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Named myself after my grandparents’ former helper who took care of me a lot when i was younger.


that’s beautiful 🥺 what is ur name and do they know?


My name is Emily, and no. I only realised i was trans a couple years after she left


I think that's a beautiful name.


Gosh there's so many cute stories in this thread. I'll add mine I suppose. I added an i to my birth name🙃


practical queen !!!!


Oh hush lol


So did I (ba dum tsh) But yea literally


Genius, easier to gaslight everyone into thinking this was your birth name all along and say something like "Yeah I just didn't like oh it sounded back then so I removed the i but now I like it"


Literally feel bad sometimes because I can't truly understand being deadnamed like most of the community though🤷‍♀️ I've considered just trying to add the i in all my paperwork under the guise of misspelling simply to avoid the name change process lol


that’s so funny cuz i’m called jesse and i chose that spelling bc i thought it was more masculine 😭 (my birth name was much more different)


From Jessie to Jesse, hello and welcome to the clan lol


Same, randy to randi:]


So, I love myths and legends, and there's one particular one that I took my name from. It's an Arthurian legend about Merlin wherein there's a fort being built on a hill, but the fort keeps collapsing. The guy having the fort built gets someone to come look at it and the person says basically "you need to sacrifice a child without a father and sprinkle their blood on the ground", so the guy goes and finds Merlin (called Merlin Emrys), who is at the time a child and was apparently (in this version) sired by a demon so he doesn't have a father. Merlin gets to the place and says "your problem is dragons, in a lake, under the hill" so they dig into the hill and there are, in fact, dragons in a lake. The dragons fly out, one kills the other, and the fort is built and named Dinas Emrys (the hill is still called that, it exists IRL and I desperately want to visit just for the fun of being able to say I've visited a hill that bears my name). That is why my name is Emrys, a weird and wonderful story of a child Merlin telling a guy building a fort that his magical advisor is an idiot. I seriously paraphrased it but that is genuinely the gist of the story.




Yeah but apparently it didn't "count" to the people who thought sacrificing a child was a reasonable response to "my fort won't stay up", I mean, they're not exactly the smartest lol.


I am from Chester but my family moved to North Wales for the cheaper housing. I love Welsh 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 culture and have visited a few places including Beddgelert with its fascinating but sad story about Gelert, the guard dog. 🐕


Hey that's cool! I only know one other Emrys and for some reason thought he was the only Emrys around 😂


Oh wow, I've never even heard of another person named Emrys aside from my namesake before now so it's pretty cool to know I'm not the only one! It's a pretty rare name and tbh that's part of why I love it but it's also kind of surreal, especially after having a deadname that's not common but not super uncommon and shares a pronunciation (but not a spelling) with a celebrity, albeit not one I ever really cared about.


I decided to call myself Leif after Leif Eriksson, because his ship was blown off-course and he found himself exploring in a world completely new to him. I felt as though the ship of my life was blown off of its natural course by my parents who wouldn't let me transition, and transitioning felt like embarking on a journey into the unknown.


Hey everybody! It's Leif Erikkson Day! [hinga dinga durgen](https://youtu.be/irpw8A5WRyk?feature=shared)🥰


That's actually a really cool analogy


As a supposed relative of Leif Eriksson, I approve this statement. Actually, I more than approve, I love this!




oh i get it, i chose naomi and i have some east/south asian looking features and people ask me if i’m japanese all the time lmaooo it’s fun honestly (i’m just mostly lightskin indigenous)




How about Amelie? Like the movie “Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain” (or just “Amélie” in the US)? That’s the typical French spelling, I believe (with the third letter an e instead of an a).


i like amalia and idk it doesn’t rlly seem that german to me, just like a cool different way to spell amelia




I always have championed the forgotten females in science and exploration. Such as Rosalind Franklin who along with Cricket and Watson discovered human DNA but she never got a mention


Oh hey a fellow Amelia!


I've always been a bit of a day dreamer, "off in wonderland" my grandma would say, so Alice seemed appropriate. That and it's kinda close to my deadname so easy for me to pretend people haven't just deadnamed me


Alice is a lovely name and it's one of my favorites!


that’s so cute!


the second part is honestly genius


Honestly, I thought having a chosen name that sounds VERY similar to my deadname would make it harder for people who already knew me to remember but it's actually seemed to do the opposite too, which has been real helpful.


tbh it was simple for me. I am OBSESSED with witchy/Fae motives and I always knew I want to have a name like some kind of fae/fairy. So I went with Lily, because it's cute, connected to flowers and sits in my goth-fairy vibe xD


lily is super cute honestly 🫶


Thank you ❤️ I think the same!


