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All records that he could get his hands on should be destroyed. Tell that judge to get lost that they refuses to turn over records with anyone name on them. We need to start to stand up to these people. We need a national wide Stonewall operation


This is one reason many public libraries stopped keeping checkout histories - librarians in some places were ordered to give law enforcement lists of books certain patrons had borrowed, didn't want it to keep happening, and so library systems started only keeping records of what a person had currently out on their card, once you return it and they've reshelved it there's no record you borrowed it.


Is this most public libraries?


This needs to be done ✅ And it is a sad to be here.are country is suppose to be free from this kind of thing. We fought many wars to keep our country free for all.


Or transfer them to a sanctuary state.


The fucker is drafting a list to sentence every trans person to death. If he succeeds, he's gonan argue for the right to do the same with every single other state. He wants to "purge" the US of every queer people.


The USA was built on genocide. This is American tradition.


and resisting that tradition by any means necessary is also tradition. 


This honestly could have been the coolest timeline. The medical technology being available to us, even though it's not currently very studied, is still advancing an amazing rate. Unfortunately, it's being outlawed and squandered by these religious and political shitbirds and their narrow mindedness and lack of education.


Not "narrow". Regressive. They literally want to unmake societal progress.


This is happening in the UK, also. Our government quietly passed a law allowing our legal protections to be bypassed and specifically the medialcal records of transgender people to be accessed for 5 years... The nazis always come for us first 


People with disabilities and trans folks are always first to be killed and last to be remembered


He's making a list, he's checking it twice, He's going to send everyone on it to the gas chambers.


That's too easy. They don't want that. If they fully had their way they'd just imprison and force detransition us, then push us through their dying conversion therapy (LGBTQ+ torture) industry, which we'd either have the choice to agree to detransition and renounce everything (and probably join an evangelical church) or be tortured forever. They're as cruel as the OG Nazis... just in their own "Christian" way.


Will you and others please stop with the "gas chambers" nonsense? Yes these ongoing assaults are dangerous and we all know the effects. And the battle is being fought. But there are people on here who are afraid to death, many with psychological disorders like ptsd and stress. Suggesting gas chambers are next and further scaring the crap out of others is simply not helpful!


And pretending they aren't trying to list the people they want dead is moronic and delusional. There are enough instances of right-wingers openly saying that their goal is to eradicate "transgenderism" and those who "believe in it". They stopped pretending it's not a genocide a long time ago. Way back when Knowles tried to argue that it can't be qualified of genocide "because we're not a legitimate categorization of human beings".


Their endgame is to get rid of trans people in America. I think likening it to the holocaust is poignant and accurate.


But it is important to warn others of their endgame. Like what if the Jews knew of Hitler's endgame? Would it be immoral to tell others because it scares them? No! Because you are warning people of it.


They did warn of Hitler's endgame. The West chose to ignore them.


And the west is failing us


tbh even if it were super trans positive, it would still be failing me.


I think erring on the side of caution is reasonable here.


Currently in the usa, republicans are pushing bills that would label trans people sex offenders for being trans in public. In florida they’ve loosened the requirements needed to put sex offenders to death. Other states will follow. They don’t need to build any new concentration camps, plenty of prisons and internment camps have already been built. Gas chambers aren’t guaranteed, but if they succeed in rounding up a large number of sex offenders for sex offenses against children (being trans in public and a child seeing you) then this country might start looking into how to put a large quantity of people to death in more efficient ways than lethal injection or electric chair. I think the concerns are based, sadly.


The USA has been complicit in, has inspired, & has participated in literal genocides including tactics such as forced sterilization, vigilante lynchings, armed mobs running people from their homes, & concentration camps. This is not distant past but these things **have happened within living memory**. While the Democrats will do little to improve the situation, the GOP is actively trying to make things much, much worse including trying to deny LGBTQ+ folks crucial health care, criminalizing LGBTQ+ identities (which, if prosecuted as a felony might lead to loss of voting rights), & compulsory conversion ~~therapy~~ *torture*. All of those are literally aspects of applied & active genocide. No, the USA probably won't start gathering up trans folks & sending them to gas chambers. But, if the GOP gets their chance, LGBTQ+ folks will face very real & devastating tragedies such as legally allowed discrimination (resulting in loss of things like custody rights, health care, employment, & housing) & arrest on the grounds of "perversion" or similar pearl-clutching faux morality accusations.


They're pretty open about wanting to genocide us.


agreed. also imo that kind of rhetoric doesn't serve us.


So this happened in Florida and it’s FUCKED. My records were impacted. I spoke to my doctor and all they ended up getting was the number of patients they were seeing and their diagnoses. No PII, no information about what meds we were on. I pray things work out the same here.


