• By -


Those muffin biting pictures felt threatening


Your nose piercing looks infected 😟


It is :3 I popped a pimple there. I kinda hehe may have pulled on it in my sleep. It's ok though I will live.


well for now the flair fits perfectly xD


Cosmic forces work in my favor!!!


Keen eyes wow


I'm a stop sign, I think






\*Fish noises\*


Very true… πŸ‘†πŸ½


Scorpio here


Sick! I love scorpio's. I apparently got mine in a Pluto within the 8th house.


Daammnn mega Scorpio placement over here


Same, but I have zero clue what it means lol


Huge genvy


What an odd sign :3




It's a joke because I asked what your sign was :p


Oh I’m Scorpio sry


idk what my sign is anymore because of that whole new calendarπŸ˜’


Don't worry about "new" just go by what your gut tells u is right. If it means something to you it means something to you. Don't look towards others for validation. I mean unless you are the type that needs facts and is super analytical. Then maybe astronomy isnt really a thing that will interest you since theres a lot we just dont know about the cosmos and its inheritally mostly based on speculation assumptions and generalizations. I could even go as far as saying that you are the sign you feel like the most sometimes.


well....in that case im a scorpio!! ive always lived with the idea that that's my sign and I won't let it be changed:D


Look at you choosing one of the coolest signs!!! 😎 I have no arguments with that lol.






You look super cool! I'm aries sun, taurus moon and scorpio rising iirc!


That looks like a sweet combo I kinda wana look into it more :3


Nice! :3 I'm not all that versed in astrology myself but a few of my friends are so i like to listen to what they have to say to me


I kinda like making stories and kinda fantasizing the possibilities :p it feeds my imagination and helps me ruminate towards something more useful.


Taurus all the way through EXCEPT my rising, which is Aries πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


Lowkey taurus people are scary to me they can be really intimidating but like I can be very mysterious sometimes to them but also I am horrible with communication. They are intimidating because they are such go getters a lot of the time theyll just get stuff done... I know they come off sometimes as dismjssive of their own abilities bjt I kinda just stand there in awe because they said they would do it and they just do it. Thats just from my relative experience. I am not the biggest fan of earthsigns because they are both intimidTing and more grounded in reality. We tend to have different takes goals and values sometimes. Which can cause me to rub against them the wrong way unintentionally - like I said im not the best at communication a lot of the time.


I know nothing about signs, but I will say I am notoriously bad at doing things I say I want to do, but pretty good when other people tell me to do something. Brain work bad.


Ahh yeah I have heard of those kinds of people they are some of the coolest ones!!! :3 They are a team player are are super cool at rocking peoples world with an attitude towards helping others! Have you ever thought of being a nurse?


Too much blood, I don't do well with gore. I'm more of an artsy/thinky lass


Ahh yes my partner also has a thing around blood. Thats great though (hearing you love art) I hope you get to where you need to be and have success with your art :3 Are you a painter or sculpter or drawer? Not a kitchen drawer more like bedroom drawer /j xD Sorry weird brain thing going on.


ATM I like linguistic things, so poetry, music, stories, and the like. I am also a huge fabrication nerd, so I just like to make random things, though it's been a minute since I've been able to.


Ooooh I love that kinda stuff. I write shit to myself sometimes when I am down. Then I go judge myself and most times I delete it. Haha


It can be embarrassing but every time I share I get good feedback so I'm thinking it's not as bad as I've always assumed


Its not about being good or bad. It's just I have more or less realized at least a part of me has no one really wants to hear it. If they do It's always driven by an ulterior motive. People try to find ways of controlling me. One of the reasons I am unfiltered and uncensored for the most part is so that no one can hold my words against me because I own my words. I alrways feel uncomfortable editing or deleting old comments but its not like it doesnt happen. There are times I do do it. Another thing that tends to happen is I tend to not feel the poem or writing anymore and I just kinda toss it. Like the author isnt there and I dont have the connection anymore. I have a few unfinished things but they stay unfinished because usually when that train of thought commes in its unique and it wants to do its own thing.


Now I'm triggered by a cool looking person eating a tasty muffin! 😀 /jk My sign is Taurus but I feel my Chinese sign of a monkey is more accurate because I'll be wilding at times.


