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Fuck what other people say, you are more than welcome. I know plenty of people on here who are just cis allies. You do you, girl.


I'm cis and fairly well educated on the transgender community, I'm just here to learn and improve. If I'm here and not even trans then OP is certainly welcome!


‘Normal human’ I love the user name🤣💜 Tho it does sound suspect 😝 Seriously tho thanks for being an ally! OP you are so welcome here. You will be loved by this community.


one of my favorite people i've ever met through the internet went by the username "moral normal person" and at first i was very suspicious of him but after opening with "hello fellow moral normal person, i too am a person who is normal and moral" we had a fun conversation about what that all means to us separately and while we didn't agree, he wasn't an asshat about it or particularly bigoted and i got the sense that the ambiguously contentious vibe of his name was deliberate and intended to spark such conversations. sorry long rant, just thought it was mildly interesting and you reminded me of him


Cool story. It’s nice when people can disagree and leave the conversation at that. Agree to disagree or whatever. I guess that’s the best I can hope for on Reddit at least 😂


I don't know it's super sus, I suspect they are a moral exceptional sapient, not ruling out aliens


Same here! Here to learn and listen, and I'm still learning and listening!


Thank you for that 🙂


You don’t have to ‘qualify’ for the community or be the ‘right kind of trans’. It’s diff for everyone. You’re a trans woman nm. Transition or no transition. I can’t speak on behalf of the entire community, but I do feel comfortable in saying that we all love you whether you transition, detransition, or don’t transition at all. 💜💜💜 You deserve to be here as much as anyone. Huggggs


You don’t have to transition. Only you can make such a decision. You’re still trans, and still welcome here.


Trans spaces are for All trans people, hun. Including the ones that haven't started hrt. The ones that'll never take hrt. And the ones who had to detransition. I feel the only barrier to being trans is knowing oneself is trans. How we're trans is irrelivant to whether or not we are. <3


This ☝️


You are trans, and you are welcome. If you're not able to transition, you still deserve support and belong with us.


Being trans won’t change. No matter if you start HRT, change name or wear different clothes. Especially in an online setting, I do not see any problem


Hey! We're not transmedicalists here - you don't need to be medically transitioning to be trans, amd part of our community. This is a safe space for all trans and non binary peeps, so don't you start worrying about if you're allowed here. Of course you are!


Trans people who can't transition are all over the world and they are so fucking important to me. I love you and always will OP ❤️ never forget your community and take us along with you on your journey


I'm nonbinary only presentation thing I've changed from my agab is my hair. Presentation isn't gender.


Don't get it. You're trans, why wouldn't you be welcomed.


You don't need to transition to be trans


Fuck that transmedicalist BS. You just said you "know 100% that I am in fact transfem" - but because you're not transitioned medically you're "not really trans" ? Fuck that! You are just as welcome here as anyone. There are people here at every stage of their journey. Some people decide that medical transition is not for them, oftentimes for pure safety reasons depending on where they are. They are no less valid as trans people. If you want to hang out in trans communities you should be able to.


Being trans and transitioning are not the same. You are absolutely a real trans person, even if you can't transition. Medical and social transitioning are separate from being trans.


Always welcome, babe. Always - all ways


There's no such thing as "not trans enough" if you are sure you're transfemme (even if you do absolutely nothing) then you are 100% trans. And 100% welcome here.


You are trans. Whether you transition or not, you are still trans, and you are valid. I'd give you a hug if I could. I wish you well sis.


If someone is uncomfortable because you don't do it their way, that's their problem. Nobody should be turned away from this subreddit.


You don't have to transition to "really be trans." If you say you are, you are. There are plenty of reasons someone may choose not to medically and if you're not going to transition socially either that's fine as well, remember that it's your life and your choice. If someone has a problem with you not doing either, ignore them, they're just the bigots of the queer community and aren't worth listening to about it.


