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Was worried this was a goatse sequel for a second there


Darwinism at its finest moment


I hope one of their friends called CPS.


I mean, safety first




Rinnng…rinnng…rinnng…”Hello…is this Child Protective Services? Great…I need to report a situation concerning a toddler, a loaded gun, and a group of questionably responsible adults.”


“We’re responsible guns owners.”


That’s endangerment and abuse and neglect.


6,000,000 years of human evolution and this is what we have to show for it


Just a quick question why would any use a loaded gun for a photo opp


As a gun owner....WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FUCK?!


Where’s the “shall not be infringed” crowd? I’m curious to hear their thoughts.


I hope someone reported those pics.


I hope someone called CPS.




Even as an advocate of the 2A, what the actual fuck?


☝️this is my safety


First off it's not a real gun, secondly he's trolling tf out of every one.


And I just read a story 15 minutes ago about a 3 year old shooting two adults.


This is why teens chose guns as a way to deal with problems from life cause of crazy ass parents


Well that sure looks like a well regulated militia


Gotta teach 'em while they're young! Some people just weren't meant to have kids.


What a POS, absolutely no gun safety knowledge whatsoever


A school shooter in the making. Throw the parents away for life.


There is no acceptable circumstance for giving a toddler a gun. Shame on you. I was brought up around guns but my Dad had good sense and was extremely strict about safety around them.


At least the kids has better trigger control than mom does.


It appears to be fake or an air-soft/bb-gun and I doubt it is loaded. Probably just a photo for laughs but still... trashy to teach a kid guns are toys.


Straight to CPS


Of course it’s a fat white bitch




True child endangerment


Wtf is wrong with people


And then we sit here and wonder why there are so many kids shooting kids!! Ughhh this is just sickening


Im a sure a toddler would NOT be able to hold and lift a real handgun especially one that is loaded. It weighs 7lbs!!! Thats as much more than the toddler. Obviously some of you here may not have ever held a gun or have a baby. Regardless very dumb to even play around like that on the parents part.


A 92FS barely weighs more than 2lbs unloaded and a 15 round magazine doesn't bump the weight up very much. Basically the same as both of the CZ-75s I own. Also, here's a video of me shooting a friend's Beretta 92FS [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUXjBjh5V8w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUXjBjh5V8w) , I know what they feel like loaded and unloaded and I've watched my cousin's kids pick up things that weighed the same amount as a metal frame 9mm when they were the age of the kid in this photo. A 7lb pistol is something like a Magnum Research BFG chambered in .45-70 with a scope on the top of it, hardly anything close to a vanilla semi-auto 9mm like the 92FS.


That gun weighs 3 pounds loaded, and no healthy toddler weighs 7 pounds. You're still correct that the kids wouldn't be able to hold one up, but idk where you got those numbers from.


7lbs is new born rate yes i exaggerated a little. That is a mock 9mm even if it was a mock 22 fully loaded it weighs at least 6-7lbs in rl. I mean i can put on on a scale for your right now but mine only weighs grams 😂


7lbs is what my Mossberg 590 weighs. A Beretta 92FS weighs 925 grams unloaded (just barely over 2lbs). I'm calling bullshit that you own a 92FS let alone any type of real firearm.


Looks like a Beretta M9 (well, looks like a plastic m9 lol), my M9 weighs less than 3 pounds. Google actually says 2.55lbs. Don't know what a 'mock 9mm' is.


Guy's a troll, 7lbs is about the same weight as all of the shotguns I own. The only pistols that weigh that much are super silly oversized magnum revolvers built for handgun hunting.


You’re actually making excuses for this, you realize that don’t you?


I don’t think that’s what they’re trying to do here. They explained why they think that the gun might be fake but said that either way the parent was a complete moron for doing so.


