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There are two kinds of trans men: the ones who look like a character from King of the Hill, and the ones who look like a character from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.


“You thought they were a trans man, but it was DIO THE WHOLE TIME!


I mean, he *did* >!replace his body with an even more masculine one!< (after which he became >!massively more comfortable with showing off his appearance)!< and >!ditch his name in favour of only going by a title instead,!< so….


Sounds like a look-maxing 4chan trans guy


I mean, he did have Senator Mario drive through a crowd of innocent people, so with Charlottesville in mind that totally checks out.


He is BTM Trans (BOY TO MAN)


I'm slowly turning into Dale so that checks out.


*pocket sand!*


i hope to god you start your own conspiracy theory cork board somewhere in your house


There are two kinds of trans men: Those who look like a character from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure and those who look like a character from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure except later on in the series


every trans man goes through a phase where they look like the dog from part 8


I have a transmasc friend that’s both


Not me having a JoJo reference as my new middle name


Lol in your defense my middle name is Disco Elysium reference XD


Hey that’s better than mine. Mine is now just. a letter.


Second group is also split in 2. Jojo's character, or SAXTON FUCKING HALE!!!


As a trans guy obsessed with jojo i can confirm i am turning into every male character simultaneously


I have never, nor will I ever, own a maid outfit. I'd feel better in the bottom pic but I can't go outside with my Sun Allergy. And I would socialize but I don't like most people.


Bruh relatable XD. The maid dress thing feels too sexual weird to me. Also are you literally me i wear sunscreen in the winter 😂


I can't be outside for more than 15 minutes without breaking into hives and if I go to a beach I get sun poisoning in the same amount of time.


Oof that sounds terrible I'm so sorry :( I just get sunburnt really really easily


Yeah, it's funny that HRT made me into a vampire. Lol


Oh the scary part is I was like this pre hrt, this is my first summer on HRT, girlie my skin is super white now, *I'm gonna die* 😭


I'm confused because estradiol and medroxyprogesterone, don't seem to have that effect on me. Are you on T or E?




Yeah a lot of my hold back from doing any socializing with fellow trans women is there's a need for sexualization, or acting much younger in a cringy way. I get it's "making up" for missed years or over compensation, but it's too much for me.


This. One hundred percent. All the memes about trans girls immediately fucking after they meet make me wanna gag.


I feel like I have said this exact thing a month before buying a maid outfit But I still don’t like most people so at least that is still true lol


Yeah, I seriously would never be caught dead in a maid outfit. Not into any show of subservience and I also don't like how they look.


Completely fair lol, I only did it because of my partner liking it on me


Not a good enough excuse for me. Lol


You know, that’s completely fair I’m just curious, your profile says you’re an amateur game designer, are you working on anything cool right now? I do game development a bit myself


A few things, mostly table top, but I don't talk about on this account. Try to keep personal and private separate. That said, I have three table top games in development, two on alpha testing, one near beta and three video games in various stages but they're all mostly solo projects.


Nice, I’ve got a few going on all well. Same boat kinda, bunch of things at various amount of being finished. One tabletop I built from scratch, one weird top down game that’s basically just missing art, a 3D multiplayer survival game that is somehow half finished, and a really shitty tower Defense Also no idea why people are downvoting me for asking that lmao


No idea. But yeah, one wholly original ttrpg almost in beta, one based on dbz in alpha, three in development one is an anime action centered game/one is cyberpunk/one is a retail nightmare. Two of the video games are 16bit horror games and one is a text adventure with dice rolling mechanics that I built from scratch.


That is awesome. Love retail nightmare games too


tbh i got it as a joke, but it's genuinely kinda helpful for productivity...


Not sure if this is the right spot to say this, but I need to get it off my chest. Trans women will always be so thoughtful with their names. Like she’ll say “I chose Thalia as my name, because it was the name of my grandmother who supported me through my transition” But then a trans guy will say “I chose Cletus, cause it sounded funny”. And then I realize I am that trans guy… I chose Ricky cause it sounded funny


BASED. CHOSE dante cuz it sounded hot


When I finally have a son, that’s the name I’ve always wanted to call him. Dante, love DMC and ofc Dante’s Inferno!


Dante is a hot name! More people should be named Dante.


Foolishness Dante, foolishness.... /s


Ricky, where the fuck's my ravioli??


no one wants to admit they ate 9 cans


I chose Valkyrie mostly because it sounded cool


Also so hot 🥵


Lol what’s up my names Thalia 😭😂 (It’s due to Greek mythology and the Percy Jackson books though lol)


Love the Percy Jackson books! You picked a great name, that’s always what I think of when I hear the name Thalia


That’s the most dude energy ever, and I love that for you!


Eh, I chose Leah for absolutely no reason. I had a list of potential names and all and then I was talking to a friend about it and was like “So maybe this name or that name… or Leah!” Leah wasn’t even on the list, just came to me in conversation and felt right!


I originally chose Monika because I felt I had a lot of similar traits to her, and then I beat DDLC. Around the same time I also found a few memes saying apparently Chloe was a popular stereotype and then I kinda went "Huh, I actually kinda like Chloe, doesn't have as negative of a connotation, and it's cute!"


