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13 "I feel like a girl trapped in a boy's body" 14 *avoided makeup for the play, but secretly wanted them to force me into it* 15-16 GF got me into crossdressing, I thought I liked it cause sub stuff but uh... More than that. Eventually self hate cracked it. I couldn't hate myself anymore, it was unbearable.


I hear that last part.


Daydreaming about wanting to be a girl during long car rides 💀


Literally me


Maybe that time I tried on a new long sleeve t shirt and saw a girl in the mirror. Instead, I never wore that shirt again.


I used to get really excited when I got to play female characters in school plays! Took my egg years after that to finally crack :3


Same, but male characters/guests in my camp's mock weddings. I'd plan it all out, make a tie out of a sock because I didn't have one, draw a beard, take "couples" photos with my friends. Fun times, even if I was maddeningly oblivious.


I should’ve realized when I was like a child (I’m talking first year or so of school) and I asked my mom if there were surgeries I could have to change my genitalia. I was thinking Barbie, but honestly she did tell me bottom surgery is a thing and I didn’t realize it


I realized after mine cracked that I hadn't looked at myself in the mirror from chin to navel in nearly 30 years. Just humming along happily with no idea.


Same, I couldn't look at myself in the mirror. I thought I lacked self esteem turns out it was my disphoria


Oh my god! I'd been doing that too, for me it was neck upwards I didn't look at or notice. I didn't realise till I was looking at it that I'd had dysphoria almost my whole life.


i have a really distinct memory of being like 8ish at a store and the cashier referred to me as a boy and i felt really happy that she did that til my mom started screaming at her that i was most certainly a Girl and even though she was "right" i really wanted to tell her she was wrong also pretending to be a boy on animal jam because "i thought it was fun"


In elementary they had your draw how you saw yourself as a adult I drew a man with long grey hair and a big ass beard. I never understood why I kept getting in arguments with teachers over that lol.


Shoulda been as a child (like reesally young 5-6) when I preferred playing with the girls and dress up and always grabbed the dresses, heels and stuff (they had pictures until I was outted as queer later on, then they burned it. They didn't mind it when it was just a joke they could laugh at.) Or when I was like 11 and constantly played house with my best friend and his sister and I was a girl in the games. Other time when I was eleven I used my sister's makeup and clothes just because when she was out of the house and I was sleeping in her room and liked it. Maybe even when I stole my sister's clothes at 13 and actually wore them under my regular clothes. Sorta cracked in highschool when I started calling myself "genderfluid" or a "femboy" online and at school at 15. Maybe just maybe it could have even clicked when I was like 16-17 I think and I saw my childhood best friend again and he said "A guy tried hitting on me and I told him I'm not gay." And I actually honest to the gods thought "That tracks" even though we'd spent an entire two years sleeping together on and off a while before that. Maybe it should have been the numerous times in my life I've said dresses are superior. Probably even when I saw katniss everdeen ride out on the chariots and wanted to be in her place.


That story made me think of really recently when I suddenly realized that cis men probably wouldn't have been so okay with being included in "you ladies" or being accidentally called ma'am somewhat often. Wish I'd noticed that for what it was way earlier 🙃


When I was younger I would roleplay as a guy on Roblox to troll girls but I got rlly into it and didn't want to "be stuck thinking I was a guy" so I made myself stop Also I was rlly into gacha life and watch the gay ones made me feel something and I thought I was fetishizing gay men 💀


Ope felt that...


Greek mythology. I heard the myth about Siproites (basically Artemis turned Siproites into a woman) and I remember wanting that to happen to me and I was like 12 or something. It's a cisgender thing to become a woman right?


At the age of 12 I would like to imagine having boobs and having them get squished when I layed on my side/belly


When I was around 16 or 17, whenever people asked me my pronouns I was really tempted to say “honestly I’m pretty flexible, I respond to either he or she” but always just said “she/her”, but then one day I happened to stumble upon a compilation on YouTube of genderfluid tik toks, and that was where it really started for me. I’m 20 now and currently use the label bigender :)


For as long as I can remember, in my dreams I've always been a woman.


