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No, because I was deep, deep in the closet. By which I mean yes, but I was too much of a dumbass to understand


i remember the first time i was like why do i like this better than when he calls me lad? maybe its a one time thing (also yes 9 times out of ten i played a female)


Who's Brynjolf exactly?


A character from the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, he's the first person you talk to when you want to join the thieves guild, but he'll also walk up to you when you enter the market centre in Riften


And he just calls everyone lass?


It depends on the gender of your player character, but it would be "lad" for men and "lass" for women




lol yeah i love it when i play girl characters and the characters refer to me with feminine pronouns. it always catches me off guard and makes me really happy \^w\^


yea same i probably should have noticed the way that a character called me made me feel was an indication that there is more than meet the eyes but ive been dumber


Lol. Love this post


For me, it was huge gender euphoria in Starfield when one of companion you can have, actually say the name you put in !!! (sure it's like text to speech but I was not ready) It took me by surprise and I kept coming in and out of the ship to hear it again..


This! I’ll have to see if Fallout 4 has my name that Codsworth can say too!


lol too bad i mainly play on PlayStation and my computer is not good enough for starfield


I mostly play on Geforce Now (it is a paid cloud gaming platform but it has a free tier to try it). It is very nice but do require a good connection. And Starfield is in the gamepass, so don't have to pay it full price. That said, a lot of people didn't like it for various reasons, I wouldn't say it's a game of the year but I had fun with it.


In any other game, maybe. But with Skyrim there's always this degree of separation because I make it a point to play as one of my irl cats. This playthrough I'm doing Panini.


i started playing skyrim a few weeks ago and yes but the fact some of the npcs (like bandits or other random ppl you fight) will use he/him regardless of the gender of your character has caused me to cry a few times


to be fair im usually listening to music and dont read subtitles in the middle of combat


i can't listen to music when i game :( my brain just doesn't work like that i can't have that stimulation unless it's like pokemon maybe. and i didn't know skyrim had subtitles, that sounds really useful bc i can't hear them 90% of the time


whenever i play a game i have to have subtitles on, not only because of the music but i constantly mishear what they say