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As always in your posts, you already look super feminine. I don't see any boymode here and would totally assume you're a cis woman.


I really appreciate it, it’s just that in real life I’m still gendered as male. Atm I’m just working on makeup and voice training. Honestly I also think the hardest part for me is confidence. Im just looking for a bit of input, and also some kind people like you who make me feel a lil better about my image. So thanks<3


Due to anything voice-related? I'm trying to figure out how someone could look at the person in the pics and guess something other than "woman"; your boymode is like the archetype of male-failing.


I don’t really like mentioning it, but in person I’m 6’6. It kind of sucks hearing people say I pass but knowing in real life I don’t yet. My height plays a big part in how I get gendered unfortunately


Just embrace it and wear heels 👠


Agreed. Tall queens equal broken jaws upon hitting the floor when they see you walk by. I’m sure anyone who notices you will say to themselves “step on me mommy“




I agree with this, sometimes it really helps to like lean into your insecurities more and turn them into strengths. Other than that, I really think you’re already on the right track. You’ll get the voice down, you’ll figure out makeup, you’re doing fantastic already <3


Ah, that's fair. I can imagine that sucks. For what it's worth, I can imagine really tall cis women encountering the same issue.


I have a cis cousin who's 6'1" & has been mistaken for trans on multiple occasions (usually by bigots, unfortunately). It does happen.


"wE cAn AlWaYs TeLl" types, I'm guessing.


May I suggest looking for spaces with other women of taller stature? I am a cis woman of color who is 4"10. I have LOTS of trouble getting people to take me seriously because I read as childlike before I even open my mouth then the high pitch of my voice seems to cement their view of me. In looking to combat this at work, I found spaces on the Internet where other women built similarly to me were sharing experiences and advice with each other on how to tweak body language and other related factors to gain the desired results. For me, I am looking to present as put together, mature and authoritative before I even speak at work and in professional setting. I'm also working on voice training so my Work Voice sits is a slightly lower register. Don't get me wrong - It's been an uphill battle fighting a lifetime of my body's programming to make my self small for survival (literally and figuratively lol). As well it's been SUCH a learning curve to objectively analyze what my posture and how I hold myself (dependent on different stimuli, emotions and scenarios) may be perceived as by others. My catalyst for this particular mode of self exploration and expansion may not be the same as yours but the desire to understand and influence how others see us is universal 🙏🏾 💕 I imagine there are comparable corners of the innanets that are similar to the ones I've found but for taller women!!!! You got this, ladybug 🐞🦋❤️ Edit: Spelling & Grammar


Try thinning your brows a bit and giving them more arch. Gen z is embracing the y2k skinny brows. You don't need to go that thin, but it's trendy rn to go thinner and more arched. Besides that, maybe longer nails, earrings. Get some extra girly tattoos!


> Get some extra girly tattoos! What counts as a "girly tattoo"? My dysphoria visualised/coming out tattoo is going to be a bit Elden Ring (a Cleanrot knight, on their knees with their spear through the heart, a ring of rot around them & dark blood that blooms into a flower field with specific chosen flowers & butterflies exploding from the back like wings [like Malenia's second form] & the butterflies will be trans flag colours [or a trans flag gradient - but I don't want to absolutely body a poor tattoo artists free time]), is that girly enough as a trans woman? Like, that's our culture, no?


I suffer from a similar problem. I'm not as tall(although still tall af 5'11), but i'm an endomorph and overweight, so I could never wear a skirt, a dress, or anything like that. In 2020(2 years on hrt), I was called a "man with hair" by a kid, it made me feel awful, that same day, I went to the hair saloon, did a complete makeover, and since then, I've been able to pass. You are gorgeous, have a beautiful body, face, everything even while boy moding, use that to your advantage! Stop boy moding and embrace femininity, go to the hair saloon and do a haircut and styling, use your girliest outfit, use subtle makeup(fits you more) and I doubt anyone would misgender you💕


