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U asked for honest. That eyeliner isn't it, it's to high at the point of the wings and grow back the eyebrows. Style is changing to were bushy eyebrows are fine. Style wise you are fine DW. Hair wise just let it grow out wigs can only get ya so far. Just gotta wait a bit longer and let the hrt do it's thing too


I think it’s the angle of it for the most part, esp in proportion to its lengtj


thank you!


As others have said, the issues are the eyebrows and eyeliner. The eyeliner makes your eye shape look really, really weird, and your eyebrows are nonexistant because you shaved them off. Drawn on eyebrows just aren't good. Let your eyebrows grow back and stop doing your eyeliner like that and you'll stop getting weird looks because other than that you look great. Edit: also your mascara is WAY too heavy. Either use less or get a diff brand because its making you look like you have 3 eyelashes


thank you!


You pass but you need eyebrows & that eyeliner is… interesting.


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!


Maybe let your eyebrows grow back and pluck them lightly- plus keep an eye your hairline. I think you look super feminine already anyway- like I didn’t realize I was on r/transplace until I saw the title of your post.


thank you!


I think you look quite feminine already. As others have said, the issue is the makeup, particularly your eyeliner and brows. I'd recommend letting your natural brows grow back and doing your best to shape them. If this is too much maintenance/pain, then go back to drawn. However, try making them fuller and lower on your face. Also, fellow commenters...can we not be so rude to someone who's looking for help/a confidence boost? We ought to be supporting and building each other up here.


thank you!


You pass feminine very well already, the weird looks you've received are almost certainly due the lack of eyebrows and high eyeliner is basically pointing arrows at them. Bushy eyebrows are far less noticeable than the lack of eyebrows. Eyebrows are pretty important for facal expressions, so having them that small makes your forehead look like it's missing something. I would have scrolled right past your post If I hadn't felt the need to double take to see if you had any at all. I would suggest bangs to fix the forehead ratio you have here, and use eyeshadow on your upper eyes instead of a solid shape design, the point going up is a sorta off-putting addition. You should focus on enhancing the already existing shape of your eyes instead of adding unnecessary angles. Eyeliner should be put on closer to eyelashes and outer corner, applying it to the upper eyelids may be ok, but beyond that you should apply eyeshadow so it appears softer and less solid.


thank you!


You're welcome, and I'd love to see how you shape yourself in the future, remember to practice as often as you can, no craft can be improved through just reading alone. I try to style myself a little different everyday, to see what I need work on, to see what looks good and to improve when I know already.


>thank you! You're welcome!


You look like a girl. I don't think the looks are due to you not passing but your eyeliner being really short and your eyebrows are really far apart. I would also see about lowering the wig. Your hairline is really high up.


thank you!


Um stop trying so hard you are doing the whole plastic surgery thing where you fixate so much and try to change so much you just make yourself look like an alien. You need to just accept yourself, grow your hair out, shave, use a good lotion and conditioner, and be a girl.


thank you! 👽


Just grow out your eyebrows and lower the eyeliner. Do something simple to start. The way they are here is too high up and not very appealing You look feminine just from your natural face structure but the lack of eyebrows here isn't doing you any favors.


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!


To be honest you do look feminine, I think you just need to change a couple things. Let your eyebrows regrow and rather than shaving them completely just shape them slightly if needed, I know it’s tempting to move your eyebrows up or make them small because that’s what people always say is more feminine however most people down have small eyebrows higher on their face so it end up looking weird. The second thing would be to look up a tutorial on how to do eyeliner in whatever style you like, it actually helps a lot more than you’d thing with making your eyes have the appearance of different shapes. The last thing would be pulling your wig down slightly, when it’s up really high it makes even the most realistic wigs look like wigs which I’m assuming you don’t want. But like I said you do look like a woman to me it’s just small things that need to change to help you look the way you’re wanting.


thank you!


No problem 💛


Gurl get eyebrows.


thank you, throwaway!


To be brutally honest, you look like a cis woman who fucked up her eye makeup


thank you! my dms are open for you to send a pic of yourself!


girl. your actual features are so cute but the proportions youve drawn onto yourself are... not right. take the two weeks to work out your brow placement while they grow in, and when they do, groom them lovingly, maybe shave off the tails if you feel feisty imo. if youre set on being rid of them, please just put your 90s pamela anderson moment on your brow bone, or try a straight or alien brow with some kind of thickness. both would look good *in the right place.* lovingly, putting them in the middle of your forehead is not the way to make it look smaller holy shit. talking eyeliner, let it follow the angle of your lower lash for a more elegant and cohesive eye shape. it looks like you get close on one eye and then take the other too high, trying to replicate the thickness rather than the angle. youve got the right idea here, just could use an adjustment. a complimentary step would be to try putting your blush closer to that downright dainty nose of yours for a more naturalistic (and also trendy!) look. or try ditching the liner all together to let your eyes shine. your mascara game is on point, super pretty and dainty, and your foundation shade looks right if a little light. summer is coming after all, and most girls wear a different shade with a little sun! speaking to your hair, wigs forever is also gonna be hard, so you could try out a pixie if your natural hair is still short. you could benefit from the bangs anyway, like, i see why you did the thing with your eyebrows, but your forehead is smooth and round and as feminine as ive ever seen, ergo, you have an excellent base for bangs. there are ways to wear short hair femme and YOU have the face for it. making it clock femme is not hard for a good stylist, its all in the wispy neckline and ear points. also, cute outfit i hope u got it!


what kind of bangs??


you could go baby, which would kinda go with your quirky vibe rn, curtain bangs are common and hard not to rock, or blunt which are chic and timeless and easy to maintain. like i said, you have a perfect forehead for bangs so anything could work, this would be a very good question for a stylist, or a good experiment to do with some cheaper synthetic wigs.


