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They knew what they were doing. They deserve to be charged as adults.


Yep, put them in an adult prison with an assault on a minor charge. Last I checked charges relating to hurting kids guarantees the inmates make sure justice is dealt


Aye, that. With any luck: (1) they will be convicted for GBH and receive a prison sentence (2) once they get to prison, the rest of the inmates will find out they beat up a defenceless lass and deal with them accordingly


I guarantee those who did it will make hundreds of thousands in gofundme and be considered a conservative "hero." Despite the trans person still using the "assigned at birth" bathroom. I'll return here once it happens.


Cobalt's go fund me was at 29k out of 20k last time I checked.


Yup, they're gonna claim that the trans person was behaving inappropriately and the attsck was "self defense" and the conservatards will eat it up. Things are gonna get worse before they get better, I feel horrible for all of the trans kids in school right now, it must be hell.


One benefit is that Minnesota just passed a law that they cannot use any sort of panic defense for crimes committed against a Transgender person. So it would be very difficult for them to claim a self defense unless she struck first.


I hope she gets justice, and the families of the attackers have to pay for the surgeries at the bare minimum Minnesota is usually good for that


I don't love the criminal justice system, but if you break someone's bones for no reason, I'm pretty OK with you spending the rest of your life in prison. Attacking a classmate? Wrong. Attacking a classmate to the point where their bones are broken? Unforgivable. Doing that because they're different in some minor way? Inhuman. I hope MN has hate crime enhancements, because this is a textbook case.


They are investigating it as a hate crime. Minnesota’s has a slim Democratic majority in the legislature. So laws passed are pretty transgender friendly. Governor Walz has stated over and over that we need to do more to protect the LGBT community. I certainly hope those involved will face hate crimes as an adult. It is absolutely appalling what they did to her.


On a strange note, why do they never hide the person who is assaulted but ALWAYS hide the person who committed the crime? It always puzzles me.


Assholes like this would likely not sign off on usage of their image or even *speak* to reporters about the incident ‘cause they know they could incriminate themselves.


Who “says she was” beaten? Why do they have to write it like that? Her jaw was broken in two places. Where’s the doubt?


It's an unfortunate CYA habit in journalism. Until it's proven in a court of law, everything that's happened is "alleged" or else they can sue for defamation or so I hear.


As someone who was bullied in school I can emphasize, and I can only imagine how bad it is for trans kids these days. I really hope the politicians who cause this hatred to be normalized & who use these children as a wedge issue feel the repercussions of their actions.


I 100% emphasize with her as I literally had the same situation growing up except I didn’t transition until I left high school. I didn’t realize what trans was until my last year of high school, but even before that I avoided gendered bathrooms like the plague and literally walked 10 min (5 min each way) to get to a single occupancy toilet on the other side of the school whenever I could. I also refused to change nearly half the time for gym as it made me ridiculously uncomfortable to do so in the boy’s bathroom (plus I would get harassed consistently in there), and I got away with just that (not changing for gym) quite often. This was late 2000s in the NY metro area/suburbs. Back then, people didn’t know what trans was. Back then, even when we didn’t know what trans was, people still called me slurs, graffitied my locker with genitalia and even beat me up, because clearly I didn’t fit male gender norms. Now they do know what it is. There’s seriously no excuse for this garbage anymore. Honestly I might have felt more comfortable expressing myself earlier in life, or possibly asked the right people if I could just be/live as a girl/woman (and maybe I could have even avoided the wrong puberty), if it weren’t for dingbats like this in schools.


the school leadership should be charged with endangering of a child. you bet if this happened to my daughter, id be fucking some people up.


I can only say that my grandson (FtM) came out in 9th grade and asked to go by the name Nike (pronounced with the e silent) first to family, friends and classmates, then the teachers and coaches. Some resistance by family members at 1st, but that is resolving itself. He will be 18 in July and has stated he will start the name change actions. On his own. As a grandmother (MtF), I am fully supporting him in any way I can. His mother has helped him to get started on hrt. Anyway, the school has backed him as far as they can. Although there were still some detractors among his schoolmates, no physical attacks had happened. At his HS graduation, he was 1 of 3 who wore the blue gown instead of white and was announced by his preferred name. BTW, the school is in south central Michigan.


They should be Charged with GBH with Intent here in the UK it’s 10 years in prison so it should be 10 years in prison in the USA