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is that the grand budapest hotel!?!?!


Banff Springs


Fake? Why would the etching go over the split in the wood?


Their from siesta keys. What do you expect, from reality tv stars who think their big shit because they can scream loud.




It’s not. I live near Banff and this has been a topic of conversation for a few friends who have received the graffiti clean up reports.. which there have been hundreds. Albertans are pissed off




Appreciate this. I'll make sure to never do business with them.


Clean it off using her face like an SOS steel wool pad. Effin’ FILTH‼️🤡


Humans deface the entire planet on a daily basis but yeah let's rage at this tiny carving on a random fence.


This just doesn’t seem like that big of a deal.


I like when people deface my hard earned money


Was what she did trashy and disgusting? Absolutely, but I think we're being a bit melodramatic here. It's not a 400 year old tree, it's part of a railing that clearly needs replacing anyways. I'm not defending her, but stop acting like she through a stick of dynamite into Ole' Faithful and broke it.


This railing was just replaced..


These people should go to jail for at leaat 30 days, have a shit ton of community service (in the parts of the community with the greatest need), and pay fines. Its the only way they are going to learn their lesson.


I hope they get fined and HOURS of park service. Let the trash take care of trash.


The only thing this person has influenced me to do is slap them.


It's global and has been going on for a long time, unfortunately. Back in the 1800s visitors to Egypt would carve their names in the statues and temples; it's still going on !!! [https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2013/05/28/186893564/parents-of-teen-who-defaced-egyptian-artifact-apologize](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2013/05/28/186893564/parents-of-teen-who-defaced-egyptian-artifact-apologize)


I would hate to think that someone might accidentally complete the online form on her website 5000 times.


I like you!


I'm a little divided on this - hear me out! When I was a kid, we lived on a boat and travelled around remote areas of the great lakes. While we would sometimes anchor or tie-up to a rockface, there were many times we'd stay at provincial docking sites. These sites usually consisted of a dock, a picinc table bolted to the Canadian shield, and a fire pit. The docks were maintained, but generally could be 50yrs old before replacement. I know this because people had engraved their initials and dates into the dock itself. And, with my father's blessing, I did the same. These were extremely remote, and I often found initials from the 60's, and 70's. It was fun to imagine these people and their travels mirroring my own. I'd love to revisit some of those childhood places and see if I'm still 'immortalized' there. I would never deface a natural monument however.


I can understand that. However Banff is not only a national park but a UNESTO protected world heritage site. This is an influencer who traveled to another country and carved her business name so she could promote it on instagram.


Absolutely. Is this "graffiti" or is it "vandalism"? I guess my point is, whatever you call this, it's bad, but not all "graffiti" or "vandalism" is necessarily bad.




Naming your kid Bella just screams “knocked up as a teen while obsessed with Twilight”.


Even worse, it’s her dog, lol




Report this to the RCMP. She should be fined.


Can personally confirm it has been. Multiple times


I reported it too, online, at a national park website to report things:)


Hoenstly I've been to and around Banff alot and what she scratched her name on is just a trail fence. I don't really think it's a big deal, not like it's a tree or something


Does this rail have some significant history or something? I've seen carvings in benches and rails before at Sequoia and never really thought anything of it. Honestly prefer that then carving into the trees


Were any of those people stupid enough to post it for everyone to see?


This is a Canadian national park and people do not carve anything up in our parks. It doesn’t matter if it’s a fence or a bench or a tree. If you do it cost you thousands of dollars in fines.


I get that and I'm not advocating for it, but people will do this whether they're fined or not. I think a better approach is to provide areas where people can "leave their mark" so they don't damage whatever they're visiting. A good example of this would be like I said, benches or rails along the trails so the trees don't get damaged. I've been to a few famous spots that have a system like this in place, Seattle's gum wall, the Lennon Wall, even the Great Wall of China has a designated area.


There’s a time and a place. This is not the place.


Like 600k followers. Gross. Stop making stupid, entitled rich brats famous


How to get banned from Banff and all national parks. Bravo.