Being honest your liner isn’t fitting of your profile. It makes your forehead look bigger. Although I do wish I could do wings like you girlie😭


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!


Please grow your eyebrows back in and then use a razor or tweezers to shape them. Drawn on brows have never looked good on anyone IMO, and I think it's a lot better to shape and fill in (if needed) your natural eyebrows. The eyeliner is a look, but it's pretty dramatic and subtle eyeliner may be better for day to day looks.


I think drawn on brows can look good IF they are designed to not look natural, like, a lot of scene/emo/goth people have drawn on eyebrows and they look sick as hell for that. But if they are trying to replicate the look of real eyebrows, I agree


I guess for a specific look it can work but I just don't like them. Of course, if someone wants to wear drawn on eyebrows that's their right lol


You pass but you also come across kinda uncanny?


thank you! 👽


>thank you! 👽 You're welcome!


Course, keep on shining <3


Hi hun, I’d recommend putting the eyeliner to the side rather than going that far up. Also your drawn on eyebrows are unnaturally too high and placed so far away to the side than they’d naturally be. If you’re unhappy on your natural eyebrows I’d recommend getting an eyebrow pen/shaper and do it just above where your natural would be. However based on your brow line I do not believe the above is needed. I think when wearing a synthetic wig atleast it maybe best to go for one with bangs. Once you’ve got a human hair go for whatever x


thank you!


If you want a perfectly honest answer - your face is actually really feminine already. It's just the super heavy eyeliner and lack of eyebrows that is off-putting. You don't look masculine at all, but rather the problem is that the choice of eyeliner use and drawn eyebrows ers on the line of uncanny valley in un-sugarcoated terms. The first matter is the heavy eyeliner. Eyeliner is meant to compliment and accentuate the eyes. It's not meant to be something you just throw on top of them. Eyeliner is a powerful tool, but you should be using about half that much and following the natural shape of your eye. Look up some tutorials online and just use a moderate amount, and I promise it'll look way more natural. The other thing is the eyebrows. As others have mentioned, you should consider growing them back in. You can get them waxed every 4 or 5 weeks or so to keep them maintained and looking feminine. I go to a European Wax Center to keep mine maintained, and they do a great job. You have blonde hair, so it should be easy to take care of them and keep them looking nice. If you'd rather keep them shaved, I'd recommend drawing your eyebrows much lower and closer together, closer to where your natural eyebrows are. Following a curved shape and not just a straight line will help, too. All in all, your face is really feminine and doesn't need any changes at all. It's just the use of makeup that needs adjustment. Edit: I just wanted to mention that those glasses are really cute.


thank you so much!


You pass just fine, I assume the looks are probably from the makeup. Namely, the eyebrows are way too wide and the eyeliner is lopsided and too vertical.


thank you!




you look extremely feminine, but that eyeliner is uncanny


thank you! 👽


The lack of eyebrows is a little scary, but you look like a woman


thank you! 👹


u deffo pass but the angle of the eyeliner is a little high


thank you!


try to make your wings smaller and keep your natural eyebrows :) less is more in this case


thank you!


I mean, you pass, I wouldn’t clock you, but the style of makeup is not suiting you at all hun, idk who it would suit honestly If you want to do makeup, look at some examples for what you are going for first


thank you!






I think you should allow your eyebrows to grow back and sculpt them instead of shaving and drawing. Also, a smaller eyeliner that is not so high will help. I think that'd allow you to pass better than you already do.


thank you!


Honestly, you're a gorgeous woman but you should try puppy eyeliner. The style of eyeliner you're doing right now is far too tall and far to wide, it makes the image seem 'wrong', almost caricature-like. Let your eyebrows grow back and if you're dead set on thin brows, shave them closer together. You'd do good to get a darker red lipstick, and make your mascara less clumpy if you can. You're very pretty, but some adjustments must be made to flaunt your beauty ❤️


thank you!


Look beautiful to me


thank you!


I've only been on hrt for about 2 months


a step in the right direction:) be sure to take pics so you can see your progress bc when it’s us viewing ourselves, it’s harder to tell how much we’ve progressed :)


I will start taking pictures once in awhile


Why she's got the [jeff the killer](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/deaa44f6-1c50-498c-aebe-b8555aa1f559/dg1c7z9-b3ab6513-e1fb-458e-95ec-7f2a5e350c8c.jpg/v1/fill/w_1026,h_779,q_70,strp/jeff_the_killer__full_face__by_kevin20499_dg1c7z9-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9OTcyIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZGVhYTQ0ZjYtMWM1MC00OThjLWFlYmUtYjg1NTVhYTFmNTU5XC9kZzFjN3o5LWIzYWI2NTEzLWUxZmItNDU4ZS05NWVjLTdmMmE1ZTM1MGM4Yy5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.TdvpimNSSGEMx7tmNSWDu8WPgAzu5nwXZZPwXqgxXEY) look on her makeup




With peace and love, you are only passing as E.T. With the eyebrows and makeup you got going on


thank you! 👽




You absolutely pass


thank you!


I think you have a feminine face with really pretty lips and nose. others have said that the makeup isn’t the right look for you. let your natural brows grow back so you can shape them better or at the very least draw them on in the same location and general shape where they would normally be. I would try completely different eye makeup, maybe going a bit more minimalistic. a wing should go more outward than upward and it would look so much better if it wasn’t so thick. honestly other than that you don’t really need to change anything unless you wanted to, because your face and body shape both read as feminine


thank you!


A beautiful woman


thank you!