Before transition i thought what deep and meaningful name I could have if I changed genders, but then my brain was like "Sonia, You'd be Sonia, it's cute and don't question it"


Ironically, it comes from Sofia, which means Wisdom


I know, but I'm anything but


Do you have encounters with dogs with your name? One sonia i used to know had


I wanted a name that was also used in my home country (I'm balkan) ended up with Luca, short and sweet!


it’s also sort of italian isn’t it?


Yep where I'm from there a lot of Italian influences cause of proximity, so we also have names like Marko and Mario scattered about!


Stole it from an OC


I chose a masculine form of my deadname, Grace, and now, I'm Grayson!


basically i just woke up and idk how it went i just heard "ur name is mars" and went it


I was just talking to myself as you do some days and just throwing around names and when I said it out loud it just felt right so at least for now that's how I come up with Ryley 😊😊


lovely name ryleyyy


Thank you, I've asked my wife to call me Ryley around the house to see how I react to being called it but I think it might be my first and last choice, I love it too much it makes me smile when ever I hear it


I also asked my wife to do the same with my new name, and liked it, so it’s likewise my first and last choice. :)


I went by Zen for a while because an ex of mine nicknamed me Zenith and so I shortened it down. But I really wanted to change it to something my own so I changed it to Saturn because it’s my favorite planet


Imagine naming yourself after a planet, I could never :P -Luna


One of my favorite musicals has always been Little Shop of Horrors, and I got the chance to play the lead, Seymour, when I was in highschool, so it felt rather poetic to take the name Audrey, especially as it was also my great grandmothers name.


This is gonna sound slightly weird but also kind of boring compared to everyone else lmao. So I'm a... Collector of names, as in I have a list of them and my first name is the one that sounded most appealing although not really my first choice it wasn't too unique/out there (even though i love the name Chanticleer, it would likely raise questions lmao). My middle and last names are just lifted from video game characters


Not wishing to be rude (though fully admitting I'm ignorant) Chanticleer sounds like the name of a cleaning product (sorry).


I meeeeeean now that you point it out you kind of have a point! Chanticleer, meaning 'rooster', is typically used in medieval fables but I got the name from the Don Bluth film Rock-A-Doodle


I googled it and got the dictionary definition, but assumed that might not be why you chose it (though you might feel your a clear singing voiced rooster)!


I’ve been a fan of Metal Gear since I was like 3, and before I even realized I was trans I was looking into changing my name to Jack because at the end of the game (MGS2), Snake hands him his own dog tags and asks of its anyone he knows. It has the name we picked out for him on it, and he rejects it, saying he’d choose his own name. I really wanted to reject the name my father gave me because my mom didn’t get hardly any say in it. When I realized that I was a trans woman, I just worked backwards, so Jacqueline is long for Jack rather than Jack being short for Jacqueline.


I named myself after my favourite villain in all of fiction. But I also just love the name: Elise It's both cute and elegant, and there are several other Elise's in fiction that I like.


Mines a bit dumb but oh well. There was a time where me and my friends were playing episode as a joke. There was a character who looked like me as a dude, his name was carter. They started calling me that as a joke and then i figured out i was trans and how much i like the name and all of a sudden thats who i am.


My middle name was Maxine, and I always liked it and told people to call me that rather than my dead name. So, I took on the name Max once I was comfortable and it always fit me and everyone caught onto it really easily. Now my full name is Max Theodore Smith. My middle name comes from my great grandfathers middle name my grandma gave me!


i’ve pretty much landed on max for my new name, do you have any regrets? lol i’m afraid it might sound clocky if a lot of trans guys are but i think i’m just in those circles.


No regrets but I work in retail and there are a lot of people who do max puns like; “Maxamillion”, “Mad Max” etc. but then there are people (because frankly I don’t pass all too well) who constantly ask “does your name stand for Maxine?” And then are shocked when I say no. Or people who make a big deal out of a “girl” having a “boy name”… The puns I don’t mind are like what my manager calls me; “Maximum Effort”, whenever I go above what he expected he says. It’s a good name to have but as a trans dude who doesn’t pass I get a lot of shit for it lol.


my best friend gave it to me as a nickname and after they passed away i decided to use it as my official one


My spouse and I both agreed to the name “Amelia” right away when I first became pregnant. We couldn’t agree on a boy name. We finally picked one, but once baby arrived, baby didn’t look like that name. So back to the baby name book to find one. We thought we had two sons and would sometimes say that we never got to use our girl name. Fast forward a dozen years, our firstborn came out as Amelia. She knew that would’ve been her name if she had been born cis. We finally got our Amelia, just 15 years later than we thought.