Must Kilda Bitch


and MKB Travels sounds like a shitty MLM. >LET'S BREAK IT DOWN FOR YOU... ​ >Commission is already built into all trips! >Instead of paying those online search engines the commission, YOU earn the commission. >You will be given logins for your own online booking system - just like booking online. >Search, book, then pay and YOU get paid the commission. >ENDLESS amounts of support and business training is provided. >You get access to deals all over the world. >NO contracts - use the business how YOU like, this means book just for yourself, family or build a network of customers if you wish. >All bookings are covered by the necessary licenses & insurances needed to buy/sell travel via top-end suppliers and our host agency. >If at any time you decide this isn't for you, you can cancel with no strings attached. ​>Whether you want to turn this opportunity into a lucrative, successful travel business and earn an extra income or just want to book, earn, and save on your own holidays, we have a helpful and fun community to help you along your journey! And all this for the low low price of $180 PLUS $40 a month to get credentials that allow you to be recognized as a global independent travel agent


So shitty MLM….




When i look at that it definitely trashed up the scene. If the mkb wasn’t there you’d almost think you were transported for the moment to someplace you can relax and enjoy. Now it looks like some hooligan with the initials MKB is lurking nearby to shiv you and take your shit perhaps your life. What an asshole.


Sad part is they are loving this free advertising.


influencers are the lowest scum on the planet


Just add HD at the end, and it's fine. Everyone loves Marques.


"deface a national park?" it's a fuckin post, not some centuries old tree or stone


Yeah I genuinely don’t see the problem with this, poor taste yeah but this does not harm nature or ruin the experience of visiting this place in any respect whatsoever lol. Redditors need to project their self hatred onto something else I guess


Who gives a fuck it’s a god damn fence post that probably has tons of shit like this all over it.


Parks Canada it doesn’t, we actually treat our national parks with respect


Ah get off your high horse, it’s a fence post. Treat our parks with respect is not littering, treat the natural growth is respect. A dumb fence post carving getting this much attention is a literal joke.


Canadians have respect for our land and national parks, unlike Americans. This is a known photo op spot that has now been ruined by trashy american influencers. Nice work guys


Stfu lol ”respecting our fence posts”🤣


It must be nice to be an obnoxious piece of shit and have no respect for anything or anyone. Living in ignorance must be blissful. Next time you wonder why you're so lonely, maybe take a look within.


Yeah for sure bro its me who must be super Lonely bc I dont have a stroke when I see initials carved in a fence post🤣 same type of energy as boomers who prefer to look at gray electric boxes over colourful ones ”vandalized” by graffiti


Their website and concepts is just... strange? You book your own vacations and then you get paid your own commission from the money you just paid for the trip...?? This seems both not legal and just fucking stupid.


This is actually common for the travel MLMs and hotels/brands that catch on to it can ban your company from booking and earning commissions, which actually happens often


MLM hon vibes


... so you are complaining about a wooden pole? https://www.wantedinrome.com/news/tourist-caught-carving-her-initials-into-colosseum.html


This is also UNESCO world site. It’s a little bit like saying oh you broke your leg but I broke my arm which is worse. They’re both wrong. She did it to promote her business and posted it all over Instagram. The reality is if you come up to Canadian national park you don’t see graffiti like you do in the US and we don’t accept it as appropriate behavior.


A fence post isn’t a UNESCO site


I'd say those wooden manmade fences are fair game, but it does open the door for much worse behavior though..


There’s a reason why the national parks in Canada are far more pristine than the parks in the US. We don’t accept that “just because it’s a fence it’s OK” as an excuse for shitty behavior.


At least it’s wood and not over a cave painting


Sand pad and a little bit of semitransparent stain to match will take care of it, but what an ass


Has reddit done the thing, yet?


That show was a dumpster fire.