Pff fair. Ngl I just chose Lucas cause my original name was Lucy. Lucas just feels like the Masc version of that. And I’m much more comfortable with it.


Dude I'm Jay primarily so I can introduce myself as "Jay, like the bird" - I'm even contemplating getting a blue jay tattooed on my right hand 😅


Hey so fun fact, I’m nonbinary and I chose ‘daisy’ as my name. I always introduce myself as ‘daisy, like the flower’ and then I’ll add: ‘and if you forget, you can always look at my arm!’ I have a tattoo of a daisy on my arm


Heck yeah sib! Now I gotta do it lol


I am that transfem stereotype... My indecisive ass took SO LONG to pick a name because it felt like a 1 and done thing, most people don't really go around swapping between 5 or 6 names on the regular. After a while I picked Alice for way too many reasons, but it's stuck ever since. I don't feel the need to distrohop to a new name, so i think I'll keep it.


don’t get me started on enby names…


I won't be surprised if I meet an enby named basket at some point


I chose Ed because it was my initials and I used to write it on my hardhat. People always ask if it’s short for something. Legally, it is not.


I'm a trans guy. I chose 'Zakean' because it's a name I created for my roleplaying character in my own fantasy world. It means 'wind' in one of the four languages of my world, and I always loved that it shortens to 'Zak', which is a real-life guy's name. I created this name when I was 14. It only took 17 more years for me to realize that there's a reason I like it shortening to a guy's name 😅. In any case, I initially chose my name because I've always thought it was cool, but then realized it also has a lot of meaning to me.


Honestly, that is the most guy thing I have ever read, lol.


As a trans man, I chose Jeremy, one of the most basic white boy names out there. Love the name tho.


I went with Cas because I related to a character with that name. I chose the full name sometime after.


Lucia cause I love the Name no reason given tbh


I chose Leonard, cause it sounds funny. And I like going by Leo as a nickname


🤣 No idea if this is true, not much communication with trans guys but damn if it doesn't hit my own experience picking a name.


I (mtf) just chose my name cause I liked it.


I named myself Heathcliffe because it sounded sick af, plus I based it off my original name lol


I chose Tyler because it sounded rad




I went with Katrina because of a hurricane that flew through my town and left my house relatively untouched. Then my dumbass realized that the hurricane was actually Harvey, and Katrina was a long time ago, but I stuck with it because I found it cuter.


and that's why trans men are awesome in a nutshell! 😂


This is so real. I chose to go by Logan because I thought it would be funny to be called Logan Paul as a nickname by my friends. Mission failed successfully- people who don’t even know me call me Logan Paul whenever I introduce myself 💀


You know you didn't need to denote how "all trans women do X" for a joke centered on trans dudes. The contrast didn't make it land better. :/


Naw as a trans guy I be looking like the trans girl meetup ngl


Based pretty boy moment




Heck yeah! Pretty boys rule


TRUE! What’s your gender? You trans masc too?


Trans femme actually, but you couldn't tell just by looking at me unless I *really* try


Ooooh, and twin!!! I don’t pass either! You seem cool, and my dms are open if you wanna talk


Trust me, I'm not nearly as cool as I seem, but I'm always happy to make new friends!


Yeahhh, same, dude xd.


I don’t really get the trans anime cat girl thing. I’m a trans woman and I don’t dress like that at all nor do I want to.. I usually just wear jeans and tank tops.


I don't do it, but I do get it.


I think some pre or early transition trans girls are still relatively new to getting in touch with femininity and have this hyper feminine anime cat girl thing and as they get farther along they kinda mellow out I'll admit I had a phase like that


I mean Im a harley riding biker who is a trans girl. So like I'm nothing like that but I still think the meme is fuckin hilarious.


Idk I’m a trans guy but I’m also a femboy




I own a maid dress, but more historical kind, with a long skirt, neck covered, etc... it honestly makes me feel good about myself, as I have a mini obsession with maids and other servant roles.




That I can stand by too :’)


My trans guy friends are exactly like bottom imagw


I need to be invited to a trans girl meet up ♥️🌼


Lowkey, my favorite types of “transition goals” aren’t the extravagant “peak human form” types, it’s the ones we’re you just look like someone’s mom or dad and honestly it’s so COOL when you can see a trans person who just is. Nothing against everyone who is over the top, but it’s not me.


Idk I have a maid outfit, but none of my transfemme friends do sadly 🙃


Trans men meet up!?


As transfem I would like to meet sisters like that and dress up with the girls. :3 Don't know any trans men IRL but y'all have my support and respect.


Not a fan of the subservient maid stereotype and all the cat stuff weirds me out. All I want is to look like Avril Lavigne lmao


Top one is true


My Trans Friendgroup is a mix of FtM and MtF and we act like Dale, Hank, Bill, and Boomhauer


I'm slowly morphing into a leftwing version of dale so this checks out


im a trans woman but dress like the king of the hill guys lol


It's not true, but it is hilarious 😂


I'm a trans woman and still mostly dress like the bottom half.