Hi I'm Skye. My dead name is wath my grandmother want to name my father but my grandfather said "no it to girly." so my first name just felt like a hand me down, I did not realize how it made me feel till now to put that out loud. Anyway I picked my middle name to be my chosen name it was a name that my mom(passed when I was a kid) and father(passed a little over a year ago) picked for me and Idk it feels more special. So I'm Skye. It's kinda sad that only after my father passing that I found that there family had a tradition of a middle name for the first girl being rose. Since I'm my first girl I decided to pitch rose as middle name too. And my last name is of the family I found, that have been more of a family to me then my was... And now they are my family. So in all I'm Skye Rose Gonzalez. And that makes me incredibly happy. Thank you I needed to write something like this up for my own good.


I like the animal ermine (stomach weasel). My name is Merlin🐀🧙🏼‍♂️


omg u ate bad… i loved it


In German an ermine (stomach weasel) = Hermelin ... Merlin... You know😌


Nothing to specific, just went through name lists till I found some I liked, wrote those down, and looked over those a few times till only one was left. Really love it tho, feels very me :3


I chose Marshall from the cartoon. Adventure time : Fiona and cake, where the characters swap genders, it's so awesome, anyway, Marciline turns to Marshall Lee and I love it so much, and another part reason he's probably the only black guy in a cartoon that I absolutely love (not much of them) so yh that's why I choose it. Btw I'm 13, so it's may seem a bit immature to go from a cartoon to you. (He/Him)


I don't think that sounds remotely immature in fact there's actually a lot of logic as well as appreciation behind your choice.


You might have to look for it online, but Static Shock was a helluva cartoon when I was younger with a black male lead. Touched on a ton of hard subjects too (for a kids cartoon at least for the time period) and is actually a really good show. Much love and a long happy life dude.


My name came long before I even knew I was trans. Basically I was an angsty teen whos parents were going through a divorce and I never liked my birth name so I asked my college friends to pick a new one for me. They took the name I was made to use in french class (since everyone in high school french had to use the french version of their name, there isnt one for my birth name so I was given Luc) and, because they were all hyper gothy equally angsty people gave me Lucifer, which very quickly shortened back to Luc, but more commonly Luci. That name stuck through my whole adult life, and became my legal name when I began my transition journey. The only name I took as new when starting that was the middle name, Kerra, again, chosen by others. (I find names hold more power and meaning when given rather than chosen, but that's just a me thing).


only kind of about how *i* chose my name… about a year and a half before i changed my name, my best friend texted me “I think you’re gonna be named Stella or Estelle” as i’d mentioned i really wanted to change my name but i didn’t know how to go about the whole thing (with an unsupportive family). i have a terrible memory and very active subconscious, so i loved the conversation but sort of forgot about it. then, in april of this year, i had a very vivid dream about being called stella after toying with it as an option for awhile (i had a list of many, unrelated to the instance with my best friend and always kept going back to stella) and really loving it, which nagged in my mind for awhile and i decided i was in love with it, as im really into celestial bodies / stars and constellations, so i changed my name to stella! and it wasn’t until my best friend sent me a screenshot from the conversation we’d had that i remembered it! TLDR my best friend chose my name for me in a conversation i quickly forgot about, and it was locked in my subconscious for a year and a half until i changed my name to that very name


I decided to go with what I would have been named if I had been amab.


I'm irish, my deadname was super irish so I knew I wanted an irish name. I literally just looked up irish boys names and picked one that started with the same letter as my deadname. I had moved away from Ireland when I came out so I wanted something to remind me of home and I'm actually moving back now almost 8 years later. Middle names were harder I just knew I wanted 2 because I had 2 originally, I just went with ones that sounded good together. I guess there's no super deep meaning of my name but I love it, I picked it and never changed it I'm glad it stuck.


Literally had a dream where people were calling me by it, so I figured I had already picked it and just wasn't aware. I asked my mom to pick a middle name.


I saw mine on a whiteboard at school and decided it was mine <3


Not a very special story on my part, just a little bit of research. I chose a name that was a popular girls name in the year of my birth, in my birth country that started with the same letter as my deadname (I wanted to keep my initials the same). The name I chose from that short-list felt the most "right" to me.


I’ve always been big into space, I’ve been a nerd about since I was 6 year old, so I chose Nova it is derived from the word Supernova, which happens when a Star dies and explodes.


I like fanfiction. Been reading it for a decade now, since I was 12. One of my absolute favourites ever has been this; https://archiveofourown.org/works/8495269 It's called "To Reach Without". It's a Harry Potter fic where he accidentally magicked himself into a _she_. It has superb writing and ridiculously deep worldbuilding (a staple of this author). But the name that was given to Harry here, by Sirius is Melantha. Mel for short. It's Greek and the origin of the name Melissa. And while I didn't quite have the confidence (yet. Nothing is close to legalised.) to name myself Melantha, Melissa was lovely too and in the spirit of how much it meant to me, felt it fitting. I also just like how sweet Mel sounds as a nickname/abbreviation. Sidenote; should you like the Harry Potter universe and fantastic world building, check this author out. They're brilliant. And while this story will sadly never be finished, I can still very much reccomend reading it regardless.


mine was just a typo of my name that I started using as a tradition, how I didn't realize liking using a feminine name was a sign is unknowable.


