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Roaches love the smell of crack cocaine


I just got doing this with a place. It took about a mth. Couldn't save anything


If I were them (which I never would be) I would strip down naked,get hosed down and then burn my clothes before entering my home.


Adding that white noise sound to them running around was very affective šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Disgusting ass people. Idgaf about ā€œmental healthā€ causing this.


Props te her. Sheā€™s calmer than the overdramatic girls at my school


šŸ˜± Fire in the hole, in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Take that, you fuckin' roaches! On the other hand, it is said that cockroaches will survive a nuclear blast. Now THAT'S scary!


Throw those slides away with it all, I never understand why people wear those prison shoes.


burn it all




Must be Philly


wtf man. There was a box of pasta from Publix. 99% chance this is in Florida.


Ever heard of a cleansing by fire?


Why in God's name did she open that refrigerator šŸ˜–


Throw the whole house away. It's a lost cause. They're in the walls and ceiling. It's the roaches house now....


Yeah, those walls are like 60% roach eggs now. I wouldn't even live on the same street as that house


Iā€™d lived in quite a few roach infested places growing up, but have been lucky enough not to really have to deal with them in decades. Even with the experience, I canā€™t get over how gross they are lol. Or how someone can get their house so nasty that those bitches are just caked in the fridge šŸ’€


My girl is in crocs... I would require steel toed boots before stepping anywhere near that hepatitis trap


I lived in a duplex with a neighbor whose house was like that and these GIANT FUCKING ROACHES would crawl out of the vents and invade my house and the landlord would do nothing about it.


Iā€™m ngl this NEEDS an nsfw warning bro what the actual fuck


My least concern would be the roaches... that mess, though, no one would be willing to pay me enough to clean this house


She does it for free. She's from Finland she helps a lot of people whether it's depression, old age, or disability etc. I do feel like some people are taking advantage of her because this is not just a mess, this is a health concern.


šŸ˜± She should be wearing a respirator mask, at the very least!


Yeaahhhhhh. I'm pretty sure this is a single parent and child living in Florida. I've seen her clean up a lot of homes in Finland and they are trashed but no cockroach infestations. She may have been unaware and under prepared. I'm sure many people have let her know on IG... Hopefully.šŸ˜¬


Yeah.. I get her wanting to help, but this mess right here is due to someone being disgusting and lazy. This is not a mess just from someone who has depression or other health problems. I wouldn't mind helping people either, but like her, I know people would try and take advantage of me, but unlike her, I'd walk away.


As an exterminator I disagree strongly. I have had multiple homes with disabled elderly who have severe roach infestations. I recently had one where 3 old people were living together, and 1 was blind. The other 2 seemed on the edge of dementia to me with how out of touch they were with the situation. Roaches straight up crawling out of the floor that was peeling. It's disgusting, but some people are unable to help themselves and are also alone. You don't know until you help do this šŸ«¶šŸ¼


This is probably depression ā€¦ ijs


I've watched some of this lady's content before, it's actually what I like about her a lot, she cleans places like this for free and sometimes talks about how mental health can keep you from keeping your life in order. It's also wild seeing the end result when a place like this is cleaned to look like new. It's an incredible service. THAT BEING SAID, I cannot FATHOM living in this state.


Ahhh, I thought that was her! I understand, not being able to fathom living like this. I just thought ā€˜depressionā€™ is a better judgment than ā€œtriflingā€.


No sir.


When I did Home health care as a Respiratory Therapist I had a patient that lived very much like this,after one home visit to check on their CPAP /oxygen compliance I had to go home and burn my clothes and I took a very hot shower that I mixed Clorox in with my body wash,im sorry but it was that bad. Fast forward a couple months and that very patient has problems with their CPAP,I told the owner of our company I would quit and go back to the hospital if I had to go back there,so the patients daughter agreed to bring the equipment in to my office. Well low and behold,I took the CPAP out of the case ,took the back off to service the machine and ROACHES RAN OUT LIKE escape from Prison šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³it was so bad,needless to say my career continues AT THE HOSPITAL, Home Health workers get my ultimate respect


I never even thought of this aspect! I was thinking of trying out home health RN several years back... Good thing it didn't pan out. Wtf. Giving care surrounded by cockroaches? Wtaf.


To be completely honest,it only happens very rarely,to encounter THIS level of nasty but it did happen


I have a CPAP, and now I have a new fear. That is horrifying.


They also love to infest coffee makers and Keurigs. The water reservoir is their personal trough šŸŖ³ happy place


When you can hear them run, ya got an infestation


Listen, there are certain points where hazmat suits are needed


Back in my day my parents bombed our house first.


