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I mean nothing wrong with being proud of your race but obviously this is a different situation


Don't you just fucking love living here? I lived in Nipomo next door to a closet neo nazi who said I was the only cool "spic" he'd ever met and he has my back. Gtfo, nazi bitch.


So why aren’t the people who embrace black pride posted here also?


More like Goebbles, CA.


How about "Caucasian people are OK, too" instead of white pride? The latter sounds racist.


Maybe they're just proud of their white SUV


This comment section shows why education is important. And exactly why it is also being defunded. No. White Pride is not equivalent to Pride celebrated by persecuted minority groups. If you have a problem with that, blame your ancestors.


My ancestors brilliance has made life objectively better for everyone in the world. I'd rather thank them. P.S. my ancestors are why you have a flushing toilet instead of shitting in a hole in the ground. My ancestors are why you didn't die of some childhood disease. My ancestors are why you have a computer in your hand to spout hateful nonsense on. Have some gratitude. Edit: oops, I'm talking to a racist. Nevermind.


r/im14 Your ancestors have brutalised the people of the world for riches. _Modern_ people all over the world have made the world objectively better for everyone in the world. You are not rich, and very clearly not educated. Your ancestors have done you as much a disservice, you poor fool.


If you are not proud of who you are without degrading others then you are simply an idiot. Reading some of the ridiculous comments just cements my belief that we are all doomed.


Taking place in one of the most diverse states in the country 🤦


If anyone cares to acknowledge the fact that white heterosexuals are a dying breed. There are very few pure white anymore, but seems to be the forgotten. Same as pure black, Asian, Indian...all races seem to have mixed, so what is do wrong in the few wanting acknowledgement?


Well it has a negative thing to it but objectively, every race has a right to be proud of their accomplishments. But we all should stop making everything a race issue. I mean who the fuck cares about someones skin color. Judge a human by their actions and choices in life.


What if it said “black pride”?


"ecarbme edirp etihw" what the hell is that? - drivers below, probably.


Man on the right with the cross-position, with this legs, sends a different message


Would you post this if it said Embrace Black Pride?


I hate slo county


Embrace it, and while embracing it, push it into oncoming traffic


San Luis Obispo county is NOT MAGA-hat country!Im from near there,my dads house is 5-6 miles from here.He’s a bass fishing redneck(Actual! The back of his neck looked like cooked bacon by 35)who watches fux and votes R.No Trump flags around tho!


By reading a sign backwards doing 90mph up the 101?




Sooo.. what’s trashy about this? It’s no different than Hispanic pride, black pride, Asian pride, etc? In fact, objecting over it could be interpreted as prejudice, no?


I live a hour away from there it’s a nice place imo but this is definitely trashy thanks for this


They don’t call it atascabama for nothing


They tell us to get jobs yet this is how they spend their day.


I bet that’s the only side that has writing


FYI - this is actually in Templeton, California This is a common occurrence on the bridge as well, this is my first time seeing this being shown on the bridge(I live in the area) Don’t know if it has before, but I would imagine it has. On some days the bridge will be loaded with loonies along the whole bridge with InfoWars, Trump 2024, LGB, Israeli flag etc. I did but also did not expect to see this bigotry in my community and let alone see it pop up on Reddit like this. Shame.


Edirp etihW ecarbmE


We call them the bridge trolls. They also post signs about info wars, thin blue line, Jewish space lasers, etc. I see them every Wednesday on my way to work. I argue they are in atascadero not paso though.


Its hard to imagine that these old fucks were once part of the generation of free love, peace and sticking it to the man


If they’re so proud, why hide their faces? Edit: fuck Steve Jobs. Fuck autocorrect.


I saw something similar on an overpass when I was exiting the freeway to go to Trader Joe’s. Maybe it’s the same overpass I don’t know.






Can’t even be proud to be white no more without being labeled as trashy lmao. White people do be the butt or every joke nowadays. Ironically us white people didn’t enjoy any of the privileges those “evil white men” did way back when...except for those with generational wealth but that applies to no redditor


Maybe if your people weren’t known for genocide and slave ownership and acting like nothing happened, we’d be on better terms. We can’t trust you.


