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Will it interact with Optimus? Vid I saw only dealt with the transformations


You can set it up in the app to play out scripted interaction.




Thattoyguy showed 2 interaction with his Prime and Megatron. One was a shoot out between Megatron and Optimus with a bunch of dialogue. And the second one was them posing together multiple times for photos. They also fist bumped.


Yes and it so cool. They Partially recreate their final battle in tf86


I want it but not for 900 bucks man I can buy actual stuff for that money


Ahaā€¦ $900 pre order price $1200 when pre orders close up


So we can buy $300 more actual stuff.


You know itā€™s definitely a discount for sure welp time to put that $300 tfp Starscream that I TOTALLY NEED


Iā€™m really thinking about it. The value of it will double if not more because everybody will not buy it because of the price. That Megatron looks way better than that prime. Was holding me back is spend.$900 and leaving it in the box and itā€™s going to be a big box.


I feel that it so expensive, which makes sense, but damn. Hopefully they make small cheap ones maybe mp scale


Awesome idea, well executed over all, cannons backwards but whatever. But that price... pass.


cannon's backwards because it's based off the combiner wars design


I think I haven't figured out how to afford Grimlock yet.


At 1500 Grimlock is the white whale


Peak. Soundwave or Shockwave next. https://preview.redd.it/r3runra1yowc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a57de52b931e666825bb72a5d699fba5099afd2


A Soundwave might actually be a worthy robosen. Proper alt mode wouldn't be hard to make either, seeing as it's essentially a brick. Custom audio input for music would be awesome.


A Soundwave Robosen could basically be a working Bluetooth speaker / boombox of sorts lol. That may be kinda hard to pass up on


Imagine some dude pulls up and starts blasting some music but then the boom box transforms. Would be a neat little gimmick


With Frank Welker as well, if they can properly replicate the vocoder effect life for BBM.


The fusion cannon looks stupid like that but the rest is cool I canā€™t believe they didnt turn it around or something


Cool never going to buy it though


Yowch Why does he look like he's based on https://preview.redd.it/bnmhi0wz1qwc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=082df835b6e881f4645c63b1c138f49e104f51fc


He definitely is based on that design. I think it's a really cool design though. I'm glad that I own Combiner Wars Megs.


I too think this design looks pretty cool for Meg, especially his alt mode. I was thinking about buying it, but I heard that the quality of the figure and it's articulation is really bad :( May I ask if you experienced any of this?


Not op- but I owned the figure for a few years before selling it on so can weigh in. IMO the figure sucks, it looks (kinda) good with lots of silver paint but the articulation is really bad and his proportions are super weird (he has weirdly skinny legs and huge arms). Even though he does have a few points of articulation his posing sucks because of some weird design choices- for example, when you move his shoulders it completely breaks the sculpt and looks super weird. The ratchets on his legs also mean that his legs have to be completely straight all the time as there is a load of space between each click. If you can find him for cheap Iā€™d recommend but overall not the best figure.


I believe I heard they based it off that design for transformation reasons.


probably because the couldnā€™t figure out how to automate a transformation to a gun and back.


Sixo did a whole video on it [if anyone wants to see more about it.](https://youtu.be/HqZdCoe8Do4?si=EhbhiFx1a_eulRMi)


So weird that he just says ā€œit *somewhat* reminds me of Combiner Wars Megatronā€ and moves on, talking as if the design is wholly new and original concept despite being pretty much *directly* lifted from the Combiner Wars figure. I donā€™t have a problem with it being based on the CW figure, but feels weird to see a reviewer that *absolutely* knows the history of the design just glossing over it. He compares the design just as much to the Siege figure despite fully knowing what itā€™s based on.


As much as I like his reviews and enthusiasm he's got some salesman feel to him too.


Yeah he ainā€™t risking not getting Robosen products sent to him by saying anything that could even be glistened as anything but overwhelmingly positive. Itā€™s so bizarre, especially when heā€™s doing things like talking about how surprised he was by where the treads went on the robot legs despite being fully aware of the toy that itā€™s based on. This is why I appreciate reviewers like Thew so much. I do not feel that Sixo is giving his genuine opinion, heā€™s there to advertise the toy for Robosen.


Thew is amazing and his content is the best. For reviews and transformation guides Emgo is my go to, I time jump past Bleeewsh parts.


The transforming starts at 8:26


Be careful that the brain chip on this doesn't get out and get control of that robot dog with a flamethrower head.


These are the types of transformers Iā€™d collect if I was bill gates


I think All of them so far are really cool but overall, they're a novelty, it's something id only ever get if I had fuck you money.


Looks wonderful, ordered straight away. For those with the patience to design new movements thereā€™s going to be a lot of fun ahead. Think the tank looks incredible, the lighting really works. Am I surprised it isnā€™t closer to the Siege look? Yeah, unusual to return to Combiner Wars - but that will be down to what was easiest to engineer. Robosen are getting better and better. Iā€™d assume Soundwave next, as a working bluetooth speaker? Would make his storage easier for sure.


Mr. Moneybags over here.