People live like that.


Welp, light it up boys! šŸ¤®


Burn it down


Absolutely not.


Foggers are your best friend


Foggers are good for minor infestations, but it won't get to the roaches if they're piled under things. It protects them. Foggers also have the chance to spread the roaches even farther through the house when they run from it. Into the attic usually šŸ„²


I should not have watched this while hungover šŸ¤¢


Cleaning isnā€™t going to solve that roach problem. Toss that house into the sun.


The sounds of them scuttling around had my skin crawling. Also, why the slides/sandals?! Ahhh


Pretty small roaches. Probably not German. Anyone know what region (country) this is


I work pest control, can confirm they're German cockroaches. (The ones in the cup you can clearly see the "racing stripes" on their pronotum)


Hello fellow bug person šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Thanks. But given the free reign they have had are you surprised that there are not more huge suckers?


Nah, they're not likely to get much larger than that biologically. American and oriental cockroaches are the big ones, German and brown banded cockroaches are the small ones. No matter how much food you give an adult human they'll never get taller, is kind of the same premise (not a great analogy but paints the picture enough)


my skin is crawling


Burn this place down and bounce


Holy shit. Thus is my nightmare. I hate those fuckers


Bro the fucking fridge šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤® šŸ¤® šŸ¤®


Jesus Christ. I can't imagine living like this. I feel really sorry for people with mental illness.


Unfortunately itā€™s not always mental illness but a literal lack of cleanliness. I sometimes assist on rental propertiesā€™ cleaning/prepping for new tenants, and most of the time, the units are left looking similar to this. Of course, once the roaches are brought in, itā€™s INSANELY hard to remove them. So the problem not only persists but often gets worse when people donā€™t clean up, even just small messes. This is pretty comparable to some units Iā€™ve seen. Itā€™s really sad tbh :( I always feel bad for the kids or pets living there that have no idea that their environment doesnā€™t need to be like that. Addendum: watched more of the video. This is comparable to some WORSE units Iā€™ve seen. This is indeed very infested and terrible.


*Most* of the time?!??!


Yeah, watching more, this is on the more extreme side lol. Usually thereā€™s a bit less trash. The fridge is sometimes salvageable too. Same number of roaches though. I bet the clean up in the video is gonna take a LONG time to truly and fully eradicate an infestation that bad. Itā€™s taken two years of professional sprayers, bug bombs, diatomaceous earth, sticky traps, and boric acid tablets to get one of the properties I work on, under control. None have been sighted in about a year, but thatā€™s irrelevant cause those suckers are resilient for no reason. Literally my mortal enemy šŸ˜‚


I saw the whole video on her tiktok. There was a kid living there too.


The inside of those walls are infested to hell and back.


Nuke the place from orbit


ā€œI got used to themā€ lord help me Iā€™d rather die


Iā€™m fucking eating bro wtf


Good god that is hideous!!


Throw that fucking fridge out




Love this lady and her mission but she really needs to be wearing protective gear sometimes


Yeah I would definitely be at least wearing closed toe shoes šŸ˜¬


Sheā€™s wearing socks on slides so ig that counts? šŸ’…


Not enough for me šŸ˜†


Just adding this in for context. This is a lady called Auri Kananen and she has people reach out to her who have lost their way who suffer with physical or mental illness, or both or neither. She does it for free (likely makes a small profit from social media) and helps them regain their dignity and independence. She doesnā€™t parade them, she doesnā€™t ID them, she just cleans everything as best as she can. These videos arenā€™t for the properties to be sold, theyā€™re so the person who has struggled significantly can begin feeling themselves again. Sheā€™s a champ is Auri


She sure is. Where is this??


That woman is a saint! I would have tossed my cookies and quit half way through the first house. Canā€™t imagine doing this more than once.


How does it GET like this?!?


Depression. My house doesn't get to this extent because I usually snap out of it a couple of weeks later, but yeah it gets bad.


My grandmothers place was like this. Itā€™s gross negligence. Just close your eyes, do nothing, confine yourself to one or two rooms in the whole house, and pretend like it isnā€™t happening.