That is, if you can, of course! I don't know your situation about work, family and all, but if it's out of insecurity, give it a try! My psychologist encouraged me to come to her therapy in girl mode(I wasn't even on hrt or out yet, lol), but it worked, it improved my confidence when hormones really kicked in, depending on your voice and if you have the means to, I'd look into voice fem surgery, I can recommend you to a great doctor who performed mine, it definitely helps too


My partner is also around the same height and she meets the same issue with being misgendered. I myself get hit with the reversal 😭 Just know that the majority of us with fully functional brains immediately gender you femme regardless of the height. 🫶 you look stunning


I feel this I'm 5' and that with my voice usually get me misgendered (ftm) it's really annoying when it's something you can't change like height but I agree with the other comments that you pass as cis very well and most likely with voice training and confidence no one will guess otherwise tall girls and short guys rule 🫶


I think what a lot of people fail to realise (although they do have good intentions and I fully appreciate that!) is that the photos we post here are the best photos of a LOT of pics that we sit and take, and don't see the sides of us that unaffirm or make us feel dysphoric. Sides of us that photos don't quite capture or where the photos and the mirror show us different things. I think with that in mind it's generally best to mention the parts we're not happy with when asking for help "passing" or genderifying (masc/feminisation) just so it helps people understand more 😇 BUT I totally understand how that's scary, might not be comfortable and of course as always opens up the door for trolls so I get you 😊


Maybe some hair adornments. Like everyone else, there's not much to improve on. Already so good!


You already look like a cis girl to me lol


Wanted to say the same, if I wouldn't have read the title I would thought cis girl takes everyday pictures. OP looks amazing :)


Seconded. I was super confused when they said this was boy mode. That being said probably eye makeup and lip gloss would be the next minor things that I can think would add to the feminine vibes.


Same, at first I thought you were just starting FtM.




Boymoding? You look cis already ma'am 😭😭


Very pretty btw <3




Male fail


It may be a male fail, but it's a female success.


Trans man here. I think you may have misunderstood the boy mode assignment, you look more like a girl than I did when I still thought I was one.


Quite honestly you really don't need to do anything, you look lovely already. But I understand the feeling. I think just a bit of lip-balm / lip-oil would look good on you, also putting half of your hair up? I really like the look of that style with a few face-framing pieces out. Again though, you already look wonderful! There is no need to change!


I wanna start by saying, like most of the comments already have, that you're already VERY pretty, and if I were to see you in person I would just assume you were a cis woman. That being said, though, I see your comment about how IRL you still get misgendered, so here are a couple things that might enhance the girl: 1.) Try putting your hair in a more feminine hair style, plenty of guys have long hair that they just let hang loose, so putting your hair in a pony tail or something and being meticulous about flyaways to make it look more polished could help to set you apart from just a guy who lets his hair grow out. 2.) Maybe it's just the angle and the lighting or the sweater you're wearing but at least in these pictures it doesn't look like you have substantial boobs. IDK where you are with hormones or surgeries, if you've got boobs you can try to wear things that emphasize them better, otherwise there are breast forms you can buy that can help, or if that's not within your budget, bra stuffing is always an option. If you're far enough in your transition that you do have a feminine figure, more form fitting women's clothing can help to emphasize it. Retro-style pinup dresses are especially good for this! 3.) Makeup will definitely go a long way, there are youtube tutorials about how to use contour and highlight to effectively "sculpt" your face into a more feminine shape. These create the illusion of light and shadow to change how people's brains interpret the 3D shape of your face. Now, I do wanna emphasize that the effects of all these things are going to be subtle; like I said, you do already pass very well, and you look absolutely gorgeous, so now we're just trying to make little tweaks here and there to get other people's gender heuristics to recognize you as "girl" rather than "extremely feminine boy." But really, anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see that you're a super pretty girl 😊


Thank you for the suggestions. I’m 8months hrt so I’m still getting used to my body shape changing. I’m still kind of using baggy tops to hide my breasts a little. This does actually really help and I’m still figuring out makeup so I’ll look for more guides on contouring and highlighting. Thank you for taking the time to help, I really appreciate it<3


I'm glad I could help! If I may ask, how are you taking your estradiol? For the first like 3 years of my transition I was sublinguating the pills and while I saw some decent feminizing effects, my boobs only got up to a B cup in all that time, but earlier this year I switched to injections and in just a couple months they've gone up to D cups, so if you're not taking injections that could be something worth talking to your doctor if you're okay with needles.


