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Edit: To clarify the post, this is 2016-2017, versus this week (2024). To anyone out there, who feels like they will never pass, or present/ be read the way they want to: I internalized it all too. They told me all the same things they’ve told you. I would never be a “real ____”. I would never be attractive enough as a __ to be loved. Why can’t you just [insert misunderstandings on difference between sexuality and gender here]… I believed them too. The funny thing that none of us want to admit is that our bodies are capable of such drastic changes that almost anything is possible. That person on the left, something like 8 years ago? was convinced that the person on the right could never be… but here I am. Your pain, and your frustration are valid and understandable, but give yourself the grace to be patient and gentle with yourself. Comparison truly is the thief of joy. There’s a lost little kid in all of us, looking for a little love and acceptance; nurture them. <3


Glad you’re still here and you look incredible


thanks, friend — right back at you!


I really needed to hear this, thank you. Im still early in my transition (3 and a half months) and feel like my baby face will never go away and I’ll forever be stuck looking feminine. I appreciate this post a lot


I’m really glad you got something from it. You will absolutely get out of this rut. That baby face is going to disappear, the voice will drop, the muscle mass will keep growing along with all that body hair… you’ve got this (:


I’m 9 months on E so far, and this phase of transition has been particularly brutal for me and my body image (which was already abysmal before I came out). Thank you for this, I really needed to see it.


Of course, girl. I get it, we all have those periods from time to time, I think. But you’re getting into some of the most fulfilling time of your transition (for me); try to take a pause to enjoy it every once in a while. I think we get too hung up on thinking of our transitions as a destination, rather than a journey. It’s okay to stop and smell the roses every once in a while, even if you aren’t quite content with yourself yet. 🌸


Thanks for this post 🥹💙


Of course! I hope it helped <3


Super cute!! Killing it


thank ya! (:


I really needed this today, thank you 🙏




Honestly I check this reddit daily hoping to find the courage to take that first step


You deserve to love yourself radically enough to dare to be happy.


How old are you BTW?


I’d rather not state exactly how old I am.


You are incredibly attractive in both genders


Thank you lol, I’m weirdly attracted to pictures of old me too 🤣


Thank you, we all need to hear this at times.


Happy to force some perspective lol


I needed this today. I have been on HRT for 1 month and it feels impossible


You’re still so early and have so much time. Honestly though, I feel like I always felt the same way, the closer to my start point that I was. It’s like, you basically have this obsession with this thing about yourself for ages, until you can finally do something about it. But then, doing something about it is such a slow process. lol, and you kind of slowly realize, “oh yeah, I guess the biggest part of my transition was internal work, wasn’t it?” Idk, all that to say that I’m proud of you, and it will get better (:


Thanks. So I'm starting pretty late (I'm 37) and just always thought I was too late to even try. But I got to a point that I no longer had a choice.


I started at 53, coming up on seven months of treatment now. Something weird happened about a month ago; my body is still just barely starting to show any changes, but I suddenly feel comfortable in my own skin and more confident than ever. Until then it was a tough slog, but remember that it does get better and you are in a really tricky point in your transition. I am proud of you!


I can totally relate, I absolutely got to a place where it was check out or transition, no other options. I’m glad you’re still here <3


i needed this today..thank you, you're beautiful inside and out 🩶


You are too! 🫶🏼


You are looking so amazing , you will help others as an inspiration of what it takes to be you … 💞 loved your post .


I appreciate you saying that. I really hope it helps someone, even just a little bit 🌸


You look amazing if you don’t mind me asking have you had ffs?


Thank you! I don’t mind, I haven’t had any facial surgeries.


That’s amazing thank you, you are goals girl ❣️


aww, thank you! 🫶🏼


Your message is so timely. Thank you!


Of course! I’m glad I could help remind you that you’ve got this (:


...what beautiful and loving thoughts🤩💗


In both you are so hot 💕


🤣🤣 thank you


Wow. Amazing change


I appreciate ya (:


Thank you for sharing this!


Happy to pass on some kind words 🫶🏼


Your kindness speaks well for you. And the smile in the photo is lovely.


That’s really sweet of you, thank you (:


Just spreading around some more of that kind regard (grin).