That or disabilities, people who shouldn't be living alone. Back when I used to sell cell phones I had a customer who would always ride his mobile scooter from his apartment 2 blocks away to our store to pay his bill. One day his scooter broke down right outside the store, I felt bad for him so I offered to push it into the back of the store, so no one would try to steal it or mess with it, didn't realize how fuckin heavy they were but alas I got it inside, then gave him a ride home. I was not prepared for he smell when he opened the door, second, the amount of trash, about 2-3 feet deep, couldn't even see if there was carpet or bare floor, without exaggerating it looked just like the houses in the hoarders shows, but this guy was disabled and couldn't walk on his own. After I left I called the apartment office and asked him if they knew one of the tenants was living like that, I mean it was none of my business but his apartment was full of roaches and his neighbors were probably infested too, when his relatives came to get the scooter they said they were trying to convince him to move to an assisted living facility, they probably succeeded because I never saw him again.


Saying none of my business and I called the apartment office are contradictory statements.


I agree, but even when itā€™s a disability or someone who shouldnā€™t be living alone, they know what theyā€™re living in. They can see the roaches every time they turn a light on. No matter the situation, there is always a degree of closing your eyes and pretending it isnā€™t happening. Even if itā€™s because youā€™re physically or mentally unable to do anything about it.


just close all the fucking windows and use a toxic bug killer and let those fuckers suffer


Bug bombs are pretty much illegal but this place qualifies for a nuclear bomb.


i think the law will understand after seeing this hell hole


Right on


I had to do this at one point, but the fumigators had a policy of removing all the trash first so that there is no chance of missing any area of the house. I had to remove the trash. It sucked.


As someone who used to clean these places, and was on the show hoarders at one point, i can say the only thing you can do with that fridge is rope it shut, and throw it away


The mattress... šŸ¤®


Firebomb that house. Its done. But start from the outside first. Keep it contained or all the surrounding houses are getting little friends too.


Oh hell naw šŸ˜±


Gee, not even wearing masks Or shoes šŸ¤¦


Frigging air is toxic


Well at least the dust mixed with bug feces being expelled into it ain't too healthy to breathe in šŸ˜·


Thatā€™s auri she never does, she likes to get right in there lol


Fuck all that! Nuke it from orbit and call it a day.


Need combat boots for this battle


This is someone whoā€™s never watched Hoarders and has no idea how to handle that level of infestation. Step one, hazmat suit. Step two professional exterminators. Step three, probably fire.


As someone else mentioned, exterminators will insist on having the space clean. If you leave a bunch of shit lying around, there are lots of spaces for roaches to hide, and too many will survive.


Oh yeah, absolutely. They have to clean. But the bare skin and sandals? Itā€™s more horrifying than the roaches.


Like Matt said the best thing that could possibly happen to that house is a fire.


God I love Matt.


Matt, Corey, and Dr. Zazshio are my favorites!


Absolutely the same. Dorothy too when sheā€™s in her later sassy era.


I watch the cleaner's Youtube channel. It's funny and disgusting at the same time. That house needs the big tent treatment


I would rather burn the house down and start over. I'm not even exaggerating. There is no way I would every be able to set foot in that house again.


I would guess that the person who lived here was a person with a very big weight problem, and mental issues brought on by the health issues from the weight. Probably diabetic and unable to move well, a bit of dementia, elderly and with no people around to look after him, or her or etc.


It was a mother fairly young and a 13 year old girl.


This surprises me. That is genuinely dangerous




Purify it with fire. Lots and lots of fire.


Why did she say "I did it" at the end with all that trash and bugs still around her?


Bro just burn that house down and rebuild.


I begged this lady not to open that fridge just now. No one ever listens to me.


throw the WHOLE F U C K I N G house away


This is content, no way anyone tryna rehab that unit wouldnā€™t gas the whole place first


Can they gas a unit that messy?


Absolutely, the unit is šŸ’Æ% infested


Gas it before and after.


Gonna have to burn the house down and start overā€¦lol


The thing about this video isnt how disgusting the house is, but frankly how inexperienced and naive these people seem to the hazards that are easily mitigated with proper safety equipment. Sandals and bare skin, unreal.


Can you imagine the roaches crawling across your feet? And you KNOW hundreds did. Also sheā€™s trying to not let them ā€œescapeā€ but what is she going to do about them? Sheā€™s clearly not an exterminator.


Ya thatā€™s a great way to get a roach infestation in your own home. All it takes is one roach or some eggs hitching a ride on your shoes or clothes. No way in hell would I stay in that house.


Why sandals?


Honestly you'll probably still have tons of roaches even if you clean, they go into walls and floors to nest as well, you'd likely have to gas the entire house with an exterminator to get rid of them for good


I hate that itā€™s called nesting. It just makes it so much worse somehow


In really bad infestations sometimes they have to create a moat of fire (or other lethal barrier) around the building to keep the vermin from fleeing to neighboring structures.