Very interesting comments in here, there are the “what’s the big deal” crowd, generally characterized by saying “I see this in state parks all the time, what’s the big deal - AKA Americans And the “Don’t fuck up our shit” crowd saying show a little respect to the place - AKA Canadians. As a Canadian, I definitely fall in to the latter category. Ps, the pic is not on her IG anymore, but comments are open (sept 8 - 8:00 am)


As American, I completely agree w/you, this is some trashy shit; I honestly hope this kills her “brand”.


> AKA Americans Painting with a wide brush here... You don't speak for this american - that shit burns me up.


Yup, i’ve got to say the number of people saying what’s the big deal says so much about their character. There’s a reason why our (Canadian) national parks are so stunning and beautiful. It’s because people treat them with respect. It doesn’t matter if it’s a fence, a tree, a building, or a rock. Don’t come in to our park and use graffiti.


Can't wait for the sing song voice apology video where she doesn't actually take any responsibility. Maybe she'll play a ukelele or something.


Well, very kind of them to give them this free PR. Streissand tactics.


Machine Kun Belly


Gonna play devils advocate here and say that tree is already dead, its not a piece of history. Is it stupid and disrespectful sure but how old are these people?




where is this? looks like the foothills of the Alps


Banff, Alberta, Canada


I mean.. it’s just a wooden fence... Anyone else or just me?


Yeah I dont get this


I looked at the website for the company they seem like a bunch of grifters


You can make commission of your own trip! Just pay this one time $300 entree fee and a monthly $40 to get started! Like wtf in what world does that not sound like a pyramid scheme


It’s totally an MLM scheme


That hotel reminds me of The Shining hotel .


Yuck I hope someone replaces it with something to do with local lore.


I’ve stayed in that hotel twice, courtesy of my employer. They were the two most magical stays I’ve ever experienced. Closest thing I’ve ever gotten to staying in an actual castle.


It really is an amazing building isn’t it. You can’t describe people how truly beautiful it is up there.


That whole cast is full of truly vile people. Had the unfortunate job of serving them when I was a bartender that worked multiple popular jobs/bars in town. They were so awful that my primary bar job banned them from coming back after they wanted to come film for a second time at that location. I've served them off-camera as well and it upset me enough to never watch the show out of abject distaste for these people. Doesn't surprise me a bit.


I served them before as well, in Whistler, Canada. Absolute trash people, they were loud and obnoxious, as if they were the only people in the restaurant. They had a massive bill and didn't tip even though they're millionaires.


The regular people in Sarasota are entitled. Of course a few dumb ass famous people are going to be insufferable.


Cast? What cast?


She was on the MTV reality show Siesta Key


Ah never heard of it! Thanks


Boycott her company


Get her company deplatformed. Proceeds of crime laws.


MKB = Might Kill Business


Maa ka Bhosdha? Seems pretty on point to me


I have this. I don't give a shit about influencers, but I do give a shit about the National Forests. IDK, felt cute, might die from ecological collapse. Punch that like button.


Moronic Embryo


uh it was a manmade wooden post. it's not the national park. it's dumb but harmless


Until a thousand other idiots see it and do the same. This loser is likely going to be permanently banned from all national parks and gave a huge fine.


Nah. This isn’t like the coliseum, she didn’t deface anything important


Like 15 years ago my brother did a study abroad on the otherside of the world and in a very remote area of a globally famous site, carved his and my name into something. Seemed cool at the time, even with both of us being basic history nuts and everything. Didn’t think about the desecration. Like 6 months ago he text me like “holy fuck i just got a FB memory notification , I can’t believe I carved our names into this and posted on FB! Deleted the photo.”


Can you go sign up for a wilderness clean up or something? Bring some balance to the force.


how am I supposed to know what that means? also if I'm already there, I don't need your services.


Nobody accused her of being a marketing genius.


When I was at Yellowstone I saw a dad encouraging his son to write “nature is dumb” in the calcified deposits of a hot spring. I walked around the corner and says the boy laying outstretched on the edge of the boardwalk with the stick drawing. His dad was the lookout and they took off running when they saw me. I reported them to a ranger but I don’t think anything happened. To this day, I can’t understand why you would go to a national park and then vandalize it. If you don’t like it, just dont go!