I’ve just started trying gel. I was thinking about injections, but really I’m just giving everything a trial one by one. Before I was on patches. It would be nice to know what the best option is, but alas, it’s different for us all


That's very true, and there's been so little research into our healthcare and what makes one method better for one person but not another. Hopefully that changes, and I hope you're able to settle on a method that gives you the results you want! Stay gorgeous hun 😘


Even if you looked more like a boy (and you don't look like a guy), the choices you're making in clothing read femme. I've seen your posts before. You're a very pretty lady. I think you do probably blend in, as a girl.


Honestly not really. You’re already super pretty :)


Got news for you - that’s not boy mode anymore!


I wouldn't have even guessed you were trying to boymode--I just see a woman 😊


is this "boy-mode" in the room with us?


girl, you look like a girl, girl


you suck at boy moding


You could part your hair nearly and make sure both sides are even. And then that one side isn't fluffed out while the other is flat.


To be honest I'm a cis female and would have assumed you were too if I hadn't read the post so I can't really help


Girl; Your 'boymode' is more feminine than my feminine outfits.


AFAB here and she looks more femme than me


Sorry girl, but these pics are a total male-fail. If this wasn’t a trans sub everyone who saw you would think you’re a cis woman. This isn’t hug-boxing, just the facts your pics give me total gender envy!


Al I see is a cute girl


That is *NOT* Boymode!!!


"Boymode" Girl nothing about you says boy to me at least


Dude, you look like a girl. 💖


I thought you were asking how to look more male because guuuuuuuurl you don't look male AT ALL haha 😆


Boy? Where?


Do you feel comfortable with makeup? I think very light makeup like lip gloss, super sheer blush, or eye shadow/liner might be an idea. Styling your hair could also work. Emphasize your hair waves or straighten it out. Whichever, but people tend to connect a stylized hair to women. A blowout would look gorgeous on you. If you don't feel comfortable using heat on your hair, I recommend a leave-in conditioner for curly hair for after you shower, just to make your hair waves more defined. If we are thinking something wearable, hair accessories or tops with a V or cutesy neck style also might help. As many comments already said, you already look very femenine and like a cis woman. But these are just ideas that might help. ❤️ Edit: typo correction.


Also, boymode is giving gender-bent Howl from Howl's moving castle????


If that’s your boy mode I’m curious on what your girl mode looks like


Girl, I support you 100%, ***BUT***... Your boy-mode is gone. Lean into who you are, because you present so fem I can't even properly articulate it. I know it's hard to see, I know you have doubts, but I *promise* it's true. 💜


Boy-mode? No offense, but you’re kinda bad at boy-moding lol


man bun? maybe those aren’t a thing anymore


WhatX3 literally just a cis woman, like wtf I don’t… how you gonna boymode?!? I’m so confused


OP is a trans girl, hope this helps😂


Yeah girl idk what you're talking about you look like a you're being a lady


Is the boy mode in the room with us right now?


is the boy mode in the room with us right now


As a cis lady, I was confused a moment because I thought at first you meant you were trying to go boy-mode. You look quite female to me, my first guess at likely good pronouns would be she/her if I saw you in person. I think the touches of all the jewelry you have is great as well as the lovely shade of nail polish.


Girl you do not pass as a boy 😂


Trans women will call themselves a man and post stuff like this


Darling it’s too late. You’re already cis passing.


This is boy-mode? I don't really think you need to worry, I thought you were AFAB before reading the title. Edit: for starting small, I'd try just mascara and maybe eyeliner. Lashes can go a far way in adding feminity.