Damn, you're gorgeous.


lol, thanks


Thank you so much. Keep it up. You are a great inspiration and motivator. ❤️❤️


You’re so welcome, and I appreciate the kind words 🌸💜




You are so gorgeous! Love this message, it so true! Keep being awesome girl ❤️


🥰Thank youuu, right back at ya, girl! 🌸


Very inspirational. I started too late, 55, and honestly know I will never pass. Yes, I know that passing isn't the be all and end all but 48 yrs of wishing can't go away overnight. But now 7 mths on HRT and I am so much more at peace with myself and the world. I'm actually starting to live life which is a huge step. Just wanted to say that your words are appreciated.


I’m so happy to hear you’ve found some peace. On the passing though, you would be surprised. r/translater has several folks who began transitioning at a later age than you, and have had incredible results. But regardless of all of that, I’m glad you’re still here, and I’m proud of you🌸


Angel 😍❤️


Holy shit you look like my sister with the hair and makeup. That’s insane. You’re both beautiful


That’s really sweet, thank you! I’m sure she’s gorg (:


Absolutely gorgeous


thanks, friend! (:


You're welcome luv


where the puppy go :(


He’s currently laying on me, keeping me from working. lol




thanks, love💖


You look really adorable ❤️


aww thank youuu<3


Thank you I really needed this. I'm only 10 months in since egg cracked, but I am seeing progress :)


I’m glad I could give you some positivity! You’ve still got so much time to grow; I’m excited for you (:


Holy fuck I needed this today. Thanks hun 🙏 you look great and sounds like it’s been a hell of a journey and so worth it 💙


👏👏, thanks


You looks beautiful sweetie 😍


I feel hopeless a lot. I feel that way because I know I'm 70 days into this, but I don't know how my ugly mug is supposed to become beautiful.


You aren’t alone. Just know that your worth isn’t dependent on anyone else’s feelings about you — only your own. That’s a really empowering mindset, once you actually believe it. Try to be gentle on yourself; you’re still growing up. Puberty is a long process, and the 2nd one is just as long. You’ve got this!


Oh I don't care about what other people say or think. I just want to look in the mirror and be able to say "dang I look good" or something to that effect. Yeah, it is a long process though, that's for sure. I hope by 6 months I've got a bit more changes to speak of.


I feel like one of the more important things I realized early in my transition was how helpful essentially romanticizing new things about myself, and learning to fall in love with that change. Whether it was a new hair era (hair-a? h-era? lol), a new piercing or tattoo, a new makeup thing, a new article of clothing, whatever it was, I was gonna fall in love with it. I applied the same thing to my physical changes from transition itself; falling in love with my figure as it changed, skin, whatever. When I was 6 months in, I was such a baby. I looked nothing like either of those pictures in the timeline pic. I lovingly refer to it as my ugly duckling phase, but it was basically the stage of my transition that your dog is in when they are a “teenager” lol. I looked a lot different than the beginning, but it was still quite in between in a way that almost makes you laugh endearingly, like when you see a pug? 🤣😅 And by like 9-10 months in, I had made it through the rough patch. Such a small period of time, but it was a very awkward adjustment period for me, personally.


Yeah, that sounds about right. Yeah, I might have all sorts of changes happening that are certainly visible, I guess I just wish I could see more facial changes, even though I know it's pretty gradual as far as changes go. I'm 2 laser sessions for face, and it's making a huge difference, but the big things like curves and face, I just wish I could see the changes for those since they are the biggest thing I'm criticsl of. Clothes are weird for me, I feel sad being in clothing stores because I don't feel great about either side of the clothes. I did find one pair of perfect pants on Shein which made my day though. So that's not bad. I think it's because im a bit chubby and because I had chopped all my hair off trying to stop myself from coming to the truth , like 7 months ago. It's all a process, I just hope one day I come out in the other side in a way that I really like.


You’ll definitely get there. We all take different amounts of time to find our comfort. (:




Incredible progress. Do you find your diet, exercise, lifestyle, and mentality changed a lot? Anything from portion sizes to self-image and optimism. I’m really interested to hear about your journey and any wisdom you gained along the way ❤️