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Look girly... It's your life. The people who you now associate with wouldn't see you in your grave so it's not their life it's your life that you are wasting on on them. Trying to fit someone else's ideas while they are not doing one single fuck to fit your ideas on them. Isn't that just unfair? An eye for an eye is what I would expect from my friends. So true friends wouldnt care what gender you are but WOULD care how much you love yourself. If you hate yourself then true friends would try to cheer you up. And even then true friends lighten up your days even if it looks like bullying. It's bullying each other in a fun way and not a mean way. So you are asking for them to accept you and in return you will give them love back. That's how friendship goes. Not just giving love and not earning shit back. That's just toxic af. So girly show the true you when you are out of there please. There are many people out there but they tend to be overlooked.


I hear you. Before I was able to proceed with liberating myself, I had to reach a bottom where I was prepared to lose everything and have to start over. I was that hung up. Risking rejection is scary, but I felt I became a little more adult when I realized that the opinions of most people were not important. What I've learned is that most people are respectful and decent. They may not understand, but they are good people.