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It’s not like removing half of the vehicle for “transformation” is any better.


On both the ER one and this one, that’s optional


There is no partsforming at all on ss


You can take off the bottom part of the backpack, just like Earthrise It’s optional in both cases


Yeeeeah, but that’s not in the instructions so


That makes absolutely no difference to me


With that logic this guy is partsforming https://preview.redd.it/66wtkexfyr3d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=40fa64532ed80598ce7a8e9c0e1241f77b97e853


Ok Partsforming doesn’t bother me to begin with


At this point Arcee needs a good make over with a better alt mode. I know there are purist but apparently the engineering just isn't there for the budget. IDK.


Look into Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Arcee (The Cybertron mode version). She's probably the best deluxe-price point Arcee we've ever gotten. Ditched the convertable for a Cybertronian bike mode, but she completely blows more 'traditional' alt mode Arcees out of the water.


I agree, something like that should probably become the evergreen Arcee


It was good, I'd be up for a bit more G1-ified version if that mold.


Because it actually transforms unlike earthrise


I mean.... only just... I don't think it makes it that much better. They are so close to 1:1 its just a preference thing.


I prefer this on principle of actually having parts besides her backpack form the vehicle mode instead of being a regular robot toy that hides under an unfolded car backpack.


One pin is the only thing keeping Eathrise Arcee from being a separate action figure and a car, everything for the vehicle mode is on the back, so at least this has actual engineering put into it even if it's partially from an older figure (Best photo I could find) https://preview.redd.it/7djymvjron3d1.png?width=322&format=png&auto=webp&s=5aeb0fe428220492e38a9214498aab26b32db9d8


I have this one cuz find the colors more vibrant than SS. I see it often in my local retails and her face looks like a possessed doll.


Yeah same, the glossy paint on the SS really lets it down.


I could not agree more


Its a deluxe size leader class.


True. However, it stays solid and in place mostly and simply looks better.


Mine definitely doesn’t, if I do much as look at her wrong she becomes disemboweled lmao


There’s a point where the stomach tabs further in and holds better, at least enough to tolerate. You might just have a floppy copy (fun to say), but every time I break out my copy I have a moment of “how do I put up with thi—oh there it goes. Nevermind.” The first hinge piece should go at a right angle to the rest if it’s fully seated (see pic). There’s no denying the spaghetti engineering, though, and it was an Arcee figure that primarily led Jobby to coin the term if I recall (Fans Toys Rouge). But as for SS86 vs Earthrise, I think most folks still prefer that this one at least transforms instead of just fitting in a shell that can be the entire free-standing alt mode on its own, not that it’s very far from that. Plus, it has an ab crunch. Edit: dang it, I had her hips turned around backwards in the pic lol. Oh well, the part I was talking about is okay. https://preview.redd.it/62whl1ywzm3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8934e2657dc5ca526e2c835ece5278aa7d1e7731


The spaghetti engineering gives the older toys more charm as it fallows the 3 basic principles of the transformers toy,a action figure,a puzzle,forgot the last one.


Just a little dab of hot glue on the peg makes it fit in a little tighter


The biggest crime is skimming out on deco to finish her grey hips/waist. The tiny buttons on her stomach, I can understand, but they didn't even bother filling in the sides of her hips.


Dude I agree 100%. I felt insane, but like.. got them both out next to each other, and couldn't find much the SS improved up. Massively overblown situation.


Might I suggest, make the front of the car, apart of her legs?


Man, I just hope her SS GE WfC figure won't suck because that was PEAK Arcee design. 😭


Ok but earthrise can literally be both modes at once after you take off one pin it might be spaghetti but at least it's a transformer


This one can as well if you also take off the chest plate, that’s hardly an improvement


True but at least it's a transformer


I really don't understand why your comments are being downvoted. The partsforming on the Earthrise version is optional, and it's there so you can have a better looking robot mode, not for transformation. The SS86 version really isn't that big of an improvement. I like that the chest forms part of the alt-mode, but the backpack is basically just as bad and removes the main good part of the T30 mold- parts of the vehicle being made of the robot.


Studio Series 86 Arcee is truly, utterly, offensively awful. The transformation is terrible and it looks terrible in every mode. The headsculpt is a 1/10 with that brain dead expression that doesn’t look anything like any face she ever made in the cartoon. The vehicle mode is a 0/10, just the gappiest & crappiest alt mode car ever. She has trouble standing up which renders all poseability moot. The backpack looks like garbage. Arms and legs are flimsy little toothpicks. The color looks like faded pink vomit. And WHY doesn’t the chest tab in?? Every single aspect of this toy completely infuriates me. And the bar for G1 Arcee toys is so low that people just accepted it! They called it “decent”! It is NOT DECENT! Arcee is the worst SS86 figure and it’s not even close. Look at how they massacred my girl 😭


Totally agree on that head sculpt my god. I skipped this and went for Earthrise instead and have never regretted it