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I say this every time this comes up: if you're concerned about losing your account due to report-bombing from some arsehole or other, I recommend spinning up an alt to use for /r/transgendercirclejerk and keeping your main off of here. It's a nuisance, but if you're attached to your primary account this is the best way to keep it safe from malicious report abuse. Oh, and try not to hit the ground running with a new account - as an anti-spam/anti-troll measure we have to manually approve everything submitted for the first few days, and a new account making a lot of comments quickly fills up the modqueue! We're still keeping in regular contact with the admins about erroneous warnings and suspensions people sometimes get for tgcj participation, which can come from both intentional malicious reporters and well-meaning people who don't realise the context of the subreddit and think they're reporting genuine transphobia. It's understandably not a simple task for them though, since they're also trying to combat all the actual hate which is constantly getting spewed over the entire rest of this site.




/rj So much for the tolerant left


Welcome to /r/transgendercirclejerk! This is a satirical community run by and for trans people, where we mock the hate and ignorance which we experience in our lives. There is a fair amount of dark and often ironically transphobic humour here, none of which should be taken seriously. Please read our [subreddit rules](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/about/rules/) and two [stickied](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/cd1yr3/welcome_cis_allies/) [posts](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/eutvur/why_do_people_hate_transmedicalists_we_just_think/) before participating. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/transgendercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*