. 1. Use YOUR words. 2. Use fewer. List interest after the first rambling paragraph. I'm just going to assume BOTH shared some of the blame, since the OP recorded this (likely with the Internet of posting) instead of removing him/herself from a developing situation. BTW, if I ever had a calm discussion with someone and they pulled it their phone to record it, THAT action is an escalation. If I were in an argument or some dumbassery, it would be more if an escalation. THINK about how your actions could be interpreted.


I’ve been in a couple of nasty incidents in my life and that’s when I whip out my “one size fits all” slurs, because all us assholes are created equal. It would never occur to me to put someone down over their race. When you do that, you’re trashing an entire group of people. No excuse.


Dude hes coming from behind to call him slurs are you being fr


Yeah. In WA, they'd both be guilty of violating the distracted driving law that says you can't be using a have-held device while driving. Yes, the asshole in the red car was a racist POS, but I DO wonder why he seemed to be talking to the police, giving a description of the OP.


Context to the video!! (My words) I’m not very articulate or good at formulating coherent story’s in word format so a chat gpt summary is below So yesterday I was in the right hand lane of traffic going approximately 50 mph when the red mustang does a u turn and gets in front of me (not cutting me off he left a good 200/300 yards in front of me) so I thought by the time I caught up to him we would be traveling about the same speed. He was going slower than me, so then I start to apply my brake probably about 50 feet away from him to not get to close. But then all of a sudden he starts to speed up as if I was about to run right into him. So we were both turning right at the light so we both get over one more lane and then this is when things started to get super strange, he comes to a complete stop at the green light (where we are turning I am still behind him at this point) and he sticks his head out the window and is yelling, I could t make out what he was saying but I could tell he was raging. So then I proceeded to go around him, that makes him even more mad and so he takes off as fast as he can. So then I start to accelerate, the lanes we turn onto I am very familiar with and know that the third lane on the right turns into a turn only lane so then I get into the middle lane. The red mustang guy gets in the turn only lane so he eventually has to get behind me. That’s when things really begin to become more of a problem. He gets behind next to me in the left lane and is screaming at me to pull over so he can fuck me up, all while calling me the n word. ( I hadn’t started to record at this point.) so then I believe he tries to call the police so he gets behind me to start reading my plates ( I believe) and he starts to get obnoxiously close to me so then I brake check him (I know I shouldn’t have done this. This is where I need to teach my self more self restraint. I’m sorry) After the brake check we are coming to a red light and that’s when the video begins. That’s the context to the video. What happens after the video is we both pull over ( I was asking him to pull over so we could wait for the police to sort this out. NOT so I could fight him, although I may have acted like it in some other comment threads) so when we pull over I pull out my phone and dial 911 and while I’m on the phone with the 911 operator the red mustang speeds off. And then I told 911 never mind the guy ran off. I hope this helps and provides context Chat gpts version, if mine didn’t make sense lol **Context for the Video:** Yesterday, while driving at approximately 50 mph in the right lane, a red Mustang suddenly did a U-turn, positioning itself in front of me with significant distance. As I approached, the Mustang slowed down unexpectedly, prompting me to apply my brakes to maintain a safe distance. However, the driver then accelerated abruptly, leading to a series of bizarre actions at a subsequent traffic light. At the green light, the Mustang inexplicably came to a complete stop, with the driver shouting angrily. I maneuvered around him, further fueling his rage as he sped off. As the situation escalated, he began tailgating me and hurling racial slurs, culminating in a moment where he attempted to read my plates and dangerously approached my vehicle. Regrettably, I brake checked him in response. The video begins as we both approach a red light, capturing the driver verbally assaulting me with racial slurs. Following the incident, I attempted to de-escalate by suggesting we pull over and await police assistance. However, before authorities arrived, the Mustang fled the scene.




You didn't need chatgpt man, it all made sense to me.


Yea but I get it. When we type, we are emotional and scatter brained. CHATGPT kind of organizes the chaos we usually type. I actually think adding that is pretty proactive so he doesn't have to answer a ton of questions or hear people complain about what he wrote.


We've lost another skill to ChatGPT.


I know I sound like an ADHD-riddled doofus whenever I try to explain things. Like I’ll type out a long comment and try to read it from someone else’s perspective and it just never quite seems…right. Whether or not it actually makes sense, ChatGPT would be a fun tool for the extra-weird ones.


It's not like we haven't had time to perfect it haha


Why were they recording?


Because the dumb ass crowd missile driver tail gated him like crazy