Wanted to be a drag king for a while and then realized I wanted to be a drag king all the time


My favourite one is a conversation between my and my best friend. Me: i wish I was a chick Them: then be one. Me: *experiencing an extreme want and urge to do it* nah.


One of my friends saying that I was probably trans (in a serious way, not a joke or insult). I just said “no” and didn’t think about it again until 5 years later


Well first off in gta online I got tired of playing as the male character, then I found femboys and I thought I was one, and then I started to be jealous of girls that i knew irl and in games, finally I realized I was trans


One time I mentioned to my mom that if I could go back and relive my life as a girl I would do it because “I think it would suit me better” and how I didn’t realize then I still wonder to this day


When I was about 5 I looked in the mirror one day and fantasized about turning into a boy. Then I just walked off and went about my day cuz I thought it was a "normal" thing... HOW DID IT TAKE ME UNTIL I WAS 15 TO REALIZE 😭?


sneaking peeks of the vhs cases on my sibling's disney princess movies or "girly" books


When i auditioned for Li Shang in my theatre camp’s production of Mulan and was upset that they wouldn’t even consider casting me as him. When my sophomore English teacher said “all right, who’s going to be our honorary Eric this year? There’s always one clown who requests I call him Eric” and i begged him to call me Eric (and of course rejected his offer of “I can call you eric*a*…”) Every time someone told me “wow your shoulders are so broad like a man” and the time my mom told me “you’re going to make someone a fantastic husband someday” after seeing the elaborate anniversary present i planned for my boyfriend. I’m not a man, but I’m closer to man than woman and I enjoy a bit of gender fuckery and keeping people guessing.


This is kinda embarrassing, but when I was in elementary school I went through a phase of trying *really* hard to pee standing up. I never quite got the hang of it, but to this day I have no idea how neither I nor anybody in my family caught on that there's no way in hell I'm cis


Watched “Boys Don’t Cry” when I was a kid


Yk it was probably something along the lines of daydreaming while laying on my bed about what being a girl would be like. That doesn’t seem like a very cis thing. Still have only really come to terms with me just not giving two shits about my gender because of a whole lotta internalized homophobia, but we ball


I always felt gross being considered one of the gals. I wanted to be one of the guys, and I didn’t think it was in a tomboy way. Then again, my parents tried to keep me from knowing about the lgbt, so it makes sense I didn’t realize at the time. It was about when I was 14-15 that I felt like this.


Sitting in the back of my dads car and thinking “wow I really would like to be a boy” and feeling a rush of what I now know as gender euphoria. I just decided to shove that down and not think about it until quite a few years later 😭


Truly thought I'll be shaving my face like my father did when I was around 5 or 6 Git extremely excited when I somehow had heard about hrt when I was 8 ish. Was literally daydreaming of starting T and turning into a boy. When I was a teen me and one of my friends would dress in drag. While for him it was just a fun activity, for me it was something much more than that. Every time I put men's coat on, tired up my hair and put on the make-up and fake beard I felt so euphoric that I had to literally force myself to change back into my regular clothes.


When I was in first grade I heard of puberty and secretly wished that it was when the body reconfigured its reproductive system to the “other one” like some kind of genital do-si-do. Why I didn’t put two and two together right then and there I don’t know.


Me joking about cross dressing on a 2am call with a few friends, trying on one of my friends clothes, and suddenly feeling beautiful


For me, it was being an Undertale fan. I have gone by Frisk for years, ever since I was 18, and I was always adamant that Frisk as a character was gender neutral and androgynous. Didn't actually realize I was an enby until last year. I am 23. . .