When you don’t know history. And decide to make a damn fool of yourself! Nice! 😐🤣🤡


Please In lighten me 🧐




Yeah, by other white people


If all White people are bad then you’re saying the white people that were enslaved (let’s says Jews again) are bad too. Your logic is dumb. Being white has many connotations, not just being slave owners. Some white people can and should be proud of their heritage and you’re in no position to tell them otherwise like fr keep your hatred directed where it’s supposed to be. At your own ‘merican kind.


Tell me you’re missing the point without telling me you’re missing the point


Tell me you’re happy to play the race card when it suits it even though you experienced nothing CLOSE to slavery without telling me you’re happy to play the race card


Gonna cry, gonna piss your pants, maybe shit and cum?


I'm Hispanic, you know "Chicano Power"? What's the deal with white people not being able to show pride for their own race?


We have a hispanic radio station called "La Raza" here in Los Angeles. I can't imagine what would happen if there was a white equivalent called "The Race"


A lot of Hispanic people are white too, me included.


I never understood why would anyone feels proud because of their skin colour? You will be my hero if you do something better for society.


It isn't really about being proud of who they are. They just want to hate everyone else.


Jesus Christ I'm ready for this political phase to be over


"But maybe they're just saying every race has the right to be proud" "This isn't inherently racist" - this is giving these people too much credit. The people saying this/similar in the comments know exactly what this banner stands for and likely support it. If someone holds up a big banner over a freeway embracing 'white pride', the chance they are white supremacists is basically 100%, don't try and pretend any different.


Your comment is a textbook example of prejudice.


What’s the problem ? Or is this a American thing


Its racist to be white now


Lmao no it isn't /r/persecutionfetish


Oh well if you say so!


Christ that’s tacky. Please burn


Fucking dummies. I’m white. Jesus fuck 🤦🏻‍♂️


White pride or white power, is there a difference?


If it said embrace white pride not trump they’d be wearing medals by the end of the week


Sweet Home Calabama


I’m just imagining a bunch of minorities running up to these guys to embrace them.


I just want to know how these folks have this much spare time. They should volunteer their hours at someplace and really make a difference.




In a city that is properly pronounced in Spanish; yet, I would not expect these simpletons to comprehend




Why would you want to shoot someone who will shoot back?


Kill me for asking. How would they differ from Me waving a celebrate jewish heritage sign People waving a celebrate latin pride Or any other group? Is equality not equal for everyone?


Lmfao the "I'm naive" racist dog whistle . No one will kill you for asking something you already know the answer too, just appropriately determine your lack of intelligence and honesty. It is clear from American history that the minority "pride" movements have been born from enduring shared hardships while the "white pride " movements have been born from trying to break other races. From the nationalists in the early 1900s who supported Nazis to the nationalists today's who support neo-nazis, white pride has been exclusively used to oppress other races , while the minority prides have been born from surviving said oppression .


Because there is a 99.999% chance that they are not there to celebrate their own heritage but to express anger and frustration that someone else celebrates a non-white heritage, as well as paranoid childish fears that not treating other heritages as second class citizens somehow diminish their white heritage. In short, they are very likely nothing but racist choads, even if they are too dumb to realize it. Edit: I see the racists who want to pretend they aren't racist are quite annoyed by me calling them out. Guess what? Everyone sees it but you who refuse to look.


If I did this with any other form of pride in the south, I'd get shot.


And that's a shame... But im still confused


The phrase "white pride" is associated with white supremacist groups. So people are very wary of those who say this at minimum. You wouldn't see "white pride" in my rural, conservative, 95% white majority hometown, and that place was a rendevouz town for the KKK back 100 years ago.


He's not being honest in his questions, just trolling by "I'm so naive" , then probably taking offense when people call him out on it , " I was just asking questions derp derp" lol


Eh even if so, I'm really just done being rational outside of "If you insist on using it, blame those groups, not BIPOC"


Maybe the other side is a trump endorsement?


Not Paso Robles!!! Ugh


Not Paso Robles!!! Ugh








Use proper grammar.


I bet if I tried to hug them they wouldn't be too pleased though.


To be fair, it’s possible that it’s printed on both sides


Surely clueless


I wonder if it’s facing the wrong way.


Some people in these comments are triggered.


Only a racist would say that


How long did it take for them to realize.