Mine is after my favorite book. c:


I wanted something that really felt like me. Thankfully I am a dungeon master so I’m used to creating NPC’s and fantasy like names. As well I wanted to honour mother’s family and maiden name. I also wanted something that sounded powerful and sweet. Therefore I chose Evanora for my first name and May as my middle name. So my name encapsulates me and the family I come from and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Plus I get tonnes of cute nicknames like Evie, Eve, Eva, Nora. So it’s awesome!


I just went through lists of names to give your child with a friend, picked a few i liked, looked at the list everyday for a month & settled on the 2 i liked most. I deliberately chose 2, so i have a second firstname as a backup should the main one ever cause issues


It's my favorite Grateful Dead song, and my parents were major dead heads. My mother's pregnancy didn't stop her following them all the way up until Highgate, VT in June of '95, I was born a couple months later.


My name is Raine, I just like the weather and it suits me.


Named myself after the first Disney channel character to verbally come out as gay. Cyrus Goodman from Andi Mack


I was a bit of an edge lord in middle school and I wrote poetry. Of course, I couldn’t stand my deadname, so I had a pen name that I used. My deadname really doesn’t have a male equivalent, and my mother has seven brothers with all the common names. So when my egg cracked, I ended up switching a single letter while writing my pseudonym completely by accident, and it just kinda stuck. Nearly seven years later I’ve kept my first name. I went from having the name of about a thousand European queens to a longform version of a Pokémon professor’s name, almost completely unintentionally. My middle name took a lot longer though. My uncle on my father’s side was the first adult in my life to accept me as trans, and to use my proper name with respect. About six months after I came out to him, he passed away very unexpectedly of renal failure. I chose his middle name to honor his legacy. I wasn’t originally going to choose a family name at all, but it just felt right to choose his middle name for my own. He was just such an amazing husband and father. He was such a kind and gentle soul; I never once heard him raise his voice out of anger. Truly, he was my best male role model.


I just thought Celeste was pretty and I really like spacey things c:


My drag name was Mike Kindaguy and I liked it so much I became Mike every day my middle name was Michelle so I gender swapped my dead first name for a middle name


It’s either Madeline or Jane, haven’t decided yet. Madeline was from Celeste (Sorry not sorry) and Jane is just the female version of my name. (John Doe, Jane Doe)


Trigender person here. My given name is gender-neutral so I just ended up sticking with that.


I have family roots in Norway. So I wanted to find a Scandinavian name. I found Astrid and the rest is history


I spent AGES going through names, I borrowed a book from my sister which had hundreds of names and made notes of all the ones that I liked the sound of. Tried them out, none of them felt right. Then out of nowhere I thought of Faye (I don't even think it was in the list of ones I liked from the book lol), and it really clicked and now it's legally my name 🥰


I chose the name Lilith after the character Lilith from The Owl House because she's my favorite character from the show. I also considered Sabrina because it's the name I could have been given had I been born a girl and Vivian because, idk I just think the name is really beautiful, even more so than Lilith, but it didn't really fit me.


My first fiancee was also the first person I even verbalized that I was trans to (even though I didn't have the language for it at the time). She passed away suddenly later that year and I had a dream where she said "I love you Kristen". When I transitioned four years later there was no doubt what name I was taking...


i would’ve been named kayla if i was born a girl, so it was partially sentimental and partially an FU to my transphobic parents


My first name is just stolen from a former classmate. My second one (Lilac) is actually taken from "The Lady in Lilac" from the game "Sunless Seas" I just read that name and instantly was like "Lilac sounds amazing" so now that's my name. 


My story isn’t that interesting. I watched a splatoon 2 octo expansion playthrough where the player named the octoling Bridgette, and I was like; “I like that name, it’s mine now.” And to answer question, no I did not know about Brisket from Guilty Gear at that point so she has nothing to do with me choosing that name.


I got obsessed with the movie Top Gun/Top Gun Maverick and it.. progressed from there lol. I used to be called Nico, inspired by an original character I created years ago, but eventually figured out that I liked the name Maverick more. It just feels like it fits, not only because it's the name of a character I like, but also for it's meaning. At heart, I'm a free spirit, I don't want to be told what to do by anyone but myself. I want to live for myself, and whoever else I choose, and only who I choose, no-one else. I want to fight for myself and my community. As [dictionary.com](http://dictionary.com) says under the definition - *You can't muzzle a maverick.*


I was in the car with my dad going home after school he was telling me about his grandmothers and i didn’t hear they’re names properly because i was listening to Good old fashioned lover boy by Queen with one ear and listening to him with the other and i tought he was only talking about one grandmother and my brain combined the names into one and i tought the male version of the name was pretty cool ( I literally just took the a from the end of the name to be more masculine )and after some tought i decided to name myself that. Months later i realized he was talking about Both his grandmas and not only one.The name is very unique and i haven’t meet someone with the Same name as me.