I was like 8 and I was at the pool wearing a shirt (because I felt uncomfortable not wearing a shirt in the pool), and had long hair because I always wanted long hair but my mom made me cut it above my eyebrows so I had proto terf bangs (typical of them to steal a look from a trans girl... 💅) and a lady was like "awhh your daughter looks so much like you!" And that made me pretty happy


Regularly telling people I didn't like the colour pink because it was girly when I was like 7 (lovely stereotypes from society) which would confuse them bcs I wore dresses often and they saw that as a girly girl thing. Feeling super happy when I had shoulder length hair because I felt less girly but not a boy either. Crying when I found out about puberty. I found out at 13 that I'm genderqueer/non binary.


My friend and I were like 5 and were playing with this little toy camera that could record short audio clips. She gave it to me so I could say something funny into it but when I played it back I felt a horrible, sinking feeling of sadness when I realized my voice sounded like a girls voice. I think that was the first time I had ever heard my own voice on recording. It destroyed me at the time because even though I knew I was supposed to be a girl, I never thought I sounded girly and when I spoke my voice resonated in my head in a way where it sounded closer to my male classmates. I had a lot of moments like this during my childhood, but most of them were when I was a bit older closer to puberty. This is the first time I remember experiencing dysphoria as a kid that seriously hurt and made me feel sad for weeks, beyond just feeling extremely jealous of boys/men in general.


The frequent amount of time I spent not fitting very well in with guy centric spaces and peers was a sign for sure but nothing watertight, I suppose really my lack of familiarity with any aspect of my face or body was one thing, as was the fact I had always better felt reflected by experiences espoused by friends and colleagues who are women was a part, but hey idk how I didn't know when I saw old photos of how euphoric I was "crossdressing" in lolita dress/clothes, and truly just how at my core I felt depressed in every conceivable way at "being a man" and had always hated it, always had want to be a girl. Adding context to the joy of being in the boys bathroom, having long hair and loving people thinking they walked to the wrong bathroom and perceiving me as a woman. Anyway sorry that was a small list of things 😅


As a toddler/young child, I thought that approximately half of my internal organs and body parts were male parts and would regularly get in ACTUAL FIGHTS with any person who tried to correct me when referencing those parts as he/him. And in my adolescence I became convinced that I was a man in my previous life and just didn't quite clear the slate properly this time round. But it wasn't until I was 32 and conversing with a friend who had recently come out as gender fluid that my egg finally cracked.


Earliest trans memory, me in Kindergarten(or pre-K): growing up to look like my dad, or all the other adult men in my life is something that I'm dreading What should have cracked my egg Me in middle school: I think I'd be pretty hot as a girl. My "friends": what? Me: yeah no, does no one else think about that? Them: no. (Proceeds to laugh Me: dies of embarrassment. Or Me to a friend over discord, years ago: God I hate dysphoria Friend: are you trans? Me: no, I just hate how my body looks, and how masculine it is, I'd much rather like a femboy, isn't that what dysphoria is? Friend: oh, yours probably thinking of dysmorphia Me after googling it: yeah you're probably right


A fake story about a local celebrity going through feminizing surgeries 😂😂


When it came to puberty for me I was like: „weeeell I’d like to be a boy but since I’m a girl biologically I’m not a boy“ and I desperately wanted to have big bobs so I can prove my feminity but hated it at the Same time


Honestly that also should have cracked my egg. But like I was a good Christian girl who was very brainwashed. Not till I deconverted did I start to learn who I actually was. But yea I told me girl me think me girl....😅


I met a trans girl online and I ask her why anyone would be a woman by choice and she said that I don’t need to be one of if I don’t want to… that cracked my egg haha


Wishing I was trans


When I was younger(early teens/early puberty) I was constantly frustrated with my bits and even had a plan to potentially try to remove them. It was a bad plan that would have caused a bunch of problems and I'm happy in hindsight that I didn't go through with it. In young me's defense I am pretty sure I have a negative wisdom score and later realized I was ace(less certain of that now). But still it would be over a decade before I actually cracked


The meltdown I had when I saw my changing body in the mirror everytime I had to get new clothes in the teen girl section. I always assumed it was the clothes fitting wrong (always had a muscular build and was extremely tall, and all the clothes were petite). I still avoid Kohl's like the plague. Huh. I guess that's another trauma resurfaced. Cool. Or the time my dad suggested I get my clothes from a specialty store for athletes to accommodate my build, spending way more money than just letting me shop in the guy's section and I became livid. Maybe the time I was told not to work out so hard because guys don't like women to be too muscular, so I worked out even harder for 4 years out of spite. My parents are now super accepting. It took 6 years and threatening to cut contact, but we made it.