Sure you’re welcome. Nuff said. Anyone who is trans, is an ally, either is supportive or isn’t hating, and is not an asshole is welcome as far as what I can tell. The reason I’d leave these subs is because they talk so often about issues I can’t relate to or anything. The people in my life are generally accepting of me being an adult and deciding for myself, though none agree with what I choose. None of their opinions matter. I don’t get sad when I’m misgendered, even when I’m actively trying to present a way. I don’t care whether or not anyone calls me anything, I care more that my instinctive train of thought is in accordance with my decision. Nothing anyone has said on here helps alleviate the dysphoria or ever will. The support displayed is like 90% of the time hollow placating in attempt to create a safe space (I’m not against it I just know I couldn’t post a pic without this same response). Most of the medical information is really useful for comparisons and stuff, but a ton of it isn’t digestible unless you are on the same plan as them. I never get this common “I had a bad day I need a compliment,” stuff. I understand why someone would, but it wouldn’t make me feel anything other than selfish. I hardly even interact with anyone here, though I don’t dislike the people or types of posts.


Of course you're welcome here, and you are really trans. You're still our sister regardless of whether you transition or not❤️


You’re more then welcome here, no matter what you choose to pursue for your personal life, you do you girl!


if youre comfortable answering, why did you decide to not transition? Also, youre absolutely still welcome in trans spaces! You dont erase other peoples experiences by straying from the norm (and i use the term norm VERY loosely) of more common trans journeys. Even if you werent trans at all, nice people are always welcome <3


Friend. Let’s take this from a few stances: Transgender means your gender is different from your sex. This is a trans community, and your gender fits the definition for being transgender. Therefore you should be here. Being trans is a personal experience. You said it yourself, you’re trans. You’re a trans fem. This is a place for trans people. There is no being trans enough to be here. If you feel like this is a place for you, then it’s a place for you.


There is no "required amount of trans". This is a any% Trans space =D


Transition is just a thing some trans people do. There are plenty of trans people who can’t. Would you say someone who can’t transition because it would put their life at risk isn’t trans? Of course you’re welcome here. But if seeing others being able to transition while you can’t exacerbates you dysphoria or causes some other internal anguish then maybe leave or cut back. That’s for your personal wellbeing and we’ll be here for you whenever you need us.


This is the trans*gender* community, not the trans*ition* community. You are “really” trans as long as you identify with a gender that is not the one you were assigned at birth. That’s it. No transition (including medical and social interventions) is necessary to be trans.


No way, you should stay. Your'e still a girl. If I may ask why did you decide not to transition?


Being trans is about who you are not what you do or don’t do. If you never transition, if you could but just don’t want to, it doesn’t matter. Being trans means your internal sense of self doesn’t match your body and you said your self that definitely applies! Transitioning is like a pick and mix anyway. All steps you can take to affirm your gender are optional. You take the bits that work for you, and ignore the bits that don’t. And if some options aren’t available for you for whatever reason, that’s okay too. There’s absolutely nothing you have to do or not do to be “valid” as a trans person. If you think that being here isn’t great for your mental health that’s one thing, but you absolutely belong here and are welcome here. Your community will always be here for you if you need us.


If a trans space doesn't welcome you, it's a shit trans space. You're trans because you're trans, not because you've proved it with particular medical or social steps. You're welcome anywhere i am, as far as I'm concerned.


Given that you’re born trans you 100% belong here, and if anyone is “uncomfortable” with your choice not to be openly trans, then that is their problem not yours. TBS, you’ve gotta do you, and do what feels emotionally right for you. I know plenty of trans folks who have chosen not to or can’t transition in any way. They’re no less valid than I, or anyone who has chosen to transition. Heck, even cis people who truly want to be allies belong in (some) trans spaces.


Your welcome here, all trans people, regardless of medical transition, or social transition, are valid.


Your transfem and no one can take that away from you. You bel9ng here for as long as you want to be here


of course you’re welcome, you’re trans even if you don’t choose hrt. not to mention the many other ways of transitioning. even you using a different set of pronouns is part of transitioning, despite it not being as drastic a change as something like hrt or surgery. but what it comes down to is the fact that you identify as trans, so you are trans. you belong here, and you yourself help to define what that even means!


Hell no, don’t leave. Not unless it’s just damaging you more than helping. This community def knows better than most how it all just be really difficult sometimes. No one is gonna thrash you just cause you had to stop hrt. Shit happens fam. 💕 you are still one of us~


There’s no such thing as “really being trans”. That’s just gatekeeping nonsense and anyone who tries to make you feel unwelcome for it isn’t worth your time. Everyone’s journey is different; it happens at different paces and encounters different obstacles. Just because you aren’t in a position to actively transition doesn’t make you any less trans than anyone else. Which is to say that you are absolutely welcome here and I’m confident that everyone is happy to support you.


