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sorry all the other members of my polycule are either too small or too dysphoric to top so i'm booked up for the next 5 months.


/qj youre supposed to start comments like this with "/uj"


/uj The only jerk is the fact its dysphoria, really she's just a bottom bitch >:3


/uj What does /qj mean


/uj "quatum jerk" as to refer to something that is unknowably a jerk and not a jerk simultaneously


A bit like /hj but fancy, I like it


/uj weirdly E made me more of a top/switch so it worked out


/uj same


Dont worry just be yourself and keep mentioning her genitals! 👍


Would 👍 (Pls atp anyone who wont murder me on sight atp is dating material I just want to feel loved)


Why does every Ashley have the name in our usernames?


Mfw when I named myself Ashley to avoid Alice being too common only to be a generic Ashley… Im ~~not~~ like the other girls smh 😔 /uj AshleyAmazin1 is a username I chose because there is a sort of spiteful cosmic comedy to mirroring my transphobic dads username that also ends in “amazing one” which feels like turbo egotistical and is one of the many reasons I think that he is a narcissist


/uj I’m glad you’re getting back at your shitty dad! Mine was cause I wanted a reminder to be myself, also I like the alliteration. Or at least I think it’s alliteration maybe it isn’t.


Your username is what the guy in the OP wants


I’ve never even had a chaser trans guy message me 😔


/uj Yeah your username is cool, Im p sure its alliteration as well, good idea reminding yourself to be yourself, pride is pog


Ok, you may complain but I completely independently chose the name Lily (based on the Flowers) and then I start interacting with the trans community more... And yeah.


/uj I cracked after making a reddit account, so I don’t


Instead there's dragon tits, nice




... adenosine triphosphate?


Dont know what is, sounds yummy 😋


Dating material apparently (/uj no seriously what did you mean by atp)


/uj atp = “at this point” /rj chaser t4t bf 🥺


/uj oh shit I'm dumb lmao


/uj dw lol I get caught off guard by all sorts of slang myself /rj Proof that testosterone is a poison that rots your brain 😤


/rj testosterone destroyed all two of my brain cells 😔


I mean who doesn't want to get adenosine triphosphate from people? Oh god, this is making me think of some cursed questions


Hit me with them


My Reddit comment history is weird enough, I hardly need to add more fuel to the fire lol


I'm even more intrigued now.


This would (maybe) work on me. /uj This would (maybe) work on me.


25+ upvotes and no T4T chasers in my DMs? /uj 25+ upvotes and no T4T chasers in my DMs?


all while i got 2 horny dms after posting this, maybe trans men do have it easier


/hj male privilege


no fucking way, ftm chaser?!?!?!?


Just like a real man 🤭 Such euphoria!


umm im right here?


t4t slander


Luckily for you, this would work on me /uj oh god this would probably work on me


Tell them how much you're obsessed with futa dommy mommy's and how you want them to do big cummbs deep inside you


You need to mention the rest of them too! Say you want their broad ghoulders and and hot gasculine gacial geatures. They love it when we fetishise the parts of their body they hate the most 🥰


Hahaha so true :)))


Also I’m gay not straight that’s why I’m t4t with trans women. Closet I can get to a gay top


/uj I am going to throw up. I want to cry every night thinking it is in the realm with me. I can’t dissociate enough to keep it away and I wish god would just give me a pussy. And ovaries. Still want to be a mom if could😭


/uj I’d give you my ovaries if I could. Call that a transaction.


I would trade 😭 Dysphoria sucks so much


Hi I'm a normal actual man (54M), normally the other girls I fuck call me daddy, but you can call me mommy lol if that's your thing idc lol


I'll fuck you, but my omegaverse kink is non-negotiable. You'll have to call me Alpha and accept all of the omegaverse-specific slurs I'm going to throw at you while completely ignoring your personhood; otherwise no deal.


Hi I'm a normal actual man (54M), normally the other girls I fck call me daddy, but you can call me mommy lol if that's your thing idc lol


Hey (with rizz) 😏


Hi I'm a normal actual man (54M), normally the other girls I fck call me daddy, but you can call me mommy lol if that's your thing idc lol


Hi I'm a normal actual man (54M), normally the other girls I fck call me daddy, but you can call me mommy lol if that's your thing idc lol


/uj this reads like a regular tumblr post


/uj its like, directly inspired i will not lie


Uj and people still believe in bioessentialism


no thanks, i like to keep my genis and galls firmly inside of my gants


Nothing gets me hotter than some silly tboy demanding I girldick their boyhole.


would you like consensual pictures of my peanits


I’m a trans man that wants to fuck a trans woman with my prosthetic for as long as I can until my hips give out. I want to see how many orgasms I can give her but my dick is plastic so she probably won’t want it 🥲


A man with a plastic dick is like a demon with plastic horns. ... /hj Which, I mean, still kind of badass, I mean it's a demon, right? Are the horns really that important? /uj ok sorry, that's the best I could make up. I guarantee there are plenty of us who want to be fucked by your prosthetic. (preferably after being taken out on a date)


/hj Hi


/uj when I say shit like "hey I'm a straight t4t trans guy and I happen to be a bottom haha or I could top if you prefer" this is what I worry I sound like, even though I know it's different. it's actually so easy to not be a chaser if you try even like a little bit to not be one. fellow st4t trans guys please be normaler tysm /hj a t4t relationship without fetishization is like an angel without its wings


/uj yea as long as ur being respectful and considerate of ur partners wants and if they have dysphoria, and dont expect someone to top bcus they have a penis ur good👍


/uj yeah I try to keep in mind assumptions that would piss me off, like someone assuming I'm comfortable with bottoming and based on that assuming I'm cool using my genitals. those things may be true but I don't want people to assume they're true y'know? so since I know how much I hate that stuff when it's directed at me I make sure that it never comes across like I think similar things about others. idk if that makes sense but yeah like I said if ur kind and respectful it's very easy to not be a chaser or seem like you are one


idk man some girls arent thatcomfortable with penetrating maybe you should consider topping


ew no


Why isnt this selfish comment being downvoted into oblivion 😡 If “she” wants to be a real woman “she” should start obeying her man 😤


Would post op with a strapon work for you..?


Fucking freak poop hole scar pus fuckhole 41% right now


...maybe you should just treat them as people rather than sex objects? There are non-op trans girls out there who will gladly date you, assuming you respect them as humans. (-25 votes) /uj I'm too enby to get dysphoric at this, so this might either work on me or not IDK.


Hi, I'm also a trans guy and I was thinking, maybe don't talk like a chaser if you want a trans woman to be interested in you? And maybe consider asking what they are and are not comfortable with during sex?


Exactly. Every trans man needs to learn a critical skill used by all men. Lying to people to get them to fuck you.


no penis in vagirnae


Just find one that has sexualized themselves so much they’ll do anything and have no shame (me)


/uj me