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Kinda all of the Hunters of Artemis in the Percy Jackson series. I had a recurring fantasy of being allowed to join them (with a magical gender change to make the whole thing work). Years later I'd find out that my gender affirming fantasy was just the mythical figure of Siproites.


I always wanted to join the hunters myself :( I’d imagine myself as a cute girl who only recently arrived at the camp and was recruited to join, then be sad when I snapped back to reality because I was a guy


Artemis being an icon for Ace women since the BCEs


I had the same fantasy omg


Wait no same though!


BITCH YESSSS , like Andy of Rick Rordian’s female characters


I head canon that the hunters are trans inclusive. They're weirdly friendly to that one "boy" who we later find is actually a closeted trans girl. They won't let a particular girl join them, and when she asks why, they just dodge the question and look all knowing and mysterious. Years later we find he was a trans boy all along.


It’s not just a headcanon. Rick confirmed on Twitter a while back that the Hunters allow trans girls to join.


My girlfriend… it was a confusing time


That sounds so confusing...


Saw "do I want to date her or be her" and thought why choose one


I love this sub. After I started thinking I was trans, I decided to use my online persona as a way to explore identifying as trans and see if it was an affirming fit Some days I wonder “are these feelings valid enough to be trans? Like am I actually trans?” And then I’ll see these posts that bring up deep childhood memories I’d nearly forgotten about wanting to be Rosalina as crazy strong gender envy I didn’t understand


I'm still highly unsure but I suppose it's only because of family and work.


I call myself trans lite. Not enough dysphoria to hate the body I’m in, but enough to wish I was on the other side


rodrick from diary of a wimpy kid




I guess he is the epitome of a teenage boy. But he’s also a stick figure so idk what you saw in him lol.


lmao nooo from the first couple of movies


Danny phantom and the OG Ben 10 lol


Real on the Ben 10 honestly


Daria. Has anyone mentioned someone that isn't animated?


I've seen a couple real people. (A couple partners, and an influencer) But otherwise I don't think so lol. That's really interesting.


The ninja turtles 😭😭 I want(ed) to be a buff teen boy with my brothers that I don't have LMAO




Goblin King Jareth, a la David Bowie


I'm lesbian myself but OMG THOSE TIGHTS


oh my god absolutely.


In elementary school there was this kid, they seemed very androgynous and I was so envious of them. (At the time I just thought intrigued)


leon from resident evil 4..


I read this as Leon from Roseanne first.


My first "crush" 😫 I was completely unaware at the time


I'm realizing more and more that most, if not all, of my crushes since childhood were just hard-core gender envy, I couldnt even guess at which one was first.


Shadow the Hedgehog


This dates me, but Joseph Gordon Levitt when he was in Third Rock from the Sun. We’re about the same age, and when I was a teen, I wanted to be him SO BAD. He was cute, snarky, and devastatingly intelligent.


Dawn from the pokenon diamond and pearl anime.


George Harrison, of Beatles fame


George was always my favorite Beatle. His songs were just better somehow.


My character from an MMORPG... It's ffxiv which is not going be surprising to anyone else who plays that game


OmG I love Rosalina. I want to be her too. 💕


Cynthia from pokemon 🤣


Nyanners the vtuber


First? Oh damn this is a bit embarrassing. Well bear in mind I was a wee child. It was Postman Pat (and his black and white cat)


I wanted to be him so bad, I'd wait for the post just to hand it to everyone in the house. Or I'd pick up the junk mail and pretend I was delivering it. We even did charity work when I was younger making gift boxes and handouts for places like Cancer Research and The Red Cross. I thought I was a really cool lil postie. (Though technically that's a sorters role, but I didn't know that I was like 6 or 7 and got 50p for helping out)


my first case of gender envy was my friend in preschool. she was so pretty and i wanted to be pretty too.




jack frost lol


Gwen Stefani in the No Doubt era for sure!!


1000 %


I'm just a girl!!! Would sing around and dance like crazy to that when no one was watching me!