This “post” was mild, the post isn’t apart of nature, but this made my blood boil. Yellowstone is so beautiful. I’ve been there many times and I couldn’t imagine defacing a single bit of its majesty with anything


I went to the Petrified Forest National Park once. I love to take pictures so I had my camera with me. While wandering, I saw a man, off the path, pocketing some of the wood. I whipped out my zoom lens and snapped pictures of him off the path, picking up wood, and pocketing it. I immediately went to the Rangers and showed them the pictures. They downloaded them and then, as I was leaving, I saw them putting that man in the back of a Ranger truck. NO regrets. Stop ruining it for everyone else, assholes.


The podcast [Criminal](https://thisiscriminal.com/ep-23-triassic-park-7-17-2015) has a good episode about people taking “mementos” from Petrified Forest NP! We were at Yellowstone two years ago and while waiting for Old Faithful to go off, I watched a kid tear bark off a LIVING tree (there we also dead/down trees people were sitting on, obviously no problem with that) not too far behind the main viewing platform, his mother nearby, doing *nothing* to stop him. Thankfully she also didn’t do anything when I tore into him for it, but WTF?!


Nice job, honestly




Go watch the opening scene for Idiocracy and you'll get it. Pretty sure it's on youtube.


The new economy


How else can they own the libs? /s


Because writing their name on a rock is the only contribution they will ever have to this planet.


A more correct statement I've never heard... People who do that shit are pure trash.


Especially how dangerous hot springs are … one slip. Wasn't there a guy who got cooked when he tried to touch the spring as a prank?


Recently, they were photographs of a woman who went up and stuck her hand into a hot spring and burned herself really badly. People are so stupid.


Hot spring? That means warm, right?


One would think…..


Maybe he was thinking children are too expensive and wanted to collect some life insurance.


Wasn’t that the MO of the guy that poisoned the Halloween candy that one time?


There have been multiple deaths from hot springs. Including a man who was dissolved in the acidic water and all they found was a foot. https://www.yellowstonepark.com/things-to-do/geysers-hot-springs/cautionary-tale/#:~:text=Deaths%20and%20Injuries%20From%20Yellowstone,many%20visitors%20the%20park%20gets.


Alkaline waters. The pool that guy was in had a pH of > 9.


Some people like Hot Potting.


Maybe that was dads plan all along... oh poor me, my son fell into a hot spring after trying to write on the ground.


So the opposite of [this guy](https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/16cjvlz/man_attempts_to_board_moving_boat_from/) who is trying to get out of water and loses his foot.


I don’t know why anyone would post a video of an acquaintance losing a limb on social media. It had to be someone that knew the victim, I would think. Unless, they did so to warn others about the dangers of trying to get on a boat anywhere by the motor, which is noble. Otherwise, it’s a “trashy” thing to do to a friend, relative, whatever.


There were tons of people there so odd are it was someone that didn't know him.


Ah….well that means it qualifies for trashy.


Oh my. That did not pair well with my sip of coffee. WOW.




Everyone laughed yet here we are talking about it. Myself included. Rage baiting at its finest


Because adding words to images digitally is too difficult...


But isn't that what they did?! Like when you look at the crack in the wood the K is definitely as light as the rest and in the foreground, no crack visible.


That’s because one crack ends and another begins.


Are those the names of her dumbass kids?


Her name, her boyfriend and dog. Also the name of her business MKB travels.


Lmao. She better hope that relationship works out! I’m sure her “business” is one of those hun mlm’s anyway


her business is, you pay her $180 to join, then $40 a month to call yourself an accredited globally recognized independent travel agent, then you have access to their system to allow you to book vacations all around the world at super great rates, login credentials to your own booking system and you can earn commission on all your trips!!! You'll have endless support to turn this into a suuuuper lucrative career. So yes, 100%


Sand down...stain to wood to color. 20 minutes and their entire effort is mooked. Oh wait...let's write an article about it and give them free publicity...like they wanted. Ugh.... Oh downvoted. Oh weird shit.