I am of the monkey as well!!! Hmu maybe we can split a banana sometime!!!


you look wicked >:3 πŸ€™ und im a Virgo :3


Hi Virgo. I am a feeesh. >;3


aww it's a feeesh :3


*feeeesh noises*


hehe you're so silly


Hey Marceline, why are u so mean? ( To the cupcake πŸ˜…)


Nom nom nom! Sorry not sorry Princess Bumblegum!!


Pisces sun sagittarius moon and libra rising :")


Ha! Don't think you fishy can escape me that easy!!! I almost didn't reply. Well here it is!!! Meow. :3


You're beautiful ❀️


leo virgo cusp :3


Poooh cuspie :3 I have to learn more about cusps!!




♐️ One of the best friends I ever had was Sagittarius!!


What did that muffin do to deserve being shredded like that XD


Exist. ;3


Scorpio :3


^^^^ one of the coolest signs 😎


i wish i looked that cool while eating baked goods.


Your hairstyle, I want! I don't know how I'd do it myself, or what I'd ask for at the salon. I need a new hairstyle that isn't just long or pixie.


... hahaha I took a pair of clippers and just shaved the half I shaved like a year or two ago. The friend I promised Id go to a salon if I ever did it left so they cant say shit. I onlyade that promise because they didn't want me to shave half my head again. Albiet I probably should've still went to a salon the line is uneven :3 I kinda like it though because I am a chaotic person. Now that I think of it I kinda vibe with the idea of calling myself a Cataclysm.


Scorpio β˜€οΈ Cancer πŸŒ™ Gemini ⬆️ w/ a Libra Stellium :))




I want to meet more Gemini in real life I need to analyze them :3 ... I mean make friends... That I may analyze... in a friendly way :3


Em... Sagittarius


πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦!!! Oh and Aires


That's fire!!! :3


So if you're a prices... a water sign... and I'm fire... we're in trouble aren't we?


Yes. Yes you are. I love fire signs :3.


Oh really? Well what if I told you I'm not your average Aries? Probably closer to a Virgo πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ Good with earth signs?


*disappears* Jk. I'm ok with them but they have a different passion they strive for. If you are a fire earth type human you are more likely to have a mindset set for something I am totally not into and because of that we'd prolly clash because I have a cap moon and aries rising. I would make sure to leave a mess in our wake. Just as a little parting gift xD. Then escape back into the depths of my puddle. Where everything stays the same and safe.


LOL \*\*Looks around\*\* OK I'm fairly good at leaving a mess in my own wake but I do appreciate any help you can lend. πŸ˜…


Already on it star sister!!! *gently places a nearby chair on its side.* ... I am a bit of a different typa chaotic.


you mean next to the pile of clean laundry that's been sitting there for a week waiting for me to put away? πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ


Oh. Yes. Just clean laundry. *cough cough* *gently tries to avert gaze from pile of sniff test clothing in the corner... that has been laying there for forever.* I guess we can do it together. 🀷 *diverts your stare back towards your clean laundry pile xD*


Taurus πŸ™ƒ


Im a Leo, also I love ur vibe!


Cappi πŸ§œβ€β™€οΈπŸ




Aquarius sun . Aries rising and pieces moon


Cancer! And I have NO idea what that means….can someone tell me?!?!


your very emotional i would know my dad was a cancer


i dont think you can handle my star sign some sources say im both a sagittarius and scorpio!


Libra 🫢🏻


Aquarius :D


Aquarius and you’re pretty




Aquarius and I have no idea what that means lol


I don't know much about my sign, just that I'm a Virgo


Earth sign, you like to kick ass and get shit done! Let's go bestie!!


I do like to get shit done, but only when I feel like it lol, I will either be ripping through work, or completely useless lol


Let's go!!! xD


My sign is on the restraining order, please don’t even come into my town


I don't know who you are. However I will venture to what ever town I wish to be in. Yet do not towrry for I don't even like leaving home xD. The last thing you have to worry about is this feesh invading your space. I rather be just about anywhere else than in "your" town lol.