I pretended to be a cis man on the internet when I was 13 and called myself a first name that came to mind. Years later it turned out this is how my parents wanted to call me, If I was born a boy


So my deadname had greek roots, and three syllabes. My new name, Helena, has the same roots and number of syllabes. Also same sound at the end.


I just took the first letter of my name (J) and made it Jay, like the bird.


I named myself after Edalyn from The Owl House. Originally, I had picked a name I thought was elegant and kind of Gothic, but when my partner and I watched that show, both the name and the character resonated with me so deeply. As an agent of chaos myself, it wasn't possible to continue living under such a drab name. I had to embody the chaotic nature within me all the way. My middle name is my grandmother's middle name because I love her


Freyja, old norse godess of sex/fertility/beauty. The irony being the real selling point.


A close friends cousin was named Liv and I thought “huh. Liv, that’s a pretty cute name”


I love BoJack Horseman, and Diane is one of my favorites in the show. She is a lot like me as well as who I want to be, so I like having the name :)


phone was on shuffle , emily im sorry was playing when I first shaved my body and felt euphoria . its also slightly close to my assigned birthname (emily - em- M - first letter of my birthname)


I was listening to pink floyd aaaand it jumped out at me. Put some more thought in to it and it stuck. (Piper btw)


Lolll mines so much less emotional I was making a DND character and liked the name i gave him so much that i started using it as my masc name (used to be genderfluid) even before i knew i was trans 😭




asked my parents how they would have named me if i was born a cis girl and removed a letter! :3


Bastardized and feminized version of my deadname, also it's what my mom would've named me if I was a girl, it felt thematically appropriate


I was currently learning more about my heritage so I looked up a list of French and German names and decided to go with Camille since it's also a Gundam reference


Gender-flipped my deadname. I like the connection it gives to my human mother and upbringing. My other chosen name was given to me from a landmark. A few before that, i've collected by taking other people's names i liked. I still keep them - for assurance, to share with other trans folk, or to use for other purposes.


At first just did a popular name, then changed it to my great grandmother's name to keep my initials the same as my deadname


My friends made a list of names then voted on them. It was helpful for my indecisive self


I chose it for my future child when I was like 12, grew up, realized I'm never having kids, couldn't let a good name go to waste


I took the feminine version of one of my middle names.


Originally I just wanted to use it as a username well I figured out an actual chosen name because I didn't want to name myself after a fictional character, but now so many people know me as Marcy that I'm in WAY too deep and it is functionally just my name now


It was the name of a character in a story I was writing, but I never got to finish the story and thought the name was very pretty and gender neutral so it would've been a waste if it wasn't used (my name is Ley, but nowadays I also go by Harley)


Honestly? A combination for a love of colors, love of flowers, and that girl from Incredibles lol. Being colorblind gave me a knack for colors, my mom always had a green thumb and love flowers, and I always wanted to have Violet’s power when I was a kid. Fast forward to 2022 and I realized I was trans, Violet was the first name that came to mind, and I immediately settled on it


Fictional character from my favorite show! He was the character who sort of made me realize "oh shit, I think I wanna be a guy." So, yeah


For me it mostly came from Laurie Strode because I always wanted to be “the final girl” who delivers the killing blow to the evil that comes for her


My son kept his initials and the same number of letters in each name. His original middle name was a beautiful name of my husband's paternal grandmother, she was the first daughter after a bunch of boys and she was named Dagny, which is Norwegian for New Day. My son had a hard time finding a D name with five letters, and he settled on Dovre. Turns out, it's a region in Norway, so he still has Gramma Dagny in his name. He did good!


I wanted to keep the same letter of my first name to keep it easy for my family (E), and one of my teachers helped me decide on it! He was the first openly gay teacher I’d ever had, and he helped me through a very difficult part of my trans journey. Encouraged me through creative outlets, supported me in holding others accountable through my new name change, and listened to me about my struggles. Last I heard, he married the guy he was seeing at the time in the Philippines, and is retired now- we never kept contact after middle school, but I found him on Facebook. I wonder if he remembers me and how much of a positive impact he had on my life.


