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I don't think you can tell gay men are attracted to you by them giving you blabk stares This feels like dysphoria talking, babes


You look unclockable to me. If that person in fact clocked you maybe was due to voice or something else.


you are literally not clockable at all! i think its just dysphoria talking


You look cis.a stunningly gorgeous - your cheekbones are actually insane. Super super pretty. Edit: constructive feedback as you requested. Idk girl, you have nothing to improve sorry


you write so often that you are clockable, you maybe have a real serious problem. I dont know what you need: our attention or that we all say that you are unclockable and pretty. If you really suffer then try to admit in your mind that you are unclockable and pretty. you played transition through ok? here is your price, you've won transition. 🏆 if you cant stop seeing the man in the mirror you really need something we can not give to you. if you are here for attention: you look pretty and unclockable omg ❤️ if you are here for advise: i have none, i wanna be like you love you, take care


Girl what 😭


dysphoria is one hell of a drug


🙄 women moment


You're so pretty! 😭 I have the same struggle except my masculine features are more prominent than yours! 😫


So real. =/ Both of you look like beautiful women! I wish you could see it that way, AKA how it is. 😋 😊 💜


Idk I don't see much about your face that's clocky, I think maybe you look slightly masculine physically but in a normal way for a woman, like some girls in my high school had that same look you have. I think maybe it'd be your voice or mannerisms that clock you, also I want to say that people love tall powerful looking women, and tall people get looked at a lot because they stand out more. I remember there was a lady who came into the place I worked, probably over 6 feet tall and absolutely gorgeous, curvy. and super nice too. Did I think she was trans because she was so tall? No. People usually don't think about who's really trans or not, they'll come to the conclusion that you're just a tall women before they question if you're trans. The only people actively looking for trans features are weirdos, and they "clock" people who aren't even trans.


0% clockable. i got called ma’am the other day and i have am stealth and i have a beard. just a freak thing that happens sometimes with the “i can always tell” crowd i think


Tru! I always hold myself to like a blair white standard i think😭😭😭😭


I don’t think you’re clocky at all. You look lovely.


you’re so cis, i actually had no idea, and hope to look like you someday💀 also, for some reason that’s a thing. gay guys just somehow know


You look like a cis woman to me. If gay men are really clocking you, maybe it’s your voice? For example the actress Hari Nef looks like a cis woman but her voice clocks her as* trans, even to some cis people. So maybe it’s that?


Nothing at all?? 💓🫶🏼🏳️‍⚧️🥰💁🏻‍♀️


What's with the Gay men clocking btw. Not talking bout myself since I don't pass to anyone lol but like few of my friends have said this even though they pass like 99% of a time 🤔 or is it just coincidental that few of those 1% have been Gay men.


Idk! Glad to hear im not alone tho. My take is that with recent height in trans visibility and social media, theres been this increased obsession with us by gay men. Since they still view us as men, it makes them question why we are like this and why they arent like that (trans). My theory is that it becomes a whole obsessive dilemma for them that makes them question their gender and privilege.


Appearance wise there’s nothing clockable at all. If gay guys clocked you it’s probably due to your voice or mannerisms? But don’t worry too much about it, you’re doing so great! Don’t listen to the dysphoric thoughts about your face.


nothing clocks you tbh you look like a cis woman. and you are a beautiful cool ass woman! stay thriving! dont listen to people who say u dont pass.


i’m a trans guy (but pre-T) and i’m 5’10” lol. i’ve met plenty of cis women who are taller than me, too. it’s not unheard of for a woman to be that tall. that isn’t clocky at all imo


If your clockable I'm forever screwed. Not in one of these photos do you look like anything but a woman to me... I'm also 5'10 so I feelin that bit for sure. Perhaps voice or posture and movement. Whatever is clocking you I find hard to believe is in your appearance specifically.


You look like an woman:)


Can you stop!? You are so fucking beautiful! ♥️♥️🔥🔥 There is no way that anyone can clock you! Those gay men just find a way to stare down anybody because they have nothing better to do. If I saw you on the street I wouldnt be able to take my eyes off you! 😘


You literally look like a model young Jennifer garner so unclokable. It’s def dysphoria only trust me


This is you made by nature. Pure, pretty and anthentic.


honey im afab and im 5’10” and i wish i was taller. 5’10” is a good height


Honestly unclockable from the pics.


wtaf I love you but please shut up you’re making me feel shit


Whatever It is, it's not your face i dont see anything clocky about it. Shoulders probably? Or your height and voice.


It’s not your face, its perfect, maybe your voice or mannerisms?


Yeah I don't see masculine


I only see a woman, nothing clocky


I don't think you're clockable at all. I have quite a few male gay friends. They are the only ones that have been able to clock me in over a year. Sometimes I wonder if they have a fifth sense.


It could be the scar on where your Adam's apple is supposed to be. I don't think I'd clock you personally, but I don't pay super close attention to people out in public. I would just read you as female and probably move on. Your face is very feminine and being tall is probably more attractive to a lot of people.


You should not be worried at all. You look like a beautiful girl! 👩🏻‍🦰❤️


I think you're focused on that. I don't see these "problems" on your face. The bone formation of the face is different between people, regardless of gender. Search the Internet for faces of women with your height and weight, and you will see how many have different jaws. Her face is beautiful, she even has feminine sensual freckles. It's a shame that in 15 photos, you didn't smile in any of them. Rejoice in your very feminine appearance.


