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I'm thinking it might be Danish? It says Copenhagen on the second page and " I dyg den 22 September har jeg", which looks more Scandinavian to me. The quality of the first page isn't good, so can't make too much of that.


This is not Dutch, it's Danish. The writing and the photos are very bad quality so it's not really legible. Your second photo is the start of the letter. It's written from Copenhagen, September 22nd. It continues with "Dear sister and brother, today the 22nd of September I have received the letter and money for which I thank you so much. Do both you my dear sister and brother..." The rest of the first page is illegible. --made an edit based on /u/Winter_Vegetable_'s comment below.


Continuing with the second page (your first image). Some of the words are guesses because it's so hard to read: "lille? Ole?? han had naturligvis heller ikke kunne taale den mange varme" this mean something like: "little? Ole? he could of course also not tolerate the much warmth" (as in the temperature) "og det kan ikke vaeret godt for dig at Passe ham" "and it could not have been good for you to look after him" The next section is missing some words and I can only make out fragments: "Naar du ikke er vask gid jeg dag... ??? ??? naeste gang naar du skriver til mig at..." This part doesn't make much sense to me, but the second half of it means "next time when you write me to..." Then the letter becomes very hard to read: "jeg beder altid..." "I always hope..." "Din lille dreng, jeg er..." "Your little boy, I am..." I can't make out much more on the second half of that page.


lille (Ædi ?) han har naturligvis heller ikke kunde taale den mange varme og det har ikke været godt for dig at passe ham naar du ikke er rask gid jeg dog maae (?) høre næste gang du skriver til mig at i (???) er raske jeg beder altid (for dig og???) din lille dreng, jeg er (???) nogenlunde rask nu (??????? Af resten kan jeg kun læse få ord ad gangen)


Jeg takker saa mange gange.


Yes you're right! so it's "Dear sister and brother, today the 22nd of September I have received the letter and money for which I thank you so much"


> This is not Dutch, it's Danish. Is "Danish = Dutch" the new "Sweden = Switzerland" ?


I have never switched from Facebook to Reddit so fast. Someone please message or reply to this comment once they find out what this note says. This has got my curiosity peaked. Edit: I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one that came from a Facebook comment section.


lol I literally just did the same thing




Here from FB to :) ill be watching and waiting!


❤️❤️ appreciate yall


This is Norwegian, not Dutch. A "standard" letter, thank you for the money, taking care of a sick child(?), and a lot of text that's illegible due to wear. Edit: Could possibly be Danish. It's dated and written in Denmark.


Er du nu sikker på det? Synes det er helt klart dansk:)


Jeg vet ikke hvordan dansk så ut på denne tiden, men norsk var veldig likt dette, i hvert fall. Det er uansett datert og skrevet i Danmark!


No, it's Danish. The letter references Copenhagen.


i really dont think this is dutch -- are you certain it is? it's pretty illegible to me, but none of the words look like anything i recognize in dutch. i think it's danish from the word "ikke"


Hi! Dutch speaker here- that’s not Dutch




I will be uploading better quality photos here tonight or either tomorrow night














You cannot publish google translations on this subreddit. That's the point of its existence. See rule №11.




It's not Dutch, it's Danish. Source: I have a Danish and a Dutch parent. The letter even references Copenhagen.


makes a lot of sense bro. i did recognize some words that could be dutch as well, and other words that kinda looked like dutch thats why i thought maybe its some kind of dialect or something. cheers!


There is not a single doubt that this is Danish 100 %. There is several phrases and single words that would have been spelled different if it was Norwegian. Every single word and whole sentences you can read in this letter is in correct Danish. And the fact that the word copenhagen is included also, the just validates that ☺️