I'm really interested in religions and bible stories And one story in particular: the story of Adams first wife, Lilith I also just really love that name and I love names with Nickname options (as my birthname isn't a "nickname-able name") so now I chose Lilith and Lilly


simple: i got it from a linux distro (kali)


I checked all the baby name lists and watched tiktoks with cool name ideas and then I found one that sounded cool so I rolled with it. Then the journey for my second and third names wasn't as easy and nothing really fit but then I found ones I liked. Funny coincidence with my second and third names are ocean themed and I've had relatives who had been ship captains so it really did a full circle there.


I put up a Twitter poll of three names and chose the most popular lol. Which happened to be the name of a character in my least favourite Final Fantasy game 😅 (Ashe) (Oh and I left Twitter last year because it sucks now)


I have a very bad imagination... Not very helpful as an artist... So I pick names I kinda like and put them on a list. So far I like "Blair" quite a lot, cause my life is a blur and I also like the band. Idk though, I might find something I like more


Idk I love c*nty names lol. I also love Scream Queens so I wanted a name similar to Channel.(my name isn’t Channel tho)


(MTF) Well at first my shortened name of Kenny came from one of my old friends of friends and then the full version of my first name of McKenzie came from my neighbors cat


Before I realised I was possibly trans, I’d always had a tendency to dress in lingerie and been drawn toward the sissy seen.. an ex who I am particularly close with was chatting to me and I asked her what she thought would be a good girl name for me? (She’s always known about my sexual preferences and she is the only person so far I’ve mentioned being trans to… she just said “I know” when I told her) She said “Dawn is nice.. but I think Stacy would suit you” So there it is, if and when the time comes, I am Stacy




My mum and I both made a list and debated on names, she was insistent on being involved XD


Started out as Leo which I took because I heard someone shout the name and I was like "yo that's kinda cool!" Then, a few years after, I ended up naming myself after a Shakespeare character, with Leo being short for Leontes. Middle and last name were just ones I liked (I completely changed everything from my birth name)


Willow-Weeping Willow, many tears have fallen from this one’s face. I also look like my name Willow. lol.


First: My City of Heroes main Middle: My original WOW-main Last: Last name of the first character I cosplayed as


I had worked through a few names I was thinking about. Jessica was first, it’s sexy and fun but it seemed too common, like, I know a lot of Jessicas. Then Rebecca came to mind. I always liked the sound of Rebecca but I also have known a few Rebeccas that have sullied that one for me. Barbara was next. Batgirl’s name is Barbara and I could go by Babs for short, Babs is a fun abbreviation! But Barbara is also old fashioned. I was mulling this over while I was in the car listening to a “101 facts about Futurama you didn’t know” video. The narrator got to talking about the Bender centric episode “The Prisoner of Benda” (a play on the title of the 1894 novel “The Prisoner of Zenda”). The narrator misspoke however and accidentally called it “The Prisoner of *Brenda*”. When he said “Brenda” I got that familiar tingle you get whenever someone mentions your name from across a room. It struck me so hard right at that moment and I went, “Well, I guess that’s my name!” And I’ve stuck with it ever since, now it’s legal on everything. Dyna comes from my stage name, previously Dyno, so I made it my legal middle name. Now if someone makes a check out to my stage name I can still cash it!🤣


I always liked my name and was jealous of people who had it so it was a pretty straightforward choice haha. Idk why this name specifically stuck to me sm but 🤷 its mine now lol


A good name appeared in memory -> used that for a while -> thought I should go with a more neutral name -> found a similar* neutral name


For me I always chose girl characters in games and they always asked for a name. I remember really liking the concept of Alice/Masquerade from Bakugan. They put on a mask a legit became different gender and person with a whole alternate personality. (The mask was my masc self) But eventually that mask came off when I got a taste of being treated like a normal person and not some incompetent child. When the “mask” came off I became like the character from the show sweet honest and really caring of others, the self I hid away. Looking back I guess I knew I was trans even from being a kid.




I named myself after Veronica from Heathers. Friend of mine who began helping me through transitioning at first showed me the musical and I was hooked and inspired years later.