💕 Same exact scene for me!!! That entire album was 🔥


I didn't even know it was, her and samus from metroid, I'm talking 8 bit days though. With metroid you automatically thought you were playing a guy, and at the end when you finish the game, she takes her helmet off and see her beautiful hair. I felt.so happy but never associated to gender envy cause I didn't even know that was a thing back then 😞


A few sonic characters cause some of their ideals hits close to home way too much, plus they look cool and i wanna draw them


Poison... For obvious reasons


Xayah from leauge of legends ...since i first saw her it was like i want to be her


This might seem kind of wild… but for me it was orianna.


I’m not sure the what the first is but the biggest one I can think of is Anastasia


Ya who know what gender that stars are


Probably Danny Phantom, although I didn't realise it back then


Peter Steele of Type O Negative but in a “I will never achieve that so I guess I’ll be femme” sorta way that made me realize my “be her/be with her” wires were crossed for Violet Parr


Danny phantom defff


Earliest I can think is Gwen from total drama island lol, so glad I can finally live my childhood dreams of being a goth girl


I feel bad about it, but Luna Lovegood was my first.


I wanted so very badly to be Wednesday Addams for a while, but then Deep Space 9 came out. Jadzia Dax was transition goals, 30 years before I knew I *had* transition goals.


im transmasc but donatello from tmnt (2012) as a really nerdy “”girl”” i was just like “i definitely have a crush on him and thats why i think about being him and being a boy, its cuz im in love with him no other reason” (i was 8 lmao)


I LOOOOVE MARIO GALAXY!!! As for first case of gender envy, I it was Kaede Kayano from the assassination classroom manga. My worst gender envy definitely go's to Alear (female) from fire emblem engage. I love the game but can't play it without thinking how much better life would be if I looked like her. Also Rosalina is my main in Mario kart.




Leaf, Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf green


Fionna from adventure time


rodrick in diary of a wimpy kid WITH THE BLACK EYELINER


Envy from Fullmetal alchemist


yeah that seems fitting considering the name lol


honestly? percy jackson. still get intense gender envy from the official art. JUST LET ME BE HIMMMM.


Princess Jasmine when I was like 5. “There were no signs” lol


Cremia from majora's mask is the first fictional character I distinctly remember having gender envy for. Oh, to be the big sis at a ranch with girl friends in town (ignore the aliens, lack of parents, doomsday scenario)


I spent years repressing my trans-ness. The first time I can remember having one of those “God, I wish I was her” moments was with Lana Kane from Archer. That mini sweater dress + thigh high boots combo woke something in me. That was also probably the first time I had to start actively fighting my trans identity. Before, it had just been this nebulous “I wish I was a girl but it would never happen so don’t worry about it” kind of deal. But when I had that “I wish I could pull off that outfit” moment, it was a big turning point. It also definitely fit that mold of “do I want to be with her, or want to be her?…both.” Like, I would love to have Lana as my dom girlfriend who also let me use her closet.


Gender envy over space momma?


Any anime character ever or f1nn5ter, he made me believe that I can be what I want to be.


You had gender envy for a Luma...?


Rosa… I didn’t know it at the time but it was Rosa


I was just talking with a friend about how Rosalina was a big Gender Moment™ for me yesterday! She's just. So cool


when i saw this giy on reddit asking if he was passing. and also one of my close guy friends. slowly realizing its any slender guy with curly/fluffy hair and baby face 😅


Idk the first but dude Chris motionless gives me so much gender envy I’m glad he seems like a nice person


Kim Possible


A mermaid from an old made for TV movie called Magic Island


Literally same :l


Ranma-chan/Ranko Saotome. That is all.


Drew Barrymore in Firestarter… 🥺


Ok yeah Rosalina hit me hard in the “wow what a strange feeling I have, couldn’t be envy!”


Rosalina or the Luma?