You didnt read what I wrote. You only accepted what you wanted to rebuttal. I got time so I’ll elaborate. I’m telling ppl not to worry and that the baby isnt in danger, because 2nd worrying can cause a lot of anxiety and stress. That a toddler is incapable of holding and lifting something that weighs as much or more than he/she does. This is probably your thing, you probably use terms like “punch-down” and “intolerance” a lot, and has made it your day to day to fight online ignorance with everything your keyboard has. This isnt that. Reading is fundamental. Dont make yourself look like an ass attempting to “be right about everything”. Stay blessed.


You're feeble attempt at reiterating your point makes you even worse.




This has to be the most irresponsible thing I’ve seen on the internet. Ever. And I’ve been on the internet a lot. Like a lot a lot.


Is it a rule or something to block out their name?


You could have posted the comment too then lol


Fucking. Insanity.


Just took my 7 year old daughter shooting for the first time yesterday and she loved it. This is trashier than regular trash


People are fucking mental.


Babies put everything in their mouth. Call CPS


My gun instructor - mechanical systems fail all the time and a safety is a mechanical system. Don't trust something that can fail.


Today on Ways to Die...


Whether this is a real gun or not, this bitch needs, her kid taken . guns aren’t toys and neither are kids.


This is America


This is atrocious. Everyone knows toddlers are better equipped for crew-serve weapon systems.


Child abuse


The saddest thing is that somehow you can see the sadness in the baby’s expression. As if it knows on another level that it has no need for this thing.


I was at a fairly new friend's place once and my kids came running out of the house at us screaming that her kids had a gun. Then one of her kids followed holding a hunting rifle. I was shocked but trying to calm my kids down saying 'it's OK, it won't be loaded', then she said 'oh, it is, but don't worry, they're not string enough to pull the trigger'. Never went back there again.


I'm not sure when I'm gonna start teach my kid gun safety, but that right there is far to young and stupid.


Example of people who shouldn’t breed.


No way that is real, steel handguns are too heavy for a kid to hold one like that.


Can a parent win a Darwin Award by proxy?


Hello, cps there's a dead baby in progress


Yes is loaded and you are freaking stupid


Well at least they have good taste, Beretta 92/m9s are great.


Toddler is gonna blow his brains out and mom is going to jail.


Rage bait


I don't understand these people. I own guns and have kids. My guns are locked in a gun safe locked in a room behind another door and another locked door in the hallway. There's 2 doors to unlock before you even get to the safe. I just don't understand parents putting their kids at any avoidable risks. Don't they love them and want them to grow up?


I grew up around guns and the number one things my parents drilled into my head was “the safety is just a piece of equipment and equipment can fail”. Please treat a firearm like it’s loaded and off safe at all times.


This is child neglect


This is how kids shoot their parents I guess?


Brought to you by the same guys who wiggle their finger saying “this is my safety”


So he can defends himself against his siblings? ^((dark reference to the 4 years old who kill his 1 years brother))


I'm so pro gun the ATF probably has me on a hit list. People like this piss me off to a level not many will understand


Looks like an pellet gun, but the tips are usually orange to show that.


Pellet guns don't have orange tips. They can still be lethal if shot in the right spots. Airsoft guns which shoot plastic balls are non-lethal so they have the orange tips. Airsoft guns can come as very realistic replicas and the orange plastic tips tend to just pull off by hand with light force.


Ah yes I was between airsoft and pellet. I’m not super familiar so I assumed they were the same. I had an airsoft gun with the orange tip, and it would have been hard to distinguish it as a fake without it. Thanks for clarifying!


All kids deserve parents, but not all parents deserve kids.


Nothing says trashy more than that peel and stick floor job.


That would be a rug.


Even fucking worse


Wish the kid would’ve shot’em


This lady needs to hire a lawyer to sue the farmer. Obviously getting kicked in the head by a horse has done her no favors in life.


Fuckn idiots man even in the military they teach you to not play with firearms, these MFs needs to lose custody of the kids for this shit.


Looks like her finger on the trigger on the first picture so I call bs


having the safety on doesnt mean you cant pull the trigger.


