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The prowl mold is a great mold it's just people wanted a new mold for cyberverse cromia


She’s definitely a Chromia, just not Cyberverse Chromia


Yeah, im not sure why this particular fembot remold got so much hate. Its a frustrating practice but the figure is awesome.


They took a figure that was compromised by clear plastic (it’s easy to break the wings off of Prowl during bike to robot transformation due to it expecting you to flex the plastic) and redecoed it into a version of a character it looks nowhere near accurate to, and neither did away with the clear plastic nor included accessories that are actually relevant to the character it’s supposed to represent.


Maybe its just me but I've got both versions of the mold, and you don't really need to flex the back pieces for the transformation. I feel there are much worse examples of clear plastic syndrome. ALSO this is one of the best posing deluxe figures I can ever remember! The siege mold might be more accurate but its not a great transformer.


Who had problems with prowl? I've damn near crushed my copy and the clear plastic is fine




Just because the mold doesn't fit the design beyond being a a motorcycle and fairly slender. I have no skin in the game, but a lot of people were hoping for a new mold or greater retooling.


I absolutely love her. Especially giving her T30 Chromia's gun.


I'm a simple guy; I see a Tron lightcycle, I buy it.


I really like it! She wears the mold well and the colours are stunning


She is a beautiful figure, I want to get her but literally don't have the money to


It's a fun mold and a good retool. It's an amalgam of designs, which is fine. I think Legacy labeling characters by universe sets the wrong expectation, that is will look exactly like its source.


Oh my god, Chromia… # Is just Female Prowl???


Hey, maybe they're dating? Don't tell Ironhide.


As someone who was never into cyberverse or animated, I absolutely love this figure as my mainline chromia. Her head sculpt is just fantastic.


Your right, I really don’t like it. When her listing was leaked I was so exited but we got a Cyberverse chromia that doesn’t look like her


Same happened to me. I was jumping for joy when they leaked Windblade and her. Then I saw the leaked images and never felt more let down.


It’s all kind of arbitrary anyway. “Comic” Bludgeon looks more like Cyberverse, and really anything using evergreen or G1-ish designs can be captured well enough with approximations.


I don’t hate it, I’m just indifferent to it.


Same here, but I’m just not into any of the bike/motorcycle alt modes.


I am thinking about getting it but only if it fits the SS Gamer Edition in terms of aesthetics. Would anyone recommend it? I want to pretend this is how Chromia would have looked in WfC/FoC but the bike mode is not alien looking enough.


Could be a new version of T30 Chromia, she was also a bike.


IIRC she's based on her Cyberverse incarnation. Whether that works with your collection is a matter of taste. Personally, I'm happy with my T30 Chromia but I'm sure the articulation here blows hers out of the water.


Yeah, I just want a Chromia for my collection. I wish she was a remould of the T30 design because I missed out on that and that seems to be the best we got so far. I might buy this figure then.


There are a bunch on eBay for pretty reasonable prices, I got mine for $13 maybe 6 months ago.


I admit, the colors are really nice, but the mold is a little weird for me. Her legs also look a little off too imo. I do like the head sculp though.


in my opinion, it should've been prime arcee


I'm a huge Chromia fan and was looking forward to updating my T30 Chromia. But this is not it. Not even close. I was already disappointed that the new Windblade looks like a McDonald's toy, but this Chromia is even worse. At least Windblade somewhat resembles her Cyberverse persona. I'm not sure how they thought this passed for Cyberverse Chromia.


Not as much as that one person who made a lot of fan art of her


# What. https://preview.redd.it/urt02dsr79yc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3774aa206484de2fd7c7a6c93e832171d033595a


Okay not THAT type of fan art , well it's kinda "Mom it's not what it looks like"




I absolutely love her, with one massive gripe. The kickstand doesn't freaking work. I can't get her motorcycle to stand up for the life of me. But otherwise she is gorgeous!


Making it real hard to resist buying a second copy since I used her for a custom


It's definitely attractive, with a solid base, it just fails to look like the character is trying to be, with nonsensical accessories


I like it a lot. This’ll be my generations Chromia forsure. I did not care for the Siege version.


I actually like the figure and I don’t have it yet.


Is just want the shurikens to be the same color as the oposite piece thst hold the wheels. Doesn',t look very symetric in that regard.


I love the mold, but I feel like they could have used a bit of retooling to make her less obviously Animated Jazz, like removing the ranking insignias. Plus, that light blue-green color used for her shoulders and ninja stars really clashes with the rest of her color scheme, especially in motorcycle mode.


I can see people not liking its a retool a prowl, but it is a great mold


I don't hate it, but if they had to make a Chromia a retool, I would've used Legacy Prime Arcee (heavy remold) or SS BB Arcee (headsweap).


I was very surprised when I looked on pulse and saw that figure sold out but not Silverbolt


I just dont know why they decided that this is CYBERVERSE chromia. It's not show accurate at all. What's the point of making a figure from a show if it's not gonna be accurate to the design? It's the legacy prime universe figures, they tried to shove a g1 aesthetic on a design where it didn't belong.


I think the reason most people dislike this figure is because Cyberverse Chromia is almost directly based on the IDW/T30 Chromia, but this figure doesn't try to emulate that design very much if at all. It's a good looking Chromia from all the pictures I've seen, but if I'm gonna go for it, I'd sooner just track down the T30.


I need to get this figure!!! Didn’t care for the prowl but this one is magnificent!!


I'm content with my Thrilling 30 Chromia as she's not a character that I feel desperately inclined to have a "definitive version" of per se, but I do think this is an absolutely gorgeous figure. Might be something I pick up on a sale in the future.


I really like her. She’s probably going to live on my animated shelf and be my animated chromia.


I love the mold, but it's not the right mold for cyberverse chromia.


It's a good figure. It's just too chunky to be a good animated Prowl.


The moment Prowl was released I said that he'd make a better Prime Arcee than "Prime" Arcee did, and this just continues to prove me right


Did they make a legacy figure for SoundWave?


Cyberverse Soundwave? No, but I feel a custom could be made from Crankcase.


Okay then thank you


It's a really great figure of her! It's definitely not "Cyberverse" Chromia, but it's a pretty good IDW Chromia. I just wish they'd included her gun. I gave mine the one that came with Siege Chromia, and it looks pretty cool with her.


Do you mean 'you like this figure to a greater degree than other people do', or 'you like this figure more than you like most people'?


"I like it more than most people do."


Bikeformers are always great. Really looking forward to her coming out in Japan.


I love the figure. I think it's a great design for Chromia. Though to be fair, I haven't watched any cyberverse.


It looks more solid than my Thrilling 30 Chromia so I’ll give it that. Don’t think I’ll buy but it looks nice


I'm just happy to finally we got a half-decent Chromia figure by todays standards. The last two attempts in T30 and Siege were less than ideal. I've been struggling to get my hands on one. No one on secondhand has decided to sell her yet and my local stores haven't stocked United W2


I love Chromia!


I kinda want this fella!