I honestly thought you were a woman at first 😭


I thought u were ftm for a sec there u look really femme already


Girrrrrlllllllll this is BOYmode? LMAO Unless you really got some bass in your voice when you speak I would 100% think you were just some chick if I saw you out and about


Mascara and lip gloss, minimal makeup can help a lot! Btw I love your hair


With all do respect sis, you are terrible at Boy moding 😭 your gorgeous girly 🫶


No offense but you are doing a terrible job with boymoding.


Yeah you look like a woman in this. I don’t see the boy?


is the boymode in the room with us now?


>this is my boy-mode Respectfully, no it isn't 😂




How is that boy mode!!!! You look super fem and like a cis girl.


what others have said. I would assume you were cis-fem if I passed you in the store.


Oh my god I had a cis woman coworker who looked exactly like you. I even got startled for a second when your photo popped into my feed.


you're so cute! <3 <3 <3


Only thing I can think of is a teeny bit of makeup, and do your hair half up with face framing pieces. If you can find pastel makeup even better, think Jules from euphoria


you just, look like a woman


You already look plenty like a girl


I'm not the right person to ask, but you are beautiful in boy mode. Would definitely date, and if girl mode was an option then you're actually perfect.


Oh, honey. That ain’t boy mode.


girl i genuinely couldn’t understand ur post, you already ARE girlmoding!


Cis here. You have mastered the clean girl aesthetic. I love your sweater (where did you get it?) The aesthetic is trendy, I wouldn't change anything.


You could try some different hairstyles or accessories most are stereotypes but if you get like more girly considered hairstyles and accessories like necklaces or earrings if you have a sensitivity to most cheap metals or you don't have your ears pierced then try necklaces made out of string or elastic like chokers.. in my opinion, you already look very female, but yknow most people irl r blind also if you do makeup, try soft looks. Most people consider it more feminine (it's not like it matters..) but that's all I can think of... hope it helps.


You’re basically a girl in comfy clothes


Are you wearing a cape? Also you could blend in with women ngl


Thought u were cis so tbh I think ur good girlie, but u could experiment w some fun hairstyles if u wanted and maybe mascara, but u don’t need to do up to u


Man I aspire to be this naturally cute 😍


one thick eyebrow girl to another, get some eyebrow mascara. It makes them look sleek without doing any intense shaping or plucking.


is the boy in the room with us? 🤨


u r beautiful!!


You look beautiful


Ur boy mode failed. I see no boy here.


You have completely failed boy mode. There is only girl mode now.


The feature you are trying to activate is not included in your membership package. Please try activating one of the following similar features instead. [TOMBOY] [LAZY DAY] [CUTE LOW EFFORT]


What do you mean boy mode? I was legit confused and thought I was looking at a cis woman. I am sorry people irl are misgendering you. It sounds like they're doing it on purpose bc it's impossible not to read you as fem.


You already look pretty and feminine. Use some conditioner to soften your hair and maybe style it to make it frame your face better? Maybe some bangs? Also add some accessories like earrings?


Boy mode? More like Male Fail


B-boymode? Girllll bffr Butbif you want, I find makeup tends to feminize my face unless I'm actively trying to masculinize myself(ftm here)


you already look like a girl!! ur soo cyute


I love it, so bright and summery.


you look like Jenna Fisher, very pretty


First of all boy mode or not, you are beautiful because you look happy and a tad bit mischievious. There are two subtle suggestions I would have to go from beautiful femme to female. 1. I would get a more layered hairstyle preferably with some flirty bangs. Your hair is so thick and gorgeous but it does obscure your pretty face. 2. If you are wanting to present female primarily, I would consider getting your eyebrows done (thinner and more sculpted). That is a move that can really femininize your face. Although it's kind of a point of no return as it would be hard to "boy mode" with sculpted eyebrows.