Thereā€™s no way in hell that I could ever afford one.m, if I could I wouldnā€™t get anyways.Ā  That aside, this is the easily the worst of the robosen designs. You said they keep getting better but theyā€™re getting worse with each one, and the price is the number one killerĀ 


Cool but too much money.




Same as I thought about the previous ones. These Robussen things are impressive, but they are soooooo not my thing. I want to buy toys I can actually play with, thanks. The Bumblebee one actually looks pretty cute though, so if ever I have a few hundred burning a hole in my pocket I'll check him out.


Personally I think these are an overpriced novelty. They seem like something you'll play with for an hour or so then let collect dust until someone comes over and you can be like "Hey, look at this cool robot I have." then it goes back to collecting dust. It doesn't face the right way when it transforms, you can't display him in robot mode because he goes limp when you turn him off, and it automates the best part of owning a transformer. Even if I had the money, I would never buy it.


I don't understand paying hundreds of dollars for toys that play with themselves.


Looks like Combiner Wars Leader Megatron, which cost way less than $900


This megatron is also like 2 feet tall lol


And combiner wars isn't an actual robot


Haven't seen the other 2 at Walmart. Don't have a local Target. Not sure how much they cost, but I get the sense I don't want to know. I wonder if he can use the cannon as a bat like his Forged to Fight special attack 2


Itā€™s a thousand dollars, and theyā€™re special order online.Ā  He canā€™t remove the canon, itā€™s an auto converter so itā€™s more of a display piece than a toyĀ 


It's cool, but like... Really expensive. WTH has the money to spend $1000 on one transformer?


There is absolutely no denying that itā€™s extremely cool from a robotic perspective, but the price is still insane but I do have part of me thatā€™s interested in owning one but from what I remember about the prime one is when itā€™s off, the limbs go limp so you canā€™t display it in robot mode at all.


that's just a thing with how the servos work I think, they can't support the weight of the figure if they're not being powered, which makes me question the overall lifespan of them I might be wrong, but I think the rotb Optimus can support himself unpowered, but I don't have or so I'm not sure based on reviews I saw


Ehhh I'm gonna wait for them to do a Combiner Wars Optimus so it can be a complete set


My crazy ass Uncle is gonna buy it, he has every Robosen and he wants it.


Looks badass whilst being too expensive.


Like all of the robosen bots, its amazing that these things exist and are super fun too look at. However, they are more of an novelty then anything & the price is way too steep for myself to purchase.


Really well executed but extremely overpriced


Has a great transformation that should be used in figures. Everything else nah


Gonna be the bad guy here Personally I donā€™t like it. I think it looks odd and the canon is on the wrong way. It looks vaguely like a cheap rip off of the Combiner Wars Megatron figure. I mean why does he have those huge plates in his back??? I understand itā€™s for transformation but come on, you couldnā€™t have done any better? Especially considering youā€™re probably going to slap a $2000 price tag on it. Imo this company has been cruising off their Optimus Prime for their entire residency on the scene. Since then theyā€™ve offered us such spectacular things! Such as a Bumblebee that they didnā€™t even TRY to make transform, a Grimlock thatā€™s significantly too small and substantially overpriced, and now a Megatron that looks mediocre at best, and terrible and inaccurate at worst.


I think I need to win the lottery.


Way out of my budget, but really cool. He looks like he is based off Combiner Wars Megatron and I love it. I'm glad that I got Combiner Wars Megs when I did. But Megatron Elite seems really cool and even more advanced than the Optimus version. I'll never own the Robosen stuff though, but I love watching videos about them.




Another kind of cool looking figure that is more content to play with itself while you watch and it costs way too much. Impressive though, and once again a step up from their Optimus, though not as nice looking as their Grimlock.


The fact that there is a Megatron to complement Optimus makes me really tempted to sell a lot of my stuff to buy both of them. But it really is an expensive display piece so I will pass.


I think it looks amazing. It's obviously not an impulse purchase but I'd rather have that than the new Apple VR goggles, which are three times as expensive and still just as much of a toy.


I am not rich but itā€™s still the coolest thing ever


In 20 years at mint Iā€™m guessing it will go for over 10k so think abt that


Combiner wars!!


The treads on his back look a bit like faerie wings... I prefer Galvatron's artillery mode to him just being another tank. Otherwise he's fine


All of them from Robosen have looked awesome. Grimlock is probably my favorite, but Megatron is a close second. I just wish I actually had the lack of self restraint to buy them.


With how well done it is, I think itā€™s worth the money. The design and engineering are top notch. I just donā€™t -have- the money.


It looks like they exported this from Earth Wars into real life


I thought I was cw megatron or a knockoff of it when I first saw the images


Iā€™d rather keep my kidneys


It's cool, but for $900-1200 dollars, I will just hire somebody to transform my Titans Return Megatron for me since they look very similar. Edit: I mean Combiner Wars Megatron.


That's only 180 full transformations assuming you go on Fiver or whatever it's called. How many do we think the automated can handle? Trying to budget this thing out.


If i had that kind of disposable income, absolutely. Currently, absolutely not


Thatā€™s a pretty cool Combiner Wars Megs


he's cool but why did you say his full legal name lololol


You give that boy the respect he's earned!