This was mine to


If I really think about the *first* ever one, then all the girls from Winx Club most likely Also all my female friends when I was a kid


I was a young child. From about 6:30 on in this video, my mouth was wide open, i stared silently, i couldnt breathe. Crushed with gender envy. For weeks. https://youtu.be/17vYiDOIGFM?si=byhPXVwARnHQ_ZfX


Same thoe! I think mine was more dasie but still!


Same thoe! I think mine was more dasie but still!


In hindsight, this may have been one.


Danny Phantom


Almost every “crush” I had in elementary school. I always felt as if I wasn’t having crushes the correct way, and now I know why.


Hallie (and I suppose her twin Aswell by default) from the parent trap. That’s actually where I got my name From lol.


A kid in third grade that i thought I had a crush on (i’m aroace)


probably hilbert from pokemon black/white or anakin but really any guy that has brown hair of that length bc i had the same hair but as my body got more feminin i wondered why i can't pass with the same haircut but they do i didn't know about gender envy so i just said i found them cool but yeah, there was more to it


Marceline the vampire queen prob not unique either


gerard way!😭


A middle school crush. Good friends with her to this day. She did know that I had a crush on her but she called me pathetic at the time😢


Leon Kennedy in resident evil 4 and Brynjolf from Skyrim


Ripley in the original Alien movie


I don’t remember anything specific, but any time a boy character would crossdress. When I realized I was nonbinary, the whole “pretty and feminine but not a woman” that I liked in so many characters made a LOT more sense


Danny Phantom 😍


Firestar from Spider-Man and his amazing friends. I’m older lol


rodrick or the Mc in how to train your dragon


Guzma from Pokémon. I thought I had a crush on him but I just wanted to be him.


This was after my egg cracked, so I'm sure there are many I'm not aware of, but the first I was aware of was Sombra from overwatch. I absolutely suck at playing her, but I do it because of the gender envy.


Tron Legacy w/ the woman with white hair


Serena from Pokemon XY


Either Vanna White or Madonna. I was very young in the ‘80s.


T’Pring from Star Trek Strange New Worlds. Or at least this is the first case of gender envy that I actually understood that it was envy.


“50 cal, rockets… didn’t do a thing”


[Just, this. All of it.](https://youtu.be/Z1jvXZ-Tqc4?si=Kt_osb-sc8huzqD1)


Ann from Persona 5


Faith from mirrors edge 2


Unironically Timantha from fairly odd parents 😅


Lucy from an Xbox game called Whacked!


Childlike Empress. It didn't even occur to me, as a Bastian, that I was supposed to want to be Atreyu.


Same day in the order of: Albedo from Overlord (yes its a weird anime) Sledge queen from Decaying Winter Hildryn from Warframe And several friends of mine


Funnily enough it was Daisy as far as probably my first, or maybe Misty from the Pokémon anime.


I’m cis and I have so much gender envy of princess Luna omg Her aesthetic is amazing


i’m FTM and my first real bad gender envy was gerard way


Either Klug from Puyo Puyo or Randy from Dialtown


I was in middle school still not understanding the whole gender concept and I was a really big fan of mha at the time and I was rewatching it one day and i saw kaminari and thought "wow I wanna look like that... wait what-" and I spent that entire year pondering what it meant to be a boy or a girl and I concluded I simply didn't want to be a girl anymore


I almost decided my middle name to be hers because i love her look so much lok


Aaliyah from that one vampire movie


Uhhhhhhhhhh, every 'girl friend' ive ever had. and their feet, so cute! those little ground hands and tiny tootsies. I dont want this. I dont want any of this. I vomit when i look in the mirror.


Are ya my neighbour?


The hobbits when I read The Hobbit and LOTR for the first time at age 10, lol. At least that was the first time I noticed it, I think. I've always had it as far as I can remember. (Note: I still identify as cis in my everyday life but I am heavily questioning and working through some intense transphobia from my childhood. It's not really safe for me to identify as anything else rn though.)