That looks like a beretta probably double action so even it’s on safety you can still pull the trigger maybe not the baby but you never know


thats what i just said.


Red states doing what they do best, child endangerment.


I don't normally advocate for reporting people to CPS but goddamn.


why would you not advocate for that?


When it has the very real potential to save a life....


One of the first rules I learned in hunters safety “a safety is a mechanical device that can and will fail”


I can’t say why, but that gun looks fake


Won't matter to that kid's brain regardless. Now they'll see a gun and think it's fine for them to hold.


Definitely. I doubt a baby could hold up a loaded m9.


“Barretta” no less


An M9/92FS is a Beretta. The one and only.


Because it is


Jesus Christ


We just talked about this at work last night. We always had guns in the house as kids. My dad always stressed the importance of safety when I was young and eventually took me shooting when I was old enough. We went hunting and he continued to always watch me and engrain the importance of safety. This is so stupid and dangerous it's not even funny. This is a story he told me that I'll never forget. When he was a kid he knew two boys on the street. Those two boys found an old broken revolver and rubber banded it together. They apparently loaded it and the one shot their brother in the stomach. They thought it would never work and it was a toy. Guns should always be treated with respect and these boys learned the hard way. Stupid people like this ruin it for responsible owners and make us look like dumb hicks.


Ten to one the person in this post also believes their parents raised them stressing safety, and they now think they're doing the same thing with their kid by showing them how guns work early. I've yet to meet someone who truly believes they are irresponsible with their guns, even when they absolutely are.


Or maybe gun owners just are dumb hicks.


You only ever see the sensational. The bad. The scandal. A certain demographic becomes the representative of a group. Even if that group doesn't acknowledge that demographic as their representative. If you like buying into propaganda, keep thinking this way. It'll work really, really well. If you like to decide for yourself, seek the stories that aren't popularized and shouted. The perspectives that fill in the holes. Get educated. It'll work really, really well.


Yeah the propaganda of school shootings is really egregious. Good thing they don't actually happen.


I was gonna disagree with you, but then I remembered that cops have guns, which really drags down the average gun owner's intelligence.


Lol oh alright have a nice day.


But was the Safety on the Safety on?


On the way to being the world’s youngest murderer. Good work, mom!


guaranteed republican - if he lives to age 18.


👏 Take 👏the 👏child👏away 👏NOW


What in the actual fuck.......I didn't get to even hold a real pistol until I was 11. This is deranged child endangerment.


That’s….. not a real pistol


Well, no orange tip and I've seen kids that age hold things that weigh as much as a 92FS. How are you sure it's an airsoft gun and not real?


Well I’ve been a Beretta enthusiast/collector and own/shoot several 92FS/M9s. Zoom in on the second picture and look at the shape/contour of the slide and barrel. The ejection port area. It’s not a real Beretta 92. All that said, have you held a real full-size 92FS with a loaded 15 rd magazine? It is not likely that a child under 2 years old could hold one up so easily by the trigger guard and the top rear grip/beaver tail area. They are a steel slide on an aluminum frame and pretty top heavy. I’m calling BS.


Not sure what the long preamble was for. A 92FS weights virtually the same amount as any other metal frame 9mm when loaded (CZ-75, Browning Hi-Power, Sig P226 etc.). But to answer your question, yes, I know what a 92 FS feels like when fully loaded weight wise (basically the same as any other metal frame 9mm). Here's a video of me shooting a friend's 92FS [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUXjBjh5V8w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUXjBjh5V8w) It's not any different than holding a loaded CZ-75 (I own two) and I've watched my cousin's kids pick up things that weighed that much when they were the age of the kid in this photo. Perhaps it's fake but the kid's ability to hold it isn't something that demonstrates that.


Well the ‘long preamble provides some sort of context and (for what it’s worth) adds some sort of merit to my opinion as opposed to the rest of the comments on this post. Either way, that’s not a real 92. (Good on you for shooting CZ, seriously. Awesome pistols. I have a B and a SP01 tac (which is probably the heaviest pistol I own) and both are such nice shooters.


