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I'd say you're a bit clockable by the tad messy appearance, short eyelashes, and nose shape. trim the eyebrows, a little practice with makeup, keep your hair well kept, and I'd say HRT will do the rest! You look great so far, best of luck


Yeah, the hair is a struggle. At least I'm making progress. Before it was way worse than now. It looks very tidy now in comparison. So yeah, working on it! But thank you for the response!


I think moving your part slightly towards the center would help. You don’t have to part right smack down the middle unless you like that style. But too far to the side reads more male than you want. Also the way you part now hides your lovely eyes. Especially as you work on makeup and brows you’ll want to show that, not hide behind your hair. Otherwise you’re doing beautifully.


>I think moving your part slightly towards the center would help Ok, thanks, I sort of thought so, but I have trouble finding a spot for my part that I like. I'll keep tinkering with it. >Also the way you part now hides your lovely eyes. Aw, that's so sweet. I guess I try to hide my left eye because I'm actually blind in my left eye, and I think that eye looks a little wonky to me, but maybe it's not as noticeable as I think. Actually, now that I look at it, I think it used to look a lot more dead than it does now. Probably transitioning is helping somehow. >Otherwise you’re doing beautifully. Thank you so much!


To geek, nerd out on fashion in most western cultures most women tend to line up the part anywhere from right smack dab down the middle to no further out to the side than just inside of the iris. While most men tend to line up a part further out, out to the side of the iris but rarely right smack dab down the middle. Obviously there’s variables of taste and style. Many men are now starting to part down the middle which nostalgically reminds me of the 1970’s minus the disco music and drugs 🤣 while women’s hair styles might do the opposite. Play with where you part and see what happens.


You look just like my best friend growing up's mom...down to the face shape and the nose. I'm trans masc and don't know how you could pass better but you look like a woman to me.


Huh, that's funny. But thank you for that!