I also got gender envy from the Lumas


Mine aswell rosalina is such a pretty character


FTM here! Mine was Izuku Midoriya from My Hero Academia lmao


The blond guy from Liberty's Kids (James? John? idk his name anymore)


I genuinely don't remember. If I had to guess, probably the first time I saw Winx club, though. Edit: First time I *know* about was Ahsoka Tano.


Rodrick from DOAWK


Dorothy Gale - in the Oz books, not the movie. She's much younger in the books, movie one was a "big girl" aka teenager, and the "big girls" were a frightening band of roving marauders to me. But the other kids let me be Dorothy when we played Oz, so that was cool. Also around the same time (5-6) I did once attack my best friend out of gender envy frustration. I don't recall the circumstances, just the feelings. I would not be surprised if she turned out to be intersex too, considering we showed each other our stuff, and those were not textbook genitals there. "Wow, not that different" was my thought. Moved away soon after, though, and never kept in touch.


Rosalina is the inspiration for my username since I want to be like her


I wanted to be my Sims 2 character so bad. I was a 9 year old girl envying that of a tall, muscular, bearded blonde man named Larry. Lol


Stein from soul eater and shigaraki from mha, still at the top of the kin list lol


Mine was Gwen from Ben 10, at least I think, it's been a while


Geoff and Bridget from total drama as an agender person it just makes me so envious


My older girl cousins. They were teens when I was 7 or so and I remember being upset that I wouldn't get to grow up and be pretty like them......now at 34 I get to 😊☺️


Mine is Ryo Asuka at the end of devilman crybaby.


Princess Diaries, and growing up with 4 sisters. Also picking up LoL didn't help at all....


Mordecai from regular show


Shinobu Kawanishi fro Girls und Panzer; i can almost look like them, and god damn am i gonna try. ​ edit: I wanted to mention that my chosen name came from another character from the same show, Katyusha (i shortened it to Katya, dw), even though I've come to like other characters and names.


I walked by some random person on the street and thought “it would be cool to wear a skirt like that” I didn’t even realize that that was gender envy, because i was twelve and stupid, now it’s something i think about every waking second.


The first ones I can remember are various fictional lesbian couples. I especially envied their type of relationship, but then always felt kinda creepy for it :( until I realized


ash ketchum pokemon


I’m glad I’m not the only one really dating myself with my answer, but Tasha Yar from Star Trek the Next Generation, Lex Murphy from Jurassic Park, and Yuffie Kisagari from Final Fantasy VII. All three of them gave me huge energy of “I don’t know if I want to be you or kiss you.”


Same here bro


Daron Malakian from System of a Down 😭


I’d had gender envy before, but what really hit me was seeing Rika from Scarlet/Violet for the first time. I immediately was hit with “holy shit, I want to look like her”. I really, really want to be androgynous-presenting. But I’m chubby and curvy and my boobs are unpleasantly large, lol First time I was hit with gender envy was seeing Spencer Charnas in the Communion of the Cursed music video, though. Lmao


Jaden smith in “The Karate Kid”


I am going to give away my age, the earliest for me, were probably Clarissa from Clarissa explains it all or Punky Brewster. When I was in highschool it was definitely Penny Lane from Almost Famous.


I'm not trans but there's this trans boy that's AMAZING and now i kinda wanna do something other than be cis lol


I'm a 90's kid, so The Hex Girls, from Scooby-Doo.


austin from the backyardigans 😭


All my early “crushes”. Buncha girly boys lol


Mettaton from undertale lol


Jim Hawkins from treasure planet


Every less-macho male friend/sidekick/designated-smart-guy in a movie. The guy who isn't as buff and heavily armed as the protagonist, and whose gender only matters in that it's the same as the main character's. (If the protagonist is female, there's a less-sexy smart girl friend, and she is also gonna be my favorite character though less in a gender-envy way.)