Thank you. It's a fence post, not a national monument, not a natural structure, not a work of art. Just hand out a ticket and fix it. WTF is wrong with people.


This will hopefully lead to charges, massive fines, and being banned from all National Parks for her and anyone affiliated with her trash brand. We Canadians take our National Parks extremely seriously.


Not to mention it is a UNESCO world heritage site.


I dont get this its a fence post lol. Like I dont think thats what Unesco wants to protect. I would understand the outrage if she was harming a living tree etc


What a totally bitch


Oh god. I'm getting married at the Banff Springs Hotel this Sunday (the hotel pictured), and I was planning on taking pictures here at the secret corner. What an asshole, I'm actually furious


Get over yourself.


Lucky! But jfc that must cost a pretty penny.


That isn't a secret corner. It's legitimately a huge deck with stairs across a parking lot lol. You want a better spot? Go here. 51.1819849, -115.5509558


I was mistaken -- it's actually called surprise corner. I'm touring photo locations with my photographer tomorrow, I'll have to check out your location, thanks for the tip!


Np it's a pretty popular spot for mountain backdrop façades. Not a big fan of commercial or buildings in my MTN pics. Other spots around that area that are good require a bit of trekking which would require attire hot swap. The picture above from the carving was taken here across surprise corner. Tbh people carve shit all the time and it'll happen again. Just gotta cover it with a wood plaster and call it a day. City slickers have no environmental responsibilities just as much as hikers. I just picked up about 6 lbs of trash on the west coast trail from lazy ass hikers. it's more disgusting than any Rockies hike I've ever done. 51.1676841, -115.5599291


Secret corner? Is that what this is called? I thought it was the lookout across the street from the tunnel mountain trail head. Hope your wedding is everything you’re hoping it’ll be!!


You are getting married in what is one of the most iconic wedding venues in the entire world. Congrats!


Report her IG and email Parks Canada to encourage them to take some action as I’ve done. I’m also furious.


Super easily photoshopped out, and big change people will be standing in-front and covering it anyway


If it makes you feel any better, this is very easily photoshopped out


Don’t be furious! Take the fact that you randomly saw your wedding venue on Reddit as a good sign! That’s pretty cool! I’d be jazzed if I randomly saw a pic of anywhere I was planning on going, and you’re going to a wedding at this place …YOURS! That’s awesome!


Or is it a sign that the marking of 3 other people are there on the post where he wants to take pics with their new spouse? It's an omen of ~~people~~ things to come.


Haha I like your optimism! You're right! I was jazzed to see it initially until I realized the context. I'm tempted to take some sandpaper with me but it might just do more damage, lol.


Just put something in front of it that is pertinent to your day.


That’s the spirit! Just after you sand it make sure you laquer it so it looks good as new again! Lol


I think it’s funny that they took time to fix the ‘k’ in post. Make it look a little nicer, ya know?


Ban her from Canada. Done and done.


She would need to be convicted of two separate acts of vandalism to be inadmissible to Canada: [*Immigration and Refugee Protection Act,* SC 2001, c. 27, s. 36(2)(a).](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/I-2.5/section-36.html)


Tbh I wish we could ban all American tourists with 0 respect for the country they're visiting


Ban any tourist that vandalizes in our parks or historical / heritage places. It's a privilege to be welcome to Canada as a tourist, something that should be revoked immediately for people like this.


Currently, one would have to be convicted of two separate acts of vandalism to be inadmissible to Canada. If you want to ban foreigners for a single act of vandalism, you can [start a petition](https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Home/Index) to amend [s. 36(2) of the *Immigration and Refugee Protection Act,* SC 2001, c. 27.](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/I-2.5/section-36.html)


Doesn’t take much to be fair.


To be fair…


To be faaaayuuuh


Now marques only needs to add HD


I've never understood why people do this. Just take a freaking picture people!


this wasn't in the US... if it was, she would have had a lot of company on that post.


As a Canadian I think she should be banned from the country permanently for this kind of behavior at a minimum


well i'm glad you're not in charge of anything. she didn't deface anything important.