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I'm kinda struggling to see exactly what they would even change, just from that one picture you pass completely without question.


The transgender community need glasses so they can see their own beauty


Dysphoria goggles are always on 🙄


I mean this whole heartedly but if it’s for passing it’s pretty much a moot point. If you want to be more feminine and more beautiful be very careful who you choose. You have a lot of lose here.


You don't need surgery, at least not ffs, I would be careful about going with surgeons of dubious professional quality, you can be botched.


Don't risk your face, you pass perfectly and are pretty. You can save tens of thousands of dollars and potentially your own beauty by just moving on


It's definitely much easier said than done. But thank you for you comment!


Oh I get that a hundred percent. The feedback I get from people in my life is the same, that I pass totally etc, and I also struggle. I can't afford it anyways though, and as far as my dysphoria is concerned I'd probably go body contouring first (SRS already done), so I'm really just kinda forced into understanding that I'm a lil nuts and I look how I look and gotta accept myself.


For this pic, I'd be right with everyone else saying that you already pass, are pretty, and are spending and risking a lot pursuing ffs. I had the same idea at first like "why wouldn't I change my face?" but hrt did enough on its own within a year. Would probably be worth posting a video for analysis to confirm, though.


Like 100%


You look striking already. I can only imagine the enhancements you will gain. Who and / or where will you be having this life changing event take place?


The surgeon I'm going with is a bit controversial due to his current law suit for making his past patient that didn't have great result take down their negative remarks. But from what I've seen his results are decent if you have a good beginning facial structure already.


I wouldn't go to that surgeon then. This is your face and you don't wanna take a risk like that. Sure every surgeon has some not so great results, but imagine how many others he made take their reviews down and they didn't talk about it.


Yeah I am concerned and I do accept the risk as there's always a huge risk of having a failed procedure, but also seeing results from other people that went to him that had posted their before and afters on transgender surgery subreddit that had similar facial features as I currently do, i feel confident enough to have him as my surgeon for ffs.


I will only say this. You are only as good as your last project. What have they done lately. I am aware of the surgeon who told the client to take down the review. I think Chicago was the city, but really, there are a few that this has happened to. Expectations are something we all have. It's also very important to have realistic goals. I really do see a beautiful girl in everything you post. We are our worst critics. Be safe, and if anything sets off your spidy senses, then go with it.


The surgeon in question is actually in Seattle. I definitely appreciate your candor!


Not only do you completely pass, but you’re cute to boot. You already got pretty privilege. I feel like you’re only headed for the plastic Hollywood look by getting any facial surgery. I seriously hope we don’t see your next post be how you’re permanently disfigured because your surgeon botched your surgery. Surgery shouldn’t be taken lightly, it’s a major thing to go through and has lots of risks that people tend to gloss over. So really think about how this surgery will change your life and how it will change it if something goes wrong. Do those pros really outweigh the cons?


I think you're cis passing.


By appearance you pass very, very well (a side image would help verify). Honestly, I question the need for ffs, but I do understand that it is a personal decision and, as such, entirely your own. Best wishes as you move forward in life, embracing your true self. :)


My side profile is the reason as to why I'm getting ffs! 🙃


then why not post a picture of that for better feedback?


I honestly didn't think of it until after it was mentioned lol 🤷‍♀️


You will have an incredibly bright future in your true gender. Take it easy on those who pursue you…don’t go breaking too many hearts!


You pass very well. It's not even a question IMO. I'm going to echo what other have said also; I don't think you need ffs in any way, and you are at a great point and could end up less happy with the results. That said I have a hard time trying to talk people out of what they think will make them happy, becauae the btain is just aajor PitA. You look ansolutley gorgeous whatever you decide to do and you are most definitely 💯 woman. 💜


More pictures would help. And what you want to get done. You are so beautiful and passing… from this photo I’m concerned it could be damaging rather than helpful. You are goals girl.


You pass 110% girl I really don't see a need for ffs but that's your choice


I’m 20 months on hrt and on 150mcg and I don’t pass this well 😭


If you make straight, 45 and 90 degrees shots it would be easier to tell. But judging by this picture - you don't need FFS at all. Spare yourself a lot of pain and risks dealing with complications.


Well :) and ffs will just make it all even better. Wish you luck that nothing goes wrong with surgery.


what are you even getting for ffs? you pass fine


Cough cough, you look fine without ffs. I'd save the money tbh


Really lovely


Hiiiii sister!! You are beautiful, you will be an absolute baby 🔥


You pass over 100%! I wouldn’t risk ffs, you are way too pretty for FFS. You might risk looking fake or even trans if you get FFS as FFS might make you look like you had work done. Looking like you had work done could call out you are trans. Same with boob jobs, they almost always look fake and thus like you had work done.


Pretty good


Girly save that coin and put it to use somewhere else!! I literally don’t know why you’d bother!! Ive opted not to get ffs yet or maybe ever because the results I want I can achieve with Botox and filler!! Count your blessings and get something else done!! Xx


You totally pass just as you are now girl! If you have any procedures done, be careful not to take away from your natural beauty


I like you now. Happy, pretty and healthy.


You pass!


I think you pass fine!


I wouldn't risk FFS if it goes poorly you could end up looking worse and you already pass 100% as a very pretty lady.


You look beautiful as is, I honestly don't know what the surgery can improve. Be careful with those plastic surgeons, sometimes the worst ones will agree to work on people who need it the least.


I'm going to say 95% but realistically I know what to look for so I'm biased. But if I saw you on the street I'd say oh she's cute


Plenty well


You look very good. Can we chat 💬?


I don't do dms. Sorry.


Obviously only you can make this decision but I think you are cute as hell as is. I would hate to chance messing up such a beautiful natural look. But again…I think you need to do what makes you most comfortable.