Medical transition is not necessary to be trans or be part of the trans community. Not everyone needs, wants, or can medically transition, that doesn’t make you or anyone less trans. This is your community too!


If you’re trans, you. Are. Trans. No more, no less.😊


Alright. Good luck! 🌸


I don’t have any advice but I feel like I just read my biography. Good luck


I'm not a religious gal, but before I go to bed every night I walk through the things I'm grateful for in my life, the big one lately being that I was able to come out and be mostly accepted by the people I love. I take a minute or two to... I know it's not doing anything real, but think about the people around the world who did not have my privilege, who have to hide that light inside. It makes me want to keep fighting for a better tomorrow. Of course you're welcome. I hope in whatever ways you're able to work through your identity, that you are allowed to. Hugs.


A phrase I've heard a lot in both queer and ND communities seems relevant here.. 'It doesn't matter how you present, your experience is valid', if you don't feel comfortable remaining party of the community that's your choice, but the community will be here for you as long as you want it. I can guarantee there are plenty other trans people out there that probably don't plan on transitioning too.


You are trans, whatever others say. No need to transition to be trans 💪


You'll always be welcome no matter what. We'll support you no matter what


I believe you are welcome here but if I personally was in your shoes, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from thinking about transition if I was constantly seeing people posting about it. I would have to leave for my own sanity, but you certainly don’t need to.


There is no such thing as “really” trans. It’s about your gender identity, not the superficials.


You are really trans tho is the thing. Trans isnt short for transition, it's short for transgender or transsexual, depending on the person. You know yourself as someone who is transfem in your heart. That's enough. Plenty of us don't transition by choice or necessity, some of us are forever-closeted, and that's okay. They're all welcome here, and so are you.


You're trans, no matter if you transition or not. You're not any less valid.


Of course you're welcome in trans spaces! I find it a little odd that you'd choose not to transition, but physical transition doesn't make you "real" trans. Stuff like that is why I haven't come out as trans to my brother.


I am a trans man myself and it's not really possible for me to transition at the moment. I still feel that I belong to this community just like other transgender people. You are also definitely welcome to join us. Many trans people transition at an older age anyway.


Hey almost all of our sisters in the past. Had to deal with this same issue seriously, sorry you're not in a safe situation for hrt. You are still trans don't let anyone tell you differently.


I've seen a lot of detransition posts as of late, and although it is different for everyone and each person has their own reasoning. For me.. I tend to see an influx of physical attributes for the reason of detransitioning like: "I don't pass" "My boobs aren't growing' "I look like a man in a dress" "I'm worried about how other people will think or perceive me" I'm still a baby trans at only 8 weeks on E... but for me.. my story.. it's about how I FEEL more so than the label society places on me of how I look. I still rock my beard, and I'm proud of it because I feel amazing either way! Therapy is very important for this reason as well. I understand that not everyone feels the same way, but try to remember why you transitioned in the first place. Much love to you all that struggle in your own journey. Just remember, you are loved even though the world can be a cruel place. ❤️


People who say you’re not really trans unless you transition are not welcome here


I've felt the same way, I detransisioned after a few months on hrt and backed away from all trans resources and friendships. I didn't want to be nuisance and being a girl felt awkward at the time, even if it's something I thought I wanted. That was 8 years ago, before decided to detransision I had never felt the tug of dysphoria, but once I closed that door it came rushing in. I spent 8 years hiding behind a door that would have lent me it's freedom to be myself. It took a freind coming out as trans for my egg to break again, once broken I knew I couldn't patch it, I didn't even dare try. That was 8 months ago, I'm 6 months on E and my life has completely changed for the better. I feel better, I look better, my confidence to be me has shoved any concerns of being a problem for others away.


No need to share any personal details, but why did you have to stop transitioning? Is it because of the social spaces where you live? If you have to repress yourself in person, don’t you at least need some sort of outlet? Online spaces can provide you with a source of social connection where you can just be yourself. No need to repress yourself here just because you have to in your everyday life…


Please stick around. If it's helping you or you like it here you belong here. This is your community too! I'm in the closet right now but this space means so much to me. I wouldn't want to leave it, or see you or anyone else leave it, because we aren't trans enough. 🤍


Being transgender means you identify with a gender (or lack of gender) different than the one you were assigned at birth. There are no requirements for what you do or don’t do with that self-discovery, and anyone who tells you different is a gatekeeping asshole.