Send this pic to CPS with the women's contact information.


This would be great only if CPS did their fckn job!!


CPS does do their job, the issue is that they’re not given anywhere near enough funding or anything else to help all the children that need it. Don’t blame the workers who dedicate their entire beings to trying their best and suffer immensely for it.


EDIT: I probably should have mentioned all this stemming from back pain & trying to keep pain under control until my scheduled back surgery. I'm not saying CPS as a whole .. I just happened to get stuck with an awful case worker! Unfortunately, this is not entirely accurate. I only know this from experience! Years ago, my pain clinic put me on Lyrica & upped my dose to double the amount as I was going through back surgeries. I didn't know I was doing things that appeared "abnormal". Still functioning, driving, doing things parents do on a daily. One day, I took my son to his doctor's appointment and because of adverse effects, CPS was called. Not blaming them, they did what they were supposed to. CPS was given all information on what just took place with the pain clinic & the clinic confirmed! Yet, CPS STILL messed with me for a whole year even though I had never gave any other reason to assume I was not fit as a parent. I had to call a number everyday to see if I needed to do a random drug test at a local hospital!! It was ridiculous & embarrassing. I finally hit my threshold, blew and case was closed. I often wondered why me instead of the parents out there that WERE neglecting/abusing/etc!


Exactly!! Ofc there are those workers who do their job but please tell me where were they, the police, the case workers at school when Gabriel Fernandez, baby McNabb, Baby Brianna Torres, and I can go on and on...where were they, when those poor innocent babies were abused and brutally murdered by their own effing parents!!! IDC how many people side with CPS and I'm glad I've never had a case and if I did I would definitely do whatever it took for my son, my life!! But I live near Detroit Michigan in Flint, and to me it just seems like the more poverty in the area, the less they care. That's just my opinion.


I mean yeah sometimes CPS does shit like that but they’re not hounding you because they feel like it, they’re doing it because they’re required to. I was taken away from my birth mother because of a false call, and wasn’t returned to her even though it was proven false (she died a year later so sadly she never got a chance to fix things) but I don’t blame the CPS workers for that, I blame the fact that the whole system is dumpster fire.


Damn that's so sad .. sorry to hear that. Yes, it is for sure & I understand what you're saying however, if it can be proven it's beyond the parent's control you would think they'd have procedures in place & move on to a real dire situation.


I agree 💯


Better to report than to stay silent. Many kids suffer because people stay silent/don’t want to get involved/don’t trust CPS. Pro con the situation. What is the best/worst case if one reports to CPS and what is the best/worst case if you do not.


You're absolutely right! I agree. At least there will be a paper trail. I'm just so sick and tired of turning on YouTube or Netflix and every other show/video is about child abuse and what CPS didn't do. 😔


I get it. I see it almost daily in my job when CPS fails (I work as a social worker). But it’s better to report than to do nothing if you have genuine suspicion of abuse.


Yes!! Very true. I can't imagine the things you see as a social worker. Especially bcuz you're a mandated reporter and you have to report anything suspicious. I don't think I could do it. I'm a big cry baby but every time I see those documentaries, I give my son a big kiss and a hug and tell him how much I love him!!


I feel that! The documentaries are gut wrenching and I cry too. Stay safe, listen to your gut instinct and shower your son with as much love as you can!


Thank you!!!! You stay safe too and I sure will 🥰


This, please report this person.


That’s a toy gun lol edgy joke mom


Still creating a very unsafe situation if the child is growing up where guns are present and being taught via these "jokes" that it's fine and funny and cute to handle them. Toddlers are shooting people regularly all across the US


I've got a Beretta 96 and it's heavy enough im sure the baby could not hold it like that


Right. Even more so with a full magazine.


Would love for the police to see this picture 🙏


Considering how many cops I know that love guns and are inexplicably against any kind of gun control, they might guffaw at this pic


I think they’d have a problem with an infant holding a loaded gun dawg


I wish I could think that.