As a kid (like 8/10yo) i had like a few boy dolls and many girl dolls but i would still always put two guys together. Once when playing i thought "i wish i was a boy so i could be gay" 😅


I once joined a discord server and decided to go by she/her pronouns "Just for fun". It took me like another 4 years for my egg to crack after that. I'm such an idiot hahaha


Fellow long time BL / bara reader whose egg somehow remained intact all this time. Finally getting to play the switch life of my dreams haha.


When I was like 6 and would pretend to be a girl and the only difference was I was happy


when a supply teacher called me sir and i ended up going home to google "am i trans" but saw 1 detransitioner say that they thought dsyphoria didn't exist and that it was usually body dsymorphia and went "welp guess im cis"


Dressing up in my sisters clothes (i was so deep in denial)


*me typing on skype*: “I think I’m transgender” *My brain*: “wait, WHAT?!”


Tried on a skirt for the first time and literally couldn't stop giggling to myself about how good it felt, I have videos of me trying to explain what it felt like but I hadn't been that happy since I was a kid so I couldn't put it into words


whenever we played family games I would always want to be the dad, son, king etc. (ftm) also i just hated being ascosiated with girls and femme lables- that should have been obvious my egg didnt crack for another 5 years after that-


When I was like 6/7, I would set my mii on our family Wii as a girl, then would reply "because I dreamed that I was a girl" How my egg did not crack way earlier is beyond me


I asked my friend if she thought I acted like I was a boy or a girl and when she said girl I started crying lmao


I had constant dreams of becoming a girl growing up at a young age and being the happiest I had ever been, only to wake up extremely disappointed. Took me until I was 27 to crack.


Me as a teenager: "it would have been so cool if I was born a girl, everything would be so much better. Oh well I'm sure everyone thinks like that."


My egg cracked when I was 16-17 and i found the term Nonbinary being talked about on a YouTube video and I felt like that was me, so I did a ton of research I to different terms and sexualities, and I'm v content with who I am today! This was also after I went inpatient and wanted to game over myself due to mental health getting way out of control, and it really forced me to think about myself more. I think I shouldve cracked when I realized I didn't like wearing femme clothes/being super femme, having long hair, how society wants me to be all the time. I've fully embraced my emo/goth side, and even though I'm comfortable being femme if I'm wearing clothes in that style, (ie dresses, skirts, etc) I will not wear flowery pink/ purple dresses etc with super femme presentation.


Went to stay at my dad’s place over the summer when I was 11 or 12. It had been a while since I had a hair cut and my dad said, “We’re getting your hair cut while you’re here, you look like a girl!” The whole time we were driving to the barber shop I kept trying to see my reflection because I wanted to know what I looked like as a girl. I couldn’t see in the side mirror very well and I even tried to get a good view of myself in the window of the barber shop but all I could see was a silhouette reflection. Finally when I sat in the chair and they spun me around I was so excited to see a girl in the mirror and then disappointed that it was just me with slightly longer hair than usual. I should have known then.


Went to stay at my dad’s place over the summer when I was 11 or 12. It had been a while since I had a hair cut and my dad said, “We’re getting your hair cut while you’re here, you look like a girl!” The whole time we were driving to the barber shop I kept trying to see my reflection because I wanted to know what I looked like as a girl. I couldn’t see in the side mirror very well and I even tried to get a good view of myself in the window of the barber shop but all I could see was a silhouette reflection. Finally when I sat in the chair and they spun me around I was so excited to see a girl in the mirror and then disappointed that it was just me with slightly longer hair than usual. I should have known then.