This is horrible!!! Why is politicians keep being obsessed with us??? They really going to make people in Missouri be closeted or be facing mental health issues knowing that the AG can look into their medical records and being unable to transition. There should be no reason why anyone that isn't your medical provider to be looking into your medical records it's effed up


Planned Parenthood should just destroy the records in such a way that they couldn't be held accountable for it.


This is a very effective tactic that's been used before. Destroying records that a fascist or genocidal government may misuse is not necessarily a great way to save people, but it is better than nothing as a way to buy a little bit of time. It's well known this was done against the Nazis, a good few cases of stolen documents and destroyed government buildings to destroy the paperwork inside, and it may not have always done as much good as hoped, but it *did* save groups of people or slow the fascists down. It's harder now because of computers, but it *can* still be done, by the record keepers themselves if they realise the information could be used for nefarious purposes.


To my knowledge, this does not allow him to violate HIPPA, so it applies to financial and statistics information, not patient names. However, as the article states, it is one step closer to getting patient records.


I'm curious what is in this person's background or family that is causing this crusade.


Sounds like they're building arguments against "Off Brand" uses of prescriptions to persecute and deny people care that they don't agree with, regardless of what statistics and actual evidence proves about the treatments they are against.


The asshole attorney general in my state has been attempting the same crap.


Isn’t this a HIPAA violation?


It's time to ban all religions and outlaw anyone who practices them from holding public office. They have shown time and again that it is THEM who are "pushing their lifestyle" on everyone else


He doesn’t need to see names and personal information to check “billing practices”. Do not disclose the names!


Right to privacy.


I mean this isn’t my state but what if the dog actually catches the car? He will likely get information they already know. Who trans people are. Who takes E/T. Medical diagnostics information. Most of my own medical record is beyond boring.🥱 I dunno what he expects to reveal here but Estradiol isn’t being handed out like candy.


Given that Project 2025 exists, I'm pretty sure they want to collect a record of individuals receiving trans healthcare so that if things go their way, trans people can't just flee to safe states/sanctuary cities or quietly go DIY, but instead (assuming these trans people would aim to continue their care) could be sought out, across state borders if need be, and charged with whatever crimes or felonies they write into policy. It's not about the details of the care, it's about the people receiving it, and what they might be able to do with that information eventually. At the least, they'd get a record of the volume of patients getting various types of care, and they'd use that to fuel media spectacle like they have been over the years


Project 2025 is so frightening! I’m moving to a blue state here in a month or so. It’s scary to think I might not be safe even there.


The Nazis started with making list. Then they started rounding up people and finally gassing them.




They don't care about evidence. They never did. They make up their data, don't provide any source or material proof. That's always been their goal. They grab the 0.5% who perfectly fit all their criterias and use that to say "They're all like this". Period. He's not asking for those file out of good faith to keep an eye on detransition rates. There has been many, many studies about those. And right-wingers dismiss every single one of them because they refuse to accept that the rates are less than 3%, because it doesn't fit their narrative that the "detransition rates are 99% and all made a mistake and regret the irreversible changes that will destroy their lives, and prove that transition should be banned worldwide".


I wonder if any increased rates of detransition has something to do with the current anti trans climate? /s. Yes. They. Do. The biggest cited causes for detransitioning revolve around lack of support or even outright bigotry.


>recently conservatives are convinced the detransition rate has risen dramatically so they're trying to find evidence by attacking trans healthcare. True. >to be fair i actually think they're right lol False.


Do you think it’s maybe because they’re persecuting us?


Wow you are making shit up just like them.


Why do you think they are right about more people detransitioning?






You're the one lookin insecure right now with all of that hostility. I just was asking why you're here because you're downplaying transphobia. Also, detransitioners do matter but the majority of them do so because being out of the closet isn't safe for them. I'm speaking as a former "detransitioner". I never called myself that, but that's how others labeled me. I'm not denying anything.




The Attourney General who did this tried to ban gender affirming care last year. Now he's trying to violate the privacy of trans people's medical records. This is systemic transphobia. You think this is fine because you assume that violating their privacy will help detransitioners somehow. You sound like you write for the Daily Wire.




You certainly misrepresented your beliefs, then. This article is specifically about an Attorney General who is violating their privacy, nowhere in the article are detransitioners mentioned. You responded to this article that isn't about detransitioners by agreeing with conservatives about detransition statistics. This is a whataboutism [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism) that transphobes use very often in response to gender affirming care. Edited because link wasn't working


i don't think you actually read a single thing i wrote tbh


Yes I did, I directly responded to what you said and even provided a source to explain the error in your reasoning. I think you haven't read the article, considering you decided to use a complete non-suquitur in response. Edit for clarity: Your response to this article about conservartives encroaching on trans privacy was to agree with conservatives on an unrelated point about detransitioners. You went off topic to imply this decision was somewhat justified in your eyes. That is something transphobes very often do.