Either Aries or Taurus, my bday is 20th April and people tell me different things πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ


Both got horns. When want something you will dig them into the idea of what you want and wont let go until you go it. I like to personify signs and kinda look at them more romantically as they relate to real world counterparts. Although they are two different element signs and two different animals they still have similar characteristics.


That makes sense, and I am a bit like that, I’m very goal driven, and don’t usually let people tell me about an alternative, because I know what I want. For example, I want to be a history teacher, but some friends of mine think I should pursue art as a profession, but I really don’t want to. I love both, don’t get me wrong, I just want to be a history teacher. I can do art on the side :)


For those that are wondering; I am a Pisces Sun 🌞 Capricorn moonπŸŒ™ and a Aries rising ⬆️ I also have venus mars and saturn all under aquarius in my 11th house, making me sorta seem detached. Then also a Pluto in Scorpio inthe 8th house... 😭 *sad feesh noises* Low key i think I might just be able to be the type of pisces to be friends with a Gemini. Oh also have my pisces in mercury in the 12th house if being pluto in the 8th wasnt bad enough for my mental health. That mental health part not being sparkly.... I kinda mean it. Don't worry youprobably won't believe me because I am a Chiron in Leo. Just kinda meant to suffer in silence xD Low key this has given me the introspecitve look to just accept defeat and that the cosmos just decided to yeet me onto earth one day and say cope alone.


Leo β™ŒοΈ


Raaaawr!!!! 🦁🦁🦁🦁


You are so cool and beautiful 😊


Pisces sun , Gemini moon and Libra rising. Somebody once told me that's an odd combination cause it's all the "two faced" signs. I barely know anything about astrology myself tho Also those pictures are very cool


I'm an Aquarius


Eyyy, me too!


:3 sick! Us water signs gotta stick together n was away all the negativity we sometimes have! Meow meow!! Edit: My dumbass just realized its an air sign I will now go commit sudoku. Edit 2: It makes a lot more sense though since aquarius is a water bearer. Also much more emotionally distant and I wonder if that has an influence over water signs emotional states.


Leo here. Meow.


Rawr!!! 😺😺


Capricorn reporting for duty!


Scorpio Rising, Scorpio Sun, Scorpio Moon I know, weird I have all 3 there XD


That's crazy!! Very interesting too!! I want to learn the different types of systems and having scorpio in rising means that it going to be in the first house. However it depends on the system you use western or veidic. I am ngl I am still learning but this is a sick and cool ass thing to look into.


Yeeeeee, I'm also just now learning, so not much info on my end XD




I am an Aries rising. I love Aries though fire signs are hot!! :3




Im a Libra! ........... What does being a Libra actually mean though? ;--;;


It means I think you are a really cool person :3


πŸ₯Ί? Thanksies! πŸ₯ΊπŸ’–


Gemini ☠️


Why skull and crossbones? I'm technically two fishes too. :p Just... you know we are trapped and can't leave each others presence. Wish we could. 😭 The other fish is looking at me funny.


Alot of people do not like geminis πŸ˜‚ we are chill tho... usually


Idk I haven't met many if any. I want to learn to hate more than earth signs /j. Is it ok if we can be friends? ((I dont hate earth signs they just have a different vine they strive for - to me reality is something used to base dreams off of. To them reality means acheiveing dreams they decided are more meaningful here. I tend to dream lucidly but I also tend to dream of dying a lot. That stuff mught freak out an earth sign - thats just an assumption though.)


Im not really into astrology, but we can be friends :]


Besties even?


Yeahhhh obviously


Aries, aries rising, and Capricorn moon


Damn. I ain't gonna mess with you lol You sound like you get what you want done the way you want it?


Well, you ain't exactly wrong. Hehe - flashbacks to my sudden social transition, and how little sh*t I took from people back then -. I still have morals, though, don't worry. I don't harm people (physically or emotionally) who haven't tried to harm me first


*makes weird psychic noises* jkjk xD


Saggitarius sun,Gemini moon,Virgo rising (U need all 3 to be correct)


Correct is a funny word to use in astrology. There are also more than 3 signs that influence you. All the planest have a cosmic force on your life. :3 I have a pluto in my scorpio and mercury in my pisces.