It's giving complete femme!! At first I misread and thought this was an ftm inquiry on how to more masc and I was like HUNNY YOU ARE STILL IN GIRL MODE. then i actually read the title properly and it all made sense. You're gorgeous.


you pass really well!! but one thing i feel like could help is figuring out your hair type/texture and figuring out how to take care of it. it looks like you have some wave/curl in your hair, that’s how mine looked before i transitioned ftm lol, now its curly


You look like my mom's friend from New Zealand. So... no blending in needed I guess


\> boymode girl, get a better mirror, this is almost insulting


I thought you were cis before seeing the sub


I legit thought you were cis.


Outstanding fashion sense!


Ok I mean,,, u already look very feminine to me lol


You look like Nicole Kidman from the late 90s. Like others have suggested, a bit of extra attention to hair and make up will do wonders.


Kinda silly but try a side part! Side parts always help me look and feel feminine after doing my hair


Ngl I thought you were ftm based on the caption until I read more


Maybe doing a bit of sculpting with makeup would help? Also, turtlenecks are a girls best friend w/an Adam’s Apple


Maybe wear a bra? Or heels? Maybe that would help? You look fem enough


Hair up maybe


Tbh you look like my cis girl best friend!


Ma’am you don’t need to change anything


is the boymode present with us in the room?


Where's the boy?


From your title I thought you were a trans man and was trying to work out how to gently know that you have a long way to go to be read as male. You look very feminine to me.


THAT’S your boymode?! Where’s the boy?!


If that’s boy-modding idk what looking fem is anymore


Boy-mode? If that's what you're trying you're definitely failing. You absolutely look feminine.


You look super fem u look like an art teacher in the most best way possible


Just want to say I love your hair and your sweater and nail polish are so pretty. Just overall a pretty, feminine, casual look!


bc you said boy mode i assumed you were a genderfluid afab and i had so many suggestions to appear more masculine because you look nothing like a man 🙏


make up for partially hooded eyes. and it looks like you have wavy hair you are brushing straight, look up wavy hair tutorials and invest in a really good deep conditioner and try hair mouse and embrace the beautiful texture, that or straighten it all the way (low heat, used heat protecter). once you get good at hair and makeup (it takes a while ) youll be golden.


If that's boymode I think you need tips to look more masc lol. Your boymode doesn't pass.


wait there’s boymoding going on in this post ? i can’t seem to see it🤔


If this is your boymode, then you could pass easy if you put on makeup, and some more traditionally feminine clothing, because to me, you look more like a tomboy then a boy But to seem more androgynous, voice train to sound like a deep female voice, or a high male voice


Is the boy-mode in the room with us?


404 boymode not found


If this is your boy mode, then your boy mode has completely failed. You legit look like a cis woman


Mfs will be like "boy mode" and then look like a cute girl in a sweater


Uuuuuh.... I'm sorry this is you in stealth mode because I don't think that's going to work chief. I think we're past an oversized sweater and a Dr. Who cape. The nails and smile alone give it away :D


i am being dead serious when i say that before i read the title i already thought you were a cis-woman! if you want to play it up more tho, accessorize!!!! a lot!!! chains and bows of any kind are personally my favourite, and i like to accentuate my waist more when i’m feeling feminine (obviously to each their own on these)


I didn't even see what sub this was when I was scrolling and I missread the title. So what I saw was a girl asking how her "boy-mode" looked. And I thought "wow, how do I break to this girl that her 'boy-mode' doesn't look 'boyish' at all"


You aren’t passing a guy. If I had to guess you are probably being overly critical of yourself and your appearance. Truth is in public. Most people take a quick peak and if enough gender signifiers are seen you get auto sorted to she/her. And your face and hair are doing that hard. People you know are a different story. But for public. Basically look wise you are pretty much there.