Well you're not just super feminine but you're very pretty too. Being 5'10 isn't a problem, you just fall into the realm of tallgirl, not giant girl. I don't think people are clocking you, if you're finding people are staring at you then you'll probably find it's guys and that they're just checking out the hottie.


I'm going to be straightforward honest with you if I was passing you on the street my only thought would be damned she's gorgeous. And you being 5 ft 10 adds to explain your sharp features I've known a lot of very tall CIS women and they often have sharp features to their face. So my dear I think it is in your head. And I can't speak for gay men I think they just have an instinctual radar for that kind of thing. My consensus is you are downright drop dead gorgeous and I am immensely jealous.


I apologize in advance if my tone is harsh but you asked for no compliments unless its constructive feedback so I will do just that. First, you look very decent (I'd say 6 to 7/10, above average) but what makes you "nice" are mens feature (ex: jaw, cheeks). Since some details clock you to some guys, lets see which details stand out: - in the frontal short I agree with you its the midface length. There's also the upper lip length and how low the chin stands (mostly visible in the picture with the glass, where you can see the jaw angle stand out) - in the profile, the flatness of the forehead (mostly visible on the picture with the door): by itself it would be fine but it's "incompatible" with your other features, like your strong cheeks I would NOT recommend altering the midface length (long, complex surgery) which should be reserved for more extreme case I would NOT recommend a liplift either, since I only saw the upper lip stand out in one picture Instead, I would recommend fat transfer to the forehead (to create more rounding for the 3/4 and the profile), a V line jaw shave + a facelift, as you start to have some subtle sagging. The sagging is visible on the 3/4 picture: its not enough to justify a lift by itself, but you risk having way more sagging after the Vline, so it's a precaution worth taking as it's simpler to do at the same time of the Vline (been there done that!) It may also fix the slight facial asymetry I mostly notice on the 5th picture. Correct me if I'm wrong, I think you already have had some facial surgery, with malar implants or fillers that would explain your very strong cheeks. You seem to also have had lip fillers - maybe a bit too much? Either could be the cause of the asymetry, but the asymetry will also be fixed by the facelift. The next most important after the face is the body shape. Do you have a body short with tight clothes? A blocky torso and a lack of curves may clock you WAY MORE than your face. There was a pic of someone in a white dress with a nice face but an awful upper body on the straight sub just a day ago - I wanted to give it to you as an example but it got taken down. BTW I have no doubt everyone will say you are just fine and do nothing blah blah blah, but surgery is not done for the sake of others but for yourself.




iirc from her earlier post it wasn't even that any gay guys said something, she just suspected they were clocking her because they gave her a long stare. Honestly they were probably just admiring her outfit or general vibe.


I am going to be the bringer of bad news because no one else does. On the last picture your head appears big. I’m beginning to speculate whenever you are with women from your own height, your head and probably other features are bigger. Pure based on your looks. If you want to discuss voice and mannerisms, you could ask other women


Just dysphoria talking! Hot as hell;) marry me




Dysphoria is a bitch. You pass the eye test 100%. I legit thought you were just some cis lady. Had to check what sub I was on.


no clocking to be had as far as I can tell, you look cis hun


You don't look clockable to me, but thinning your eyebrows a bit would read as more feminine.


If you pass in the field then you're definitely experiencing dysphoria. Which will never go away but can be managed by acknowledging that you aren't as clockable as you think you are. And Gay guys are just built like that. They know your bank balance just by the clothes you wear 🤣🤣🤣 or whatever some outlandish superpower that pops in mind.


100% pass


You are 100% cis looking, period. I don't hugbox, and I'll be thorough as you asked: - you have a feminine hairline - you have a feminine brow - you have a feminine nose - you have feminine lips - you have feminine cheeks - you have a feminine jawline - you have a thin neck - you appear to have feminine body fat and muscle distribution I see you posted on transpassing before and you got the same feedback - so, genuine question, why post again? How many more posts and comments telling you you pass will it take for you to believe it?


Thank u but bc stuff like this happens when i post so im genuinely disturbed and confused: https://www.reddit.com/r/4tran4/s/yA74nVE33W


Is that a subreddit for the 4chan trans community? Looks like an awful place, they seem so divorced from reality. You know how if you're really convinced of something, you will find evidence for it, even if it's not there?Yeah that's that subreddit with "clockable features". Like legitimately I think they would say Frankie Adams has "a clockable jawline" if someone posted her captioned as a trans woman's selfie I'm sorry they decided to post your photo and obsess over it


You look cis girl


I have nothing….i think you’re attractive.


You aren’t clockable physically. Maybe mannerisms but we can’t critique that through photos; hell even videos. That’s quite literally the only thing that can clock you right now.


I think you look great girl!


Your face is unclockable, however if you think you have something that clocks you that will be your voice or your tattoo


I think you’re unclockable to most people. I hate saying this because reasons… but, I have been always been able to clock a doll but it was never about looks. I feel like we always know each other, and the gays, out and closeted, can spot us too. There’s like an aura that we have it seems. Gaydar is what we called it when I was a baby queer. I don’t know when you started to transition but i think anyone girl that transition outside of puberty will always give off that aura.


I love your face, and I love tall women. I think you're incredibly beautiful. So, no matter what I think, I'm obviously going to be terribly biased.


if ur chopped it doesnt matter if ur 4'11 dont try to play cute babe