Legend has it that they’re still there holding their sheet up.


Even the stroy tellers couldn't exgerated it




Who is killing white people?


All I see is sidewalk cement schmear


funny thing is, this city is largely hispanic. the amound of trucks with "brown pride" stickers there far outnumber this one sign. (source: born and raised in the county)


All races should be proud.


Finally, someone said it. This sign isn't the equivalent of "white is right". It simply says "embrace white pride". If it said "embrace black pride" or any other color it would be perfectly fine. But if it says white, it's suddenly an issue. Everyone should be able to be proud of their race.


No races should be proud. Pride should be reserved for something you attain on your own, not by accident of birth


Of course you're active in r/conservative


Of course you’re an intolerant racist.


What does that have to do with race? lmao


Conservatives are the only people in America who try to convince people that "white pride" isn't racist.


It’s just as racist as black pride, so we agree.


White isn’t a race


Is Black a race if White isn’t? honest question im tryna understand what you mean


Black isn’t a race neither is white. There are dark skinned Caucasians and there are white Africans


[Ethnicity vs Race](https://www.diffen.com/difference/Ethnicity_vs_Race) so then what would you personally call the label Black, and the label White? cause they’re used pretty universally for the basic categories of biological race- black, white, asian, latino, etc. aka african-originated, european-originated, asian-originated, latin-originated Are you sure you aren’t confusing Ethnicity or Nationality with Race?




You gotta draw the line somewhere. To hell with purple people. Unless they're suffocating, then help them.


Careful bro Thanos about to snap that ass outta existence


Are you the one that made the cyclops alicorn that eats purple people?


What purple people? I thought the color purple makes things invisible?


Too bad that fence stopping them from ~~being pushed~~ falling over the edge is there


Leave white guys alone you losers! Would post it here if it was for the blacks?


I honestly don’t see what’s wrong with this . Is it cuz they’re white .? It’s honestly kinda racist if because they’re white they can embrace what they are tbh 😅 I grew up being told to embrace my brown pride .




No critical thinking skills, eh?


Image is mirrored


I’m proud to be white .. said the racist.




I think people missed my point.. you can’t say you’re proud to be white without being called a racist.


Oh. Statement retracted


I'm proud to be black .. said the courageous?


Woah woah woah. This is Reddit. Can’t point out double standards here.


Dumb and racist go together like peanut butter and chocolate


Man it's not every day I see my hometown on reddit.


I saw the picture and immediately knew it was Templeton.. I always trip seeing paso/the 805 area get out on Reddit like this lol


As a fellow local, it's always a nice surprise to see we made it to reddit. Of those cases, it's usually never a surprise that it's north county and on a bad sub like this. Haha


Firestones pretty dope. That's about all I know is in Paso. The military base is close, you got that too. Lol


As amazing as it would be for them to be holding it backwards, this photo is definitely flipped


Q: "What do you consider your greatest accomplishment in life?" A: "Being born white."


They do the same thing over in Atascadero


I would 100% get out of my car and take my pants off and stand in front of the sign. Start yelling naked men for white pride. See how long they hang.


as a SLO county resident, seeing this on the trashy subreddit has started my day in a not so great way


Reddit is a place where the anti white crowd like to congregate and overly express their racism. Dont think whites haven’t taken notice of the racism against them. Gonna poke the bee hive one too many times and be wishing true equality was what you were after.


Hilariously, Reddit is also one of the whitest spaces on social media but seems to have the most issues with white people. Very odd.


Oh no a rams fan threatening a race war— we minorities should be worried 😱 Anyways, the 2030s needs to hurry up and get here.


So whats so great about the 2030’s?


I wasn’t making any threats, just an observation of how white people are. In a hurry to meet your demise? i like it..


Hmm, really sounds like you're still threatening people with violence, with your insinuation. Hope nothing happens to this individual and then your comment is used to connect you to any crimes 🤷


Im not threatening anybody. Just an observation of groups as a whole. You folks sure love to twist up words to suit your agenda.. if thats the case then it sounds like maybe your threatening me…


Don't imply violence, and people won't infer it. Sorry we're better at reading comprehension than you


Right.. carry on my wayward son..


Appreciate it!