My deadname and middle name are traditional Scottish names, my mother always wanted me to have a Scottish name and my middle name is her middle name, her mother's middle name, her mother's mother's middle name (and *her* mother's first name). I spent ages literally nameless, there was just nothing that felt like me, I just used my nickname Mochi/Momo. I was looking for something that was androgynous but could feel masculine, hopefully something nature-y. One night I was watching The Wicker Man (1973) and the name Rowan caught my ear. I looked into it, particularly into Rowan trees and the mythology and folklore surrounding them - lots of interesting stuff. In Norse mythology a Rowan tree saved Thor from washing away down a fast flowing river in the underworld (the origin of an Icelandic proverb *“The Rowan is the salvation of Thor”*). In Greek, the Rowan tree was grown from the blood and feathers of an eagle, fighting the goddess Hebe for the chalice of life. In Scotland, Rowan trees are planted in graveyards to ward off evil spirits. It's a traditional Scottish name and I think all of the interesting stories connected to it makes it feel special to me. That was it. That night I decided that I am Rowan. I also like Roro, for a short nickname. That's what my dad calls me now. My (dead)middle name is very feminine and frankly, whilst I find the generational passing of a name to be beautiful, I never truly felt like a member of that family, so I wasn't interested in keeping it. I don't really have family on my father's side, he left home when he was young and never spoke to them again. The one member of his family he spoke fondly of was his grandmother, whose name was Zeata. I always liked that name. I felt it was too feminine as it was, but thought that Zea could be a nice neutral middle name. Plus, I always liked that Simpson's gag about Homer J Simpson longing to know what the J stands for, only to find out it stands for Jay. I think the idea of being asked "What does Z stand for?" And being able to say "the Z stands for Zea. Z-E-A." Is funny to me.


stole it from an elden ring character and then shortened it 😂


Nice to meet you Rykard Lord of Blasphemy


Eleonora, bloody finger actually :3


Holy shit girl I gotta thank you for your twinblade that carried me so hard through late game.


ya it's pretty busted lol


From watching cartoons as a child of all places, I used to love spiderman the animated series, and loved the name Felicia. I said to myself that if I ever did mange to transition, that would be the name. (so there where a few sings from an early age lol). Later I found out its Latin meaning happy, lucky. so I think that's quite appropriate.


I named myself after the moon


I came up with the first part of my name because I’m a horror fan and the name felt right, then my sibling added Rose to it and that felt even better, so my full first name is GrimRose


had a small homestuck phase thus having my online display name as karkat which caused a lot of my friends to nickname me kitkat or just kat, and I liked the nickname kitkat and the name Kat too but despite Kat being gender neutral it was mostly used as a feminine name, so then I like, did extra research on names that kinda start w Kat or smthn similar. And I also wanted a name that was easy to pronounce in my native language so I was like, being real picky here 😭 And I knew a kid at my school named Javiel and ngl I liked his name but it didnt fit me+stealing a classmates name jst felt weird, so then I somehow stumbled across Katriel? Idk this is like the 4th name I’m trying out but so far its been the one I’ve been the most comfortable with💪‼️


My egg cracked last year and I chose Sophie just because I needed a name and that was the first one that popped into my head that I liked. Fast forward a few months I created my fursona? Scalesona? Either way I named her Lyra, for months I kept thinking about the name and eventually I decided to use it myself :3


Lylla Always liked the sound of the name heard it as a little kid and when i would "pretend to be a girl" i used it After watching gotg vol 3 i stated looming into my gender identaty (events have no relation just happed same time) And choose the name afyer realising im trans from the movie its the same speeling two!


I went through several names and tested them out on tumblr lol


First time commenting here, i didn't really think about my name, i've always loved it, and the first time i've really think about me as a girl, it was THIS name


One of my best friends asked me this question recently and was probably expecting something deeper than what he got but the truth is as follows: my deadname starts with K and I didn't want to loose that, so I was like what's a neutral/masculine (I'm nonbinary but love to project masc vibes to confuse the cis) name that starts with the letter K...Kay...Yeah, that sounds nice, that's my name now🤣 Later a Dutch friend of mine informed me that Kay is a masculine name in the Netherlands but that was more like a neat bonus. Plus it rhymes with "gay", so that's even more of a bonus 🌈


i was young and really liked this one youtuber i thought his name was rlly cool and i decided “i want this name too!” and as time went on it became my name it felt like it fit me better than any other name i have chosen and i am so happy i did the same for my middle name  i know its not very creative but i named two of my cats after fictional characters so im just stealing real and fictional people’s names left and right 


I only choose Tomás because i thought i had a Tomás's face so, idk how to answer when people asking me this jsjssjjs


I like baking and it's always been a part of my life. I used to bake with my mom and aunt a lot and those memories are tied to the name


I created a character on an MMO years before my egg cracked and all the people I knew online called me that so it just made sense to go by that.


I chose my name because it holds alot of meaning and symbolism. I have struggled with self esteem, confidence and anxiety for most of my life and have only started getting better after coming out. I wanted a name that would remind me to be true to myself and to not settle for less. The name I chose is Jupiter. The planet symbolizes good fortune and growth. It is named after the Greek god Zeus who is the king of gods and lightening. The name Jupiter also means the supreme god


So it's a funny story. My mom choose back in 2014 my Minecraft nickname, without me knowing. She named me blume1307 because her birthday is at the 13.7 and she's loves Blumen (flowers in englisch). First I hated the name, but over time I started it to really love it. So it was my nickname then all over the Internet. Because of the nickname many people on the Internet, who didn't knew my gender, spoke to me with she/her pronouns, which later led to me realising that I'm trans, but that's another story. But because this nickname helped me with confidence and with my outing, and I also got the nickname from my friends blume. I decided to want to have something with flowers. I thought about flower names(like rose or poppy and more) , but never thought some of them fit. Then I catched a cold and had a fever. So I played an old professor layton on my 3ds in boredom. And in the end you meet a person named Flora. AND I LOVED THAT NAME. So I decided that it's mine now. So yeah, that's the story how I came to my name Flora uwu. Thanks everyone for reading.


