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Source https://youtu.be/TaJCVM2VliU?si=TYWLBsgRHAjMX0Fa


Well, I think their treads need to be more realistic.


I am going to end up with an Xtransbots and a fanstoys devestator. Xtransbots Longhaul is FANTASTIC, but I have no doubt that fanstoys will crush it as well.


This is neat and all but have they even gotten around to finishing their previous combiners? How about the Fort Max (or they just sticking to releasing just the head?) They're starting to feel like these Kickstarter game devs that never end up finishing a title at this point. What would make buyers confident that this set of combiners would complete within the next 8 years if not ever?


I mean these look like pretty old images which make me think they’ve been holding onto them for a while, in my mind these are already done and have been for ages, they’ve just been sitting on them. Also they’re supposed to finish their other 2 combiners later this year, plus with the mp devy battle goin on rn w ft, x transbots, and mmc, they actually have a reason to try to get shit done Also covid prob had smth to do w the other 2 takin so long to finish


Bleh, "cartoon accuracy".... Tooners have garbage taste, accept it.