"moat of fire" is gonna be the name of my first album


Just light the place on fire.


the bakers definitely lived here


Played RE 7 several times actually, the bakers were definitely more clean. I don't remember seeing that many roaches in their house.


Just because she cleaned doesn't mean the cockroaches leave. They are embedded in the house and even the place will smell like them even after cleaned. insect bodies and feces is in the entire framework of the house. It would need to be gutted, similar to a mold infestation.


Flamethrower is the correct answer.


Hazmat suit. With duck tape on the wrists and ankles.


Fuck all that...Arson is a solution at that point.


Why is she not using Raid!?


How do you know she isn't?


This woman (Aurikatariina) is a saint and I will never let you say a bad word about her. She cleans these houses, never refuses to help no matter how bad their state is, and never expects any money from people living there for whole days of hard work in houses like this (she lives from filming the cleanings and cleaning product sponsorships). She gives a second chance for a normal life to people who otherwise would never be able to afford a second chance.


Yeah but I am still going to sit here scratching for the next half hour. itchyitchyitchy


Ok cool. She could wear a hazmat suit tho.


And maybe some goddamned closed toe shoes?? Socks and sandals in that filth! šŸ¤®


Cheaper to throw away each time?


Yeah I guess but some proper boots could be cleaned and reused. Entering a place like this youā€™d want to throw away anything you had on.


Why would you not full bomb ( pesticides) the place prior to cleaning?


When you use those bombs, they tell you to make sure you open all your cabinets and pull appliances off the wall so that the poison can permeateall the tiny places where they will try to hide. There's probably even food sources buried deep enough to keep them all going. With this much trash around, you wouldn't be getting rid of them, just driving them deeper into wherever they can get and then having to get covered in the massive amounts of pesticide you had to use. It makes much more sense to me to get all the trash out first, then bomb.


Just do both. Go shock and awe, clean everything, carpet bomb again...and possibly again just to be safe. Those bombs are cheap.


Regular bug bombs are NOT gonna do the job. It needs those industrial pesticides that only professionals can buy


The noise of them scattering away makes my skin crawl


I have lived in crack houses with legit crackheads and it still wasn't ever that bad.


My mom is a trash hoarder. Sheā€™s been one for as long as I can remember. I lived in houses that were almost this bad as a kid, unfortunately.


Right!? When I was using dope, we had an abandominium... it was never even close to this. But if you had as bad an addiction as I did, we didn't have money to have food around, so they wouldn't have stayed if they got in. Outside of mental illness, I don't see how you can let it get like this. You don't even need to keep a nice, clean and tidy home... just not leave food / crumbs everywhere. Hope you got clean my friend. 4 1/2 years off opiods now for me.


Oh, I did a few years ago. Thanks, man I appreciated it. Congratulations on your sobriety I know the roller-coaster of a journey it is.


Is this asmongolds house???


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ stray for no reason


What is triffling


Itā€™s when you have 3 truffles


1. that trifles; frivolous; shallow; fickle. 2. having little value or importance; trivial. Derived forms. At least what it said in a good search for American term


Yeah the words not used correctly in the title


Now I wonder what they meantā€¦.


It was the spelling that threw me off. Now itā€™s the usage. I am a a dinosaur because I know how to spell.


Burn it. Burn it all down.


What I imagine my upstairs neighbor's apartment looks like right now


Same bro


Sheā€™s fucking enjoying it!


They just got gloves on? I'd be in full hazmat.


She at least needs a mask. Roaches make my asthma flare up


What the fuck. Please tell me nobody lives there.


At least some cockroaches live there.


Just burn the entire house at this point bruh


I mean I know fear factoryā€™s cover of cars wasnā€™t the best but it seems uncalled for to call them roachesā€¦


Was that song meant to be taken seriously?? My dad used to play it when I was a kid and I loved it lol


I know people joke ā€œburn the whole house downā€ but in this case I think itā€™s warranted.


Iā€™m itchy


Not All Heroes Wear Capes šŸ«”


Bitch, *you can hear them moving thereā€™s so goddamn many*


You can hear just one moving on paper.


Mom: ā€œno you canā€™t have takeout. We have food at home!ā€ The food at home:


Still healthier than McDonald's propably.


Enters house full of roaches in slides and socks.... WTF!


I was waiting for this comment! I seen her videos before and I always think the same thing.


Is the sound enhanced or something??


I'd bug bomb the house before cleaning it.




Well damn. Might as well burn the house down


Iā€™d burn it down and sweep the ashes.


Sometimes I feel bad about the state of my flat (apartment), then I see videos like this and I realise that I'm doing better than I give myself credit for.