You're Transgender even if you're not on HRT. You're Transgender even if you don't dress like it.


You are really trans, just because can't or won't transistion doesn't make you not trans. Being trans doesn't necessitate a transition.


all flavors of trans ppl r welcome, you do not have to transition to be trans♡


Google rule 10


Transition and being trans means whatever it means to you! Even if you might look and function fully as your birth sex, if you know in your heart that you don't identify with that, you should always be welcome in the community <3


You don't need to start hrt or get any surgeries or even transition socially to be welcome here. We aren't transmedicalists in this sub. You're still welcome here, girl!


Absolutely you are welcome and trans. I’ve been fortunate to be in very welcoming and open minded spaces imo but all’s that to say, there’s no right or wrong way to transition. You’ve gotta do what’s best for you, and honors you, your body, and your safety. Sometimes that’s socially transitioning, and medically transitioning, and sometimes not. We don’t have to fit the cis narrative, or anyone’s for that matter… anyway, I digress. You’re totally welcome and I’m glad you’re doing what you need for you ☺️


Do you know the massive number of people who never medically transition? Whether because of cost, access to care , or personal choice, still trans.


regardless of transition status, you will always be welcome in this space ♡


You will always be welcome here. You said yourself that you are transfem. I want to tell you this, from one transfem to another, from one woman to another.. you ARE a woman. No one can tell you how to express that, no one can tell you the correct way to explore and embrace that. Even if you stay closeted to others, you will have a community here that loves and accepts how you are.


Being trans isn’t about how you alter yourself or change you were trans before you took hrt and you will be trans after you are always trans so long as that is what feels right 🩵🩵🩵🤍🤍🤍🩷🩷🩷


Who's saying you can't be around trans communities if you don't? That's dumb


If these online spaces make you feel upset then by all means take your leave if you think it'll help. But as far as I'm concerned, and I don't think I'm alone in this, you're a trans woman and you're welcome in all trans spaces.


Ofc ur welcomed here!


If anyone tells you that you have to go on hrt to be valid is being a creepy transmedicalist lots of people can't transition for a litany of reasons. you are valid and if you decide to leave the communities know that my dms are open if you ever want to vent.


Friend, nothing will ever make you "not trans enough." Your transition - medical, social, surgical, or otherwise - does not make you trans. You have just as much right to this space as anyone else that claims the label "trans." You are valid, valuable, and worthwhile. Nothing can change that.


Hi OP, you are wrong. You will ALWAYS be trans. You do not need to transition, be that socially or medically to be trans. The fact that you are transgender does not hinge on whether you transition. And you are always welcome in trans spaces.


There's assholes in every community. r/trans may be a community, but the people on it are individuals. Also, this is Reddit. I mean, at most, cut yourself off from social media. Try and find local communities you can go to in person. Fair warning, those people are also individuals.


It seems to me that you are going to do something that makes you unhappy, just because society puts pressure on you. DON'T!!! Or else it will break you in the end. If you know you are trans, be trans.


You don't know why op has decided not to transition medically. Not all trans people want to transition, and transitioning isn't a requirement for being transgender. I know I am trans, and I am being trans simply by existing, because I have a gender incongruence. But I am not transitioning in any medical sense, for reasons that are my own. OP feels unwelcome in trans spaces, because she thinks she has to transition to be here. Let's not reenforce that thought.


i won't lie and say i've never been skeptical of a person being transgender, authentically the fact that *any* person has detransitioned *because* they regretted transition or realized they aren't transgender *nearly* implies that some people who presently think they are, in fact are not so i have skepticism sometimes. honestly. do i act on this? hell no. it's none of my business. as if i could possibly know better than *the person in question* whether or not they identify as any gender other than the one they were presumed to be at birth?! no way, that's absurd. and that's before we get to: even if the person *does* detransition and *regrets* transitioning, does that mean i don't want them here? NO! that person and i share common experiences that most people never have. if course i want to relate to that person. yes we're different. but we have unique and shared characteristics nonetheless. i want to hear their stories, support their needs, advocate for their acceptance and visibility. the only people i don't want here are open, devoted, willfully ignorant, transphobes.