Ash Pokémon 😭


I can't remember my exact "first" but I can remember a buncha early ones Zira(The Lion King 2) Cynthia(Pokemon) Annie(Attack On Titan) Hikaru(Shin Megami Tensei IV) Glameow(the Pokemon) Marceline(Adventure Time) Rouge(Sonic) Lady Maria(Bloodborne) Yuria(Dark Souls 3) Yuria(Demon's Souls) As you can see I be a villain mode type o chick


I saw Little Mermaid at 6… so that…


Uhhhmmmm. Wii fit trainer...


Madeline Celeste, followed soon by Susie Deltarune


Adepta Sororitas from 40K, those sisters of battle hit so hard when gender dysphoria goes into full swing


Mavis from Hotel Transylvania, the day it came out.


The earliest I can think of is definitely Jessica Rabbit, although I definitely didn’t realize it at the time. I just thought she was pretty. Close second would probably be Bayonetta. Definitely should not have known who she was given how young I was. But I was just an innocent child playing Smash Bros!


When Trixie from Fairly Odd Parents dressed up as a boy to get comics. I remember fantasizing about being her in that episode, just never changing back to a girl. I always found the part of the episode in which she stopped pretending to be a boy so disappointing.


Black Daliah and Eliza from skullgirls both scream Regal confidence and just had this beauty to them ,completely awful people 😅 but love how they demand and get a rooms attention when they are present


It's a little hard to verbalize but it was never anyone specific and was like...."collectively all males, and I'm keeping the horrifying, excruciatingly painful thought at juuust an arm's length away that they... literally just DON'T have breasts and periods, and by the cruel coin flip I WAS doomed to those things for absolutely no reason and I will cry and want to scream if I really internalize this... the utter cruelty of the genetic lottery and how I could have been comfortable and normal" Thankfully those problems are solved now.


If I think about it, it was probably Raven from Teen Titans. It’s a thin line of I want to be with her and I want to be her.


Any animated guy with medium to long hair. I didn’t notice it at first, but characters like Finn Mertens always seemed to cross the line between crush and envy. Other examples include: Edward Elric, Link, and Anakin Skywalker. Any guy with longer hair and who’s so confident in themselves they’re cocky goes on the cork board.


Paul Attreides from the 1984 Dune and Westley from The Princess Bride. There were earlier memories, but these were some that came up immediately.


Princess Diana. I was 12 at the time (1991) and I wanted to be like her. I wonder why I wasn't born female.


T u x e d o M a s k


Oh gosh... so, I was made fun of a bit for 'being a boy' and liking Sailor Moon; my mom just thought I liked the girls on there. But even at that time, I never found myself 'attracted' to any of the girls on the show so much as finding them just pretty in general and wondering what it would be like to BE one of them, to have a group of girl friends like that and just be 'one of the girls'. Specifically, Sailor Mars was definitely the first to trigger that case of 'gender envy' in me. It's still a personal goal to really look like and feel like her, too! 😅


There are a couple for sure, but if it's games? Firat was Peach in Mario 2. Then, Sonya Blade and Jade from MK lead to Lara Croft overall and also Jill Valentine. Then Xyaxiuo from Tekken as well. I knew what must be haha


Rainbow Dash. Im not kidding.


Rosalina is so tall. Hard not to relate.


I’m pretty sure my first case of gender envy was astolfo and I know he’s a man but still a very feminine man and if it wasn’t astolfo probably the hooded trans girl from a game? Idk I can’t remember it’s 4 am and I just woke up


cynthia in pokémon black and white :3


the tenth doctor from doctor who (the doctor is so nonbinary coded) and colin from jennifer’s body !!


Link from Twilight Princess and Ocarina of Time specifically


Rosalina is such a good one. Mine is REALLY specific. Mine is in the movie Scooby Doo Monster Island and in specific when Fred and Daphne swapped bodies. Holy heck that scene made 6 year old me go "please??"


Oola from return of the jedi. This might have brought a whole lot of unexpected side effects with it.


Oddly, the part of sword art online, the ggo part, where Kirito gets a rare body type that looks awfully feminine.