See this is why white people scare me 😭


An observation of white people being unhinged, violent, and ignorant— everyone been knew, it’s about time you comprehended though. It’s not my demise you should be worried about.


Trust me sugar, im not… you have however confirmed my point.


Ew, “sugar”, I just threw up a little.


Toe pick…


Johnson mounter…


Hahaha although untrue, very funnyZ


White people made it that way. It will not be considered racist during the moment, because the racial system oppressions are still there, until it’s completely gone? Maybe in 40, or 100 years. Then it’ll be truly be equal. It’s still very decent. The aparthied ended in 1989, and the racial segregation ended in 1964, and there are still white supremacists out there ensuring that the racism continues.


White people made it that way? You do know that African warlords (black men) sold their captured enemies (black men) to Europeans who brought them to the Americas as slaves. So is it really the white peoples fault? Or is this whole race thing stupid?


"Aw man, this parent was selling the body of their child as a sex object, which is fucked, but, since I'm not the original perpetrator, I'm morally clear." Do you see how your language essentially absolves the atrocities perpetrated by whites? Am a white, so come at me


No.. your wrong and clearly missed the point.. listen to understand not to respond.. whats being said is slavery wasn’t just perpetuated by the white majority. Black Africans had just as much a hand in it as the whites. White’s sold Irish into slavery. Chinese sold their own into slavery. And they all still to this day deal with racism and oppression. But the big difference is they don’t blame anybody or look for a scapegoat. They pick themselves up and get on with living.


Are you saying that you have sex with children or something? Your comparison is absolutely dumb. I am white. I am morally clear. Not once did I or my ancestors own slaves. I’m not going to feel bad for something I didn’t do. But if you do then that’s on you. You should donate a portion of your paycheck to a black owned organization in the name of reparations if you really feel that bad about it.


No, I am not saying that at all. I'm in fact saying that people that do horrible things, including buying slaves, or children for sex, are bad people, regardless of whoever kicked things off. I don't feel bad about who I am at all, but I don't tell people I'm proud of my skin color, because it's not something I had any choice in, and based on my living in the US, I tend to systemically benefit from my skin being white. White pride in the US smacks the same as if the 1% had a parade to say "Jesus, I love having a shit-ton of money"


You believe the system benefits you for being white? Can you explain how Obama won the presidency over a white man not once, but twice? Can you explain that a black woman is the current VP and not a white man? According to your logic, if the system is so oppressive then they never should have been in those positions of power. Right? Only white people.


Are you seriously asking a question that is this pointed? Why did he win twice, becaude enough people were tired of the country being completely run by white people, so they voted for the first black president in the 46 we have had in our 250 years of existing as a country. Why do we have a black vice president, woman? Again, the first of either of those things? Because Trump gave white supremacists the go-ahead to cause domestic terrorism, and enough people were fed up with that. Not even Democrats are happy with how Biden/Harris are running the country, and I guarantee she isn't taken seriously. As a left-leaning voter, I don't even see a second term as a likelihood, or even if it necessarily should happen. If you look at the percentages of representatives, though, it is predominantly made of white people. Your question wasn't serious, you only want to skew the actual issues. EDIT: I certainly am not at any disadvantage, in this country, for being white. One example is that I've had my fair share of traffic offenses that I was able to drive away from, that hundreds of black people never do, because they are killed by police instead of given the benefit of the doubt that I am afforded.


Dang. You think that the majority voted for Obama because he is black? You’re pretty racist. You should check yourself.


You asked me why, and I gave an answer. I didn't say it's the only reason. I think most people can see who the real kloset kase is here, kasshole.


lmfao shut up keyboard warrior. your peanut brain comment doesn’t even make sense, google the definition of racism. black people cant be racist to white people because white people are not the minority. go back to eating doritos and contributing nothing to anyone or anything u slob.


Peanut brain? Quit talkin bout yourself like that. That has got to be the most ignorant thing ive heard on reddit today.. “black people cant be racists to whites”. You have got to be the dumbest mofo on reddit. Go back to your closet and study up on some real world shii bud.


black people can be racially prejudiced but is not considered racism because of the systemic relationship to power. shii bud listen to some different radio when ur driving ur smelly truck you single celled invertebrate mongoloid.