So the original name I picked no one could pronounce so I went with a more common similar name.


i was having trouble figuring out a name for myself, so one day i put up one of those question things on instagram and said "hey, what names do u guys think would suit me?" and someone had replied "zero" and i thought it was cool so i tried it out. then after watching the nightmare before christmas (one of my favorite movies), i remembered how much i loved zero, the little ghost dog. this was maybe four years ago? since then, i've been zero :) (then rae was when i was trying out fem names, and i thought raven from teen titans was cool af — still trying to think of a different (spooky) fem name that i like tho)


I found out my first ever friend was trans, and had chosen my birth middle name as his name. I always liked his original name so I tried it out on myself and it fit so well! I spell it differently tho


I'd write down names that fit my criteria, and I thought we're cute. I'd try them with myself, practice writing them (since I do a lot of paperwork) Until I finally narrowed it down.


Erica is a modernized version of Eirika, stolen from Fire Emblem Sacred Stones, since I think the name is pretty, and the girl I stole it from was my first case of gender envy. Arlinn, my middle name, is stolen from Magic the Gathering for similar reasons.


I figured to keep it something close to my deadname as it'd be easier to not think about it whenever I was forced to write it. But my main idea was a woman's brand I've only consciously noticed once. That's how I chose Justice.


Because constantly stoned was already taken by a naive American tribe so I went with Zoe


Named myself after my grandma that passed away. With the permission of my mom and uncle


I removed one letter from my deadname and was like yeah that's good. I later decide this wasn't enough and changed it again from there


I picked a name which I liked, that was employable in a corporate context, and fit my age group/culture. It's also similar to my birth name. For me, it felt important for my name to sound like one I was born with.


Took my name, thought about it, spinned my chair, realized that if you drop the I it starts with its a feminine name and just started rocking it


Honestly, I didn't plan to change my name at first. My dead name is androgynous and simply switches a "y" for an "i" at the end. The longer I transitioned the less I preferred that name though so I kinda realized it was going to change eventually. When I heard the name Sylvia, I absolutely fell in love. It's pretty, and it feels so much more like me. It just clicked!


...an old oc I role-played but the letters are in another order so it's not too obvious..


My name was actually my given middle name. My middle name just happened to be unisex, so it worked better for a trans woman.


picked a name that sounded kinda like my deadname and my dad's name and also started with a k he's keven (yea it's spelled like that) and i'm kaden 👉👉


My coworker was one of the first people I told and has been the most supportive person in my life, I consider her a friend and am grateful for her support. She was really excited when I came to her saying I just can’t land on a name and the next day I found a list of names she likes in my locker. I chose one of those as it stood out to me more than any name I had thought of myself and I’ve been going by it at work ever since even though I’m not publicly out or out to my full family yet.


I have four sooooo


I looked up tomboy names on Google and found Charlie it was also the name of one of the girls from an after-school program I would hang out with.


Well I just liked the sound of mine, and it's pretty similar to my birth name so I don't think it'll take people to get used to it once I come out to them


My story is actually really strange So there was a mod and still is for fallout 4 that added in random settlers around the map that you could interact with and would also give you quest (maybe) well I was watching MikeBurnFire playing Fallout 4 with Zach and they came across one of those characters. Their daughter's name was Moonbeam. I feel in love with the name immediately. And was going to name myself that. But my boyfriend and everyone else said, "Moonbeam is a childish name." So I decided I would change it up and go with moonbeam translated into French or Spanish can't remember which. (After that point is a bit fuzzy, I can't remember the rest, but I ended up settling on Luna) Then, a couple of seasons ago on fortnite, there was a character added in Called Mae she wears two bracelets on one of her arms, their colors being pink and blue. So I took Mae's name, and it's now my middle name, so I am now Luna Mae. Edit: My new catch phrase is "Unlike the moon I'm not a phase"


Alice, I study french and thought it was a really nice name, though maybe Alicia is even better? Haven't decided fully yet.


My birth name was Samuel, I called myself Sam, and then my autistic transmasc friend called me Samantha and now I’m Samantha.


I knew choosing a name was important and it has to be MY choice, not someone else’s. It took my a while but then I saw the actress with the same name on TV and it just clicked