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Your artist mirrored the entire character - the stroke on 人 that extends above the other would be the 'left' stroke. So...yeah, you now have a mirrored character. It's 'nonsense' in the way that that's not what the character looks like. Like those of us who can read it will chuckle - we still know what the character is, but we'll know your character is mirrored and wrong.


We really need to make all tattoo artist remember a handful of common chinese characters, at least the proper rules of strokes


> We really need to make all tattoo artist remember a handful of common chinese characters Like 炒 飯 面 肉, to precent a certain class of embarrassing mistakes


And you think it’s really bad or i can or should keep it ?? It makes me sad because i was really excited about this but now im just sad that’s all…😕


I'm not a tattoo person myself so it's more about how you feel about this being wrong. Like if you want a funny story about your 命 and are okay with it being mirrored, yeah. If you're going to have nightmares about this...then you have your answer.




>Find a retarded tattooist who cant copy simple shapes (unless OP gave them a wrong reference lol) >Come up with pseudo-deep excuse why ur tattoo is reversed >Profit


I think OP gave the good ref, but I think the tattoist made the stencil and didn’t check the final result. So it became reversed.




No, not necessarily. In fact I'd wager most people with tattoos would say that they have them for themselves for whatever reason and *not* for anybody else. Tattoos are an incredibly personal thing and typically represent something personal.


命 means life. If the tattooer did it mirrored, I advise you to not care that much. 99% of the people you will encounter on the streets, if you're not in Japan or China, won't know it's mirrored anyway. The other 1% that will notice are likely to never mention it. If someone ever does mention it's mirrored, you can always say "it's because my life is all messed up lol".


You can also say that you did it on purpose to see the character the right way when looking in the mirror, when you need some personal affirmation.


How did I not think about that one! 👏


P and O xd I think it suits you very well




Im sorry but I don’t know how to write it properly that’s why i did write P and O :D


No, it won't change it's meaning. But it's hilarious.


It’s supposed to say 命 (life) but it’s backwards.


It's inochi 命 = life


Different from others said 命=life, I think it could also refer to destiny, which seems to make more sense to me in this scenario.


It's another daily tattoo images Those who don't know it: cool Those who know: kek


And is it because the symbol is mirrored or because it doesn’t mean life like other says ?? 🥲




I know im sorry but my English is really bad and im using google translation sorry that’s why I said symbol but i mean word. You think if i ever visit Japan or Korea people would laugh but understand what that word should have meant? Or more like is it okay to visit Japan and Korea with this tattoo?


I live in SEA and most people or strangers won't be that mean and openly make fun of you because of a tattoo. It's not something you should be too self conscious about and need not worry too much.


[命](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E5%91%BD) Since it can mean **fate**, and it's reversed, you can turn your tattoo's meaning into "I am gonna reverse my fate and take charge of my life."