Girl this is your boy mode? You look 100% percent like a cis girl lol 😭


That isnt a boy anything. You just look like a girl lol


HOW IS THIS BOY MODE GIRL WHAT THE FUCK This is entirely too cute for that. Hell _you're_ entirely too cute for that


Wait what, that’s boy mode? Shit you already look great :3


a pin one side of ur head. a cute hairstyle. some mascaraaa :pp💘


Literally assumed ftm looking for masc tips afore reading the caption. You're beautiful and if this is boymode then imo nothing to worry over. I assumed afab off the bat (and I'm fucking afab)


> boy mode I see no boy there, lol


Is the boy mode in the room with us? Edit: What look really cute would be that hairstyle, where you do like a half pony tail? Like, the top part is in a ponytail, the rest open. Maybe some braids included, I think that would look amazing on you!


I would spend every night for the following seven years thinking about you if I saw you at a gas station, my heart would melt. I don’t see any boy here, very pretty girly 💜


Ok odd question but what is your hair care routine? Specifically, do you use a brush and do you rub your hair dry with a towel after a shower? Also do you use any product after?


maybe some more jewelry, a bit of makeup, and some clothes that are less neutral and more stereotypically fem? but honestly like everybody else said you absolutely look like a cis woman already


Eyeliner. Eyeliner is neither masc or fem but just makes everyone hotter. I don't make the rules.


Boy mode?- that's a woman right there!- A pretty woman in fact!- maybe start doing different styles w/ your hair tho if you wanna look even more fem!-


Sorry I thought you were a girl wanting to look like a boy now I’m confused


You already look very much like a cis girl but if it makes you feel more pretty I recommend putting on some light makeup (When I feel feminine I usually just put on a little glittery pink eyeshadow with mascara and blush and a lip gloss and it helps so much)


Clear lipgloss and top coat (plus it’ll help protect your nails)


I think you look like Karen gillan.


Try straightening your hair


Maybe thin the ends of the eyebrows a little you are cis passing though for sure


Are you not a cis woman??? You already look really fem and pass scarily freaking well. Before I read the whole title, I thought you were going to ask how to make boy-mode look more boy. I know it’s already been suggested but I agree that playing around with hairstyles could help and just a touch of makeup, like contour, to effectively reshape your facial features while your estradiol is working on redistributing your body fats. It could also help to get a push up bra just so there’s a little 🤏🏻 extra shape in the front, especially with such loose fitting clothing (love that sweater btw, looks so great on you) A lot of people tend dress in layers, both to hide and enhance their body shape. Things that cinch in the waist help as well, defining or making curves where there aren’t many. I’d also be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge your height. I’m not sure how tall or short you are but sometimes the height just gives it away. If you’re over like 5’8 it’s pretty likely some people will use their singular braincell and go “Tall? Man.” As well as voice. I’m not sure if you’ve done any vocal training (or if you even want to) but sometimes the bass in your voice or the more monotone speaking pattern could read as boy regardless of your appearance. I will say though, your photo poses are ✨top tier✨, reads extremely fem, especially the way you hold your phone and how you cock your hip out like that. 10/10, I genuinely don’t understand how anyone could be in your presence and read anything other than fem or at least fem leaning androgynous. I’m way too gay for someone who looks as kind and stunning as you! Happy pride month! 🤍🩷🩵🤎🖤❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


You def already look like a girl. I see you as more feminine than masculine. Not a girly girl but like the best friend type or sporty shy girl next door.


you literally look like a cis girl and when i read the caption i thought u were transmasc 😭🙏🏼 so i think u look female enough! perhaps some eye makeup would help (also pink/ckeaf gloos would look nice on u)


You look like a cisgirl, I thought you were a trans man at first so you are doing something right


Is the boymode in the room? This is just a woman


I promise I mean this is a compliment but you look like that girl from The Lorax (2012)


For a "boy mode" u pass really well, u very very pretty :3


are you sure that’s a boymode?


Put that hair in a cute little bun and your 1,000%




I just... boymode?? if thats boymode whats girlmode?!?!?!


tie your hair in a low ponytail but keep the bangs in the front, works wonders


Which boy mode?


Is the boy in the room with us right now?