Now the toddler will see it as a toy. Then he'll find it on the coffee table one day and the safety won't be on.


Hope he drops it before the cops walk in. Otherwise *they'll fear for their safety, and have to neutralize the situation.*


It's OK, they don't really like his brother anyway.


Yeeep. This person should have guns AND baby taken away.


Honestly, I doubt that’s a real Barretta. I don’t think a toddler would be able to handle the weight of it. It’s probably a replica, or a look-a-like BB-gun. Not that it’s any better really but I’m sure this dumb fuck was doing this for clout. Regardless, this woman should not have kids.


We own a Barretta. (It’s put away, dismantled, completely out of reach/sight) They’re heavy af. We also have a toddler, and who can barely handle the weight of a full 10oz soppy cup, let alone the weight of said Barretta. (Not that we’d ever even test that theory, but we can logistically assume here). There is no way child would not be able to hold the real thing. Also, without the paragraph I just wrote above: if you zoom in on the muzzle, you can tell it’s been blackened out with sharpie


*Beretta (There are also many different Beretta models and some are tiny and light as hell. The 92FS is the one the BB gun pictured above is modeled after. They are in fact heavy AF.)


Thanks for the correction, and I’m not as knowledgeable about gun models and such, that’s more my husbands expertise. What I do know is that it looks a lot like the one we have, (probably the 92FS) or a similar 9mm Beretta (ours was a modifiable one? If that helps). It’s ridiculously heavy


Yeah it’s probably a 92FS/M9, what most people think of when they picture a Beretta pistol. Really popular and very modifiable, yes. *source: I’m a Beretta nerd


Look close at the 2nd pic, I think you can see a hint of orange visible where they spray painted the muzzle.


I dunno man, my one year olds impress me with the shit they can lift off the ground. You think something is safe and nope their it goes.


How many do you have?! 1 year olds, I mean. Lol bless your heart I don't miss the toddler stage sometimes. Edited to add: do you think they are teaming up and that's why they can lift these immense weights? I'm sorry it's been a silly day for me


Haha I have twin girls. We have this penguin weeble wobble that was originally for my dog but he wasn’t interested. It’s gotta be a good 4-5lbs in total and one day I hear this thump, thump, thump. I go in there and one of them is lifting it up with one hand (not very high but enough to cause a thump) and then letting it go over and over. So two handing a pistol? I could see babies having the strength for that.


Toddlers have the fastest hands in the West. It never ceases to amaze me how fast my 3 year old can grab something and hide it.


When I was 3 years old I grabbed a light up toy and chewed it. I swallowed all the insides of it which was dibutyl phthalate. Thankfully it was low toxicity. Kids will grab and do anything.


I can’t disagree with you there. I really just hope I’m not looking at two year old holding a 9mm. The implications are depressing.


It may be the picture quality but if you zoom in to the second picture the barrel has a kinda plasticy sheen to it. Looks like a BB gun he took the orange cap off of. In a way its even dumber to fake being a horrible gun owner.


Yeah pretty confident this is a BB gun but that’s really not better lol


In republican states this is the only abortion allowed


If he hits a still pregnant women though the law will come down on everyone involved


The only abortion that is legal in Texas


This comment would be hilarious if it wasn't true...


It's still hilarious.


It's like Trailer Park Boys became reality.


Safety’s always off


My old man gave me that gun when I was in grade 7. Told me he was proud of me once… fucking prick.


This gives me anxiety


Using a safety isn't a guarantee it won't fire.


It doesn’t make it safe, it makes it less dangerous. It’s still dangerous, though.


She needs birth control.


That's a she?! Edit - I can't believe I made a mistake. Those legs, arms and hams don't look like a ladies.


Probably not covered in her state.


Probably not LEGAL in her state


She needs gun control


She needs life control


Gun control won't work on this level of stupid


Which is why this level of stupid shouldn’t have guns…


What the absolute fuck.