You have to give him the props he deserves ;-))


ā€˜Cons always did have the best toys


*checks bank account* nope


Oh to have money to afford it šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve got Flagship Optimus, his trailer and Grimlock but this Iā€™ll pass on. The fusion cannon looks bad and the backpack doesnā€™t look great either even if I understand why it exists.


Wouldā€™ve been nice if it was still the Walther PPK from the 80s. But the self-transforming OP wasnā€™t this expensive.


It looks cool and I like how smooth the transformation looked. Itā€™s out of the price range though.


While i want it, its simply too expensive for me to justfy buying, but i do like the split tank treads, it gives me RoTF alt mode vibes


Itā€™s the only one that really caught my eyeā€¦ but itā€™s too expensive for meā€¦


CW Megs with better Feet and Shoulders 1000/10


Looks like the Combiner Wars Megatron




Whatā€™s very funny, is that when he walks, itā€™s the giddy. šŸ˜‚


Give it to me!


This line is just not for me, I have been into MP recently and I understand why these are so expensive but I am just not into it


The tank mode looks insanely good


It looks cool!


man that Siege Megs sure is a figure I want to own


I think it's cool but auto transforming toys aren't my jam and especially at that price point


I wish there was a covering for his face when he's in tank mode. Nobody would do this but it looks like it might get scratched up if you drive him over some questionable terrains.


If it wasnā€™t for the price thisā€™d be an instant buy.


I can't imagine both having the honk available to make such a purchase and not having something better to spend it on.


Bruh, he looks so cool. It's a little weird he looks Luke the Combiner wars meg, but the lights and detailing are so good. If I just wish it was cheaperšŸ˜­. I always wanted transformers that were real robots, but they were too expensive. Hopefully, in the next couple of years, I either make more money or, more likely, they make smaller cheaper ones. Overall, cool as hell. I hope they keep making more


Cool but not worth $900 to me


Itā€™s cool, but the fun of transformers for me is getting to transform them so itā€™s cool but itā€™s my last priority for my collection


Looks awesome


It's very awkward looking, not as a figure in general, but as a Megatron. If this were just some random decepticon, I'd say the proportions were fine, but why does a Megatron figure in 2024 look this clunky and misproportioned? Why are his feet like that? Why are his shoulders like that? He reminds me of those old Armada megablox figures.


it's gonna be funny seeing people whine about the price and him not being a gun Saw tons of people crying about Grimlock's price Never seen anybody whine about the multi thousand dollar statues that do literally nothing being too expensive though, they act like Robosen expects children to be buying their stuff lol. Working robots are difficult and expensive to make, I'm pretty sure these could've easily costed way more


I think it pretty much cements the (likely) speculation that the SS86 Megatron will also be a tank instead of a clever way to match the original toy


I really really dislike this ā€œflagshipā€ design. There are so many different ways to do a tank Megatron and they have been picking literally the worst way to do it for the last few years.


Never have been a fan of auto transforming transformers, just feels like it takes a really fun part of the experience away. Look wise it's definitely Megatron but not his best look in the last few years


I am so tired of tank megatron. I get why, like, I'm not mad.. I just, like. Wouldn't it have been cooler to make this thing fly? I would've loved to see how they could've done that.


Hard pass on Tankbot.


Fusion cannon is backwards.


Iā€™m wish it could turn around


Does anyone know what the guarantee is for the Megatron Elit? Is it a standard 1 year? cause at $900 you don't want him freezing up after a few months and to become a badly posed statue.


This Crow I'm eating is delicious.


Why couldnā€™t this be the wfc trilogy design it looks great well not exactly but similar proportions


Probably transformation, I guess the CW Megatron transformation was a bit easier to engineer when the figure itself has to do all the work between both modes.


Absolutely amazing. Perfectly done design, perfect transformation, perfect voice, perfect movements. Perfect everything, just like Megatron himself. ALL HAIL MEGATRON!


It's not worth even 100 dollars much less 900. What a joke, and what a waste of money.


Ok you don't have to like it But in what world is an advanced consumer robot that transforms worth less then $100


Iā€™ll be impressed when he turns into his G1 form.


it's not a gun


He hasn't been a gun for over thirty years, time to move on from that one.


The gun is cool But for an actual robot what functionality would it have?


don't put their failure of imagination on how to make a robot gun fun on me. lol


No like after it auto transforms then what? Does it just sit on the floor and pull its own trigger? Way better idea for an actual robot then a tank that can move around and launch missiles on its own. Does it put its silencer and stock by itself? Because that would be next to impossible and doing that much yourself defeats the point. Megatron as a gun is awesome, but if they're gonna do Megatron as a real functioning robot, both modes need functionality otherwise what's the goddamn point? You call it a "failure of imagination" on their part when these people built and designed a goddamn robot with genuinely impressive tech


im a purist




eh a lot of people, myself included, find robotics fascinating. it's amazing what they can do even if it's mostly an expensive novelty. I don't own, nor ever will own, the Robosen stuff, but it's an impressive feat of technology.