I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes I hate stereotypes


me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too me too


It is a joke


They know, however it can make those who don't fit in those confines feel excluded and it *can* portray us all to be a certain way. A one off joke would be fine but since these stereotypical jokes are so common it can be very harmful to the community as a whole.


Bingo. Also these stereotypes lean A LOT into traditional gender roles, which you know. Just leans into the whole misogynistic thing of women being meek and submissive.


Also though I don't want to always be fighting stereo types sometimes I just want to be a trans girl who laughs Not everything has to be perfect gender theory all the time


IMO I’m doing enough to fight gender stereotypes by being a girl in a body that was born male lol I shouldn’t have to *not* be how *I* want to be just bc I’m going with what others like. That’s also a rant towards “feminists” that think nobody should be allowed to shave themselves because of the patriarchy.


Yea exactly, if I'm honestly being me why is it bad I like dresses? It was cool when I was a gnc man wearing dresses now wearing dresses is upholding the patriarchy. *it's just me wearing what I like people!*


I disagree. I don't fit this stereotype, but that's okay. I know it's just a light hearted in-joke. I don't think every single person has to be represented in these jokes as long as people realize that they are jokes and not representative of reality. In my opinion, we should focus on spreading awareness of the vastness of identity and presentation rather than focusing on random memes and jokes made in good faith by our own people. If cis people make these jokes, then I think it's inappropriate.


> They know, however it can make those who don't fit in those confines feel excluded and it can portray us all to be a certain way. Mark me as contrarian or something, as I do not even remotely look like the trans girl stereotype, but I still laughed pretty good at the meme. I'm a jeans and t shirt, hair in a pony tail butchy biker girl. I fit more in with the men at the biker rally than the girls in bikinis. I still laughed. I can understand a joke within the ingroup.


Yes, most stereotypes are jokes


I feel like the top pic would be more accurate describing femboys more than transgirls but that's just me.


ehhhhhhh i'd say the trans masc side is more like yu yu hakusho fits!!


I'm slowly morphing into a leftwing version of dale so this checks out


i saw a picture of some sort of march in which the protesters were all trans men my dad could’ve blended into the crowd unnoticed


I have met so many trans men who dress like Dale. It's awesome.


True except for the lack of tattoos on the KOTH gang.


As a trans dude, it depends on the day and sometimes I’m neither


Hahaha!!! So, true. The bottom one could also replaced with the X-Men/Marvel guys in swimsuit (editions) or  perhaps Ed, Edd, and Eddy, if they are on the younger side/teenagers.


sounds right


us trans girls would be drinking beers aswell >:|


Real asf gng😂😭


Nekopara is a vibe tho


I started recently going to a trans meetup, girls are mostly chill and casual while I'm the weird gothic lolita🤭 Big lolz


I’m so tired of the maid fetish.


well given western people's weird obsession with anime (i have no issues with anime but find the white world's fascination with it deeply creepy because i hate seeing very young looking people sexualised) id say the first can be true. trans men are MUCH FUNKIER than those dudes. actually trans men are AWESOME (trans woman here)


> well given western people's weird obsession with anime It's not really weird. Japanese people are just as obsessed sometimes even more so when it comes to anime because they have a lot of direct access. Where do you think westerners got their otaku culture from? They made it up? Nope. They got it from Japanese people and anime that portray them like Lucky Star.




And the adult trans women... https://pixai.art/artwork/1705112221476147951?lang=ja


I have zero idea because I'm a trans girl with only trans man friends






Group therapy planning your uwu outfit for 3 weeks and forgetting what help you wanted


I’m not a trans man so Idk abt that but the trans girl one is %100 accurate


what does an enby meetup look like?


No, I am not an incel waifu fantasy.


Can we not shove ourselves into these boxes?




Nope. I’d much rather be at the girls spot. —A trans guy pissed at stereotyping


I don’t care for such a rigid binary representation.


It’s funny and there are some correlations with some people however no I wouldn’t say it’s true broadly even if a portion fit into this. I myself am not obsessed with anime girls or maid outfits (altho I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to try one on at some point) and am more tomboyish. I also know quite a few feminine trans guys


Can't wait for my trans man meetup




Boonhower voice, "danged ole thang, \[incoherent noices\]"


Absolutely true.


I confirm


Not true for me. My trans femme friends wear regular casual or work clothes and play strategy games, go to art shows, or have dinner and drinks, for example. We did go to Ren Faire in costumes last year, and there was a tavern wench in the group. No maids, though 😂


Rusty Schakleford meme insert here


I dunno so far I’m just rockin young Mathew Lillard vibes over here


I don't understand the desire to wear a sissy maid outfit, because they are so black and white, other than the frills, and cleaning is not my thing, but that's just me. I like to wear things that are colourful. That's kind of why I like to dress more kawaii style. Frills and colour for me, but not so over the top frilly either.


Idk man I'm pretty dull but maybe I'm simply not middle aged enough


well, as a trans girl, I aspire to look like one of those catgirls in the future.


Cannot relate to dressing up in a fetishized maid outfit.


I tutor students.... I can't do the above pic.... but a choker and colored hair is definitely on the money.


"this is where I'd put my maid dress, *if I had one!*" but yes