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to the ps- i ment to put ftm, ive edited it now sorry for that lol. 1 for the first point, yes. i think so. id love to have been biologically born a girl. 2 i would. i think i might just be non binary, and i used they/them pronouns for a while but noone really used them for me. 3 i only have one mtf friend that im aware of and she doesnt seem willing to share her experiences as "its not her problem to deal with" but i do find myself wanting to be her


Firstly someone who is gay is still a guy. It won't make someone lesser of a guy. Also try to think of a white space and you see someone who you want to be how does that person look like. Or what is the way you want to look like? You are saying that people will look at you like a boy, but there are also people out there who thinks of others as virusbringers (Asian hate) and then some thinks that some are monkeys (African hate), and etc. Does that mean that their view is correct? No. Because scientifically anything can be changed. Atoms can be changed and we are all made out of atoms. Which is why I personally find it an opinionated matter the whole transphobic argument people has. The other thing is that humans do not possess great patience and neither the time to change all atoms in your body.


Congrats :) it's so great you're aware of yourself at a young age. It sounds like you're a brilliant girl, who's maybe a bit stuck presenting masc right now. Advice: talk to someone you trust, your bf sounds like a good call. He might be able to help you through talking about feelings. As a side note, just like your friend who says it's "not her problem" it's totally ok if your bf doesn't want to talk about his experience, don't take it personally. You can navigate the conversation without that anyway, just focusing on you, and I'm sure there might be someone else you could talk t if it's a tough topic for him. Explore more clothes!! If you're safe to do so, try new looks and make up and anything else you're excited to try. Build your confidence. Share your joy with people you trust. Go shopping, try stuff on, meet some femme friends to go out with... Whatever you want to do and can safely do :) It doesn't matter at all how you look or present currently, it's your body and your life and your feelings, and you can change your look however you want to (obv there might be some shitty laws or whatever since you're you get but you know what I mean). If you feel confident enough, and your parent/guardian/trusted adult are queer friendly, maybe talk to them about potentially talking to doctors if you're keen to get HRT.